Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Ah King...

Mr. Hardass himself.

Upside is that if he can be convince of the ship spirits basically all you higher up opposition is solved permanently.

He's good like.

Down side is convincing him...
Ah King...

Mr. Hardass himself.

Upside is that if he can be convince of the ship spirits basically all you higher up opposition is solved permanently.

He's good like.

Down side is convincing him...

King was also the kind of person that the phrase "I am not prejudiced; I hate all of you equally!" was made for.

There's a tale (likely apocryphal) of an officer grumbling that King probably hated his own mother, to which King barked, "If you knew the old bat, you would too!"
That was a really nice update. The first half with Sara felt really good to read and it was sweet to see that even if no one else around can see or talk to her, that she got to see that there are still those who love her in their own ways. It just felt good to read something like that. :)

As for the second half? A very good and dramatic buildup to a positively hilarious end. I can almost see the look of 'Oh Fuck' on their faces.

The Strasbourg entry was a nice solid read as well. I'll admit I didn't feel too... vested in it, but it was still very well done. I'd put money that she's destined for very dark places...

Well done! :D
I wonder how the 'insanity' of the Pacific Fleet will clash with Adm. King's Anglophobia? Speaking of which, I bet he and Strasbourg would get on rather well over their shared dislike of the Brits.
her neutrality. There would be no further war on French soil, mainland or African. was what the battleship Strasbourg told herself.
Or...that was what the
innocents, all because that bastard of a Prime Minister couldn't accept that we would never let the Boche have us. You self-righteous, entitled, horrible...bastards
Add a . after bastards.
Well, that's an awkward time for the people they're meeting to wander in on them. Better talk fast!
Well, if Hood meats a similar fate here, and per chance the Toulon fleet nailed out to the free French before they got that piece of news... I could imagine a salty Strasbourg getting shot down by that line. "Don't you know? She's gone."

Edit: autocorrect seems to mix up fine and gone, for some ironic reason.
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I fear Strasbourg is lost to us

She's certainly not in any sort of good mental state. But then, one can expect that with what she's been through, I imagine.

You know? As much as I hate to say this. But I really would like to see one of the go Abyssal.


Uhhh. Start talking fast, Admirals. Really fast.

Heh, yeah, they're in an interesting spot.

I see Dunkerque didn't make it, unlike in the OTL. RIP Dunkerque.

Well, OTL, Dunkerque was sunk. In shallow water maybe, but she was still sunk. Didn't make it back to Toulon until late February of '42. A full year from now.

Yeeaahhh, the message is remarkably tone deaf under the current circumstances isn't it? It might satisfy Strasbourg (at least a bit) to know Hood is as ashamed as she is livid, but all the same working with Britain is out of the question for the foreseeable future. I wonder though, does Strasbourg still have an at least neutral attitude towards the USN?

Nice updates.

To be fair, that is totally something the Brits would still do. Because they wouldn't want to attack the French again, but they want those ships out of Vichy (German) hands. And if the only way they can do that is trying to sway the people they shot at with words...

As for the USN, right now she wouldn't have any reason to dislike them. USA is neutral, if helping the UK a lot.

She rathed die than fight either for the British (as part of the Free French) or the Germans?

That is very depressing actually.

The only reasonable thing that will end well in her book is being scuttled by her crew or getting blasted to bits, from the looks of things.

Well, in her mind, the best option is to just stay Neutral. Let France do her own thing, wait the war out, and just survive. She hates the Germans and Brits, albeit the latter moreso than the former, but if given the option? She'd sit out the rest of the war, because at least then she- and the others -survive.

But, well, anyone who knows WW2 history knows what happens.

And... wow, talk about foot, mouth, meet. James, you poor sod.

Oh my, talk about a catch-22.

Oh and Thompson? Mind your surroundings before you open your mouth, mate.


Ah, King. The best enemy the Kriegsmarine could have wished for. Operation Paukenschlag was such a great success because of that man.

