Characters are transformed into endbringers.


What would happen if the characters of other franchises become endbringers and attack earth bet?
For example,take a goomba.
It would be an unstoppable beast with 4 meters of height,its only power being the adaptation (which would represent all the types of goomba that there is).
Needs to better resist attacks?
It grows an "organic" armor.
Is the enemy too far away to bite him?
He shoots a giant thorn through his mouth.
His tactics would be to move forward no matter what is in his way, unless there are enemies, then he will go to them.
His presence always constant and apparent invulnerability filling the parahumans with terror.
PRT threat assessment
Provisional name:Goomba(provided by Uber and L33t)


Classification:Brute 10 +,Trump 10+


Location:Fleeing from scion,which for some reason pursues him,currently in the Marianas Trench.

General information:The endbringer shares a strong resemblance to the fungi that are enemies of Mario games.
Goomba was first seen near the castle cachtice on March 10, 2009, emerging from a giant pipe that soon disappeared, leaving Goomba to walk freely, destroying everything in its path.
The capabilities, appearance and actions of Goomba have many implications regarding the origins of the endbringers.

Personality:Being his strategy similar to his apparent inspiration, charge towards the enemy without fear, alternatively, if there are no enemies he will keep walking forward without stopping.

Brute 10 + -Goomba has demonstrated a durability significantly above his brothers,without stopping or retreating against any attack received,and he does not rest between attacks unlike his brothers,he only attacks.

Trump 10 + -The observed adaptations of Goomba so far are:Telekinesis limited to inorganic matter,the ability to grow wings that allow flight,throw thorns through his mouth,increase or reduce its own size at will,change the atomic structure of all its body to imitate other materials such as iron,gold,brick,uranium, etc ...,speculated increased intelligence,poisonous fangs, growth of "organic" armor and capable of creating explosive mini-clones.

Overall threat rating:Enbringer, S-class.

Recommended strategies:Currently none since he is being persecuted by scion,but if he manages to flee,the priority is the evacuation of civilians and the use of baits.
As long as Goomba does not see an enemy or is attacked he can not become a greater threat,or become stronger.

Notes from Alexandria:Who let Uber and Leet call an endbringer with something as silly as Goomba!
And how did they manage to hack the files!?

Doctor Mother:For some reason,scion persecutes the Goomba with what seems to be...intrigue?
More important,the day that Goomba arrived all the thinkers of the planet suffered a headache,that is not a surprise with the endbringers,what is a surprise is the energy that Goomba seems to possess,a new type of energy never seen with properties able to attract the attention of scion,we can take advantage of this distraction.
Contessa:Was it necessary to say Goomba so seriously?
Doctor Mother:...You were informing me that clairvoyant has found a new earth?
Edit 2:1.The endbringer have to have powers and an aspect that represents the chosen character, along with a unique sense(Leviatan can only see the water,Behemot can only see the energy,etc...)
2.If the character is stronger than an endbringer or an entity,you can transform the character into an entity or Super Entity,respectively.
3.Try not to choose the obvious options,such as godzilla,or F/GO tiamat.
4.Let's say that a Super Entity(entities that have overcome entropy and thermodynamics)made this scenario possible,to achieve a similar objective to entities,but on a larger scale and importance.
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Kai D O one of the Yonkou from One Piece would fit that Upgrade like a glove. Give him the standard core and layers on top of the Dragon form to make him more scarier.
The Shrike from the Hyperion Cantos could work with only a little tweaking; it's already inhuman, frightening and murderous. Sure it'd have to job horribly so as to not instantly slaughter everyone...but that's what Endbringers do anyway. Make it bigger, since Endbringers go in for "big"; it would show up somewhere and start brutally killing everyone there, moving just slow enough that fighting it isn't obviously impossible.

Parahumans who lose to it don't die; they get impaled on the Tree of Pain, which will be a huge construct someplace where it can be easily seen but thanks to temporal shenanigans cannot be reached, nor the eternally agonized victims be rescued. Like a centralized, public depository of Grey Boy victims, essentially.
The Shrike from the Hyperion Cantos could work with only a little tweaking; it's already inhuman, frightening and murderous. Sure it'd have to job horribly so as to not instantly slaughter everyone...but that's what Endbringers do anyway. Make it bigger, since Endbringers go in for "big"; it would show up somewhere and start brutally killing everyone there, moving just slow enough that fighting it isn't obviously impossible.

Parahumans who lose to it don't die; they get impaled on the Tree of Pain, which will be a huge construct someplace where it can be easily seen but thanks to temporal shenanigans cannot be reached, nor the eternally agonized victims be rescued. Like a centralized, public depository of Grey Boy victims, essentially.
A great choice to be an endbringer, but he is already basically one.
I was thinking of something more like this.
Specifically the section where the triumvirate is transformed into endbringers.