[X] Order of Jackal - Known as the Measure of Life and Death, the role of this order was twofold: to remember the dead and to raise the next generation of warriors to fight for the Legion. It was the Order of the Jackal that interred approved wounded Thousand Sons into Dreadnoughts and trained Aspirants and Neophytes into new Space Marines as well as managing Gene-Seed. The Order also attended to the dead of the Legion and maintained their legacy. As a result, the Order contained a large number of Apothecaries.
[X]Prospero - Planet of Sorcerer. Centre of knowledge and lore, particularly knowledge of sorcery and the Warp. You were born among its deathly fauna and flora, and under the guidance of Magnus the Red
[X] Pavoni - The Pavoni Cult tended to be the most egocentric of the known Cults within the Thousand Sons Legion, as they had developed the psychic discipline known as physiokinesis, a unique form of biomancy. Physiokinesis allowed the Pavoni to manipulate body chemistry and physiology within themselves as well as others.
[X] Order of Ruin - Symbolized by a poised serpent, the Order of Ruin were a sect of mystics said to be obsessed with numerology and the hidden structure of the universe. Its members were known as calculators, logicians, analysts, and organizers of supreme ability.
[X] Corvidae - The Corvidae were skilled in the psychic discipline of precognition and divination, determining the likely probabilities of future events. They served as the Legion's seers, warning their Battle-Brothers of dangers before they materialised.