Changes (Worm/Overlord)

Recent readers

Just an idea that came out of nowhere.
Chapter 1


I wandered, I watched, I judged
In the darkened city of Windhoek, a girl could be seen hiding from a group of people in black long coats. They were called Enforcers. The loyal lapdogs of the warlord Moord Nag. Her brother was a cape and he had risen against the vicious night, trying to bring the sun upon this land. He and the army of hundreds rebelled at the cruel warlord but they were cut down like some weeds, fed to Grootslang of her. She sniffled quietly. She was heard. She quickly ran away again only to be stopped by a fireball flung at her.

She stopped and stared at men who were closing in. Her petite body trembled as she looked at them stretching out their hands to catch her. "Please leave me alone!" she pleaded for her life. They paused for a moment.

"Sorry kid. She wanted to make an example out of this case and I couldn't defy her orders. You knew the fate of the last one who did that don't you," one of them said in a sympathetic voice before grabbing her neck. She was blacked out.

Two huge creatures of inconceivable nature filled her mind. The impossibility of their existence made her mind screamed at her. One of them fired something like a piece of their body at her. It was as big as the moon and yet it descended to her like a dead leaf falling from the branch of an ancient tree. As she stared at the shard that was coming at her, a golden glow that was brighter than the sun shone behind her.

The light swept through everything, the shard, the two impossible creatures, and herself. Amidst this white light, she vaguely saw a giant tree. Its barks were filled with all the materials in the world, its roots were made of pure light which was shining in myriads of impossible colors. Its uncountable leaves were filled with stars, each one forming its own world. An impossibly huge snake, each eye shining in such intensity that it dwarfed even the brightest stars with a black hole like mouth and colossus body coiling around the tree. She gasped in fear and it looked at her with an insatiable hunger. She gasped in fear. Suddenly, the tree shook and exploded, taking the snake with it. After that, something like a seed came flying at her.

She awoke and she screamed in pure pain as her brain couldn't handle the sheer knowledge and melting away. Her body began to glow and exploded. The explosion took the life of the enforcers who were fainting near her. When she woke up, she was different. She looked no different from before other than her eyes which were shining in bright golden color.

[Self Magic: Status]

A silent spell was cast and a virtual sheet unfolded in front of her.

[Race: The Seedling of World Tree
Name: Aura Bella Fiora
Job: The World Tree
Residence: None
Alignment: Neutral~Good, Sense of Justice: 200
Racial Level: World Tree (Lvl 0)
Job Level: The World Tree (Lvl 0)
Racial Level + Job Level = Lvl 0
HP: 323/323
MP: 143/Infinite
MAG.ATK: 253
MAG.DEF: 432

She looked at the status and nodded as she understood them. She delved into her mind, countless spells filled her memory. This was the main culprit of her previous body exploding. Her mortal body couldn't handle the loads and simply gave out under the pressure. She paused at that. This was unnatural, why was she dismissing her death like nothing. She got a better body and all but this casual dismissal is disturbing, to say the least. She wanted to think about it carefully but she didn't have time for that now. She had to run, for now, she could hear the soldiers of Night closing in. With her current mana, she cast two 3rd tier spells.

[Boost magic: Conceal]
[Extend magic: Fly]

She flew quietly in the night sky. She would wait and gather her force. She would bring the dawn to this night. Aura swore solemnly to herself as her body disappeared into the sands of Namib.

Unbeknownst to her, her rebirth didn't go unnoticed, when she became the seedling of the World Tree, a wave of mana coursed through this world. Seconds by seconds, the mana became more and more abundant as the timeless ones who were slumbering for eternity became to awaken.

