Chaotic and Random (Worm CYOA)

The next chapter is taking longer than expected, I've been having to look up a lot of stuff because of what's been picked.

Sorry for the delay.
Okay unfortunately I won't be able to keep writing this for various reasons, the biggest being college courses are a bitch.
So I won't be able to get to some of the biggest things I was planning like Santa VS The Slaugterhouse 9 or Jigglypuff VS Behemoth.

Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to it, also to anyone who didn't get to see one of their suggestions be put in.

I really wish I could finish but it takes to long to make a chapter, I have to look up some of the things being suggested to make sure I write it correctly and I have to keep up with everything that's been inserted already, it all just kind of got away from me.

Sorry again, and here is what was inside of Dinah's Pokeball.