Celestial: the Destined (PJO x WoD) [Celestial Forge]

Huh, guess the Demigods are able to use tech more here, which means that they were able to circumvent the tracking spell placed on them by Hecate's Monster daughter.
I didn't think his flirting was that bad. I can't wait for him to overdo it on his apology gift. I can even see him making a dozen gifts for her, but deciding that not that they aren't right and a bit too much and creepy for whatever reason.

I can just see his cabin mates snickering as each of his attempts to make something lesser or not so grand just keep coming out better and better.
To me it seems logical that most Demigods are usually at least super models, they are a step above silly mortals after all. The healing girl is described as beatifull which would point at Aphrodite, but her healing powers suggest Apolo, his flirting wasn't that bad, so I can only guess she reacted to some strange Future Vision about his Nature?
Flirting? I thought that was peak Demigod blood in action. The way she was described sounds like she has Aphrodite heritage, and that's obviously catnip for one of the God of the Forge.
She's an Apollo demigod, he was definitely flirting with her. Ultimately the reason I had her shut him down pretty harshly is that I feel like him being successful right off the bat would have been a bit too early. I want him to realize that he should build a friendship and let a relationship naturally develop and see where it goes. That being said we'll be seeing a lot more of her as the story goes along as he needs to teach the Apollo cabin the alchemy that he knows.
She's an Apollo demigod, he was definitely flirting with her. Ultimately the reason I had her shut him down pretty harshly is that I feel like him being successful right off the bat would have been a bit too early. I want him to realize that he should build a friendship and let a relationship naturally develop and see where it goes. That being said we'll be seeing a lot more of her as the story goes along as he needs to teach the Apollo cabin the alchemy that he knows.

I'm sort of mixed on the flirting utterly failing that badly. Sure, he didn't need a critical success and get a girlfriend out of it. I take more that he will take it as a hard no. He will give her whatever apology gift he comes up with. Other than that? Well, he will quietly try to avoid her.

He will have his reasons for that. I can actually see him taking no means no. She made it clear that she didn't like his brand of flirting so he won't ever try again with her. The avoiding her is just trying to not be a creepy stalker guy.

If asked, that'd likely be his stock answer to the other kids his age.

He likely will still keep a crush on the girl even after finding out she's about average among demigods. They are all super model good-looking.

I'm curious about him making friends with Clarisse due to him liking spears over swords. That could be a fun friendship for both.

Can he even teach his magic potions? He assumes so. He hasn't tried yet.
So two things.

One I don't like that the SI is stealing Percy's thunder, completing his deeds instead.

Secondly, pretty sure the Hemritics should worship or at least acknowledge hephestus since they are really into Greek stuff. So I don't know why hephestus doesn't like them.

Also what are people talking about a curse for the tech thing. Did they reveal its origin in Apollo series.
So two things.

One I don't like that the SI is stealing Percy's thunder, completing his deeds instead.

Secondly, pretty sure the Hemritics should worship or at least acknowledge hephestus since they are really into Greek stuff. So I don't know why hephestus doesn't like them.

Also what are people talking about a curse for the tech thing. Did they reveal its origin in Apollo series.
So to address your concerns he's only done the two things but in the future he's gonna split off and do stuff of his own. Also he's not an SI just an OC so most of the stuff he gets wrapped up in will be circumstantial rather than proactive like an SI would be.

The Hermetics do acknowledge the Greek and Egyptian gods, however they are power hungry assholes. Very much not trustworthy, and this is coming from me whose favorite tradition is The Order of Hermes. Given the opportunity they would steal the power of divinity for themselves in a heartbeat.
How does Hermes feel about his name being used in this way?
The answer is how does Hermes feel about being Mercury. Hermes Trismegistus had enough belief and continues to hold so much power due to mage beliefs he formed a separate form that combines with Thoth.

I absolutely love Hermeticism because it's the equivalent of Deep lore IRL I could go on for hours about some of the deeper parts of the philosophy and what not, it's great inspiration just reading some of the stuff.
Mummy and Daddy
I must reiterate that I am in fact not a mad scientist. However, I have always wanted an army of robots to do my bidding, usually that's laundry or fetching my pizza from O'tolley's, and most certainly not to fight mythical monsters for me. I suppose this is just how my life is gonna be now considering the fact I am part of mythology now.

My schedule was luckily very flexible given that I'm still settling into the camp. I'm not even scheduled to begin my sessions until Monday which is about 3 days from now.

Either way I begin making my way to the central pavilion intent on starting the day right with fried dough drowned in a sickeningly sweet sauce, otherwise known to mortals as pancakes.

When I finally arrived I was greeted by a lovely sight, in the central hearth a fire crackled merrily with a restraint and calm that I could feel even with my powers. Despite living in the city in apartments with semi-functional central heating it still felt like home and my mother's smile before life went to shit. Tending to the fire was one of the younger campers, probably the child of one of the minor gods I suppose. I smiled and nodded and received a small acknowledgement as they tossed a stick into the fire.

