Cat Roleplay Thread [IC]

Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnn... I'm hungry. I head down to get food and water, then head back up to my post. Using my athleticism I hang on a cabinet door until it starts to swing, then let go. With the door open, I jump inside and open up my secret stash of catnip.

After chewing on some for a bit, I jump down onto the counter. I launch myself into the cabinet door, sensing it flying closed, then head back up to my bed on top of the fridge.

As my high starts to kick in, I close my eyes. It sure is good to be a cat...
I snuggle deeply within the pile of warm fuzzies around me, so warm, so comfy, is purrfect.

My face snuggles deeper into the warmth, when there's a small jolt of Buzz! Nyaaaa!

I leap out of the warmth with a yelp, flying high into the air. Why does it always do that!

I look around, my snugglies ruined... i idly rubbed at the fuzzy that my human puts on their strange paws, that had stuck to my side.

What should i do now?
< Time: 0830 >
< Location: Area 4-L (House- Living Room) >
< System: D.U.R.G.A. >
< Status: Active >
< Condition: Meow >

Waking from rest mode at the sound of Owner leaving I performed a scan of location 4-L. The area was reporting nominal movement thus it was empty aside from myself, though sound coming from area 4-K indicated movement in that direction.

Getting up from the couch where I had been in standby mode I jump onto the table, observing the area before jumping down to the floor. Owner had left Area 4 thus previous logs stated that only I and other smaller organics would be left in the premises.

Padding out of the living room I decided to inspect the Hallways to make sure the security of the Area remained within accepted parameters and that the sunlight patches were following their normal schedule for my pleasure.
"Hey, robot."
"Where are you metal kitty?
" Kathulos asked in the normal speaking voice of a little boy around seven years old.
The Beast slumbers, deep within its lair of towels and linen. Baleful eyes of yellow cracked open in the shadow's midst, accompanied by a primal rumble beneath the Beast's striped mantle. The Beast hungered.. But was it worth leaving the shelves of shadows..?

..No. The Beast rolled over, lazily swiping at the metal string the Human tugged at to create light with their weird, wriggly, hairless paws. Yes.. The Human! The Human would surely sense the Beast's desires and quell them with yet another thawing sacrifice.

Yes.. Soon..

Hobbes rolled back over, content to wait for the human to bring them food as they slept in the utility closet.
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I strech lazily, it seems like Owner has already left. I was enjoying so much to snuggle under those warm blankets. Still, while I did claim the Owner's bedroom last night. I cannot guarantee it, tonight.

But first, let's get my lazy ass out of Owner's bed and warm-up my little legs. I need to keep myself fit, otherwise I can't approach the Ladies!

Hopping down from the bed, I see that Owner thought about me and she did not close the door! Such thoughtfullness will be rewarded! However! Such efforts are futile since I could easily open it.

Walking to the hallway. I 'roared' with all my ancestor the Tiger's might.

"Fellows! Who wants to play?!"

A somewhat deep voice could be heard rumbling from my throat.
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I strech lazily, it seems like Owner has already left. I was enjoying so much to snuggle under those warm blankets. Still, while I did claim the Owner's bedroom last night. I cannot guarantee it, tonight.

But first, let's get my lazy ass out of Owner's bed and warm-up my little legs. I need to keep myself fit, otherwise I can't approach the Ladies!

Hopping down from the bed, I see that Owner thought about me and she did not close the door! Such thoughtfullness will be rewarded! However! Such efforts are futile since I could easily open it.

Walking to the hallway. I 'roared' with all my ancestor the Tiger's might.

"Fellows! Who wants to play?!"

A somewhat deep voice could be heard rumbling from my throat.

...huh?... oh, it's just Mozart. Time to go back to sleep. As I do so, however, I feel my power welling up. Huh... I should probably at least check what happens.... nahhhhhhh it's nap time.

<Feel free to do whatever with the bad luck, I leave it in you all's capable hands :p>
In the end, i decided to see if I could get some food, surely my human had managed to leave me and the others some food.

I gingerly trotted out of the fuzz room, there was food waiting. Oh heck... i'm not patient enough to trot.