And the worst enemy of anyone in hearing range. His bad mood, stubborness and long held vendettas were legendary. To be fair, there were a lot of factors involved in the german attack to the american shipping, and his stubborness and dislike of the british was part of the reason that adecuate resources were alocated to the Pacific despite Roosvelt's predilection for the ETO.

On the other hand the Court Martial of McVay for the sinking of the USS Indianapolis was an act that won't ever be forgotten nor forgiven.

King is an...interesting...figure to work. The man is divisive at best, hated at worst. For good reason, mind, but the point remains. And the point remains that he did a lot for the Navy, however much a lot of what he did was...

Shall we say, less than savory.

This said....

My guess is that King will be one of the biggest opposition that our Thompson will have to deal with given who he is. He did have an infamous reputation even before the war.

I wouldn't be surprised if he is the first one to mention how young our time travelling protagonist is and try to use that against him. Which wouldn't help Thompson because he really doesn't know much about his background in this universe.

Right now, King is either on the General Board- a place to stick problem officers -or the Commander-in-Chief of the Patrol Force. The Atlantic Fleet-in-all-but-name. In either case, he's only where he is because he's friends with Stark.

Not because of any real power.

Richardson may be below Stark, but he's most assuredly above King, at the least for now.

That was a really nice update. The first half with Sara felt really good to read and it was sweet to see that even if no one else around can see or talk to her, that she got to see that there are still those who love her in their own ways. It just felt good to read something like that. :)

As for the second half? A very good and dramatic buildup to a positively hilarious end. I can almost see the look of 'Oh Fuck' on their faces.

The Strasbourg entry was a nice solid read as well. I'll admit I didn't feel too... vested in it, but it was still very well done. I'd put money that she's destined for very dark places...

Well done! :D

To be fair, I marked Strasbourg as an omake (note that Taranto was not) for good reason. I knew that it would be...well...less interesting than a main story chapter. And it wouldn't fit in a main chapter. Thus, omake.

And yeah...she's in a dark place.

You can tell how much I like writing Sara in bits like this, I think. That, and it gave me an excuse to ship-tease which I don't do often :V

I wonder how the 'insanity' of the Pacific Fleet will clash with Adm. King's Anglophobia? Speaking of which, I bet he and Strasbourg would get on rather well over their shared dislike of the Brits.


Well, if Hood meats a similar fate here, and per chance the Toulon fleet nailed out to the free French before they got that piece of news... I could imagine a salty Strasbourg getting shot down by that line. "Don't you know? She's gone."

Edit: autocorrect seems to mix up fine and gone, for some ironic reason.


Well, for now, Hood is on her way to Freedom Land for refits.
A double update? You spoil us, Sky.

Sara's side is sweet. I'm glad to see her faith in people has been renewed and reinforced by that foreman. While Admiral Thompson is the one she loves, she fights on behalf of those ordinary people as well, and it's good for her to remember and consider them in her thoughts.

Meanwhile, it seems that Admiral Thompson has ended up accidentally speaking into the ear of God Almighty Himself, a.k.a. Commander-in-Chief, US Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations Admiral King. Oops. May the actual God have mercy on Thompson... for Admiral King will not... Unless...

Or to be more specific, Sister Sara's sister.

Wikipedia said:
On 20 June 1930, King became captain of the carrier USS Lexington—then one of the largest aircraft carriers in the world—which he commanded for the next two years.[18] During his tenure aboard the Lexington, Captain King was the commanding officer of notable science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein, then Ensign Heinlein, prior to his medical retirement from the US Navy.

Finally, it seems Strasbourg has been consumed by overwhelming hatred for la perfide Albion. I guess her only solace will come when Dunkerque is re-floated and limps back to Toulon for a belated reunion... If that part of history still unfolds...
Meanwhile, it seems that Admiral Thompson has ended up accidentally speaking into the ear of God Almighty Himself, a.k.a. Commander-in-Chief, US Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations Admiral King. Oops. May the actual God have mercy on Thompson... for Admiral King will not...
Admiral Stark is CNO at this time.
Has Kidd arrived at Arizona yet? It is early 1941 from the looks of things and he was due to take command in February IIRC.

