Charging ahead (Star Wars/Battletech)

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A crackish idea born from reading a lot of star wars books, star wars fiction and Battletech fiction and watching Tex talks Battletech videos on youtube. Especially the one about Charger.
An SI in Bruck Chun - the first adversary of the Legendary Obi Wan Kenobi. Who then promptly decides to run away from all of that craziness that surrounds Kenobi, to pursue his real passion - "the big stompy bois".
Warning - later in the story there will be Chargers.
Lurked for a long time here, finally have enough courage, or crazy, to post a story. Also, i should warn you, english is not my native language.
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I came back to consciousness instantly. I knew what was happening - this wasn`t a first time I reincarnated. And I remembered vividly how my previous existence ended – revealing myself as a not-so-secret Black Dragon Kurita and not expecting a move from Takashi Kurita, even if we were in the middle of the Clan Invasion and fighting together against the same enemy, was frankly very stupid move. And my aging Charger 1A5 couldn`t save my life due to a sabotaged SRM missiles. But, I`ve made my peace with that decision and now I must face a new life and a new challenges.

True Mechwarrior must think fast, but in this new body my thought process was currently greatly accelerated. Not by implants or stimulators, with which I was familiar, but by something truly miraculous – The Great Force. The shadow of nerd from my first life squealed in my soul in delight and I felt, I felt, just for a moment, I felt seemingly everything. And I even had some time to think about it. Not a lot of time, because I have found myself in the middle of LIGHTSABER DUEL! But the Force allowed for this moment to seemingly freeze. Just a little longer. I looked at my opponent and remnants of memory of my host, or should I say current incarnation, allowed me to recognize him and the place and time this was happening. My opponent was none other, but "The Perfect Jedi", making this The First Duel of Fates in life of Obi-Wan Kenobi! This was his battle in yearly Initiate Tournament against his bully – Bruck Chun, where Obi Wan hoped to gather attention of some jedi master, before he aged out of padawanship.

And I need to find a way out of this. Fast. And evade all potential tropes. And don`t ruin Obi Wan` personal growth and the Fate of the Galaxy.

I have just enough time to glance at my lightsaber and turn it off. Then I sinked to my knees and in the same move avoided lightsaber strike from Kenobi. My breath was coming short, time in my perception was accelerating again.

I bowed my head and said to Obi Wan:

"A revelation led me to this," I placed my lightsaber hilt on the ground, "Years ago I saw you in the vision, I saw "The Perfect Jedi", member of the High Council, Heir to Master of Order and I fell to jealousy, I wanted it all for myself! But I didn`t knew the price of such achievements. Until this new Revelation today. Now it is clear to me what I am not meant in this life to be a member of the Order. I shall officially resign and leave this planet."

I bowed solemnly to gathered masters, took my blade, rotated on my knees and get up to get out of this place. I said the truth, from a certain point of view – receiving knowledge of two past lives and the future of this one is indeed a Revelation.

I`ve returned to my dorm and requested official papers to leave the Order. Seeing how some of my fellow Initiates relaxed at hearing that, made me cringe internally, those memories of being a bully will torture me for years to come, I am sure.

Then I requested and made a call for my new father. Vox Chun was a wealthy and influential man from Telos IV and was very glad to hear what his son is returning to him. He quickly organized for tickets for me and we scheduled my return.

There was several worried jedi who questioned me, but they retreated at my resolution and claiming the Will of The Force, revealed to me in A Vision of my very own death. Which will come soon, if I remain on Coruscant. They tried that nonsense about concentrating on present, the visions not being all that true, but joke on them – even in the movies future of the galaxy would have been much better if the characters gave more immediate attention to the visions and the literal Will of the Force in them.

Soon I packed my meagre belongings and newly printed documents and tickets. I bowed to my crechemaster, then bowed to suddenly very quiet crechemates and left. I left very quickly. Before someone remembered what I still have my blade.

I knew what my decision looked strange and irrational and many other SIs in my position would have stayed in the Temple, near the main characters, but as Mechwarrior I learned to follow intuition, also from my first life I remembered how Bruck Chun would have died in the waterfall in the Temple and never was considered for padawan and in this life… I literally felt the nudging from the Force. And it was liberating. To be so sure what I have made a correct decision, to sense what it will lead to better future, even if I don`t know all the details and potential changes. I felt in the right. Also, decision to leave the Order have other benefits - I will not need to spend time among telepathic children while having memories of Mechwarrior` life in my head. And I shall not forget about telepathic adults, so I tightened my mental shields. The shields was very basic, but they should be enough. Any perceived turbulence was blamed by me on the Revelation Vision. Besides, many fanfics taught me what jedi of this era will not believe what the return of the sith was real, especially from such troubled padawan as I was in this life. Also, I only knew Sidious identity, I never seriously looked into his master Darth Plagueis and from bits and pieces what I remember, it is clear what he was much more dangerous. So, in the end the course of action was clear – to wait until Palpatine will eliminate his "immortal" Master. For now, it was important to leave, so I will be able to act with impunity and without oversight of those who can peer in my head. Especially beyond the grasp of Sidious in the Senate and Plagueis who liked to take invisible walks in Jedi Temple.