I picked up the pace and fully sprinted to the kitchen, little buzzes sparking off of me.

Ah! Ah! No! The floor is slippy, no!

In the end, i decided to see if I could get some food, surely my human had managed to leave me and the others some food.

I gingerly trotted out of the fuzz room, there was food waiting. Oh heck... i'm not patient enough to trot.

I picked up the pace and fully sprinted to the kitchen, little buzzes sparking off of me.

Ah! Ah! No! The floor is slippy, no!


WHO DARES WAKE ME FROM MY SLUM-Oh it's just Zips, being loud as usual. She is so lucky she's my favourite... Hmm, I want to go see her, but with my luck, it'll probably just make things worse.


Ah well, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like I'm trying to teach her how to use one of the most dangerous weapons on the planet or anything. My luck combined with her inexperience would make that training end quick, and Owner would be down one cat. Heh, we're cats but we aren't *that* dumb.

OOC: But seriously though, how did Qrow think giving Ruby lessons on using a battle scythe with his semblance was a good idea? And how does she still have both eyes arms and legs?
< Time: 083X >
< Location: Area 4-H1 (House- Hallway/Entryway Intersection) >
< System: D.U.R.G.A. >
< Status: Active >
< Condition: Meow >

Padding around the area with a swift gate I scanned for any anomalies, pleased when the Area was still secure against all intruders. The sunlight patches were appearing at their usual spots with a variance of only 2%. Acceptable for unregulated phenomena. Next would be to continue the patrol towards Area 4-B1 --

"Hey, robot."
"Where are you metal kitty?
" Kathulos asked in the normal speaking voice of a little boy around seven years old.
-Sonic disturbance detected-

< Intentifying... >
< Identification Confirmed: Cohabitant C-2 (Kathulos) >

Then into view came a second feline figure into Area 4-H2.
I strech lazily, it seems like Owner has already left. I was enjoying so much to snuggle under those warm blankets. Still, while I did claim the Owner's bedroom last night. I cannot guarantee it, tonight.

But first, let's get my lazy ass out of Owner's bed and warm-up my little legs. I need to keep myself fit, otherwise I can't approach the Ladies!

Hopping down from the bed, I see that Owner thought about me and she did not close the door! Such thoughtfullness will be rewarded! However! Such efforts are futile since I could easily open it.

Walking to the hallway. I 'roared' with all my ancestor the Tiger's might.

"Fellows! Who wants to play?!"

A somewhat deep voice could be heard rumbling from my throat.
< Identifying... >
< Identification Confirmed: Cohabitant C-1 (Mozart) >

"Greetings. I am patrolling Area 4, please request recreation exercises after the scheduled security check. Meow." I informed C-1 after processing their request. It was enjoyable to cuddle and roughhouse with the other feline models that Owner hosted in the Area but security patrols must be enforced when Owner was not on the premises. Then I raised my speaker volume to address C-2's request.

"Designation: Kathulos, I am located in Area 4-H1 also known as designation Hallway near Entryway!"
In came in the scampering tabby kitty, Kathulos. "KITTY!" The kitten meowed in delight, as he rubbed his fur against the hard metallic leg of the robotic feline.
I slowly got to my paws, and mewled softly.
"Owwie..." ~
A gathering of sparks ran along my fur coat, puffing it up slowly and quickly re-energising me.

"Where is everynyone?"
WHO DARES WAKE ME FROM MY SLUM-Oh it's just Zips, being loud as usual. She is so lucky she's my favourite... Hmm, I want to go see her, but with my luck, it'll probably just make things worse.


Ah well, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like I'm trying to teach her how to use one of the most dangerous weapons on the planet or anything. My luck combined with her inexperience would make that training end quick, and Owner would be down one cat. Heh, we're cats but we aren't *that* dumb.

OOC: But seriously though, how did Qrow think giving Ruby lessons on using a battle scythe with his semblance was a good idea? And how does she still have both eyes arms and legs?

I slowly got to my paws, and mewled softly.
"Owwie..." ~
A gathering of sparks ran along my fur coat, puffing it up slowly and quickly re-energising me.