Also, how is the other ships of the Pacific Fleet faring?
I got to admit, Enterprise is certainly adorable. Although I wonder what will happen if we see USS Wasp CV-7 and USS Hornet CV-8 for the first time. Although it will be damn sad when Hornet sinks, mainly because she was in commission for only 1 Year and 6 Days. Commissioned October 20th 1941 and she was lost October 26th 1942. I mean, she was so 'young' when she was sunk.

Although Wasp was in commission for about two years, before she was sunk by a Japanese Type B1 Submarine, I-19, the I-19 fired a spread of six torpedoes at the Wasp of which three hit the Carrier, another torpedo slammed into the destroyer O'Brien which later sank enroute to Pearl Harbor for repairs and another torpedo slammed into the North Carolina between Turrets I and II, the last one didn't hit anything. North Carolina made it back to Pearl Harbor for repairs. Then as if to insult the American Destroyers I-19 managed to escape, evading eighty depth charges dropped by some angry American Destroyers. This remains one of the most damaging torpedo salvos in history.

However I wonder how Enterprise will take the loss of Langley? She was bombed into a floating wreck by Japanese Bombers on February 27th 1942. Something tells me that she won't take it all that well. Granted I bet the other American Carriers who were afloat at the time: Lexington, Saratoga, Yorktown, Enterprise, Wasp, and Hornet will be mad beyond measure.

But, I do have a suggestion to help with Sister Sara to dodge the torpedo that hits her. Ordering that the shafts on one side of the ship go to flank speed and the other two shafts go to Back Emergency, combined with the rudders being hard over, that will make the ship turn a lot tighter than it normally would be able to do so. That means the chance that they have for evading the torpedo goes up drastically, because Saratoga will be turning a lot tighter than she normally would be able to do so.

Also, by December of 1940, the United States Naval Air Corps was getting a new toy, the Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat Fighter, however when Pearl Harbor occurred only the Enterprise had a squadron of F4Fs, at the time Saratoga was in San Diego also getting ready for operations with the new fangled Wildcat Fighters. By the time May of 1942 rolled around, every American Carrier in service no longer had F2A-3 Buffalos or the 'Flying Coffin' as its pilots called it, instead they had the rugged as hell F4F-3 Wildcat. A new version of the Wildcat the F4F-4 Wildcat entered service in 1941 and replaced the F4F-3 Wildcat in June 1942, basically all the fighters that the American Carriers had at Midway were brand-spanking new! Plus the Wildcat had Grumman's Sto-Wing Folding Wing System meaning that more planes could be stored on a Carrier.

Oh also don't forget the Grumman TBF-1 Torpedo Bomber, it wasn't called the Avenger until after the Battle of Midway, however like the F4F-4 it had folding wings, plus it could carry its armament internally. The TBF-1 was so new, that when Midway happened, only six actually took part in the battle, they were assigned to VT-8, and were assigned to Midway, like the majority of the other American Torpedo Bomber Squadrons that day, they went in with no fighter cover. Five were lost, three of which were lost before they could drop their torpedo, the TBF-1 that did make it back to Midway was shot to hell the compass was shot away, the hydrallics were gone, one of the elevators was shot to pieces, and the ball turret gunner was killed and the pilot and radioman/gunner were both injured. As it stood, that part of VT-8 that was on the Hornet was almost completely destroyed with all fifteen TBD-1s each with a crew of two shot down and their was only one survivor, VT-6 and VT-3 did a little better but they still got torn apart, VT-6 went with fourteen TBD-1 Devastator Torpedo Bombers and ten were shot down, including the CO of the squadron, VT-3 went with twelve TBD-1s and they lost ten as well, among the dead was the CO of the squadron. Not of the COs or XOs for that matter for the American Torpedo Bomber Squadrons at Midway survived the battle.

