Chilly's Snippet Thread 2.0

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In order to improve my general writing ability, I have decided to make a snippet thread. lets see how it goes. Please leave constructive criticism.

My first thread I accidentally posted in quests.
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Poem I, The Fire
Welcome to my second attempt at a thread, This time in the right forum, as last time I screwed up and posted this in quests somehow so this time I hope I did this right.

This is the first poem I ever made, so expect some rough edges. its about everyone's favorite topic: Nuclear Weapons. Hope you all enjoy.

Poem I, The Fire

On a hill they stood,
The fire streaming down.

The fall of many things,
Came to the little town.

The fists of giants shook,
The world to its core.

The fire burned the world,
The world was no more.
Musings on the End of a Schoolday
Tired. The Bing, Bing, Bing of an automated bell. A steady beat, as two feet pump up and down in rhythm, stopping for nothing. The crisp smell of snow, mingled with the sweet sour scent of Carbon Dioxide. A car door opens, a key is turned, fire ignites, a dull roar of mechanized power. A pedal is pushed, fuel is burnt for movement, a dash is made before others. On a road, going somewhere familiar, a stop before a lazy red light that plays favorites.


I was bored one day in school and wrote this. Not the best, but I don't think my worst writing.
A Reporters Tale Part 1
A Mississippi Reporters Tale.

Willam's day started out normal, well as normal as a day in New Mississippi could start. It was 6:59 pm, and he was busy at work in the center room of the newspaper office, working hard to get on his next article. His fingers drummed, pen in hand. He looked down, eyes on it. It was a fountain pen, a true rarity in the new world. It was his only item of any worth.

His eyes traveled, slowly, gaze moving across the room until it landed on the window, still sunny, but clouds were on the horizon. New Mississippi, one of the few places left in the US that could be classified as a city, and not just a small town or village.

"WILLAM!" his boss suddenly shouted from the front office, "IN MY OFFICE!"

Willam quickly put away his writing utensils, and moved to the office. He stood before the door. Mac T. Miller, Executive editor, read the plaque on the door. A beast of a man, as quick tempered as he was jovial, and the only man capable of keeping the newspaper from being subsidized by the Department of City Affairs.

"Yes boss?" Willam said, quickly opening the door. No fear was in his voice, as his boss was loud, but not prone to lashing out at his employees.

"Are you still looking for an article?" His boss said around the large hand rolled cigar in his lips.

Willam raised his eyebrow, "Yes, I was trying to get an idea for an article. Has something come up?"

"Yeah… something has come up." Mac said, slowly rising from his chair. "One of our runner-boys came across some very interesting news. Someone new has just entered the city."

"Who? Willam asked, slightly curious about who could have piqued his bosses interests.

His boss chuckled, "That is it really. A nobody. But not just any ole nobody. An OLD nobody, one with a lot of crap on his back. Someone… someone who's been alive long enough and traveled far enough that he would know alot about what happened and has happened since 2023."

"What makes you think he will know anything about the Collapse?" Willam asked.
"Nothing really." His boss said, taking a puff of his cigar. " But he seemed new, so I did some asking, to see if anybody knows ANYTHING about him. Some did. He was in the city during 2031."

Williams thought screeched to a halt. " Wait, he was in the city… in 2031? Wasn't that when.. The city was first formed?"

"Yep. He was a courier in the I-95 Rangers, and did the run between here and D.C." His boss said, slowly turning towards him. " And you know the legends as well as I about that bunch. So get moving, and get as much info out of that oldtimer as you can."


The Triple Shell Bar. the last and first stop of any wanderer, mercenary or fortune seeker. Willam stood outside the front door, overcoat on, and a 38. Snubnose in his shoulder rig. He looked down the street, slowly being darkened by the setting sun, seeing the buildings and signs that once belonged to the city of New Orleans, but now belonged to the more rough and tumble sort of New Mississippi. He turned back, and went inside.

He opened the door, and instantly knew the sort of bar this was. The smell of cigarettes and cheap booze hung low in the air, and men sat at old tables and chairs, all with some form of armor and packs, rifles and pistols strung across hips and backs. William felt naked in comparison. Somewhere, someone was playing a guitar.

As soon as he started moving towards the low bar where an old looking bartender worked, he felt many eyes land on him, and linger for a time, perhaps assessing him, and then move on. He very quickly came to the bar.

"I am looking for an… Alex…. Smyth…" He said, having to check his notes.