The stars shone brightly in the sky as the serene night sky was covered in a veil. The earth shook as it awakened from the long slumber. The sky shifted as it observed the world from above. A sword appeared in a lake with the faint accompanying roar of a dragon, numerous nymphs and spirits danced around it. Numerous spheres glowing with divine lights began to appear in the numerous dimensions, countless beautiful buildings, mountains, rivers, wild deserts, and even oceans and suns could be seen inside the spheres as the numerous divine beings were going to and fro. At the deepest part of the world, a flame was rekindled as the screamings of the damned and laughter of demons could be heard once again. In the real world, mana touched the wild animals and mutated them, and evolving them. The patterns of the wind changed as the beings of myths and legends once again walked among humans.

At the highest peak in the world, a book was fluttering as the many spells began to appear there. In America, Chicago, Myrrdin, a renowned hero, snapped awake as he stretched his index finger.

[Triple magic: Lighting Dragon]

Three dragons made of lighting were shot out of his hand, shocking the poor villain fighting him. He stared wide-eyed as he took in a very familiar sensation. His eyes began to water as he said, "this is mana. Finally, I could pursue the abyss of magic again!" Before his eyes became solemn again, "this means a new World Tree has been born and the age of gods and demons is about to descend again," he continued.

Myrddin left immediately. He has old friends to reconnect with and favors to call. He would not repeat his past failures again. He will protect the Humanity for sure this time.
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As the new world tree, will she attempt to take control of Africa so that she can put a stop to all of the warring that is taking place?
Chapter 2
Aura was in the desert for days now. Everywhere was sand and what was worse was that there were strange creatures made of sand and monsters resembling wildlife were parading around here. They were scary and stupid. They attacked themselves and they attacked everything they saw. Meanwhile, the sand spirits are somewhat civilized and have some sort of communication? At least that is what she thought. There were freaking death worms everywhere too. Each one was as big as a tank and as large as a building. Their round mouths were filled with shark-like teeth. Out of all monsters out there, these guys were the ones that bothered Aura the most by sheer virtue of their appearance alone.

Now, she was facing one such creature. The worm lunged. Even as its titanic body moved, the nearby sands remained stilled.

[Greater Teleportation]

With a predatory grace, it landed where she was a few moments ago. Aura immediately used her spell while the beast was still confused.

[Summon Archangel Flame]

Three beings with shining wings appeared.

"Kill it!" she commanded and they followed the order. They rushed toward the worm. It slammed its head at one of them as the other two stabbed him. The worm left out a silent roar as it bit off the still disorienting angel. After that, it burrowed into the sand once again.

[Boost Magic: Fly]

Aura flew into the sky immediately. True to her cautions, the worm leaped out from the sand and bit off the unsuspecting angel. She used her spell again.

[Triplet Magic: Summon Archangel Flame]

This time nine angels appeared as they joined forces with the remaining one and slammed into the worm, throwing its large body away. The worm retaliated by biting an angel but he was besieged by the rest as all of his body was stabbed. After they were done, the worm just laid there with multiple stabbed wounds all over its body.

[World Magic: Siphon]
[World Magic: Inventory]

She purified the slain foe's spirit fragments and absorbed them. These fragments could be used to accelerate her growth. After that, she stored the body for later use along with several monsters' bodies. World Magics are types of magic that could be called chaos. The cost and effects vary depending on the spell. The one she used earlier, [Inventory] was a very convenient spell and it cost nothing for her to cast but it was just that, a very useful holding bag. On the other hand, there were World Magics like [Ouroboros] that would cost her a body part but very powerful to the point it could rewrite the laws of reality. But other than her, a World Tree, others would have to sacrifice a world to use this spell.

Aura thought back to her situation, if this was three weeks ago, she would be scared shitless in a situation like this, being alone in a desert filled with monsters. Now though, she was being very cool about this situation. In fact, the moment she became the World Tree, her mind was like a boulder in the middle of a roaring river, undisturbed and always remaining steadfast. She wasn't sure if it was because she was a tree but that would have to be researched intensively.