Coming closer to the main entrance to the Temple, I felt another important thing coming. Obi Wan was waiting in the corridor and looked at me in slight disbelief. I stopped before him.

"You really are leaving."

"Yes," I answered to him. The Force was nudging me again. I unclipped my lightsaber from my belt and offered the hilt to Obi Wan, "Take my sword."

"What?!" Obi Wan recoiled from me. But I didn`t lowered my hand.

"You can use it as backup. I had foreseen what your lightsaber will be taken from you. By a criminal, by a Master, by a Sith. In those cases, use mine. It will be better for everyone."

"You`ve really have seen my future?"


He reluctantly took my sword.

"What did you saw?"

"I`ve seen you as the Perfect Jedi. And a much better person than myself. It made me so jealous." I ruefully smirked and looked away for a moment, "Don`t give up, Obi Wan. Soon you will become a padawan. All your dreams will come true. And I shall leave Coruscant, before my nightmares will." Loosing myself to Dark Side, or following canon destiny of Bruck Chun would be a Nightmare.

Obi Wan was visibly reluctant while holding my (former) lightsaber.

"What about you, will you not need it?" he asked, lifting the lightsaber.

"I always can make a new, if I need one." I smiled.


"Anyway, my liner will leave soon, I shall hurry." I turned from him and started to walk again.

"Wait!" he called me, I stopped, "You said you saw a price of my achievements. What it was?"

I can feel his fear and uncomfortableness. For a moment I contemplated if should say anything to him, or just run away. In the end the only one correct solution was to follow the Force and say as much as I could, as I cryptic as I could.

"You will become a padawan to a great master, but he will not live long enough to see you knighted, the sith will kill him. You will become a teacher, master of the Chosen One from the Prophecy, but your first padawan will Fall to Darkness. You will become Council Member and heir to the Master of the Order, but it will be because anybody else who could be considered for such position will be dead." I turned to him and looked momentarily in his eyes, "Never give up, Obi Wan. Never give up on love! Your love will save us all." I clapped the shocked teen on the shoulder, "I believe in you. Keep my sword, it will serve you better than me."

I turned and walked away quickly, not listening to what Obi Wan might have to say. I felt what future will be better now, even if my words were kinda cruel.

I walked from the main doors of Temple and stopped at the grand staircase. Time was short and I felt enough excitement to try something which I dreamed about in past lives. I felt what I can really do it now. The Force flowed through me like a bright torrent.

I jumped and called the Force.

I flew.

Well, glided. On the Force.

In the most liberating way. I achieved dream of three lives.

I felt shock of Obi Wan and of couple of Temple Guardians, but that doesn`t matter right now.

What important is the Force. And flying. And not botching my landing.

I hit the ground running at the edge of the Temple Plaza and not stopped running until I reached maglev station. When the train arrived to spaceport, I continued to run. The Force flowed through me. The Force was with me. Soon I will reach a new home of mine. A new life awaited me. Hopefully it will be longer than previous one.
Chapter 1. Meeting relatives.
Chapter 1. Introductions and memories.

I arrived to my new home at Telos IV without further adventures, breaking those thief` hands in three places doesn`t count.

My new father and brother has met me in a spaceport and quickly bringed to an expensive limo. Soon we were at the family`s very expensive very fancy mansion. It`s good to be rich.

Kinda forgot how good it can be in two lives. In this one because ascetism of jedis way of life and in the previous one, despite being also born in family of wealthy industrialist, life of mechwarrior is mostly spent in cramped dropships and cockpits and barracks. It is also ascetic in it`s own way. Still the early period of my second life is what amplified my true passion. Passion, which I am not gonna leave just because I am reincarnated in very different universe. To quote some very intense character – "Death is only the beginning", after all. A new life has started for me, but despite everything, I am still me. I believed so.

After arriving to the mansion, I was shown to my new rooms and changed into new clothes in local fashion. We were having a family dinner. We were going to learn more about each other. My new father, Vox Chun was a simple man at his core. A greedy man, who wanted greatness to his dynasty, to his name. My younger brother, Kad Chun, was not up to standards my father placed on him and completely in his shadow. Kad was already happy what father concentrated on me and not him.

I am going to make them both a very happy people and bring their dreams to reality, all the while pursuing my real passion - the "Big stompy bois". I think of myself as a more orthodox kind of jedi, following Old Code` principle of "passion, yet serenity" in this case. Pursuing my hearts wish with the Force granted clarity.

My father asked me about my plans. Time to weave the words in truly jedi fashion.

"In the future I plan to marry and strengthen our dynasty, father. I hope for your help in finding a proper partner. The chances what my descendants inherit my supernatural abilities are very high. Leaving Order doesn`t depowered me, neither it make me forget my skills." I demonstrated this by carefully levitating of the furniture in the room, "And my abilities can make us very rich very fast. You may have heard about Xanatos Du Crion, also the former member of the Order."