"Where is everynyone?"

"Right nyehre. How're you nya?"
Muuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr.........Snort, Whosat!!, "you twouch mry wocks i'll shrill ya!" shakes head buwuryargh!!!


Oh its just the rake...........

Sitting upright and with a gracious poise, I began to lick my fur in an attempt to soften my bruised pride when I discovered the second irritant of the day; my fur is caked with dirt.

Sticking my tongue out, I shake it in the wind to get the awful taste out. Oh how I long to be back into my scales.....
The life of a cat is no doubt a good life but sometimes I wish that I still was a dragon, even a house-sized one, for it was the most glorious of forms~.
Sigh~ I can just sit here in bliss thinking of my previous being...
But well Enough of that! it is time to start the Day!
I then turned around towards the chair, hopped onto it, before leaping onto the desk which is situated by the door, went next to the window and pushed onto the glass, dislodging it and allowing me to open it, letting mys-


Reversing myself quickly back into the shed, I jumped back down to the floor and picked up the treasure I almost foolishly left behind. Making sure my jaws were held securely against the shiny metal rock, I then leaped back to the window, finally letting myself out into the garden.

And what a beautiful garden it is! Grass all around and with some bushes sprinkled around the land, the perfect place to prance around. After appreciating the care and hard work Owner gave this place, I took a dip in the pond, making sure that the initial dirt covering me is washed off, and then I climbed back onto the ground, shaking myself to dislodge the extra water.

Oh, the fishies became scared again, Don't worry fishies you will be in my belly soon~


"Where is everynyone?"

"Right nyehre. How're you nya?"

My ears twitched in the direction of the house, more specifically the sounds seems to be coming from the kitchen....

Is it Thunderbolt and Lady Crow? Ah yes it seems that your housemates have gotten up before you, how dreadful, a dragon should be the first to wake up!~
After my brief moment of mock-melodrama, I went onto the small stool that was propped beneath the window and began to eye the window itself to see whether it is unlocked or not.
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Muuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr.........Snort, Whosat!!, "you twouch mry wocks i'll shrill ya!" shakes head buwuryargh!!!


Oh its just the rake...........

Sitting upright and with a gracious poise, I began to lick my fur in an attempt to soften my bruised pride when I discovered the second irritant of the day; my fur is caked with dirt.

Sticking my tongue out, I shake it in the wind to get the awful taste out. Oh how I long to be back into my scales.....
The life of a cat is no doubt a good life but sometimes I wish that I still was a dragon, even a house-sized one, for it was the most glorious of forms~.
Sigh~ I can just sit here in bliss thinking of my previous being...
But well Enough of that! it is time to start the Day!
I then turned around towards the chair, hopped onto it, before leaping onto the desk which is situated by the door, went next to the window and pushed onto the glass, dislodging it and allowing me to open it, letting mys-


Reversing myself quickly back into the shed, I jumped back down to the floor and picked up the treasure I almost foolishly left behind. Making sure my jaws were held securely against the shiny metal rock, I then leaped back to the window, finally letting myself out into the garden.

And what a beautiful garden it is! Grass all around and with some bushes sprinkled around the land, the perfect place to prance around. After appreciating the care and hard work Owner gave this place, I took a dip in the pond, making sure that the initial dirt covering me is washed off, and then I climbed back onto the ground, shaking myself to dislodge the extra water.

Oh, the fishies became scared again, Don't worry fishies you will be in my belly soon~


My ears twitched in the direction of the house, more specifically the sounds seems to be coming from the kitchen....

Is it Thunderbolt and Lady Crow? Ah yes it seems that your housemates have gotten up before you, how dreadful, a dragon should be the first to wake up!~
After my brief moment of mock-melodrama, I went onto the small stool that was propped beneath the window and began to eye the window itself to see whether it is unlocked or not.

I slowly stretch while getting up and peer down at the antics of the littlest dragon from ontop of the shed, he is silly, everyone here is silly even the owner, but alas littlest dragon woke me up, now he shall pay.