She traveled far into the desert while slaying foes and upgrading herself. Finally, after weeks of traveling, she had reached a network of underground cave systems. These caves were created by her brother, Mare, as a base of operation for the rebellion. Fortunately, the caves were never discovered by Moord Nag so it is now about to become her sanctuary. She looked at the caves. They were crude. To be fair, her brother's power gave him macro earth manipulation so the more delicate the task was, the less accurate his power was. She walked in. There were some signs that a group of people once made this place home. These signs were fading away now though. She expended the large amount of mana she had amassed to cast a spell to decorate this place. She knew this was somewhat pointless but her nature demanded it.

[Widen Magic: Creation]

With the 11th tier magic [Creation], she created an oasis above her current residence and turned the rocks and dirt forming cave systems into roots. She also dug deeper into the underground and created things such as lakes, naturally forming buildings and forests.

'Since it had come to this, let's just go all out,' she thought to herself as she sliced off one of her fingers and using it she cast a World level spell.

[Depiction of Nature and Society]

The cutoff finger transformed into a scroll as it sealed off the entire root system except for the oasis above it. In the white void of the painting, a large root system appeared. Then, she cast an 11th tier spell.

[Triple Magic: Pantheon]

18 Cherubs appeared. She ordered them to guard the base.

[Create Servants]

A group of elves appeared. They looked like generic elves with green hair, green eyes with beautiful and petite bodies.

"Clean this place. Decorate the walls and," she glanced at her stomach, "make something for me to eat from these," she said as she took out several monster corpses from inventory.

"So, what you are trying to say is magic is real and due to the destruction of the World Tree, it was slowly fading away from the world and now that the new World Tree appeared, it was coming back now?" Chief Director Costa-Brown said with a straight face as she stared impassively at Myrddin.

"Yes, Chief Director," Myrddin replied.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't throw you into an M/S cell now. Did you call all the PRT regional directors and Protectorate leaders with a Class-Disaster alert for this nonsense?" Emily Piggot, the director of PRT Brockton Bay asked. The others also murmured in agreement.

"The changes are coming. Some of you must have noticed it already but this is just the sample, the sighting of monsters and creatures that would otherwise only exist in myths, non-parahuman displaying unusual abilities. Gods responding to prayers and the emergence of cults. Look closely, is the world still the same?" Myrddin said with a solemn expression. Several people within the conference twisted their faces at his words.

"Since the changes came from the so-called World Tree, wouldn't we be fine if we just cut it down?" Director Tagg asked the question that had been in several people's heads.

Myrddin laughed as if he heard a great joke. He glared at Tagg and said, "Try and you will know the Hell," he said, spooking everyone.

He took out several books. "These books contain information that would prove vital for the age to come," he handed to pandora wearing secretary, "now, excuse me, I have a goddess to catch up with," he said as he used [Gate] to leave the room. Leaving directors and leaders to argue.
What are the stat of the summoned pantheon and servant? How strong are they compare to parahuman? And how strong is myrddin now with magic?
I'm very interested watched! Though personally I dislike that you made myrddin an actual magic practitioner. Though that's cause I like it when groups like the prt a truly blindsided by truly out of context issues instead of having one of their members secretly be in the know.
What are the stat of the summoned pantheon and servant? How strong are they compare to parahuman? And how strong is myrddin now with magic?
Myrddin could make Eidolon looked like Eidolon Lite, he was one of the high humans, immortals beings with thousands of years of experiences under their belts. He was someone that could speak on even ground with a god. There were others like him but they are currently hiding away in some blessed lands. Myrddin is only out there because he knew how to convert faiths into mana. No, he won't be sticking with PRT, he was only with them because he needed to be in the spotlight to gain faith. Now, with mana returning, he won't be needing them.