The bartenders looked at him, eyes quickly looking up and down, searching for ill intent or duplicity. His eyes narrowed. "You ain't here to start trouble… are ya?" The bartender rasped.

"No. not here to start any trouble." Willam said, voice firm.

"Keep it that way. He's at that table." The bartender said, head jerking towards a table in a corner of the room.

As he walked, he kept a slow eye out

"Thank you." He said as he moved toward the table. He had not seen the man, or perhaps noticed the man as he entered the bar. His clothing was simple, a Tartan Shirt, a set of military webbing, A pair of normal jeans, and a holster on his hip. His hair was long and dark, with strips of white poking through it like salt and pepper, and his beard was the same. He sat back, eyes closed, hands wrapped around his ceramic mug.

"Yes?" the man said, not even opening his eyes.

"I am with the Mississippi Independent and I am looking for a story." He said.

The man dryly chuckles, eyes slowly opening, leaning back in his chair. "Well then. You've come to the right place. What do you want to know?"

Willam opened his notepad. " What can you tell me about 2023?"
A Reporters Tale Part 2
Alex may have seemed relaxed, leaned back in his chair as he was but inside, he was anything but. His spine was rigid, his muscles tense. One does not live as long as he has by trusting a first impression. The man before embodied the old world term "office drone". He was wearing a white button up, dress pants, tie, and an overcoat. two decades ago, he would have been… normal. But this was 2036. You didn't dress that way unless you had income, STEADY income. Steady Income meant a job, a job meant a group, a group meant security, and a newspaper meant influence and pissing off a group with influence in New Mississippi was a good way to have your name fast tracked to the city blacklist, especially if the powers that be in the city wanted a favor from said organization.

Alex put on a small smile. "2023? That's a stretch ago, why do you want to know about The Fall? There should be plenty of Old Timers who lived through it."

The man shook his head, "Yeah plenty alive, but less than you would think willing to share. Most Old Timers… aren't the most… stable. Meaning they are usually the jumpy type, not usually ones for drawn out conversation. You don't survive out in the Green Zones long without being. Jumpy, that is."

And Alex knew that was true. You didn't survive long out in the so-called "Green Zones" without being jumpy, even paranoid, and a lifestyle like that didn't usually lead to the most stable mindset.

Alex's smile lowered slightly "Alright. I'll bite, give you a story. But on two conditions."

The man's eyes lit up at the promise of a story, "Name them."

Alex pointed a finger at the man, " Your name. And some currency for my troubles."

The man nodded. " no problem on both accounts. I am Willam Holis, and what currency do you want? City Trade Bills, 95 Standard, Water Wad, or perhaps just general goods?"

A wave of a hand, "Any will work… so… I guess we better start from the beginning.

Willam smiled, eyes lighting up, "Yes, lets begin."

WIllam was ecstatic. When he first came into this seedy bar in backstreet Mississippi, he had his doubts, but now, a story was in his grasp, and he had a feeling it was going to be a good one.

Alex stirred, moving to a more comfortable, upright position. "Well.. I guess if you wanna know how the old world fell, we better start at the very beginning… New York, or as it's now known, The Crater. It began in what I think was… September 2023… Covid debates were still on even then."

Alex lips pursed and eyes squinted, his mind deep in thought on the event that happened so long ago, "I was… 17 at the time. Young. I didn't know much about what happened in New York back then, but I met some who did. Trying to piece together what they told me, so it may be a second to get this tale going."

Alex sat quietly for a second, then launched back in. "It began silently. A single person, a single point-zero that changed everything. The true origin of the disease? Unknown. Perhaps it came from a government, a twisted and perverted microbe or bacteria, made to inflict such horrors with purpose only man can give. Perhaps it was from a forgotten corner of the ever dwindling globe, only then unearthed, released once more to inflict horrors. No one knows, and there were no groups left by the time it was over focused on more pressing things than surviving past the next winter."

A wry Chuckle, "But where it started? Everyone remembers where it started. New York. "The Big Apple'', once a mighty city, a symbol of Old America's might and power. It was a cough, innocent and inconspicuous, that felled that old power. Not something to worry about, just a cough and a runny nose, or so we thought. It spread, at first, slowly, from family member to family member. Of course, the government noticed, but they thought it was just another cold variant, and the same general Flu season precautions were advised, and life moved on… for a time."

WIllam was quick on the pen, hand flying across the notepad as he absorbed and wrote the information Alex was telling him. "Allright, so, new disease showed up, light symptoms…" Scratch-scritch went his pencil across the paper page. "So… what happened next?"

