Chaos Consume Us [Warhammer 40k Chaos Quest CK2]

[X] Athanaean
[X] Pavoni
[X] Order of Jackal
[X] Order of Blindness

P.s.: Having loyalty programming, Combat experience, benefitical mutations and gene-seed purification. That's a good combination for traitor
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First Death
Adhoc vote count started by MrocnyZbik on Dec 5, 2020 at 2:54 AM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Order of Jackal - Known as the Measure of Life and Death, the role of this order was twofold: to remember the dead and to raise the next generation of warriors to fight for the Legion. It was the Order of the Jackal that interred approved wounded Thousand Sons into Dreadnoughts and trained Aspirants and Neophytes into new Space Marines as well as managing Gene-Seed. The Order also attended to the dead of the Legion and maintained their legacy. As a result, the Order contained a large number of Apothecaries.
    [X]Prospero - Planet of Sorcerer. Centre of knowledge and lore, particularly knowledge of sorcery and the Warp. You were born among its deathly fauna and flora, and under the guidance of Magnus the Red
    [X] Pavoni - The Pavoni Cult tended to be the most egocentric of the known Cults within the Thousand Sons Legion, as they had developed the psychic discipline known as physiokinesis, a unique form of biomancy. Physiokinesis allowed the Pavoni to manipulate body chemistry and physiology within themselves as well as others.
    [X] Order of Ruin - Symbolized by a poised serpent, the Order of Ruin were a sect of mystics said to be obsessed with numerology and the hidden structure of the universe. Its members were known as calculators, logicians, analysts, and organizers of supreme ability.
    [X] Corvidae - The Corvidae were skilled in the psychic discipline of precognition and divination, determining the likely probabilities of future events. They served as the Legion's seers, warning their Battle-Brothers of dangers before they materialised.
    [x] Athanaean
    [x] Order of Blindness
    [x] Pyrae
    [x] Raptora

Prospero burns. The great library, the tombs of knowledge and people, so many people. All put under the Wolves axe. You shoot again and again, knife slashing, mind bursting with an energy taking your body to next levels, so it keeps up, always keeping up with attacking Wolves. Another Wolf falls with its throat sliced, and another one with a boltshell piercing his helmet.
- Traitor! - screams Wolf wielding an axe and a sword. You cannot penetrate his defences. His runes protect him from your powers.
Axe and sword rise and fall, again, and again. Khopesh broken, knife lost, boltgun sliced. Warp surges in, if you cannot break through his wards, you pull all this power into your fist. WIth one powerful strike under the ceramite armour with a loud crack you punch his hearts out. Standing over a dead body, feeling a broken arm and crashed fist, spent in all ways. Only thing left is to witness. To be one seeing your Primarchs victory over the… no… it cannot be. But it is, Magnus the Red fallen. Did you fallen to?

[ ] Never - you have never died. You survived so much, and made so many deals that you are not sure there is anything of you left. But you live, throughout 10 milenia of war, bloodshed and power. You live.
  • Veteran of the Long War +2 to everything
  • Arsenal of the Long War - You have 3 relicts and/or Artifacts collected over the period of millenia
  • Your soul is mine - you are not the master of yourself, you have fought for so long and made so many deals, your options are really limited. Every few turns, one or more of your creditors will demand payment in full.
  • Known Heretic - You are hunted, and not only by by a Space Wolves Pack. The Inquisition, Adepta Sororitas and Gods Undivided knows what else is on your tail.
  • 6 Lieutenants
  • 50 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
[ ] Fabius Bile - He brought you back to life. Into his Consortium. So much knowledge you have gained, but there was a price, there always is.
  • Veteran of the Long War +2 to everything
  • Relict - An archeotech, xenotech or warptech relict
  • My Master - You may still have some freedom but you have debts to pay, to no other than Fabius Bile, and he always collects. One every dozen turns or more, he will need something from you.
  • Haunted - You are hunted by a Dark Eldars kabbalah.
  • 5 Lieutenants
  • 40 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
[ ] First Battle of The Fang - survived Prospero to fall at the vengeance attack. Many Wolves fell under your hands, but finally you succumbed to wounds and died to again be reborn, and again, and again.
  • Veteran +1 to everything
  • Relict - An archeotech, xenotech or warptech relict
  • Known Heretic - You are hunted by a Space Wolves pack.
  • 4 Lieutenants
  • 30 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
[ ] Burning of Prospero - you have died, on that day. Your soul lost to space and time, to finally be brought back in at the end of 39 millenium. You have paid your dues and are free. As free as one can be in this Universe of horror and war.
  • Master of my own fate - for now you stand on top of the food chain. Congratulation
  • 3 Lieutenants
  • 30 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
@MrocnyZbik regarding the dept levels, is this just dept in the sense that we owe other people favors or is it also chaos corruption? Also, can we ever pay off our depts?
@MrocnyZbik regarding the dept levels, is this just dept in the sense that we owe other people favors or is it also chaos corruption? Also, can we ever pay off our depts?
In the first case you are in debt to people and daemons, so it will take hundreds of times to pay it off. As for Fabius, it will be 10 to 20 requests, depending on how severe they will be.

As for coruption, well no mutations for now.
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No, I will leave that for the game. Your choices will be limited by the ambition you will choose.
[X] Burning of Prospero - you have died, on that day. Your soul lost to space and time, to finally be brought back in at the end of 39 millenium. You have paid your dues and are free. As free as one can be in this Universe of horror and war.
[X] First Battle of The Fang - survived Prospero to fall at the vengeance attack. Many Wolves fell under your hands, but finally you succumbed to wounds and died to again be reborn, and again, and again.
[X] First Battle of The Fang - survived Prospero to fall at the vengeance attack. Many Wolves fell under your hands, but finally you succumbed to wounds and died to again be reborn, and again, and again.
[X] Burning of Prospero - you have died, on that day. Your soul lost to space and time, to finally be brought back in at the end of 39 millenium. You have paid your dues and are free. As free as one can be in this Universe of horror and war.
[X] First Battle of The Fang - survived Prospero to fall at the vengeance attack. Many Wolves fell under your hands, but finally you succumbed to wounds and died to again be reborn, and again, and again.
[X] Burning of Prospero - you have died, on that day. Your soul lost to space and time, to finally be brought back in at the end of 39 millenium. You have paid your dues and are free. As free as one can be in this Universe of horror and war.
[X] Burning of Prospero
For me it's less rejoining the Imperium and more choosing our own path.
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[X] First Battle of The Fang - survived Prospero to fall at the vengeance attack. Many Wolves fell under your hands, but finally you succumbed to wounds and died to again be reborn, and again, and again.
[X] First Battle of The Fang - survived Prospero to fall at the vengeance attack. Many Wolves fell under your hands, but finally you succumbed to wounds and died to again be reborn, and again, and again.
[X]Fabius Bile

Seems like the best balance between freedom and benefits. A request every dozen turns isn't too onerous and finding a way to pay off the debt forever seems like a good mid-game goal.
[X] Never - you have never died. You survived so much, and made so many deals that you are not sure there is anything of you left. But you live, throughout 10 milenia of war, bloodshed and power. You live