Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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[X] You can't let yourself grow soft on this trip: the desk job has been bad enough. You should accompany Aiko to the gym and get in better shape (Shift towards Warrior).
and that it had, oddly enough for a self-proclaimed socialist republic, a king.
Huh. Guess we'll be learning how that came about!
when the government lasted a week before the Democratic Liberal Party split into the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party and the government collapsed following a vote of no confidence.
Yeah, sounds about right. SPLITTERS!
There was also an attempt by admirals to order gunships up the Reman River to place the Senate under their guns,
Why of course, of course.
and fighting a four hour long gun battle before retreating, both printing in their papers that they had defeated socialist forces on the Senate Square.
Real genius hours over here.
exile with his neck intact.
and instead gave the monarchy a position in perpetuity as 'Defenders of the Arts and Culture of the Otrusian People',
That legitimately seems like a good solution to me if the king is sticking around
It then dawned on you that your own government had recently, effectively, banned socialist parties,
Of course, you couldn't help yourself--you bought a few garments for Mai, as way of thanks.
Good on you Haruna!

[x] You'll sample it all as the mood strikes you, or just laze about. You're on vacation! (-2 Stress, shift towards Life twice)

Vacation means vacation! We'll have plenty of time to do work.
[X] There's a lounge and smoking room which will likely be frequented by all the rich important passengers. Might be a good place to meet some people and converse. (Shift towards Respectable)
Just finished catching up on this, its great! Am I remembering correctly that the hammer pilot boy in aircraft design quest had during the war to fix his guns was from Kishimoto hardware?
[X] You'll sample it all as the mood strikes you, or just laze about. You're on vacation! (-2 Stress, shift towards Life twice)

Vacation! Enjoying the sea with no torpedoes and shells whizzing around! We need this.

@open_sketch that description of the Otrusian revolution some updates ago is just... <gestures in Otrusian> perfect.

I have a couple questions though:
- is the Latitudinarian Church still having its seat at Tiber? How much influence do they still wield?

-Looking at the world map, is the oil reach part of Anatole which Otrusia conquered, is it *Libya (Sirti?) or *Yemen (Saba?) ?

I recall an old conversation on the Gayaverse thread about the potential of the North African inland sea to be some Gallian-Otrusian megaingeneering project, with all its ghastly implications.

The situation in the Otrusian armed forces must be interesting right now...
7-5: Underway
You woke at 0600 sharp, of course. You moved through your morning routine briskly, got showered (Hot running water! As long as you wanted it! On a ship!), got dressed, and then stood uselessly in front of the cabin door out in the corridor. Aiko was still asleep.

What were you doing today?

… Breakfast. Breakfast was going to be served soon, but Aiko tended to be a late riser when she was allowed to be and with a total lack of anything else to do, it didn't really matter if she got up at mid-morning and exercised then or got up early and trained at that time. There was nothing but time onboard the Asakusa Maru, which felt wrong to you when combined with being at sea. You should have things to organize, work parties to check on, sailors to yell at for slacking and dusty shelves to get angry about. Instead, you had nothing. Just a big empty schedule. Sakai was no help--they seemed content to appear when needed and otherwise you weren't quite sure where they went.

Well. If you were going to have breakfast, you supposed that you ought to have the best breakfast you could. You tried your best to stroll instead of march down to the dining room through finely appointed corridors. A liveried steward held the door open for you, bowed.

"Madam," he said. It felt normal, or at least what normal had been before you joined the navy. Finally. You settled yourself at one of the empty tables and picked up the menu. Hmm. First, there was the side in Albian:

Baked Apples, Fresh Fruit, Stewed Prunes, Quaker Oats, Puffed Rice, Fresh Herrings, Findrum Haddock, Smoked Salmon, Grilled Mutton Kidneys & Bacon, Grilled Ham, Grilled Sausage, Lamb Collops, Vegetable Stew, Fried, Shirred, Poached or Boiled Eggs, Plain or Tomato Omelettes, Sirloin Steak & Mutton Chops, Mashed Sauteed or Jacket Potatoes, Cold Meat, Vienna & Graham Rolls, Soda & Sultana Scones, Corn Bread, Buckwheat Cakes, Blackcurrant Conserves, Narbonne Honey, Shepford Marmalade, Watercress

Oh. That was… a lot. You turned it over and found the other side printed in Akitsukuni characters. It included many of the options from the other side along with several Akitsukuni dishes, including rice with various seasonings, eggs, grilled fish, miso soup, pickled vegetable salads and various other staples of the Akitsukuni breakfast spread. Apparently they didn't think any of them would be popular with the foreign passengers.

