Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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I'm thinking about what this tells us about their navy. The enlisted of the Navy contributed personnel to defend against the various coups and the officers only attempted one coup versus three by the Army, so I suspect they're very much viewed as the senior service but they're still likely to get a new broom through the reactionaries. I'm expecting to see well designed and fast ships crewed by officers who are either up-from-the-ranks or more chosen for their political correctness than their skill and a strong body of experienced enlisted personnel. We should also see a lot of new ships and construction, the balance of funding will probably have shifted towards the navy and in this period there's really only one way for a young nation to cement it's position on the international political scene: a hyperexpensive Juggernaut programme.
[X] The eastern entrance to the yard, the one against the water, was used mostly for enlisted going on leave and for civilian delivery wagons, and with the extended wartime cordon pulled back, gawking civilians were getting a little closer to the base than was perhaps advisable, and might be able to see into the actually important parts where equipment was worked with, like the new Naylor guns. It was incredibly minor, and in winter no officer wanted to stand out against the open harbour and freeze their ass off pacing the area to check, but somebody should really take a look and adjust security to match, especially now that it was spring. Thankless, but maybe important.
[x] The eastern entrance to the yard, the one against the water, was used mostly for enlisted going on leave and for civilian delivery wagons, and with the extended wartime cordon pulled back, gawking civilians were getting a little closer to the base than was perhaps advisable, and might be able to see into the actually important parts where equipment was worked with, like the new Naylor guns. It was incredibly minor, and in winter no officer wanted to stand out against the open harbour and freeze their ass off pacing the area to check, but somebody should really take a look and adjust security to match, especially now that it was spring. Thankless, but maybe important.

Security first
Italian naval design emphasized speed and firepower at the expense of armor and range, though ironically never built a battle cruiser. With the relative government stability (and turn of the 20th century Italy was if anything less stable than this) and prominence of the counter coup I'd imagine the navy would being better funded than their Italian counteparts- they almost certainly have a dreadnought by now, built or building.

[X] Communication on the base could be improved. There weren't even telephones in every building, let alone in every office. Maybe you could stay a bit later to write up a proposal for a base telephone exchange. Not that you liked fancy new toys, but field telephones had been really useful when you were in Joseon. Also if your proposal got accepted, well, it would be a nice feather in your cap going forward.
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Italian naval design emphasized speed and firepower at the expense of armor and range, though ironically never built a battle cruiser. With the relative government stability (and turn of the 20th century Italy was if anything less stable than this) and prominence of the counter coup I'd imagine the navy would being better funded than their Italian counteparts- they almost certainly have a dreadnought by now, built or building.

[X] Communication on the base could be improved. There weren't even telephones in every building, let alone in every office. Maybe you could stay a bit later to write up a proposal for a base telephone exchange. Not that you liked fancy new toys, but field telephones had been really useful when you were in Joseon. Also if your proposal got accepted, well, it would be a nice feather in your cap going forward.

They just launched one, the Proletariato. There will be more details about their navy in the future, of course.
[x] The eastern entrance to the yard, the one against the water, was used mostly for enlisted going on leave and for civilian delivery wagons, and with the extended wartime cordon pulled back, gawking civilians were getting a little closer to the base than was perhaps advisable, and might be able to see into the actually important parts where equipment was worked with, like the new Naylor guns. It was incredibly minor, and in winter no officer wanted to stand out against the open harbour and freeze their ass off pacing the area to check, but somebody should really take a look and adjust security to match, especially now that it was spring. Thankless, but maybe important.

Obvious security gap is something to handle before we wind up with some reporter sneaking in for pictures.
Well, that was... something. As a leftist I almost feel like I should be a little offended, but this seems pretty consistent with early 20th century Italy and it's probably about what would be required for a socialist state to not have a wider impact on the setting.

Not necessarily? I think it's more likely they are non-aligned in the Great Game, at least, assuming they hold the positions of a pre-WW1 Social Democratic Party due to the whole awkward "anti-imperialism" thing. I may be wrong though.