Servants are about level 60 if we measure in brute strength, they are as strong as Glory Girl but more versatile since they have magic. Pantheon could give Triumvirate a run for their money. Their main disadvantage was that they have a limited mana pool so they could only fire truly damaging spells one or two times per battle. Thankfully, they are quite strong physically too.
When you say Gods, are you talking about gods from mythology or is it gonna be OC?
And since mc is world tree and the reason for mana return, will the other gods protect him? Since if something happen to mc the mana might be gone again.
When you say Gods, are you talking about gods from mythology or is it gonna be OC?
And since mc is world tree and the reason for mana return, will the other gods protect him? Since if something happen to mc the mana might be gone again.

They will be from various myths. And protecting her or not will be depended. Most of the gods except some didn't even know she exists. They just thought mana just depleted just like that. The battle between the previous WT and the Snake was held in the void so most other than those with special divinity and really strong ones won't notice it. The ones that knew about her also won't say anything to her and won't interfere in her matters. Since WT was indestructible and others knowing her would just endanger her more. Her body was literally the most powerful item in the world so you can imagine what would happen. Myrddin only said this to the directors and leaders to prevent them from provoking something they shouldn't and before he said that, he warded the entire room and made sure no one could leak the information outside of the room.
Chapter 3
Aura looked at the small army in front of her. At first, she wanted to just wait for her mana to amass and spam 11th tier spells at Moord Nag at her but as time passed, more and more monsters popped up and she had no choice but to summon without no reserve as the cherubs while having great power, could still be overwhelmed and these damn monsters just kept gathering at the oasis where she kept the entrance to the sanctuary. Okay, that was an oversight from her side, she admitted. She created these with pure mana and monsters tend to be more attracted to a place with more mana.

Anyway, with the corpses that kept piling up on her inventory, she probably won't have to worry about her food anytime soon.

'So, that was good?' she guessed.

Anyway, the rush hadn't died down yet and many monsters kept popping up. She suspected that the only reason the desert still hadn't become a sea of monsters was that they kept flooding here and she kept killing them. With this mess, her forces had expanded exponentially. 120 Archangel Flame, 50 Cherubs, and 89 Virtuous Justice, and 34 Virtuous Kindness. Today, she was outside of her base. The base was in her scroll, sealed away securely and safely. Today would be the day she defeats the Moord Nag. Aura smiled in anticipation.

Aura slowly walked toward the city with an army angel behind her. Then, she stopped.

'Why would I walk while I have a perfectly better alternative?' Aura thought to herself as she felt stupid.

[Create Greater Items]

A luxurious carriage appeared. She hopped on it and commanded 10 Archangel Flames to pull it. With a mighty swing, the majestic carriage began to move to the above.

As she was closing onto the city where Moord Nag's base was, she got some unsettling feeling. Her feelings were confirmed as the city was covered by a shadow. It was like an ink drop in white canvas. An abyss upon this world. She frowned.

'What happened?' she thought.

As she looked at the coiling darkness, two pale flames appeared and stared at her.


She got out of the carriage and examined it.

"Aura Bella Fiora" the darkness spoke in a heavy and raspy voice.

"You know of me?" she asked in surprise.

"Before she was eaten by me, Host was looking for you,"

"Who is this host you speak of?" Aura asked.

"I believe your species called her Moord Nag," the darkness answered.

Aura's eyes widened in recognization.

"You are her pet monster," she said in confirmation.

"Rather than a master-pet relationship, we could be called a symbiotic relationship. She gave me data and I gave her power, much like others of my kind," the darkness replied once again.

"There are more of you?" Aura frowned at the unexpected information.

"This was a test. Before, this information would be classified and locked in the highest security encryptions. It seemed that this unexpected mutation gave me somewhat is it called again ah, pleasant surprises," the monster said.

Aura's face hardened at the news. In her mind, she was asking questions regarding the origin of this beast. Suddenly, a troop of Archangel Flame converged in front of her as they shielded her from a purple laser beam shot out from the creature's mouth.

She glared at the monster as she ordered all her troops to attack. Immediately, the battlefield was filled with roaring and multiple light beams from the sky and holy flames.

