[X] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.
[X] The Joker smirks with vibrant green eyes twinkling as he weaves an Epic and hopes beyond hope to cheat Fate of her just desserts. Unaware he was dancing upon the knife's edge, puppeted by ancient Karma. This magpie's wings are yet bound by regret, regret enough to drown the world and take all that he loves along with him. Yet the mighty figure of his brother still impulses him to fight with tooth and nail against his cruel destiny.
[x] The Heir of The Hound crouches and beholds her hunting grounds. Clutching a bloody cloth of yellow and blue she glares at the world and its injustice. The home found at long last would not be so easily ripped from her hands.