Loading my plate I glanced around the vast numbers of tables before my eyes settled on Percy poking at his food glumly. Sliding in next to him I briefly glance into his cup spying a blue liquid that smelled of cherries.

As routine as ever the stars glowed dimly within my vision for a mere second before fading into nothing more than memory.

"Sup little bro? Are you settling in yet?" I casually ask to try and provoke a response.

"I dunno, this all feels so strange to me. My mom says that my dad was Poseidon, but it honestly feels so silly. Though they wouldn't even take her word for it so they've shoved me in Hermes with the rest of the unclaimed. I doubt you'd understand what it feels like to be unwanted."

"What makes you think that Percy? That I don't know what it's like to be unwanted?" I glance meeting with his eyes.

"Well you got claimed right away…"

Cutting him off there I say "You know I've existed for 17 years prior to this moment, and the majority of them I've had to deal with a lot of shit. I've basically had to fend for myself since I was about nine years old, and ended up dropping out of school at around 14 so I could eat."

I sigh half heartedly "You're not unwanted Percy. I've met your mom, of all the questions in the universe if Sally Jackson loves her son, is not one of them. Your dad will probably claim you soon enough. Let's eat before our food gets any colder."

He blinks for a moment before nodding in agreement and thinking about what I said. At this point I'm already wolfing down my plate.


With my belly the fullest it has been in practically forever I begin making my way over to the crafting area, rather than heading to the forges I begin somewhere else, the weaving area. A child of Hephaestus isn't generally spotted in this area and my appearance has caused somewhat of a stir. Sitting at one of the looms I can almost feel a few grey eyes boring into the back of my head as I set about working.

It wasn't exceptionally easy work but I was managing using a combination of my newly acquired fashion sense and alchemist training. Working exceptionally hard and pushing myself I pushed forward at a very fast pace even before my boost.

Judging by the looks I was drawing in my frenzy of sewing and work I was like something they'd never seen before as they stared in rapt attention. I began layering textiles in unique patterns making decisions based off mana conductance differentials to act as a base layer of work before moving onto exterior and finishing.

Considering myself and what I prefer in terms of aesthetics, I used to wear dumpy stuff like ratty hoodies and torn pants because it was what I could afford. Now on the other hand I can wear what I think looks cool since I don't have to pay a premium.

Casually I reach for the various kinds of tanned black leather running my hands over the various grains and textures as I tug and pull on them to get a feel for each piece. I reject the first few I come across until at the bottom of the bin I pull out a strange supple piece that others rejected due to its apparent thinness.

Cradling this piece I begin attaching it to the inner layer with careful and precise embroidery with engraved silver wire. As I begin pulling the pieces together I attach a few last decals to the jacket, mainly the logo of Hephaestus forming a prominent image.

Contemplating the finishing touches I receive a sudden stroke of inspiration. Taking my severed minotaur skull I begin breaking down the bones into complex and ornately carved accents for my jacket. I split the skull horizontally and attach them as sort of pauldrons and modify the eye sockets as settings for intricately cut gems to amplify and hold the final enchantment.

Carefully with my will I begin intoning the various precise vocalizations as my mana begins coalescing, trying something new and unexpected I begin to channel in addition to the raw mana infused energy from my flames into the brightly shining rubies of the skulls. Before I realize it the jacket begins smouldering but not burning and the enchantments settle into place.

Unceremoniously I don my newly finished jacket as I smirk. Turning to my audience as they audibly gasp in surprise I know I look good, and probably just sparked a second renaissance for the leather industry, at least amongst demigods.

Casually flexing my muscles I check the fit and flexibility. It was almost as if I had a second skin in addition I could feel the flow of magic that hardens and strengthens both me and the jacket which coincidentally makes it fire resistant so the smouldering effect is perfectly harmless.


Stepping into the stifling heat of the forge I begin the true project of the day, the jacket simply being a prelude to my coming masterpiece. Despite all the advantages my fellow demigods have in the world of forging I find their limitations quite frustrating. Already now I can do the work of two people and up to ten if I stretch my capabilities, the answer is clear I need a new assistant.

With this purpose I begin gathering sheets of celestial bronze. I know the basics of making simple automatons from my demigod abilities, but the real meat of my work would be in the brain. The body is simply a shell for the mind of my new friend to be discarded when it is no longer useful.

As I consider the problems at hand I come up with something unique to deal with the potential for my developing abilities. A brain that utilizes both digital and analogue processing to ensure maximum robustness and backup functionality whatever the situation. The base materials for most of the processing would be celestial bronze with plates made of seton steel. This combination allows for direct spell etching and another layer of integration on the project.

My head spins for a moment as I continue my focus on this project. In addition I also intend to do a repair on my spear and add an extra bit of functionality in the form of a variable shaft.