"Yes, he recently was made the First Citizen of our world." Father said, quickly glancing at the floating chairs.

"Exactly! Well, I can bring our family to those lofty heights. With your financial support, I plan to enter the field our family has not branched in yet. You see, the Force can grant access to many abilities that some can consider to be unnatural. In this particular case jedi abilities can allow to discover, or well, to rediscover technologies long forgotten by the rest of the galaxy. It is in the Code. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. And I had foreseen what in the coming years weapon manufacturing will be extremely profiting."

"How extremely?" carefully asked Vox, placing down his utensils.

"Words like unlimited government funding will be frown around, for reasons that shall be not discussed where general public can hear them."

"I see," his gaze was very calculating. "We will talk about this more, later."

I nodded and turned to my brother.

"I shall say this to you my brother, in the future your children my also be born Force-Sensitive. Supernaturally powerful if you prefer. You shall marry not for money, but for personality."

He nodded mutely and awkwardly at me.

And though our first dinner talk was kinda awkward and stilted, it sets the tone to everybody satisfaction and better future. The Force tells me what father will not be pressuring my brother so much anymore and he will have a chance to actually have a real love in his life and become happily married in the future, without our fathers meddling. Vox Chun himself will completely support me, blinded by the promises of wealth and prestige and potential control over me, including potential wife, chosen by him.

Truth to be told I fully intend to deliver on my promises. Maybe it will make him better man and give him a better destiny.

Maybe. I can only hope. At least he wasn`t a secret Black Dragon Kurita and have no intentions… actually he do have intentions to use me in local political games. Still better than what I experienced in Draconis Combine in my previous life.

Anyway, with his support, people and resources was obtained and in three weeks a new company was registered under the family name and my complete control. Claiming the Will of the Force and intimidating people with idle harmless demonstrations of telekinesis, not mentioning father`s money and influence, really lubricated bureaucratic machine.

As inside joke and reminder what things can turn really ugly really fast, in case I lose my sight of what is right and what is wrong, I have named the new company as "Wells Technologies". Father was unsure of the name, but quickly agreed what I have the right to name it however I wanted.

The facility was being quickly built, according to the specifications I remembered from my previous life. All the while the necessary machinery and instruments was ordered and delivered and future workers was interviewed. The Force helped to choose adequate replacements where it was needed and filter potential workers and stuff. All was moving according to my plan.

I felt what "other shoe is going to drop" or something like that, the Force was whispering. And so, in my free time I trained myself. I didn`t forgot what jedi training I received in the Temple as Bruck Chun, I merged it with what I remembered from my previous lives. All those things discussed on forums in the internet, described in movies and games and books and even comics of my first live… I didn`t remembered all of that, but it gave perspective on what was possible. And meditative practices and sword techniques I practiced as a traditional Kuritan noble mechwarrior, the principles behind "Magic Bushido hands", combined very neatly with the jedi ways. I can not point all my success at that, the Force was guiding me and it was a truly awesome feeling. Though I didn`t made a new lightsaber, following the whispers of the Force allowed me to find a very neat vibroblade, buried in one of mansions many closets. It will work for now. All in all, I has found myself rapidly improving. And just in time.

Today, three weeks and a couple of days after I arrived on the planet, we had an important visitor. I felt his oily presence long before he reached the mansion, while I was working on company documents in my new home cabinet. Soon father`s butler informed me what the First Citizen Xanatos Du Crion is visiting and requested my presence. I followed immediately.

I didn`t feared Dark Jedi, the Force was with me, we so gonna prank him.

Soon we was at quest chamber and introduced to each other. I was mostly silent, allowing Xanatos to find the reasons so we could talk alone about our shared experiences in the Order.

I didn`t listened to most of his pitch. It was pretty standard "join me and I will show you the real powah of the dark side! Together we will have vengeance on puny jedis who have wronged us!", nothing original. Funny thing how that speech resembled some pieces of Kuritan propaganda I have encountered during my time in DCMS. Xanatos was in love with his own voice to the same degree as those political officers too. In the middle of his longwinded hateful speech I get up to get some water from a table near a wall of chamber. I stood with my back to Xanatos and poured some water from pitcher into a glass I took from the table. Sound of water hitting glass made Xanatos stutter. In this lull in his monolog, I started to talk, while pouring water.

"To quote the Immortal Emperor of the Sith, Valkorion," I glanced at Xanatos and turned away from him again, then pitched my voice with the help of the Force just right to do correct impression from the trailer I saw a life ago, "The man can have anything if he is willing to sacrifice."

I took a sip of water and slowly turned to him.

"There is many paths to immortality." I took another sip, "Some of them are better than the others." Another sip, "Your impassionate speech doesn't move me. You can not offer me anything I don`t already know."

Xanatos flinched and immediately moved to fighting position. His chair broke and fell away. His hand went to hilt on his belt and moment later a red blade revealed itself.

"Who are you?"

I smiled slowly to him.

