Chakra Telepathy. A SV in sasuke head quest....

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Alright guys... I will try this again.... Rules are. Simple... Write in colour if you want...
Bridge builder arc 1 1

Jaune Pendragon

King Of Servants
Alright guys... I will try this again.... Rules are. Simple... Write in colour if you want Sasuke to hear you. The post must have atleast three likes or positive rating for him to hear you....

If sasuke Dies....... Well we'll cross the bridge when the time comes...

Now on with the Quest...


If there was one word to describe Sasuke Uchiha it was antisocial.

He breathed harshly as he marked and fell down and landed from the tree for the nth time....

'Damn it.' He looked at Sakura who was sitting at the top of the tree already completed her excersise.


In his anger his Chakra went out of control and the tree bark exploded under him throwing him of as he flipped and landed on the ground gracefully...

I'm his mind however he was currently screaming Profanities....
[X] Hey, I'm sorry to intrude but please calm down... Keep trying, I'm sure you'll get it faster than your other teammate, she got it better than you because she has less chakra, that's all
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Uh, less chakra capacity =/= greater chakra control. She just has a natural talent for it.

[x] Don't give up, Sasuke, but don't get frustrated. The more you get angry, the harder it'd be to control your chakra. Take deep breaths, then climb the tree again, using a little less chakra this time. With every mark, use a bit less. With every slip, use a bit more. Like any skill, such as handling shuriken, it takes practice to get it right, to use the right amount each and every time. I'm sure you can do it.
[X] Oh here we go again. So... Sasuke, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have 'SV' this means you will have a chorus of voices in your head, we sometimes do good, often times not as much good. But we have your best intentions at heart. Most of the time. Here is the first piece of advice, practice and you will achieve your goal, life is a marathon, not a sprint.
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[X]Oh, a voice? A mind, to converse and speak with, to advise? How... delightful. Hello there, Sasuke Uchiha. It is good to converse with you. Now, cool your head, and focus on yourself. Feel for the state of your Chakra. Have your emotions run rampant, and disrupted your control over your chakra? If so, calm yourself. That is all I ask of you, for now. To simply calm down, take stock of the why you aren't succeeding, and not keep throwing yourself forwards without care. If you understand why you fail, you will know how to stop failing. This is a crucial skill for any ninja.
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Bridge Builder 1.2
[X] Hey, I'm sorry to intrude but please calm down... Keep trying, I'm sure you'll get it faster than your other teammate, she got it better than you because she has less chakra, that's all

[x] Don't give up, Sasuke, but don't get frustrated. The more you get angry, the harder it'd be to control your chakra. Take deep breaths, then climb the tree again, using a little less chakra this time. With every mark, use a bit less. With every slip, use a bit more. Like any skill, such as handling shuriken, it takes practice to get it right, to use the right amount each and every time. I'm sure you can do it.

Sasuke looked around for the source of the sound his guard up and his eyes darting side to side trying to locate the source of the voice.

The dobe was still falling flat on his ass. Sakura was still on the tree. He couldn't sense anyone else around. Just to be sure he took another look around hoping to see where the voice was coming from.

Sensei went back a while ago so it couldn't be him...


"Kai"....Nothing changed... At least Visually. An auditory Genjutsu? If so who was responsible? He tensed prepared for anything, yet nothing happened it only made him look like a fool. Good thing Naruto was too focused on climbing the tree or he would never ever live it down.... But one question remained on his mind... Who was responsible for that genjutsu?

He continued his training but kept his guard up just in case...
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[x] I understand your caution. Vigilance is important for any ninja. However, focus on climbing the tree first. Get a feel for how much chakra you're using, so as to adjust the amount as you go. We'll explain ourselves later.
[X] I know this sounds like a piece of terrible advice, but don't worry. We're here to help, well in the best way that disembodied voices can help, which is to say by offering advice and telling you to calm down. So anyway, just know that you shouldn't give up just yet. You'll have plenty of time to kill him later, but remember, you're not supposed to excel at every part of training. If you did, that would be odd. Sakura was doing well because she has less chakra. I'm sure you will be a skilled ninja one day.
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@Jaune Pendragon

In this quest, does having less chakra mean having greater control? I think it's fanon.
Hmmm. Not exactly.. Just because some one has better chakra control doesn't necessarily mean less chakra...

Come think of it.. Near the end Naruto had so much control that he could form a rasenshuriken in one hand under a second and send it flying....and he had a fuckton of chakra...
Hmmm. Not exactly.. Just because some one has better chakra control doesn't necessarily mean less chakra...

Come think of it.. Near the end Naruto had so much control that he could form a rasenshuriken in one hand under a second and send it flying....and he had a fuckton of chakra...
It might just be easier to control a smaller mass of chakra.

[X]Heh, how... delightful, he won't even listen to us, for suspecting a trick. Mmmmm, well... hello there, Sasuke Uchiha. It is good to converse with you. We are here to help you, guide you, and advise you, so I'd ask you to trust us, but that would be foolish to ask of you as of now. All I ask is you consider our advice, and the contents of our messages, not just the fact they come to you at all.
Now please, cool your head, and focus on yourself. Feel for the state of your Chakra. Have your emotions run rampant, and disrupted your control over your chakra? If so, calm yourself. That is all I ask of you, for now. To simply calm down, take stock of the
why you aren't succeeding, and not keep throwing yourself forwards without care. If you understand why you fail, you will know how to stop failing. This is a crucial skill for any ninja.

By saying this is a crucial skill for a ninja, I hope to tempt Sasuke into, if not trusting us, at least listening to us.
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Well, Sakura was a genuis at Chakra control on Tsunade's level.