"There was a report from Site-D," an officer rushed into the conference room where the president, Triumvirate, international leaders, and heroes were engaging in a virtual meeting regarding the situation in Windhoek. When they discovered the situation of the city, they immediately took action by notifying the nearby warlords and sending reconnaissance teams. All they got was a flash of purple and then nothing, just barren land. As of now, all of their attempts including tactical nuclear missiles resulted in nothing.

"What is the situation?" Alexandria asked.

The officer immediately sent a video feed. The video showed something akin to the primordial battlefield. Several winged beings fighting against a creature of pure darkness. Five elements torn asunder the land. The winged beings identified as the Cherubs struck against the monster, each strike causing the creature to shriek and sending vibrations across the land. Alexandria and Legend stiffened their bodies at the sight.

The creature's strikes and beams decimating the ranks of angels. They watched as the angels took on a defensive formation and a majestic carriage appeared. A beautiful girl wearing a white shard with a golden dragon sigil covering it and a white trouser golden lining coursing through it.

The girl pointed an index finger at the creature. They idly noted that a finger on her hand was missing.

[Over Magic: Supernova]

The girl said that and the world resonated with her voice. A tiny dot of light appeared at the top of her index. That dot shot out making a straight line appeared in their vision. As they stared, the world exploded in white light. As soon as the explosion started, the world trembled under its might. After the attack, there was no sign of the girl or angels, only lava and a hole of seemingly endless depth.

"What the fuck we just watched?" one of them asked the question in everyone's mind.

At the Brockton Bay, a girl with long flowing curly hair stopped in her tracks and looked toward a direction, her eyes flashing a purple glow for a moment.

"What is wrong Little Owl?" a woman who resembled the girl asked.

"Nothing mother," she replied before going on her merry way.

At Shangri-La,

Myrddin was meeting with a seemingly young hermit.

"It's been a long time since we last met Merlin," the hermit said.

"I know you sensed that even from here. The mana is returning," Merlin said.

"I am well aware but I don't see your point other than that it would make going around easier for us," the hermit smiled and said.

"Then, you should know that soon, mana would reach a level where gods and demons would be able to sustain themselves in the physical realm. You should know the result of the last time that happened. The entire history of Humanity was destroyed in their petty wars. If not for Nobody helping us and giving Humanity five paragons, Humanity would have been wiped out. Now, they are about to return and Nobody has disappeared for a long time. What do you think they would do?" Merlin said with a solemn voice.

"Another meaningless war with us Humans suffering in the middle," the hermit sighed and replied. "Tell me, my friend, what do you want to do?" He continued.

"I am planning on forming an organization to protect Humanity. With us and the rest of the five paragons as the leader, this organization's goal is to nurture young talented humans and advance Humanity as a whole. So, do you want to join The Guarders?" he said with a small smile.

Aura Bella Fiora walked aimlessly. Both her army and the monster had been destroyed under her spell. Now that her revenge was over, she didn't know what to do anymore. Suddenly, a gasp of hot wind flew past her. She noticed a piece of paper in the corner of her vision. She instinctively grabbed it. It was a poster of a city with large docks and Brocton Bay written in huge bold black font.
So you are going to brocton bay now. I hope you are not going to do the same thing every fanfic does, "befriend taylor and face the world together". For once, i just want to see taylor become side character instead of being the most important person in the world.
So you are going to brocton bay now. I hope you are not going to do the same thing every fanfic does, "befriend taylor and face the world together". For once, i just want to see taylor become side character instead of being the most important person in the world.
Nah far from befriending Taylor. She would be sort of a background character
That was literally deus ex machina right there. Why would there be a poster of a city that is not infamous outside of America, and why would Aura decide to go there instead of staying in Africa and creating and upgrading her Oasis?
because there is someone meddling there. That poster isn't a coincidence
Conceptually this is an interesting idea, though events do seem to be moving very very fast. It's a bit early to give proper judgment, but I'll give it a follow and see where we go from here.
Chapter 4
[Widen Magic: Map]
[Extend Magic: Fly]
[Over Magic: Perfect Invisibility]