"I am not the Emperor, if you worry about it." I placed the glass back on the table. Slowly. Not looking at him with my eyes. But through the Force with a presence of Mechwarrior, projecting the same feeling I had as Mechwarrior sitting in the so called 'infantry plough', while looking at the poor halpless enemy infantry, "But, yes, this is not the first face I wear. You are not interesting to me. I do not see in you qualities I would desire in my apprentices. Interfere with my plans and I will stomp you into two dimensions." with remembered and projected through the Force slowness of eighty ton machine, I turned to him, "But if you want so, I can dangle some juicy dark knowledge before your nose. You shall be familiar with the feeling, I know it." I have called the glass back to my hand with careful application of telekinesis.

"What?.." he took a step back. I`ve got him.

"The choice is yours." I projected some more of my Mehwarrior` experience to him.

Xanatos started retreating. Not turning his back to me, faster and faster, until his back met the wall near the main door. His second hand, not holding lightsaber started to blindly search for a doorknob. It was a fancy old style door. With a doorknob.

When he has found it, I started to talk again.

"And remember, if someone else will learn about this little heart to heart," I projected memories of how it feels stepping on enemies in eighty tons warmachine, "I will be very disappointed in you. It will make me interested in demonstrating you my past` experience."

Xanatos left very fast. It is very good what he fell for my ruse. For our prank, according to The Great Force. Truth, shown from a certain point of view, really is amazingly powerful weapon!

But now I shall look into hiring competent guards for my new facility and family. The guards shall be competent enough to stop undertrained Dark Jedi.

Where can I find such, I wonder.

The impulse from the Force delivered the answer from the depths of my first life memories.

There should be some mandalorians available for hire on this planet, I can feel it.
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Cool story concept.
Problem is battlemech are just not viable in warfare i mean you could build something like 40k titans with voidshields but thats not a mech anymore
Cool story concept.
Problem is battlemech are just not viable in warfare i mean you could build something like 40k titans with voidshields but thats not a mech anymore
I can argue what this is Star Wars and timeline wise we are close to Clone Wars where six-legged tanks for Republic and 3-legged giant droids for separatists were a cool and viable warmachines. As Tex says in Mackie episode - the mechs are nit the ultimate/absolute weapon systems, but they make you enemy cry in fear. Especially at first appearance.

Also, BT mechs have one interesting advantage compared to those SW walking tanks, but I will try to show it in the next chapters
Honestly it's funny that he is so in tune with the Force, with his experience of death and basically considering the Force literal magic make him open to anything that sometimes help you because "why not ?". Heh.

Thank you for writing !
I can argue what this is Star Wars and timeline wise we are close to Clone Wars where six-legged tanks for Republic and 3-legged giant droids for separatists were a cool and viable warmachines. As Tex says in Mackie episode - the mechs are nit the ultimate/absolute weapon systems, but they make you enemy cry in fear. Especially at first appearance.

Also, BT mechs have one interesting advantage compared to those SW walking tanks, but I will try to show it in the next chapters
well i would argue those walking tanks are slow as fuck and maybe usefull for their ability to climb walls but those antigravity tanks if they were not so high would be usefull tanks
well i would argue those walking tanks are slow as fuck and maybe usefull for their ability to climb walls but those antigravity tanks if they were not so high would be usefull tanks
well, i shall say what the galaxy before Clone Wars was at peace for almost a thousand of years, even jedis of the era are more diplomats than warriors. there is a lot of SW fanfiction which describes how galaxy at large forgot how to actually wage war. And that resulted in droids using tactics of the start of WWI and clones mostly WWII for example.
And as we briefly saw in Mandalorian series -even those dinky things in that uncertain mostly peaceful galaxy was actualy very scary for normal people and normal local armed forces, not backed by a Force Users. the gungan army from the Episode I counted as a kinda serious threat in the era.
and those six legged tanks was scary in those circumstances and the Trade federation was not ready for them.
at first all those things was unknown and supremely dangerous on the battlefield, because galaxy at large forgot how to build a decent warmachine.

well, that`s my biased opinion.

Now, i am gonna post a new chapter, its kinda psychodelic
Chapter 2. Making wonders.
A/N. the following scenes just sprouted in my head, like a vision. And so i shall brought them out.

I knelt in the middle of the main assembly hall in my shiny new facility. After a whole month and two days of work it was finished and ready for workers and all I can do is to repeat a quote from an ancient author from my first life – 'Bureaucracy is the most eldritch power in the universe!'. I can say it with a real feeling and a strong emotions, but I shall resist the call to madness from the depths of Dark Side. Besides, the Fall will not help, Darth Sidious is an example of that Dark Side can not help you defeat bureaucracy. We spent two days in a committee! Arguing about placement of cameras! And Union laws! And papers! So many "digital papers"!

But I degrees and shall concentrate on the here and now, on practical solutions in the present to fulfil visions of the brighter future. Oh, well, at least shinier future? The term used doesn't matter right now.

What matter is what local mandalorians knew their history and was wary of even a former Initiate from a Jedi Order, not mentioning what Xanatos actions doesn`t endeared members of Order to them. I needed an irrefutable argument to deal with them.