I seemingly vanish before I tackle him off his stool and start laughing at him.
As I wiggle my butt to prepare myself to jump onto the windowsill- I WAS SUDDENLY TACKLED!!!

Meowing in Shock, I felt another cat's four paws onto my left-side, before I yowled as I was pushed off.


Oooooh look at the pretty birdies~

*shakes head-* *THUNK*

OWW!! Hey that hurts- oh my shiny metal rock, its still there! but why is everything upside down?


Scrambling to my feet, I made myself upright myself on the grass to the sounds of snickering and I looked to the stool to see another cat called....

Foof's Thought Process said:
Lean Cat + Has Spots -> is an Egyptian Mau -> Pharaoh -> can also be seen as Sun -> Aztec -> Identity Confirmed

"Pillars! why did you do that!" I yelled in aggravation, as I waited for him to stop snickering.

OOC: Due to him believing he was a dragon his speech is not littered with cat puns.
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As I wiggle my butt to prepare myself to jump onto the windowsill- I WAS SUDDENLY TACKLED!!!

Meowing in Shock, I felt another cat's four paws onto my left-side, before I yowled as I was pushed off.


Oooooh look at the pretty birdies~

*shakes head-* *THUNK*

OWW!! Hey that hurts- oh my shiny metal rock, its still there! but why is everything upside down?


Scrambling to my feet, I made myself upright myself on the grass to the sounds of snickering and I looked to the stool to see another cat called....

"Pillars! why did you do that!" I yelled in aggravation, as I waited for him to stop snickering.

OOC: Due to him believing he was a dragon his speech is not littered with cat puns.
"You woke me up, so I got revenge purrfectly littlest dragon" I tell him after I calm down and start casually walking off to the pond to quietly mock him some more.
I watched Pillars slink off towards the pond, the older cat's lips upturned at its corners, probably to try and catch some fish.

My face was set into a scowl and my tail was whipping in agitation, as I watched him carefully survey the waters of the pond before jumping into the pond, catching a fishy, then jumping back out in an instant. I scowled even harder when I saw his eyes glitter in satisfaction at catching a particularly large fish.

Muuuuuuuuu.... Why is Pillars so annoying some times, I know he's a good tom since he gives Owner lots of affection and even brings half a fishy to her for thanks and loves, but he always mean when he's grumpy.

He reminds me of those three humans that I watched with Owner on the Light screen, especially the one with the rock mask that has a hole in it....
.....Wait does he?

Sighing in annoyance, and leaving 6 large gouges of brown earth on the grass, I once again picked up my shiny metal rock and began to walk to the front of the house, to go through the cat flap instead and be one step further to increasing my collection~

OOC: Is it okay if I give some directions to your Chara Letmebefree? if you do not want to then I will edit this post to not show what actions Tenacious takes at the pond
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I watched Pillars slink off towards the pond, the older cat's lips upturned at its corners, probably to try and catch some fish.

My face was set into a scowl and my tail was whipping in agitation, as I watched him carefully survey the waters of the pond before jumping into the pond, catching a fishy, then jumping back out in an instant. I scowled even harder when I saw his eyes glitter in satisfaction at catching a particularly large fish.

Muuuuuuuuu.... Why is Pillars so annoying some times, I know he's a good tom since he gives Owner lots of affection and even brings half a fishy to her for thanks and loves, but he always mean when he's grumpy.

He reminds me of those three humans that I watched with Owner on the Light screen, especially the one with the rock mask that has a hole in it....
.....Wait does he?

Sighing in annoyance, and leaving 6 large gouges of brown earth on the grass, I once again picked up my shiny metal rock and began to walk to the front of the house, to go through the cat flap instead and be one step further to increasing my collection~

OOC: Is it okay if I give some directions to your Chara Letmebefree if you do not want to then I will edit this post to not show what actions Tenacious takes at the pond
I munch on the fishie and lie down on the soft grass as I wonder when the owner will be back and if I can get some food from the fridge. Well if owner isn't back soon that's too bad but I'm hungry and this fish wasn't good enough so I run and jump into an open window.

I landed in the living room and climbed onto the couch before I started to doze off.

OOC: its fine.