It was a dizzying array of choices. You weren't really used to that much choice, truth be told. As a child, you had eaten what you had been served and in the Navy you had been limited by what was available on board ships or at your distant postings. This was…

What were you going to eat? A waiter suddenly seemed to materialize at your elbow.

"Have you made a choice, madam?" he asked in impeccably polite language.

"Absolutely not. May I have a cup of coffee, though? And some more time," you replied.

"Of course, madam." He vanished, leaving you to agonize over a choice of breakfast. Caught in the throes of indecision, you were startled by a polite Albian voice.

"Pardon me, but may we join you?" You looked up, startled, and found yourself looking at a pair of what must have been Albian gentlemen, probably in their late fifties? Or maybe early sixties?

The man who had spoken was clean-shaven, a narrow, sharp looking man with a beak-like nose and pointy looking elbows along with dark hair that was starting to go gray. He seemed more like a stork than a man, honestly--an impression not helped by the spectacles perched on his nose, and you noted a lapel pin in the shape of a four-pointed star. A doctor, then.

The other man was shorter by a scant few centimeters and broad shouldered with a bristly salt-and-pepper mustache. Despite his age, he was still a rather impressive looking man that had no doubt been supremely athletic in his youth. Even as he was, you wagered he could give Hideaki a run for his money. Notably, he had an anchor tattooed at his wrist, the ink just peaked from beneath the cuff of his shirt.

"Ah, pardon--may we join you?" The taller man tried again in Akitsukuni. He spoke fairly well, but it sounded like he had learned from a book rather than speaking. You smiled, then replied in Albian.

"You're welcome to--I don't mean to take up the whole table myself," you said. Each table was circular and sat half-a-dozen, which meant that one had to be used to rubbing elbows with other passengers.

"My thanks. I'm rather famished and if you couldn't tell, Mister Waters has quite the appetite."

"Most sailors do," you replied, your attention turning back to the menu for a moment. You would have to choose something. For some reason there was a snort of laughter from the taller man at your response and the mustachioed man just sighed.

"Pray tell, how did you know my esteemable friend Mister Waters was a sailor?" You glanced up again and looked between them. The slender man seemed overjoyed while the other (Waters) just looked disgruntled.

"He has a tattoo of an anchor on his right wrist. I saw it when his cuff moved," you said. "Unless there are people who aren't sailors getting tattoos of anchors put on them it seemed obvious, Doctor…?" You waited for a name. He slapped the table, apparently in delight, and Waters laughed this time.

"She's rather stolen your thunder, hasn't she, old boy?"

"Hollins. Doctor Hollins, yes. Will you indulge me and tell me how you deducted that particular bit of information?"

"You have a lapel pin of the International Red Star on your jacket. The four-pointed red star is an international symbol of medicine to most people."

"I do? Oh, I must have left it on from the conference. Excellent! Quite so. And you are, if I am not mistaken, Lieutenant Haruna Arisukawa--" His pronunciation was a bit off, but he didn't butcher it at least. "--of the Akitsukuni Imperial Navy. Though you are obviously traveling on civilian business rather than something more official." You blinked at him. You weren't surprised to be recognized, really, but foreigners recognizing you outside of uniform was a bit stranger.

"...Now it is my turn to be surprised," you said.

"Ask him how he's done it," said Mister Waters. "He loves being asked how he's done it."

"I'm used to being recognized," you said. "Just not out of uniform."

"Your bearing when you entered the room was part of it," said Hollins unprompted. "You are clearly used to being at sea, but walked with a martial bearing that meant you could not be a mere sailor or stewardess. You are in the first-class dining room, which means that you must have some means--such as the income available from being a member of the Akitsukuni Imperial Family. There is a scar at your hairline towards the right side of your head, the sort that one usually comes by through violent means. A bullet from a Caspian machine-gun, unless I miss my guess. And… your hands, while not rough like those of the common sailor have seen decidedly more work than one would expect of the upper-class women of Akitsukuni society. And of course, you are the only actively serving woman officer in the Imperial Navy, which narrowed the field considerably." You stared at the doctor. He seemed to have a penchant for observation.