There also other problems - though mine facility was built and all necessary systems installed and ready, the newly hired workers doesn`t really knew how to deal with them. I don`t mean what they doesn`t know how to operate them, but there is more than just putting workers and machinery in the same room to make the whole factory work. I need to make them all operate harmoniously, in the way that is efficient to built a machine by blueprints that physically doesn`t exist in this galaxy, except as a memory in my head. And I can feel through the Force what my time to find solution was running out, very quick. I needed a solution to all my problems at once.

It was time to do something reckless again. It was time for a deep meditation. Arguing with the father was done and now I can proceed with this reckless idea.

I closed my eyes and called memories of my past life again. I remembered when I was six and my father took me to work with him. He was a higher rank manager in Luthien Armor Works. Officially. But that was not important at the time. Memories of my first life has not awakened in me then. I remembered entering vast cavernous assembly line with my father. And it was astonishing. Hundreds of people working together, moving in unison in the middle of twelve hours shift, making a Wonder came to be. Operating machines they do not understand, half of which was examples of ancient Terran blackboxed technology. But I didn`t knew that then. Didn`t understand what is happening. As a child all I could is accept reality as perceived and witness a Mechanical Wonder being born.

The facility in my memories was scuffed and old and weary, but still grand. And most important right now, essentially the same as my shiny new factory. I visited it numerous times, because father believed what as a future "commander of this Grand Factory, the Jewel in the Crown of the Dragon" I shall know what each and every worker position entail, what they can and should do. And what they shouldn`t, or they would offend the Dragon, by not fulfilling their quota.

It was a time of my childhood when I has found a dream of my life – to make Wonders. It was a happier time. Time before my wider family decided what I need to go into serious politics, by advancing through military ranks as a mechwarrior, just because the intended person lacked a talent. Before I learned about my Black Dragon blood. Before… before Sun Zang Academy Cadre and all that entail.

I revisited those happier times, before memories of my first life awakened, before I had a perspective of how facked up Humanity has become, before ideas what society better then Draconis Combine can exist has appeared in my head.

I concentrated on every worker in turn. On how and why and where they moved, what they did to produce the intended results. Again and again for every single one of them, until I reconstructed the whole process, the whole twenty hours long cycle, divided between two shifts in my head. And watched it playing before my minds eyes. With mine Force Granted Eyes.

I beheld a Wonder what was the result of this virtuous, yet cruel, Cycle. I watched it with a held breath.

And then I has gathered myself and pulled my being from the depths of the Force, taking a deep breath in the process. My everything was hurt, looks like at some point during my twelve hours long deep meditation, I actually stopped breathing. Deep Force exhaustion has settled in my bones. I swear to not pull such stunts for a long time. I hope I will not need them. I nearly died this time, almost slipped in the Force and didn`t even noticed it. But right now, the results was totally worth it.

Because, when I opened my fleshy eyes, I saw almost the same picture. A complete product was standing in the midst of working assembly frame, surrounded by umbilicals. And the illusory outlines of workers, brought back from my memories, was fading from sight, after being filmed in action by many cameras for hours to create video lessons for my workers. And they really has scared Xanatos` saboteurs.

I looked at the giant warmachine with excitement and wonder.

This was the result of my reckless solution. The mandalorians will not be able to resist the new shiny when I show it to them. The sabouters is heavily discouraged, Xanatos is too scared to act for some time. My workers will have necessary knowledge and training videos. And now. I. Have. MY OWN BATTLEMECH! AGAIn!

But first I really need to painfully convulse on the floor and contemplate my lifes choices. Ow. Not pulling such stunts ever again. Ow. Ever. Ow.

A/N. the In-universe explanation of how MC was able to pull this pretty magic bullshit is because I had read about Darth Vectivus aka "The Sith who did no evil" and his legendary Force technique with which he was able to pull solid illusions even from beyond the veil of death and because this is an SI, so he knows about this scary technique. And as Yoda has taught us in the Episode V – knowing what it is possible and believing in yourself being able to pull it – is at least a half a reason a Force Technique actually work. The rest of the reason why a Force Technique works is the reason why MC is currently suffering after pulling it))
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Chapter 3. Help wanted.
A/N. We are entering territory of OCs and AUs. Not happy with this chapter, but it is kinda necessary to reach next good stuff, so I beat it.

Taking care of my health took a day and a half. Then, after ensuring what workers started to learn from the new materials and personally demonstrating fueling and activation processes for a new Mech, I took some pictures and called for a chauffeur. It was time to meet local Mandos face to face. Or face to helmet. They totally have cool helmets. I wish I had such a cool helmet when I was in DCMS.

Anyway, meditating while being rived to a meeting point in local mandalorians small quarter, was almost as refreshing as sleeping in APC in my past life. My perspective and experience might screwed around. This revelation catched me when we arrived and I was picking my vibrosword.