Alex nodded, and began to answer Willam's question, "well… next it slowly began to sprea-,'' Alex's words cutoff, and his mouth turned into a grimace, as the Bar door opened.

"ALEX!" A man yelled as he walked in. The man was thin, and greasy looking, face red with rage wearing a two piece suit but behind him stood two men, large and intimidating each wearing ill fitting two piece suits. The man continued, "YOU TWO TIMING SON OF A SEWER RAT! I knew you were a little ****, but I didn't expect this!"

Alex Answered mouth set in a frown, " And what were you expecting Lenny?"

The man's face was now as red as a tomato and his cheeks swelled, "What was I expecting? WHAT WAS I EXPECTING?! I WAS 'EXPECTING' FOR YOU TO 'NOT' GO BEHIND MY BACK TO MALLONE, AND SCREW ME OVER WITH EVERYONE! The man drew in a deep breath, appearing to be trying to calm himself down, "So now… because of YOU, my attempt to sell to Pablo, Sara, or really any FRACKING person in this dumpster fire of a city have been shot to hell!"

Alex's face tightened. "That was before I was aware of the 'product' you were selling. I expected moonshine or cigs, not drugs, Lenny. Our little deal didn't fall through because I'm a backstabber, our deal fell through because you forgot to inform me of just what I was transporting. That's what made me go to Mallone."

Willam by this point in this unexpected interruption was backing away. He could feel the tension in the air and… it was sharp enough to cut iron. His mind went a thousand miles a minute, thinking of a way to get out of an closing argument of an apparent drug run gone wrong.

Lenny snarled, "always knew I couldn't trust you Alex… but I didn't realize you would be soft enough to fold over a little powdered heaven. SO know… i'm gonna have to have my pals Mac and John break your legs." Lenny pointed at alex. "Get. Him."

Alex turned to Willam. "Sorry, but I don't think it would be very good for my health to stick around… so keep your money." With that Alex turned, and made a dash for the back of the bar, jumping the bar, and disappearing into the back, the two rhinos in human form following closely behind.

Lenny yelled from the front, "You can't run forever alex!" chasing after him too.

And Willam was left standing there, with an unfinished story.
A Late First Contact
Commander McMarth was not having a good day, but that was usually the case when you are an officer in the Earth Naval Defense Force. Sure, the UN-sponsored messages and broadcasts said they were the pride of earth, thirty corvettes, equipped with state-of-the-art tech and weapons, made to defend earth's high orbit, ever vigilant. Earth's first line of defense in case of an extraorbital attack!

Though in truth… there was no real use for a fleet of space warships, in fact, the entire ENDF was in dire straits. It used to be the ENDF had what was basically a blank check to do whatever they wanted, access to the brightest minds and greatest R and D sectors of the world, and legions of mechanics and engineers all fighting tooth and nail to get into the illustrious ENDF, to work to protect all mankind. Now the ENDF was lucky to recruit one hundred non-combat personnel a year, and the less said about military personnel recruitment the better. In fact, of the 30 ships in the fleet, only eighteen were operational and not in dry dock, and even worse, they only had the crew and personnel to have FIVE in operation at one time. To say that the ENDF had fallen out of favor was putting it lightly.

McMarth ruminated on this all as he slowly filled the ancient coffee machine, pouring in the subpar imitation coffee.

"Budget cuts everywhere." He thought, as he slowly looked at the cartoony logo of the Zero-Gee Spacers Coffee, which he was pretty sure was banned by the National Bureau of Food Safety for "Hazardous chemical makeup" and being close to "paint thinner" than actual coffee, but low budget was low budget, and so what if the ENDF got the bulk of their coffee from the completely unrelated closing of Zero-Gee Foods?

As his chemical abomination brewed in the positively ancient coffee machine, he heard a slowly but surely increasing volume of grumbling coming from down the corridor, approaching the officer's mess.

"Nothing like a hot cup of corrosive coffee before a shift of staring at a too-bright console, sitting in a too-short chair, in a too-empty bridge for too little pay." A female voice grumbled, approaching like a tornado.

"Good morning Engineer Sara," McMarth called, his voice filled with a hint of lethargy. "How are you?"

Engineer First Lieutenant Sara moved into the officer's mess like a hurricane entering a well-put neighborhood, messily, and filled with barely contained anger. Her long black hair tied into a tangled bun moved erratically, and her orange engineer coveralls were stained in grease. "Morning? What morning? She snorted, "We're in space, over six hundred thousand miles from anywhere with a sunrise or sunset! The only sign of 'sunrise' or 'sunset' is the automatic light brightening and dimming which only works on days that don't end in Y!"