"Ah. Well spotted," you said.

"Not merely spotted… deduced," said he.

"Can I have breakfast before you start talking about deduction?" said Mister Waters, "We're on holiday."

"I have to admit, I was struggling to decide on breakfast," you aimed the comment at Waters. "And I don't know either of your full names yet…"

"Oh!" Waters looked sheepish. "Simon Waters. And this is my friend, Doctor Bertrand Hollins."

"Well, a good morning to you both," you said and peered at the menu again as the waiter reappeared to set down a small pot of coffee as well as cream and sugar at your place. You reached out and poured out a cup of coffee for yourself, then finally made a decision on food as the waiter hovered attentively.

"...I'll try the haddock, I think," you said and he smiled and bowed before turning to the other two men.

"Gentlemen, what can I get for you?"

"A pot of black tea for the two of us, please. Cream, but… no sugar. I'll have the kidney and bacon," said Waters.

"You ought not to. You shouldn't be eating so much rich food, it's bad for your heart."

"My dear--my dear doctor, I know you're concerned for my health, but we are on holiday. And we did pay for first class tickets. I think I'm allowed to have an unhealthy breakfast now and then. If shrapnel couldn't stop my heart, bacon surely won't."

"Have it your way, then. I shall have a tomato omelette, please. With whole grain toast. No butter." Orders taken, the waitress vanished again, leaving you to chat with your tablemates.

You were curious, so after a few minutes trying to determine if it would be rude, you decided to ask anyway. What were you going to talk about now?

"If I may, how did you become wounded, Mr. Waters?" Maybe a bit personal, but in your experience, it would be something he wouldn't mind discussing with another military person.

"Oh! '81 in northern Cathay, some blasted rebellion or some such. I went ashore to oversee a landing party and we were moving a naval gun. We were trying to haul it over a wall, and next thing I know I'm lying on the cobblestones. Bursting shell caught me, put an end to my naval career--I recovered though, obviously," Waters said as the tea service arrived at the table and the two men set about pouring themselves tea. "Metal all through my shoulder and chest. Still have some of it."

"Fascinating. I've had a few in my time, myself--Caspian bullet across the scalp, as the doctor said, shrapnel cut open one of my arms… It's dangerous work on the deck of a warship. But..." You shrugged, glanced sidelong at the doctor, "What do you do for work now that you're no longer a sailor?"

"I'm a private detective. Er. Was? I'm technically retired now." He said as a server appeared to set down the tea service for the two men and then promptly vanished back into the periphery where servants went when you didn't need them.

"Oh, that sounds exciting," you said.

"It's actually much duller than people think. A lot of standing in alleyways and watching people." he admitted.

"Nonsense, Mister Waters," interjected Doctor Hollins. "Your cases usually prove most interesting."

"Only when you stick your nose in," replied Waters. "You always manage to find six crimes when I'm trying to find out if someone's husband is stepping out on them or what have you. He has an uncanny ability to stumble across murder."

"I only observe!" Hollins protested as he poured cream into his tea and stirred it furiously. "And of course, offer advice when it is requested."

"Or when it's not," muttered Waters.

"So, how long have you two been involved?" You asked with a bit more bluntness than you might have used back home. That was only, of course, because Westerners were incapable of subtlety.

"Involved?" Waters sputtered helplessly.

"I think Her Highness has us dead to rights, Simon."

"Look," you said, "There are only a few reasons same-gender pairs of Westerners travel to Akitsukuni. And since you're retired--" you nodded towards Waters, "that narrowed the field considerably." You could see that Mister Waters was turning distinctly red behind the moustache and decided that switching the subject away would save them the embarrassment.

"But never mind that, tell me more about Cathay--I've never really been there properly." As you spoke, the waiters returned once more, bearing your breakfast, which proved to be a smoked haddock covered in melted butter to which had been added black pepper, lemon, and roasted potatoes along with a selection of toasted bread. It was quite good. "I understand that there was a great deal going on during the rebellion."