Perhaps I should meditate more often. And touching glass. When I was living in the Temple we as initiates often visited "parks" in inner chambers and halls, we basked in pure Living Force, despite being in the middle of horrible Ecumenopolis. But after arriving at Telos IV, I spent all my time indoors in cabinets or in factory, or in cars in transit. I will really need to set time for what is important to my health. Mental and physical.

Later. Meeting local mandalorians right now. They look at me wary, while I am just standing in a weird pose, vibrosword in hand, before the doors of my limo.


I shook myself and turned to greet them.

"Hello there," I greeted them in a classic cosplayed manner, which has become a meme in my first life.

"Jedi," growled one of the dozen of mando who gathered to meet me. With aggressive intentions. There was a dozen of them or so. I felt a presense of their leader nearby. Time to dazzle them.

"I am not a member of the Order and besides here I am in a different capacity. Here I am as an industrialist and a member of Chun Family," I forestalled their arguments with a wooshing gesture, "As I am well aware from your answer to my hiring agents, you know the history of your people quite well," I took a compact holoprojector from my pocket and activated it, showing a 3D image of Charger 1A1 standing, "This is the newest product of mine new factory and I can assure you what this is definitely not a Legendary Mandalorian Basilisk Battledroid. This is not a droid at all, this is a piloted warmachine, without any trace of a droid artificial intelligence! Yes, it uses direct man-machine interface, just like the Basilisk, but it works on completely different technology. You can also see what it is a walking on two legs and not flying, like the Basilisk would have. And as you can remember typically Basilisks would have been armed with twin blaster cannons and some missiles, but this new system is armed with five small naval-grade laser cannons. And this new product of mine is called Charger, not Basilisk. And it's class called Beattlemech, not Wardroid. Lastly, but perhaps most important, this is a product of local factory, which is located NOT in the Mandalorian space. As you and any professional industrial lawyer can clearly see, there is no similarities between two warmachines and therefore its production can not be banned like the production of Basiliks Wardroids was.

Mandalorians, who has gathered in greater numbers while I was talking, glanced at each other.

"It is ready for starting mass production." I continued, "Well, technically, "I smiled shyly, "The factory can produce approximately three such machines in a week."

"What do you want from us?" asked one of mandalorians with suspicion.

"I need a test pilots for this new machine. I need regular pilots to start a private miltary company. I need guards for the factory, because I`ve already scared off one group of saboteurs, but I am only one man and I am too need to sleep, despite anything you can think about jedi. But most importantly, I need more loyal men. I am not asking you to sign in immediately," I shook my head, "I am inviting you to come to my factory and take a look at my newest product, to decide for themselves if it worth your attention."

Three mandalorians, closest to me, glanced at each other, perhaps even used communicators in their helmets.

"We will come," said one in the center.

"Wonderful! We can share my limo…"

"No," I was interrupted by the one on the left, "We will come on our own. Tomorrow," he added.

"Please come today," I begged, even bowed. "We will be waiting for you."

Was I that desperate? Was I following nudges from the Force to better persuade them, by doing so? Maybe? Both? I am not sure. Both are ringing truth.

I quickly left after my little holo-presentation. On my way back to mansion in the family limo, I was thinking how shaky I has become. Especially after deep dive into the Force to make those solid illusions. I must restore my inner balance.

I shall be better. I can do better. I have called the Force.

Mandalorians arrived to the factory early next morning. I was a little jittery after a sleepless night, but meditations really helped me center myself and filled my body and soul with energy.

I was ready. I can do it. I had foreseen it. Everything going… to be okay. I wasn`t going to quote Sidious, I didn`t have a massive galaxy-spanning plan. I only have my passion for making the wonderful stompy bois. And today I am gonna show them off to the local mandalorians.

My secretaries greeted the mandalorians and bringed them to massive hangar where the sole ready Battlemech was standing at ready. I awaited them at the feet of my creation.

There was nine of them. They was rude and cold to my poor secretaries. And very loud. Until they entered the massive chamber and noticed the warmachine. It was just to big to recognize immediately when unprepared people saw it for a first time, even in inactive state. But when they did, they just stared at the massive mech.

I clapped my hands to attract their attention and end their stupor.

"Impressive, isn`t it?" I proudly asked to break ice. "Just look at the laser cannons in his hands! A good pilot can actually shoot down modern aircraft with them!"

"Yes," answered the leader of mandalorians, "It is certainly… more here, than on holo."

Her name was Mina Korryk. She didn`t introduced herself, but the Force whispered her name when I was meditating last night. I couldn`t foresee it clearly, but I`ve got the impression what this single mother will have a very interesting destiny ahead of her. She was one of the few among local adult mandalorians who was sufficiently compatible with neurohelmet in the mech in my visions. But we yet to test it in reality.

"Time to test this bad boyo," I smiled enthusiastically at them and called down a lift which will deliver as to a head of the mech, "I shall warn you, due to intricacies of technology in the man-machine interface, not everybody is fully compatible. For now we didn`t have a specialized apparatuses for testing it yet, so the only way to test it is to sit in command chair and put a neurohelmet on your head. Let`s start testing!"