Had nothing to do with her amount of chakra.
Just to let you guys know you can also send pictures and Video even music.

Playing battle music will increase Sasuke fighting prowess during a battle. Depending on the song or ost. Songs outside Naruto May grant him a special skill ... A Big MAY.....

Songs within naruto..... Hehe....
I'm hearing Benny Hill theme during every piece of combat, who else is hearing that?
I attribute Sakura's chakra control to having an affinity/talent for it, not because of how much chakra she has.
Bridge Builder 1.3
[x] I understand your caution. Vigilance is important for any ninja. However, focus on climbing the tree first. Get a feel for how much chakra you're using, so as to adjust the amount as you go. We'll explain ourselves later.

There it was again.

This time his guard was up and he could tell that the voice was coming from....him?


What did that mean? Was he going crazy?

It might just be easier to control a smaller mass of chakra.

[X]Heh, how... delightful, he won't even listen to us, for suspecting a trick. Mmmmm, well... hello there, Sasuke Uchiha. It is good to converse with you. We are here to help you, guide you, and advise you, so I'd ask you to trust us, but that would be foolish to ask of you as of now. All I ask is you consider our advice, and the contents of our messages, not just the fact they come to you at all.
Now please, cool your head, and focus on yourself. Feel for the state of your Chakra. Have your emotions run rampant, and disrupted your control over your chakra? If so, calm yourself. That is all I ask of you, for now. To simply calm down, take stock of the
why you aren't succeeding, and not keep throwing yourself forwards without care. If you understand why you fail, you will know how to stop failing. This is a crucial skill for any ninja.

By saying this is a crucial skill for a ninja, I hope to tempt Sasuke into, if not trusting us, at least listening to us.

That...wait my emotions?

These voices if they were not genjutsu what were they?

Extending my senses to my maximum. I still couldn't sense anyone.

I looked back up the tree. I had no time to be thinking about voices and whatever they were saying.

Damn it I was still so far. I haven't even completed a quarter of it!

I sent my chakra to my feet slightly less than the amount that I sent last time and began running up the tree again.







Almost there. I neared my previous mark.

Fuck you ITACHI I'm coming for you!


Damn it!

Wait, Anger!

Was that what those voices were talking about?

[X] In times like these, I think the best thing to have is a ... swelling motivational background track. You know, something to really get that blood pumping? Here, I've got just your song.

{Please use a soundcloud link for music. and do make sure that the Youtube link is working. I pasted the closest one I could find because the Youtube video wasn't available.

Music? the voices were playing music.

It wasn't too bad he supposed.

Far better than listening to Sakura's rant.

Unknown to him his head bobbed a bit to the music.

Anger huh.

I won't let Itachi win...

*Breath in* *Breath out*

*Breath in* *Breath out*

Let's do this. He looked at the tree.

Keep calm. If the voices that weren't genjutsu were right then his anger was causing him to lose his control over his chakra.

*Breath in* *Breath out*

He closed his eyes.

He spun his kunai around and held it in a reverse grip.


He sent Chakra to his feet and carefully adjusted it.

Then his eyes snapped open as he ran towards the tree.

One step on it and his chakra adhered to the bark of the tree, once that was done he dashed upwards defying gravity.







He was nearly there. His head kept slightly bobbing to the music as it kept away any thoughts of Itachi.



Yes! He passed it!





The voices were right after all.







He passed half of the tree and neared its top.





and Finally.

He bent a bit as he used his hand to hold the top the tree as the looked around the canopy of trees. He marveled at the scene.

It may have been a genjutsu or he might have been going insane whatever it was he didn't care. It helped him get stronger. So they were alright in his book.

'Thanks, I suppose.'

He waited for a reply.

'Hey, you there?'


BTW I will try writing in the first person from the next chapter....also...
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Yes, I'm here. Good job, now. We promised to explain ourselves, yes? Well. We are Sufficient Velocity and we're here to help you. We don't know how we're reaching you but we're just going to help from now on. Hajime Mashite, Watashi no Namae wa Astra, Donzou Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu
[X] Don't worry we're still here. Though there sometimes might be some delay between you asking a question and us answering. Remember this when you are getting angry. Anger leads to Distraction, Distraction leads to Death.
and they ain't kiddin, neither! Gee, that's a pretty bird! Dead. I wonder what i'm going to have for lunch? Dead. Huh, those kids by the lake shore are so screwed when I finish with this cyclops freak! Dead. Where did my teammates go after that attack? Guess what buddy? Yer dead. Mind on one thing at a time, Sasuke, ol' buddy ol' pal. Or the kami play you for a fool. Also, Feelings are major power there bud. fucks with your chakra, not quite sure how. more power for less control I think? Which, great, but you ain't ever gonna corner the market on power. You're gonna have to be smarter, sneakier, cheatier, and dare I say, killier. Step one, Assume everyone can kill you in one hit. Step two. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODGE! Step 3, piss off the scarecrow (maybe burn his book in front of him? ) you need to build up a fear tolerance bucko. You seem to be the fine right up till you ain't type, so we need that ain't part pushed waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. also, chakra strings could be you friend. also, also, get a haircut. you look like you've got a black duck sticking outta yer head.
[x] Yes, we're still here. Congrats on making it to the top of the tree! As for what we are, call us "Sufficient Velocity" or SV for short. All we know is that we can talk directly to you, and offer advice. We don't know how it's possible, but for us, what matters is that we can help you. Help you succeed as a person and as a ninja.