WWI should indicate just how deeply those convictions ran. There was a lot of complicity going on from basically everyone but the Bolsheviks, Rosa Luxemburg and Eugene Debbs.
[X] The eastern entrance to the yard, the one against the water, was used mostly for enlisted going on leave and for civilian delivery wagons, and with the extended wartime cordon pulled back, gawking civilians were getting a little closer to the base than was perhaps advisable, and might be able to see into the actually important parts where equipment was worked with, like the new Naylor guns. It was incredibly minor, and in winter no officer wanted to stand out against the open harbour and freeze their ass off pacing the area to check, but somebody should really take a look and adjust security to match, especially now that it was spring. Thankless, but maybe important.
[X] The eastern entrance to the yard, the one against the water, was used mostly for enlisted going on leave and for civilian delivery wagons, and with the extended wartime cordon pulled back, gawking civilians were getting a little closer to the base than was perhaps advisable, and might be able to see into the actually important parts where equipment was worked with, like the new Naylor guns. It was incredibly minor, and in winter no officer wanted to stand out against the open harbour and freeze their ass off pacing the area to check, but somebody should really take a look and adjust security to match, especially now that it was spring. Thankless, but maybe important.
[X] Communication on the base could be improved. There weren't even telephones in every building, let alone in every office. Maybe you could stay a bit later to write up a proposal for a base telephone exchange. Not that you liked fancy new toys, but field telephones had been really useful when you were in Joseon. Also if your proposal got accepted, well, it would be a nice feather in your cap going forward.
7-3: Keep busy
While the security at the yard was not technically your responsibility, and you would probably be stepping on the officer of the watch's toes to some degree but if no one else was going to handle this, then you felt it better to ask forgiveness instead of permission. What were they going to do, discipline you for trying to make things better?

… they just might. That was actually exactly what they'd do.

Well, that just meant you'd need to do a good job. So you threw on your coat, straightened your cap, and walked out along the edge of the water, pacing the fence line, checking lines of sight, and watching the sailors standing guard at the gate. It wasn't great, honestly. People could get far too close--they could see right into the yard if that's what they wanted.

You had the sailors move the barricades about ten meters forward up the road from where the current guard house was, and wrote up a recommendation to extend the fence closest to the sea and post an extra man: there were too few, such that there were areas where only one man was watching the approaches. Even the most vigilant sailor wasn't a machine, and could be distracted by noise or movement elsewhere if nothing else. It took a fair bit of time, and it meant you had some paperwork and other light duties to catch up on now, but it was well worth it.

The recommendations took a couple days to work their way up to where someone who mattered could see them. Despite the relative impudence of such a move, you noted that your recommendations were implemented within the week. You did receive a letter in reply thanking you for your attentiveness and devotion to your duty, but it ended in a gentle reprimand reminding you to effectively remember your position. It was lighter than you had expected and with your objective accomplished, you felt that it was well worth it.

Now, of course, you had a problem. You were preparing to go overseas and, well. You didn't have much to wear. You had a few dresses and other civilian clothing but it was more meant for the occasional casual night out in Akitsukuni more than looking fashionable or impressing Europans. You just had no idea what was in fashion these days.

"Aiko. I need help shopping for clothes." you asked, and Aiko lit up and your life descended into a nightmare of fashion plates and magazines and planning. You were no longer a person, you were a project.

Worse, Aiko had roped Mai into the proceedings, citing her remarkable eye for styles and cuts (you'll admit, she was good). And somehow, for some reason, her boyfriend Makoto had ended up involved, on the shaky logic that you might have to impress a prince or something and so it was important you had male approval. Neither you or Aiko had ever done anything for male approval, but there he was, and he quickly endeared himself to you by wandering off to make food while catalogs were trawled through (he'd been a chef before the restaurant had closed for the war and he got a job with the trolley lines instead).

Mai wasn't used to the sort of budget you had available and it took a time or two for you to impress on her that cost wasn't really an issue for you. With that, she went on a spree with you and soon you had a boggling array of dresses, jackets, hats, shoes, and other tidbits. Your favorites, though, were a pair of the slender silhouette dresses that were in style. One layered pink over white and another that was a delightful gray, with a rose carefully attached at the waist belt. You hadn't worn western clothes in almost a decade, when it had been childrens clothes for parties. Usually, you wore your uniform or more traditional clothing when you went out. It was just the way you usually were. You had to admit, though, that the new fashions were striking. How could lesbians in the West deal with the close fitting dresses? Whenever you saw Aiko in one you about died.

Of course, you couldn't help yourself--you bought a few garments for Mai, as way of thanks. You had to do it secretly and enlisted Makoto's help in acquiring her measurements on the sly so that the delivery of several boxes to her address would be a complete surprise. The gushing letter you received thanking your for the generosity made your heart glow--you liked buying things for people.

Things were wrapping up at the base now: they'd decided to simply give your position to Deputy Shipkeeper Kawano, likely because they'd decided that anyone qualified enough to actually run the little fiefdom you'd built for yourself would find being assigned to 'manage the women' insulting. She was overjoyed to have a chance to show off her first real command position: she and her fellow officers were in talks to be transferred to the Naval Academy, starting as third-year students, so this was an excellent practical test. You had every confidence in her--she was attentive and dutiful and she knew how to get things done.

Of course, there was also the problem of finding a berth. The rest of the team was probably traveling together, but you were going to make sure that you and Aiko had a lovely time on the trip there, so the selection of travel would be important.