The mandalorians were still distrustful of me. But Mina bravely with a help from a couple of technicians went through the testing first. The rest of mandalorians was subtly ready to start shooting, but I wasn`t worried. The Force was with me.

Before the testing started Mina was kinda rude, if somewhat subdued by initial impression from seeing Charger in real life. But when warmachine activated, when she felt the rhythm of the fusion reactor like a heart in her own chest, when she made a first step and then a second.

Well, she clearly continued communicating with her fellow mandalorians, because they didn`t shot me when I helped the mech not to fall with an application of the Force.

Holding telekinetically eighty tons in place, until Mina has found her footing… was exhilarating. Even if something burned in me from the previous overuse. The Force lead me to victory.

And with this demonstration. And four other neurocompatible mandalorians, if to a lesser degree, among the present, I have won their hearts. This was not the legendary Basilisks, as Mina has excitedly told me, but it was the next best thing. I have successfully shared my passions with the local mandalorians. She promised to bring the rest of her Clan into the deal. Her Clan - Clan Mawr, was the only real Clan on Telos Ivand have some branches in the actual Mandalorian space. The local Mandalorian population is not so big – just several dozens of people, two third of which is children and elders. And almost all them will enter my employment.

It should be enough for me and it will be good for them. From the first days of starting the Company I followed the principle of granting my workers and the best possible benefits. I believed what money will not be a problem, and loyalty and competence is much more important for starting mass production. There is many positions even for teenagers and elderly mandalorians open in my company. And those who are younger will have a better chances with neurocompatibility.

Four days later we was finishing negotiations and signing contracts with mandalorians. My passion for big stompy bois has infected them. My family was also present. This was kinda a historical moment.

"So, now when we all are one big corporate family," some mandos shuddered, "I shall ask for your help and opinions. We kinda close to bankrupcy. My family is rich, but not super rich," I explained to my new Mandalorian workers, "We have funds for a couple of months, but we really need to find byers. Father, I would ask you to find potential investors. I believe what in three weeks we will be able to make a real show to impress them with our new products and pilots."

He nodded and immediately went to his communicator, leaving us. He saw my demonstration of real potential of the machine, he could imagine potential profits already in his hands.

"Mina," I turned to the Clan Head, "Though those investors will bring some money, they are only locals – they are small fishes in the galactic pond. What we really need is governmental contracts and for that we need a real demonstration in a real conflict. I ask you to chose three other potential pilots, they`ll be piloting first machines which will be ready in the next weeks. The order in which they will receive them you should determine yourself. We are starting our private military company exactly for that."

"What do you mean?"

"This machines was always meant for a galactic scale. I will need to secure a ship able to transport at least four of them with support stuff, but I already have ideas for that. What you need to do – is to find worthy opponents for them. I am not familiar with mercenary scene in this galaxy, I had a different education," I remember a mercenary scene of a different galaxy, I was selling my skills for almost twenty years before the Clans came to Inner Sphere, it will not halp us now, "I shall rely on you to find a contract for us. And remember money is not what important, our company plan is to receive money form selling this new unique warmachines, not from mercenary activities. I am open for suggestions."

"It shall be done," she nodded resolutely. I could feel the 'gears' in her head turning.

"Also, I will give you a budget for new a helmet cameras. We shall look good for potential customers. Make sure to buy of highest quality."

"Will do."

Looks like she already have some ideas. Doesn`t really matter, I has already foreseen what she will find and approved. But to succeed in this operation she must herself find this variant. This urgent contract.

It will be glorious. I can feel it.
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Chapter 4. One with the Force
A/N. intended this chapter to be introduction to a new character and double chapter, but the second part is fighting me, and instead all the angst wants to get out in part 1.