"Er, yes." Waters seemed to have recovered to some degree following the arrival of food and a large gulp of tea. "Quite a spot of bother. Didn't see a lot from sea, of course, just bombarded a lot of forts that couldn't quite shoot back. Once the actual fighting died down a bit though, got to spend some time further in the country. Beautiful landscape, lovely."

"With the way things are going I may have a chance to see for myself." you mused aloud.

"Do keep an eye on your sailors if you do. If they're anything like mine were, they'll nick anything not nailed down."

"Speaking of stolen treasures, I do believe that is the Countess of Kildrummy, and that garish stone around her neck is the reputed Black Star of Kollur, quite famously plucked from the Sultan of Bisnegar's corpse by a common soldier."

You turned in the direction they were looking and saw an older woman taking a seat for breakfast, and sure enough around her neck was the largest, shiniest jewel you'd ever seen in your life. And you'd seen some stones.It was a brilliant black sapphire set in golden furniture and ringed with small white diamonds that only served to highlight the fascinating dark color of the stone. Beautiful, but it seemed ostentatious to you to wear such a thing to breakfast.

"Quite a history on that, you know." Hollins continued, clearly pleased to exposit on something he knew about. "Fascinating, if you're at all interested in stories of crimes both great and small. The stone's history is sordid, littered with murders and thefts for the sake of its possession. I believe her father conned it off the last owner, which makes her quite daring to be simply wearing it on display."

"I think you're reading a bit too deeply into a bit of polished stone." Waters mused.


"Personally, I just don't think it much fits her outfit." you said. "Rather tasteless breakfast wear, at that."


On her way back to her cabin, Haruna meets another person who will be relevant in an upcoming scene. Please, choose from these off-brand public domain characters. Also fun fact, that is the actual First Class breakfast menu from RMS Titanic.
[ ] Famous cat burglar, now retired and on vacation.​
[ ] Teen kid detective who, at 16, is too old for this shit.​
[ ] Some asshole Albian army officer who honestly might be the worst person on earth​
Oh goodness we are getting swept up in a Sherlock Holmes story? I love it! And I love how the princess calls them out on dating. :) This was delightful, thank you!
Great to see this back, and this conversation was fun!

[x] Some asshole Albian army officer who honestly might be the worst person on earth
The obvious has already been mentioned but..

[X] Teen kid detective who, at 16, is too old for this shit.

...Conan? XD
[x] Some asshole Albian army officer who honestly might be the worst person on earth

did i miss a gayaverse thing :confusion:
Conan's not public domain. These people, however, are:
[ ] Famous cat burglar, now retired and on vacation.
AKA: Lupin. Who probably can't help himself when it comes to jewels.
[ ] Teen kid detective who, at 16, is too old for this shit.
Nancy Drew. Her original incarnation was sixteen years old, she's rather famous for being "independently minded" and "feisty" and a minor prodigy.
[ ] Some asshole Albian army officer who honestly might be the worst person on earth
Oh ho ho ho, anybody who's remotely a fan of Warhammer knows this guy. That would be Sir Harry Paget Flashman, notorious womanizer, thief, crook, coward, rapist, seducer, and inveterate toady ass-kisser. Yet for being the absolute scum of the earth he has his moments of perceptiveness and charisma.
did i miss a gayaverse thing :confusion:
No, it's not a gayaverse thing. Just think of it as Artificial Girl and Open Sketch taking a crack at a kind of League Of Extraordinary Individuals. A mass crossover and tweaking of classic literary works.

EDIT:How many did I get right Artificial Girl?
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[x] Some asshole Albian army officer who honestly might be the worst person on earth
[X] Some asshole Albian army officer who honestly might be the worst person on earth

Okay we are definitely having Flashy. Once we have a name then someone, possibly me, can do a series of quests exploring the colonial history of Albia by means of terrified escapes from bedroom windows.
[X] Famous cat burglar, now retired and on vacation.

If I am correct and we have a choice between Flashman and Lupin... well, even if Flashman was more of a Cain I'd still prefer the zany rebel hedonist of Lupin.
"Oh!" Waters looked sheepish. "Simon Waters. And this is my friend, Doctor Bertrand Hollins."
Yes. Friends. Pals. Brothers, almost. Just a pair of dudes who are roommates and oops the bed broke and we have to share but its cool cause we're such bros. That's what we are.

[X] Famous cat burglar, now retired and on vacation.
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Voting is open