Chaos Undivided (Warhammer 40,000) vs Terrans (Starcraft 2)

An entire chapter of Chaos Space Marines with Daemon allies enter the Starcraft galaxy and decide to destroy the Terran race. The Terrans are at the end of Starcraft 2 versions while the Chaos Marines are the 41th Millennium versions. The Terrans get nine years of prep time and have full knowledge of Chaos. Who wins?
End of Starcraft 2? As in LoTV?

At that point they'd likely call the Zerg and Protoss for help after explaining how fucking dangerous Chaos is

There will be losses, but a single Chapter of Chaos Marines? I doubt that can take down the entirety of the Terrans if they bring in Zerg and Protoss allies.
Terrans get 9 years of prep and full knowledge of chaos?

the Terrans stomp as they use the horrible infernal knowledge that was thrust upon them to tap into things best left untapped. Siege tanks bound with daemonic spirits, ghosts conjuring greater daemons, marines who bargained for power in exchange for sharing their bodies.

the chaos marines are defeated by a for better versed in such unholy lore. But it they who have the last laugh as the knowledge the enemy used to defeat theM in turn twists and violates them in ways that could not be possible and they fall upon and devour each other.

and in the grim darkness of the sort of future there is only the laughter of thirsting gods

and Amon going 'wtf not cool'
I don't know much about 40K, but aren't Space Marines much, much faster than they looked? Like, run as fast as a car (if what I heard from other VS 40K threads are correct)? And also, aren't their armor tougher than a Terran Marine powersuit?

And another thing, can Space Marines take standard-issue Gauss Rifle rounds? I'm pretty sure those things are high-caliber weapons.