I can just imagine that Captain Mitscher during the Battle of Midway after VT-8 made it's attack that he hears some mild sobbing behind him, he turns around and their is Hornet crying her eyes out. Thinking quick, Mitscher excuses himself for like twenty minutes just to freshen up, he then ushers Hornet out of CIC or Aircraft Control or whatever the hell it was called and they got to his quarters, there Mitscher asks Hornet what's wrong and Hornet tells him, much to Mitscher's shock that VT-8 was gone, every single aircraft was shot down and that they had no fighter cover and the Japanese Zekes had a field day against her Torpedo Bomber Squadron. I can also imagine similar things happening with Enterprise and Yorktown when their torpedo bomber squadrons make their attacks.

So yeah, a lot of notable and likely useful information coming down the pipe and will do so in a short amount of time. Not to mention, possible ideas.
Well that's all well and good except for one thing. As @Skywalker_T-65 will probably not hesitate to point out, this is an alternate history story.

History has already been changed in his fic, and in no way shape or form will follow history the way it did IRL. So most of those events will probably never happen in this fic.
All very nice stuff.

But what does this have to do with the story when we're clearly butterflying everything since this is an alternate universe story?
All very nice stuff.

But what does this have to do with the story when we're clearly butterflying everything since this is an alternate universe story?

Damn! However, one thing that can't be helped is the fact that while the Kido Butai launched all of the aircraft that took part in the Midway Strike in seven minutes, over 100 aircraft. Enterprise and Hornet just to launch a similar number it took over an hour. Plus, I am certain that we will still see some of cock-ups that occurred at Midway happen in this story. Like the complete and utter clusterfuck that was the USS Hornet's Carrier Operations during Midway.

However, the part with the aircraft should remain true. Which means that soon we will be seeing Wildcat Fighters! The same goes for the TBFs.
Not necessarily, remember alternate universe. Anything can be changed, and everything will be changed.
Damn! However, one thing that can't be helped is the fact that while the Kido Butai launched all of the aircraft that took part in the Midway Strike in seven minutes, over 100 aircraft. Enterprise and Hornet just to launch a similar number it took over an hour. Plus, I am certain that we will still see some of cock-ups that occurred at Midway happen in this story. Like the complete and utter clusterfuck that was the USS Hornet's Carrier Operations during Midway.

However, the part with the aircraft should remain true. Which means that soon we will be seeing Wildcat Fighters! The same goes for the TBFs.

What part of alternate universe do you not get?

Thompson isn't going to let that cock-up happen.
Not necessarily, remember alternate universe. Anything can be changed, and everything will be changed.

Oh, okay. Still, big AU change that can happen. Is the day that Saratoga eats that torpedo from I-6 is that if she has two shafts go to flank and two shafts go to full reverse as well as throwing her rudders hard over, she will be able to turn a lot tighter than normal and evade the torpedo. Which means, she can play plane ferry and get back to Pearl Harbor like two or three days before Task Force 16 and 17 are due to leave. With all the planes she was carrying, which means one lucky squadron can kick it's TBDs to the curb!

But the thing with Hornet's airgroup and the massive clusterfuck, was partially because of Captain Mitscher.
Oh, okay. Still, big AU change that can happen. Is the day that Saratoga eats that torpedo from I-6 is that if she has two shafts go to flank and two shafts go to full reverse as well as throwing her rudders hard over, she will be able to turn a lot tighter than normal and evade the torpedo. Which means, she can play plane ferry and get back to Pearl Harbor like two or three days before Task Force 16 and 17 are due to leave. With all the planes she was carrying, which means one lucky squadron can kick it's TBDs to the curb!

But the thing with Hornet's airgroup and the massive clusterfuck, was partially because of Captain Mitscher.