In my humble personal opinion Charger 1A1 was a magnificent beast. In right, if crazy hands it can throw down in close quarters with literally anything in grand fashion. It was meant to beat to death anything smaller than it. It was fast enough and armored enough to chase down almost any smaller mech or any tank. It's five small lasers while almost laughable in battlemech shoot out, has made the machine an infantry plow and appearance of powerarmored infantry didn't changed that fact - many Clan Elementals died to small lasers of mine personal Charger in my previous life. They was also cheap to maintain and easy to repair. They were not the pinnacles of technology. The Chargers are reasonable, proven, uncomplicated systems, if expensive to produce. But in this life, in this strange era of almost a thousand years of peace, before Clone Wars was even a DNA in Kaminoanian tubes, in the galaxy which has forgot what a full scale conflict actually means, where just small local wars burn at remote planets like Melida Daan... well, it strongly reminds me about the Golden Age of the Star League, about the times of Apex of Star League. Yeah, and Amaris is just Fat Palpatine. My thoughts run away in weird direction again, I really need to restore Inner Balance. What important is what this humble small lasers on my very own battlemech in this peaceful era does count as naval-grade weapons for a spaceships. Put a pair of such on a corvette, or frigate in a turret and locals will call it a respectfully armed ship. This difference in perspective is exactly what I needed to awe first mandalorians and now potential investors. Military industrial complex' investors love their big guns. And a laser cannon at half a ton which can fire for days, is exactly what can awe them into spending money like crazy.
I was musing about all of this while doing some maintenance on mine battlemech. The first my factory produced with a help of deep meditation from me. We was using it as a testing machine, as an example and in training of my new Mandalorian employees, until other mechs was produced. In recent days I has finally used it in training exercises with mandalorians piloting other mechs and was shooting it`s guns to me heart`s content. Of course I was showing off, demonstrating them potential of the machine. And mandalorians was sufficiently awed of me.
And still, despite everything going according to my plans and wishes, now in this such early hour what it is still technically a night, at the day we scheduled visit of potential investors, in the middle of moving meditation, I felt what something was missing. That I have lost something precious. And I couldn`t attribute it to overextension in deep meditation. Because on Coruscant, when I followed the will of the Force, I was able to literally fly. Couple of weeks ago, even with the Force Exhaustion after deep meditation, I was able to telekinetically hold an eighty tons of mech. But now… now I didn`t knew if I will be able to levitate a paperclip. I didn`t felt inner peace. The future didn`t felt palpable for me anymore.
With a sudden epiphany I lowered my hands, a moving meditation really helped to clear my head.
It was so simple! In recent days all I could think about was me and mine and my plans and my foreknowledge and my remembered visions of the future and my pride. Especially my pride.
I was acting and thinking worse than a Clanner in this days.
I placed a rag I was holding back into a supply box and sat down on the feet of my mech.
My mech, it was painted red and purple. The humble 1A1 I have recreated was a monster in this time and place and though it was not battle tested, neither it saved my life, I has become attached to it more than to trusty 1A5 which was serving me for more than fifteen years and saved my past life numerous times.
My pride has blinded my soul, my attachments and greed deafened my heart, I no longer followed the Will of the Force, I was following ONLY my Passion now.
I remembered how even leaving the Order didn`t stopped me from being a real jedi. I blamed my slowly diminishing abilities on various factors, like not enough Living Force being around. But it is not that.
More and more I was stopping being a jedi and becoming in truth a Kuritan Mechwarrior. Child of nepotism, ruling through power, caring only about my own ambitions, even if that ambition was just becoming the first maker of real battlemechs in this galaxy.
The truth is – I just stopped listening to the Force, who was so clear when I just remembered my past lives, during that fateful duel with Obi Wan.
I looked up at my beautiful 'baby'. It comes down to a simple choice. Who am I? A jedi, following the Will of the Force? Or just a greedy Black Dragon, cheating death again? Just with the Force instead of extensive cybernetics. Because it was a thing I remembered from the story of Darth Sion in Knights of the Old Republic – I can potentially turn myself to the Dark Side to continue pursue my True Passion. It will be easy to do. To demand power form the Force and it will give me the unlimited survivability and world-shattering powers. I assume what Mine otherworldly passion and knowledge is entirely enough, in my not-so-humble opinion, to reach the levels of might that ancient Sith Lords 'enjoyed'.
And it all sounds incredibly awesome, if not for the price of the ways of the sith.

I felt tears coming down on my cheeks. I was continuing to look at the beautiful deathmachine. I knew already what the right decision shall be. In my past life I tried to run away from doing a right thing for a decade, entering a life of mercenary, hiding under a false name. No, I shall not run away from a True Calling ever again.
And in this life, it means what I shall 'let it go'.
I shall let the attachments go. I will give my mech away to another pilot. I will not participate as mechwarrior in the coming promotional campaign. I will not burn civilians, I will not step down on houses, I will not slaughter innocents, I will not lord it over the others, I will not be what my instructors at Sun Zang wanted me to become. One by one I let go my passion, my pride, my greed. My impatience. My tears…

I opened myself to the Force and listened.

The Force embraced me.

A/N. Let`s just say I didn`t expected it when I started to write it, but in a flash of inspiration it was revealed to me what an actually old kuritan mechwarrior with extensive cybernetics will have a lot of trauma. And not just because of what was done to him, but also because of what he did during his time in DCMS. Surprising for me it was. But now I feel it is only logical. Also, it is subtly making my character a hidden badass - he was an OLD Charger pilot. It is very rare to live over fifty (twenty) among veterans of First (Second) Succession War in Battletech.
"You will become a padawan to a great master, but he will not live long enough to see you knighted, the sith will kill him. You will become a teacher, master of the Chosen One from the Prophecy, but your first padawan will Fall to Darkness. You will become Council Member and heir to the Master of the Order, but it will be because anybody else who could be considered for such position will be dead." I turned to him and looked momentarily in his eyes, "Never give up, Obi Wan. Never give up on love! Your love will save us all." I clapped the shocked teen on the shoulder, "I believe in you. Keep my sword, it will serve you better than me.
Then literally runs (fly!) away.
Cruel and unusual. Are you sure you aren't a dark sider?

Lol I guess it's fine, old\young Obi can take it.
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It's like you replaced every single "that" in the story with the word "what" instead. And every single "my" with "mine."