"It's the thought, Engineer Sara." He tiredly replied, "Technically, it's currently 6:30 AM for the ship onboard schedule. Protocol must be followed after a…" He barely was able to finish his sentence before the engineer cut in.

"Protocol? Please! The only 'Protocol' high command wants the ENDF to follow is to stop 'being a drain on their precious budget! You know as well as I that the ENDF hasn't seen an actual deployment since its inception!" Engineer Sara angrily replied, "The ENDF can barely afford to keep half of its fleet flying! Every single position in this excuse for a military force is either unstaffed or staffed by someone overburdened and underpaid! I bet ASTEROID MINERS IN SATURN'S RINGS GET PAID MORE THAN I DO!

It used to be, Commander McMarth thought, that such an outburst was liable to get an enlisted person put on plumbing duty, or even get a formal citation. Nowadays, the lack of competent personnel, and the need to keep the few ones they had, led to enlisted like Sara being able to toe the line of decorum.

"At least try to act like a member of the ENDF Sara, I get that the ENDF is in… an unprecedented position, but that position will not change because someone decided to get on the podium and scream at the international council." McMarth replied, punctuating his light reprimand by sipping his coffee.

Sara scoffed. "Ah yes, the international council, truly our saviors in these dire times, may their red tape save us all..." She trailed off. "But I suppose I better 'cut the chatter'. so what's on the brocket today oh-mighty commodore?"

McMarth lifted his hands and slowly began massaging his temples, accepting the headache he knew would soon be coming. "Today's brocket, as you would say, would be a sit-in at the monthly Admiral Board meeting, and then a joint patrol with the ENDF Tokyo around Mars." McMarth said as he left the lounge, heading for the ship's bridge.

Engineer Sara snorted as she swirled her cup of coffee taken from the machine. "Ah, off to see the arm-chair admirals and old fogeys?"

McMarth just nodded. What Sara had said was true. The Admiral Board, as a body, was mostly composed of younger officers with connections who got into the ENDF for a cushy and slow job, and older veterans who still thought the ENDF had a purpose to fulfill. Both sides of this status quo were managed by the legendary Fleet Admiral Asmo Laurilaan, a sixty-three year old man of Finnish descent. As Fleet Admiral, he was not known for and feared for his combat prowess, but as a shrewd politician and a man with deep and intimate knowledge of the political process of the UN. Some even said he held on to his position as Admiral because he knew enough secrets to sink the International Council.

McMarthy did not put much stock in rumors, and though he knew Admiral Asmo was an old hand at the political game that left few clean, he also knew the previous Fleet Admiral Carney had trusted him, and McMarthy trusted Carney. "Yes, the monthly meeting is today, and the Admiral trusts me as one of the ones who know how to do their job."

Sara sighed and moved towards the door. "Well off to the bridge for you, and off to maintenance for me. There's a charge error on gun three. One of the capacitors probably just shut down. It should be easy to fix, but being thorough is important when you're on an underfunded warship." Sara said this as she moved out the door, and as she left, she gave a messy salute.

McMarth sighed, and prayed against sloppy but competent engineers. Slowly he left the mess, and made his way down the halls of the ship, and following the paths he always walked, he came upon the bridge. Slowly he looked around, taking in the heart of the ship. Unlike the water warships of old, the bridge of the ENDF Dublin was deep in the center of the ship, hidden under the layers of the hull, being able to navigate by electronic systems and cameras. After all, if you could see an object in space through a window, where combat distance was measured in tens of miles, you were already dead. McMarth slowly approached his seat and logged onto his console.

Checking the time, he saw the meeting was beginning in thirty minutes, so he began checking his Email, and started the beginning of the many reports he was expected to complete. When the meeting was five minutes out, he logged on. His screen changed to a video call, and on the center of the screen, surrounded by twenty-eight individual slots for the commanders of the vessels of the ENDF, was the visage of Fleet Admiral Asmo, leader of the Earth Naval Defense Force, the one responsible for the safeguarding of Earth and all of its holdings.

The admiral's gaze flitted around, his eyes falling on each individual Commander, and then back to the clock, waiting for the official meeting to start. When the clock finally hit that time, he began to speak.

"Hyvä. We are all here." His icy blue eyes looked around once more. "With that, I call to order the monthly meeting of the commanders and admirals of the ENDF. We will begin with the situation report on individual assignments. Commander Chsu of the ENDF Hong Kong, you begin first."