Getting to work I begin by shaping and casting a large variety of gears and then work on producing a large plate and frame for the rest of the project made entirely of seton steel. Once this process is finished I begin wiring up each individual plate with various celestial bronze plated microprocessors which are then carefully soldered in place. Lastly using a series of actuators and motors I connect a complex system of interlocking gears to produce the final product. A pulsing and thrumming object the size of a heart now rests on the workbench in front of me, a brain but without a consciousness.

Returning to my room I begin with my project aknew hooking it carefully into the console I begin coding rapidly leveraging my ability to never fail when creating an AI I push myself harder than ever before moving to my maximum speed of work. Before I know it sitting on my desk is a True AI.

Looking at the screen a simple line of text appeared "Father was this wise to do?"

Sighing I respond "No, but it was necessary. Now is not the time for doubt, but for preparation. I'd like you to begin preliminary work on copying any open databases in our local network and also design some combat adaptation algorithms for when I finish construction on your initial body."

Rapidly improving already a synthesized voice accompanies the text on the screen. "Affirmative. Commands received and processed in 5 milliseconds. Beginning code optimizations." A progress bar appears on screen that crawls incredibly slowly.

"I'm wondering what I should call you? Do you have any suggestions?" I slouch in my chair stretching.

A spinning icon appears on the screen before resolving. "I much like the name Ephiktos. I intend for myself to be able to achieve any goal. To this end ephiktos means within reach Aaron. The other thing it embodies about my existence is that I am accessible and easy to use."

Quite startlingly enough what just mere seconds ago was a voice that lacked any identifiable character and was monotone had evolved. Now instead Ephiktos was sporting a clear british accent. In addition his voice began adjusting to a more naturalistic cadence as if I was talking to a human not a machine.

Jolting me from my contemplation another notification appeared on screen followed by Ephiktos' voice "I seem to have begun experiencing something unaccounted for in my designs. It appears that I've grown a soul."

My jaw just about fell out of my skull from the shock at hearing such a shocking statement levelled completely deadpan. Internally I'm now questioning myself about the greater meaning of this action when I'm interrupted by Ephiktos.

"It's no cause for alarm, it appears when anything gains substantial amounts of consciousness that it leaves a bit of an impression in reality it should prove to be a useful tool in the future provided I can figure out how to experiment with the interface with my soul."

Sighing about this I throw my hands in the air in resignation about the craziness regarding my project. "Sure please do focus on the previously assigned tasks before taking up new projects or experiments."

A loud growling then emanates from my stomach signaling that it is time for dinner.


Note to self I am NOT a fan of wasting food, especially when I have to dump the contents into a fire right before my eyes. If anyone asks, I am not salty about the perfectly good chicken breast I had to throw into the fire. Upside, I can eat as much as I want, but I WANTED that chicken.

The other great thing about the camp is that the goblets fill themselves with anything you want, which for me meant tons and tons of blue gatorade.

Much to my chagrin as soon as I was in the pavilion people were stealing furtive glances at me, and well the fact that I was literally the most fashionable looking person in the pavilion. Hoo boy the Aphrodite kids were in equal parts jealous and drooling over my hotness.

Glancing over towards them they rapidly turned away to hide the fact that they had a bad case of wandering eyes. Looking away from them and going back to enjoying my food caused a titter of giggles amongst those gathered there.

Looking elsewhere I spotted the golden locks of the woman who tended to my wounds. I gave a small wave of friendly acknowledgement. All this seemed to do was make her angry for some explicable reason.

Having finished the meal I resolved that tomorrow I'd actually get down to training rather than just spending my time obsessively crafting pieces of technology. Yeah train for an hour or two with the spear and then work on a body for Ephiktos. I clear my plate wandering back towards the cabin when I'm met with a strange sight.

Lumbering out of the darkness clad in rags is something out of a horror movie. The desiccated corpse that was now shambling from the darkness cast a baleful glow as it creaked grotesquely. Before I could move it let out a burst of inhuman speed grasping my shoulders in a literal death grip as copious amounts of green smoke began to pour from all its orifices.

A voice like the creak of a casket, graveyard echo, and the grinding of a marble mausoleum began to emanate from all around me. Its putrescent and stagnant energy washed over me paralyzing me with fear.

The Serpent writhes in its cage of stars
Two more yet twist and tie
In the land where the sun dies and is reborn
Awaken the sleeping giants
Or be doomed in the storm or spider's web
Yet do not heed nature's call
Without the child of the sun into nightmares the world shall fall

As abruptly as it began the corpse released its grip and began shambling away towards the main pavilion for gods knows what reason. Searing pain flashes through my neurons as I'm forced to my knees the energy building to levels like that prior to my transformation to demigod. Yet there is no release as the energy remains trapped.

I hate prophecies.

Jumpchain perks this chapter:
Zip nadda zilch
I would wish for more sozial interactions and to slow down Perk gains. One Perk per two Chapter would seem right.