What part of 'butterflying it away' do you not understand?

Thompson is fully cognizant of the fact that these things did happen, and he'll do everything in his power to change it. This ranks very high on the list of things that will not happen unless he can't change it, and considering that Thompson is an Admiral, he could tell Mitscher how to not mess up like he did in the original timeline.
While linked to Kancolle somewhat, historical battles that are likely not going to occur in the fic are a little off topic. Please try to keep focused on what's actually going on in a fic when posting in its thread. No points, but...stay on topic.
What part of 'butterflying it away' do you not understand?

Thompson is fully cognizant of the fact that these things did happen, and he'll do everything in his power to change it. This ranks very high on the list of things that will not happen unless he can't change it, and considering that Thompson is an Admiral, he could tell Mitscher how to not mess up like he did in the original timeline.

True, granted I have really not read up on the Butterfly Effect. So yeah. However, I wonder how this will effect the following disastrous naval battles that befell the USN during the Guadalcanal Campaign. The Battle of the Five Sitting Ducks, Battle of Friday the 13th, and the Battle of Lunga Point. In those battles the Japanese kicked the Americans ass so hard it wasn't even funny. Battle of the Five Sitting Ducks, the USN had four Heavy Cruisers plus two RAN Heavy Cruisers, we had six Heavy Cruisers, the Japanese came in with Five Heavy Cruisers and well, blew the HMAS Canberra, USS Quincy, USS Astoria, USS Vincennes, out of the water, and well clobbered Chicago pretty badly. The sixth Heavy Cruiser HMAS Australia never even made contact with the enemy. The Japanese got off scot free, the only major loss happening well after the battle when S-44 (GO SUGAR BOATS!) bagged herself Heavy Cruiser Kako.

The Battle of Friday the 13th was a hellish point blank range brawl between a Imperial Japanese Force composed of the ships Hiei, Kirishima, Nagara, Samidare, Murasame, Asagumo, Teruzuki, Amatsukaze, Yukikaze, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Akatsuki, Harusame, and Yuudachi were in the main force with the ships Shigure, Shiratsuyu, and Yuugure being the rear guard. They clashed with a force composed of USS Atlanta, USS Juneau, USS Helena, USS San Francisco, USS Portland, USS Cushing, USS Laffey, USS Sterett, USS O'Bannon, USS Aaron Ward, USS Barton, USS Monssen, and USS Fletcher. In the end, Atlanta and Juneau were sunk as was the Laffey, Cushing, Monssen, and Barton. This incident is notable, because the Five Sullivan Brothers were killed in this action when the Juneau was sunk. If I had a chance to change history I would certainly make sure that at least one of the Sullivan Brothers survived. In exchange, we sank the Yuudachi, the Akatsuki, and pounded the crap out of the Hiei which was later hit by American Torpedo Bombers from Enterprise and was scuttled later. Later on during the course of the next day, seven Transports and the Heavy Cruiser Kingusa met their ends.

Battle of Lunga Point, well, looking at it. Nothing really went horribly wrong. What got us there was the fact that the Japanese Type 93 leaves no wake. So we had no clue that torpedoes were heading toward our Heavy Cruisers until they started hitting. Which ended with three Heavy Cruisers being heavily damaged and one the Northampton being sunk.
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Are you just quoting Wikipedia and not reading what we're writing at all?

All of this will change. The butterfly effect affects all.
Are you just quoting Wikipedia and not reading what we're writing at all?

All of this will change. The butterfly effect affects all.

I know, plus I am also quoting this from memory. Also I said.

"I wonder how this will effect the following disastrous battles" which meant, I understood, but I don't how it will be effected. Which means, I am curious.
I know, plus I am also quoting this from memory. Also I said.

"I wonder how this will effect the following disastrous battles" which meant, I understood, but I don't how it will be effected. Which means, I am curious.

No one knows other than Sky, and telling would be spoiling the story. The real question is: do you want to be spoiled?