And so it began, and McMarth sat back to survey the meeting, putting into words his report on the ENDF Dublin's local security patrol of the moon. Slowly, the line of admirals gave their reports, even the ones whose ship was currently in dock for repairs indefinitely, or who did not have the men to effectively crew their ships, but as the meeting went on, and the ENDF New York began its report, Admiral Asmo suddenly looked up from his console, and then his eyes whipped back faster than a darting snake. "Everyone remains on call."He snapped and with those quick instructions, he disconnected.

Confusion filled the meeting, as each commander and admiral looked at each other, but there was no panic. These were still soldiers, and even the commanders who got their positions due to connections knew better than to disobey a direct order from Asmo. So, they waited patiently, wondering what had happened to draw the Admiral's attention.

But just as the admiral's absence began to weigh heavily, the admiral reconnected, his eyes as hard and cold as the ice of his home nation. His words shot bolts of fear into the hearts of every person sitting in on the meeting.

"All Commanders are to prepare for immediate deployment. Ogedei Contingency is in full effect." His eyes roamed over every member of the ENDF present. "An FTL jump has been detected just outside of Saturn's rings."

This is based in a setting were at a indeterminate time a heavy damaged alien battleship FTL jumped into our solar system, and humanity lost their shit over it and pseudo-united to investigate the ship and also defend Earth. The ship was empty, no survivors on board. now its been over sixty years, and no other ships have jumped in, and humanity never figured out how to make the alien FTL drive do any more than make travel between planetary masses take days instead of months. So Earths Navy has just sat around, and done nothing except be a drain on a already weak planetary government... until now.
Morgans Magicians Chapter 1
Morgan's Magicians
Chapter 1
Hot Drop

Breath in… and out…

In… and out…

In and out…

A sound, one of static and white noise, solidifying into a voice. "All hands, five minutes to drop. Mechwarriors, stand by for Battlemech departure. This is going to be hot."

Morgan opened his eyes, finishing his pre-battle routine. He looked down at his command console for his 70 ton Grasshopper. Of course, his systems had all-ready been checked and green lit by the mechanic crew, but he knew it was better to be safe than sorry, so he began to go down the checklist as he chimed in on the battle-com.

"Alright ladies and gents, you know the drill, but im going over it one more time in case you all forgot. The Suns have paid us a good amount of C-Bills to act as some hired muscle for this raid against the Draconis Combin…" Morgan began, until another voice chimed in, interrupting him.

"Yeesh skip. You know we all know, why rehash the same plan a thousand times?" A chipper voice said with a hint of humor. It was Avvy, the first part of the company's duo.

"Leave him to it." A more serious voice, a contrast to her sisters, chimed in, laden with a bit of sarcasm. "You know that's just how the commander manages the stress. Afterall, he has to deal with you."

"Up yours Addy." Avvy happily chirped back. Morgan could hear the smile in her voice.

"Ah, love you too sis." Addy's dry voice replied back.

Morgan again spoke over the com, taking as much command as he could of the thoroughly derailed repeat briefing."Alright, seeing as my words here aren't wanted, I'll make it quick. We are landing hot, serving as a distraction to draw some heat off the main thrust. Sun intel has placed a company of DCMS Mechs on planet, but say that they aren't frontline regulars. Expect a lot of bugmechs."

"Aye aye commander."
"Yes sir."
"Roger skip!"
"Let's do this."
"Good copy."

A flood of voices flowed over the channel, as 7 Mechwarriors across the 2 mech carrying dropships of Morgans Magicians sounded their understanding.

A few seconds after the replies faded, a klaxon blared, and red lights began flashing.

"All hands, prepare for battlemech departure." a synthesized female voice said over the Dropships intercom.

At the same time, Morgan in his Grasshopper, and all the other mechs in the dropship, began their final system check, and powered on the hydrogen reactor that acted as the heart of all Battlemechs.

"Reactor: Online. Sensors: Online. Weapons: Online. All systems nominal." As these phrases were uttered by his mechs computer, his entire mech began to turn, and the baydoors of the dropship opened, revealing the snowy terrain of a planetary continent in winter.

Barely 300 yards from the dropship he was departing from, Morgan could see the other Leopard discharging its contingent of 4 mechs onto the soil of Ovtaria III.

And he too stepped out, ready to complete his contract, and do battle with whatever forces this Draconis Combine world would throw at him and his men.