After flying for three days and nights, she had reached Eastern SeaBoard. It was a relaxing trip. Well, as relaxing as one could get when dodging outta the way of Wind Spirits, Mana Beasts and Storm Spirits. Still, when she was in the desert, she just killed off whatever she could see. Now, traveling without provoking them and watching them closely made her realize some sort of system within this chaos and it sort of makes her glad.

Soon, she found her destination as she stopped and landed at the front of the old signboard that said: "WELCOME TO BROCKTON BAY". Before she stepped in, a little girl in a white dress with a beautiful green sunhat stopped her.

"Welcome, The Source of Life," she said while smiling at Aura.

"Greeti-" before Aura could make a full sentence, the girl immediately slapped a pamphlet into her hand and disappeared. She looked around and saw no sign of the girl. Aura sighed as Brockton Bay was proving to be quite a handful right off the bat. She read the pamphlet and it contained information about Brockton Bay's gangs, the territories they held, lists of independent heroes and vigilantes, Brockton Bay's PRT, Protectorate policies regarding parahumans and gangs, history of the city, and reports about present situations. Anything one needed to know if one wanted to live in Brockton Bay. She frowned as she read the booklet. Who is that little girl? Why did she give it to her? What were her goals? Aura entered the city with full of questions and uncertainties.

Brockton Bay was a recently new city but the buildings were already old with wear and tear through gangs and cape fights not to mention recent new additions to the chaos that was Earth Bet, Mana Beasts, and other new natural beings. From what she had managed to gather from the booklet, Brockton Bay was one of the cities that took the most hit from the return of mana. It was invaded again and again by a nation of Merpeople near the city. The city had to not only fend off the attacks of mana beasts, but it also had to protect itself from the invasion of merpeople. It was to the point where Brockton Bay's five biggest gangs, Empire, The Teeth, Marche, Crusaders, and Neighbours had to form an alliance with heroes to repel them. Even then, they were pushed back. It was only after Sol, a mysterious entity, took action and decimated the entire Merpeople's army with an attack, they agreed to negotiate.

The problem was the area known as the Boat Graveyard, true to its name, it was filled with so many negative energies that it became a natural spawn point for the undead. When Merpeople saw that, they were filled with so much righteous fury that they launched their own crusade. After a round of negotiation, Merpeople and the city had some sort of agreement and the city promised to remove the Boat Graveyard and Merpeople agreed to trade their exotics goods with the city. For the mysterious Entity, it vanished as soon as it revived the entire army of Merpeople. Even with everyone searching for it, it wasn't discovered like it had vanished into thin air.

She looked forward as she heard an explosion. She saw people running away from whatever caused it. She wanted to know what was going on so she headed toward an alleyway, entered her base via the scroll, where she cast a bunch of spells in succession.

[Conceal Presence]
[Conceal Location]
[False Location]
[False Data: Life]
[False Data: Mana]
[Mirror of Remote Viewing]

She was being cautious. She didn't need it much since she couldn't be harmed but she didn't want to alarm her presence in this city. Better safe than sorry since this was new territory for her. She looked as the reality was distorted and a mirror had come into existence. She tested the mirror for a while before discovering how to use it. She used it to observe the source of the explosion and she saw a group wearing white and bright colors flying and shooting at a man who was throwing them bone spikes. She even saw a group of civilians watching the fight nearby.

'WTF is wrong with these people?! They could die if any of these attacks hit them!' She thought in disbelief as Brocktonites ignoring their safety watching and cheering. One of the bone spikes hit and knocked off the man wearing a gold and white costume. When the civilians saw that, they began to laugh as one of them grumbled and passed a bill. Her eyes widened further as she saw the scene. Now, she was questioning her choice to come to Brockton Bay. She couldn't bear to watch the scene anymore as this began to question her understanding of the survival instincts of humans. She ended her spells as Mirror vanished into void.

