characher generation 0

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The current world, as wonderful as it is, keeps many secrets, which will be you, the resurgence of one of those secrets or the one that makes sure that the secrets continue to be secret
character generation


a snake pretending to be human
the world, well after that baby was born glowing, everything quickly became something out of those old comics ... people began to have powers and as is human nature everything quickly got out of control, some lucky ones who were born with strong quirks decided that they did not like the system of government and everything entered an era of chaos where technologically regressed and the only important thing was to have a strong quirk or to be an ally or subordinate of someone with a strong quirk.

but then they appeared, the heroes, those who decided to use their strength to try to obtain equality, and for the first time in a long time, the weak saw a ray of hope that they could live without being slaves of the strong.

But, today, all that was forgotten, the sacrifices, the cruelty, everything was buried and the history modified so that that era of darkness seems to have not existed.

but let's talk about you,

you are a common boy

[] waiting to wake up which will define a large part of your life
[] The only thing special and not in a good way about you, is that you are part of the last vestige of ancient humanity before the quirks.

and what your future holds, well only you will know

What will it be ... will you be the one who brings a new age of darkness or you will be one of those who make sure that there is no other age of darkness ... or you will be someone normal whose destiny is in the hands of others.

So, this is my first quest, be patient with me and well ask any questions or tell me what I should change or add
This is usually very varied ... it depends if the particularity is of a destructive or mental power, the number increases based on how "powerful" such Quirk is, for example, Endeavor's, this has 5/5, and what can you do? This was able to eliminate and char the cells of a nomu so that it would not rebuild again, it practically extinguished its head with fire ... something very easy to place it in such a statistic ...


how fast a character is, how fast he can attack, his agility, dodging

this does not take into account how long you can maintain speed,

it refers to how many possibilities of different techniques the character has.
that is usually based on the quirk, but if they are smart and resourceful enough they can also increase it

a good example is todoroki and kiriyima

todoroki, with his quirk he has a great possibility of possible techniques which makes him very versatile, but kirishima, no, he would have todoroki a 5/5 and kirishima a 1/5 and with a lot of effort and ingenuity it is possible that kiriyima will raise it to a 2/5


It is based on the intellectual level that such character possesses, for example it can be used to devise strategies, establish logical and detailed concepts to solve mysteries and cases, practically the brain is something very extensive ...
What is it going to do for them? Well, the more intelligent they will be, the easier it will be to learn skills and they will have a greater margin to use possible meta-knowledge (only if they provide a valid excuse for how they discovered it)

Well, how tough are you, how much stamina do you have

what does each number mean


It would simply be the weakest point a character can have.


Something simple and practical, it is not considered as something essential but not a weak point.


Inexperienced and lacking in knowledge, often considered strong


Pleasantly strong in such a way


His strong point, a full-fledged expert in such statistics.


Stands out. It is something that is unthinkable to achieve for most of the people, he is a gifted in that aspect