Challenge Accepted (Salt Quest/SI)

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<----- Thinking of starting a Salt Quest and seeing how insane it can get...


(Verified GM)
<----- Thinking of starting a Salt Quest and seeing how insane it can get.

Do it.


CW, but how could you ever manage to top the insanity of Fuckin Damnit?


he couldn't
he honestly really couldn't

inb4 "challenge accepted"

Challenge Accepted.







"Bring it!"




Okay, so maybe not my brightest maneuver ever. But still! I can do this!

I stand from the rather small crater left behind from my lading (at least I don't have to worry too much about realistic damage) I take a quick gaze around my landing zone. And I...

[] ...see an open plain. Why does that tree look like it's made of blocks?

[] ...take a fist to the face. Apparently landing in front of Goku out of the sky is a bad idea.

[] ...get hit by a car. Hi Squealer!

[] ...get mugged by a dragon. Red Dragon just stole my what?!

[] ...get run over by a bike. The cutest vampire.

[] Write in. Be creative.

Hello everyone and welcome to Challenge Accepted! Now let me be quick and explain the rules.

This is an SI quest where you don't control me, you control the other characters around me using dice. One d20 or whatever the setting equivalent is for the character and one d100 for the success rate of the action. Oh right, you vote on the action so it'd look something like....

[X] Wreck this fuckers shit up.
Dice roll
Dice roll


Remember, only those with the higher success rate happen and you can only do it once.

Now, it's pretty obvious not all settings have 20 characters. That's okay, it just means that even though less people are being batshit insane, even greater insanity is happening.
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You Absolute Madman.

[x] ...get run over by a bike.
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[X] Write in: ...get hugged by a baby dragon.

(EDIT: In reference to what happens to crystalwatcher.)
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[X] ...take a fist to the face. Apparently landing in front o

How could I not vote that when I recently joined a Dragonball RP?f Goku out of the sky is a bad idea.
[X] Become the leader of an morally ambiguous organization.

[X] ...get run over by a bike.
Look to the Left threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who? Total: 14
14 14
Look to the Left threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success? Total: 30
30 30
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Hello everyone and welcome to Challenge Accepted! Now let me be quick and explain the rules.

This is an SI quest where you don't control me, you control the other characters around me using dice. One d20 or whatever the setting equivalent is for the character and one d100 for the success rate of the action. Oh right, you vote on the action so it'd look something like....

[X] Wreck this fuckers shit up.
Dice roll
Dice roll


Remember, only those with the higher success rate happen and you can only do it once.

Now, it's pretty obvious not all settings have 20 characters. That's okay, it just means that even though less people are being batshit insane, even greater insanity is happening.

Uh huh.

Hello everyone and welcome to Fucking Dammit! Now let me be quick and explain the rules.

This is an SI quest where you don't control me, you control the other characters around me using dice. One d20 or whatever the setting equivalent is for the character and one d100 for the success rate of the action. Oh right, you vote on the action so it'd look something like....

[X] Wreck this fuckers shit up.
Dice roll
Dice roll


Remember, only those with the higher success rate happen and you can only do it once.

Now, it's pretty obvious not all settings have 20 characters. That's okay, it just means that even though less people are being batshit insane, even grater insanity is happening.

Took the words right out of my mouth.
[X] Pull off a coup against your nations government.
NeverDies threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Character Total: 2
2 2
NeverDies threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success? Total: 52
52 52
[X] Write in: Almost drown before getting fished out of the water.

Arpeggio of Blue Steel.

Can't start a Salt Quest properly if you don't begin in the saltiest body of water there is!
[X] Write in: ...get hugged by a baby dragon.
UbeOne threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Character Total: 18
18 18
UbeOne threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success Total: 1
1 1
would someone explain what setting "get hugged by a baby dragon" is even supposed to be?
This first voting period is supposed to determine the setting.

If you guys don't state what setting you're going for with the write in, I'm going to wing it out of which settings I know that fit the vote.
It's what happens to crystalwatcher's character. He gets in, and suddenly! A baby dragon hugs him..:p

I'm not sure what we roll for tho.
Usually the setting vote is the only vote that works like a normal quest.

On regular turns, you vote for a write in action of your own creation, roll a 20 sided die to determine which non-QM character performs that action, and then roll a 100 sided die to determine how successful you were at making that character perform that action.