She decided to rest for today as she went toward her bedroom. She lied onto her bed as the fragrant smell of clovers filled her nostril.

At Las Vegas,

There were gun fires everywhere as capes attacked everything on sight. This situation was caused two weeks ago. Las Vegas was also aware of the strange things happening and prepared accordingly but they didn't account for something as advanced as a kingdom to appear.

"Omar Arsh" The Kingdom of Monsters appeared near Las Vegas. The first thing they did after they appeared was declaring Las Vegas as their base in the new world and invading it. Now, they were fighting constantly for two weeks straight and natives are losing. Monsters with their superior physique and abilities managed to gain at the city's border and are now steadily advancing.

At the local Protectorate building, all of the authority figures of Las Vegas were gathering.

"Damn it!" Mayor of Las Vegas, Samuel Moon cursed. Though, rather crude, everyone shared the same sentiment.

"Did you already contact the Chief Director and Legend? When would the help come?" Tribunal the independent hero and pseudo leader of all independent heroes in Las Vegas asked.

"I did, they couldn't send any reinforcements currently. They were using all the forces they could get to defend Washington DC, so do not expect any reinforcement soon," Mayor Moon sighed in resignation.

"What?! Shouldn't they send someone after all we were in this much disadvantage because their own Protectorate team ran away leaving only children to fight with us! Hell! Even us villains are helping defend this city," Lady Luck slammed the table. What stung the mayor and Tribunal most was that she was right, aside from some that ran away, all of the villains united to fight for this city.

"What are they defending against?" Tribunal asked.

"Pamola, a deity,"

That settled the atmosphere of the meeting room to the new low as all those present took in this fact.

"Hahahahahaha. Fuck this shit!" Tribunal said as he removed his helmet and threw it to the far wall before leaving. Lady Luck also sighed and slowly got up and left. Mayor Moon sat alone wondering since when things had gone wrong.
Brockton Bay was a recently new city but the buildings were already old with wear and tear through gangs and cape fights not to mention recent new additions to the chaos that was Earth Bet, Mana Beasts, and other new natural beings. From what she had managed to gather from the booklet, Brockton Bay was one of the cities that took the most hit from the return of mana. It was invaded again and again by a nation of Merpeople near the city. The city had to not only fend off the attacks of mana beasts, but it also had to protect itself from the invasion of merpeople. It was to the point where Brockton Bay's five biggest gangs, Empire, The Teeth, Marche, Crusaders, and Neighbours had to form an alliance with heroes to repel them. Even then, they were pushed back. It was only after Sol, a mysterious entity, took action and decimated the entire Merpeople's army with an attack, they agreed to negotiate.

The problem was the area known as the Boat Graveyard, true to its name, it was filled with so many negative energies that it became a natural spawn point for the undead. When Merpeople saw that, they were filled with so much righteous fury that they launched their own crusade. After a round of negotiation, Merpeople and the city had some sort of agreement and the city promised to remove the Boat Graveyard and Merpeople agreed to trade their exotics goods with the city. For the mysterious Entity, it vanished as soon as it revived the entire army of Merpeople. Even with everyone searching for it, it wasn't discovered like it had vanished into thin air.

I... what?
When did all of this happen? It's been like, a week since Mana showed up.
And why couldn't we have read about it rather than just be told about it?
I... what?
When did all of this happen? It's been like, a week since Mana showed up.
And why couldn't we have read about it rather than just be told about it?
Yes, things were rushed but the Earth mana was just returned so natives were still adapting. Only some gods could act but these thongs happened due to other worlds. Things like nations, kingdoms and orrganizations were pulled from there when the wave happened. This would just be a beginning. There would be many crossover elements in the future.