[ ] Asakusa Maru. Named for a prominent shrine in Tokei, this vessel is the largest in Akitsukuni's shipping fleet and has a reputation for luxury and comfort. She travels a route from Tokei to southern Gallia, with ports of call along the way in Manbai, Heung Gong, Palau Ujong, and of course, Serenitas. Most notably, her captain is an old shipmate from your very first posting, Otonari Masahide, who had treated you fairly well. He might give you the tour!​
[ ] Vulcania, perhaps the fastest available choice. With modern, high-tuned engines and only brief stops in other ports of call, this Otrusian vessel has a reputation for speed. While not as comfortable as other choices, she has routinely broken and then maintained speed records and is certain to get you where you're going in record time. That meant you could leave later, which meant Aiko had more time to study and train in peace, and you had more time to make sure everything was in order before you left.​
[ ] RMS Belusia, a massive Albian ship that could carry more than four thousand people. It's First Class accommodations transcended conventional comforts into the truly magnificent. It had two ballrooms, a raised observation deck, a swimming pool, and a shooting range off the back. It had an opera house built into it! It was completely excessive in every way. It actually ran a round-the-globe route from Merseyport in Albia across to Allegheny, down the coast to the new canal that was allowing traffic to pass easily between Oriontic and the Auroric, up to San Carlos, then across the ocean to Tokei and so forth until it would arrive back in Leyrpole, ready to go again. More than any other ship in the world, it was a floating city unto itself. A little slower than normal, in part thanks to its size, it was the most opulent and ostentatious of all your choices and would make the trip even more like its own little holiday from the real world.​
I would also like to extend my thanks to my Patrons, @NemoMarx, @brmj, and Iterate Onwards, whose SV account I don't know (please PM me!) for supporting my work. <3
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[X] Asakusa Maru. Named for a prominent shrine in Tokei, this vessel is the largest in Akitsukuni's shipping fleet and has a reputation for luxury and comfort. She travels a route from Tokei to southern Gallia, with ports of call along the way in Manbai, Heung Gong, Palau Ujong, and of course, Serenitas. Most notably, her captain is an old shipmate from your very first posting, Otonari Masahide, who had treated you fairly well. He might give you the tour!

I'll skip the Titanic, thanks, the stuffy rich Westerners it'll be overflowing with even more than the icebergs.
[X] Asakusa Maru. Named for a prominent shrine in Tokei, this vessel is the largest in Akitsukuni's shipping fleet and has a reputation for luxury and comfort. She travels a route from Tokei to southern Gallia, with ports of call along the way in Manbai, Heung Gong, Palau Ujong, and of course, Serenitas. Most notably, her captain is an old shipmate from your very first posting, Otonari Masahide, who had treated you fairly well. He might give you the tour!
We've got time, and stopping in a few cities on the way will be fun, but oof, westerners. No thanks; that might get in the way of kissing Aiko.

[x] Asakusa Maru. Named for a prominent shrine in Tokei, this vessel is the largest in Akitsukuni's shipping fleet and has a reputation for luxury and comfort. She travels a route from Tokei to southern Gallia, with ports of call along the way in Manbai, Heung Gong, Palau Ujong, and of course, Serenitas. Most notably, her captain is an old shipmate from your very first posting, Otonari Masahide, who had treated you fairly well. He might give you the tour!
[ ] RMS Belusia, a massive Albian ship that could carry more than four thousand people. It's First Class accommodations transcended conventional comforts into the truly magnificent. It had two ballrooms, a raised observation deck, a swimming pool, and a shooting range off the back. It had an opera house built into it! It was completely excessive in every way. It actually ran a round-the-globe route from Leyrpole in Albia across to Allegheny, down the coast to the new canal that was allowing traffic to pass easily between Oriontic and the Auroric, up to San Carlos, then across the ocean to Tokei and so forth until it would arrive back in Leyrpole, ready to go again. More than any other ship in the world, it was a floating city unto itself. A little slower than normal, in part thanks to its size, it was the most opulent and ostentatious of all your choices and would make the trip even more like its own little holiday from the real world.
Pretty sure given what vessel this is based off of, we'd be begging for a iceberg before too long.

[X] Asakusa Maru. Named for a prominent shrine in Tokei, this vessel is the largest in Akitsukuni's shipping fleet and has a reputation for luxury and comfort. She travels a route from Tokei to southern Gallia, with ports of call along the way in Manbai, Heung Gong, Palau Ujong, and of course, Serenitas. Most notably, her captain is an old shipmate from your very first posting, Otonari Masahide, who had treated you fairly well. He might give you the tour!
[X] Asakusa Maru. Named for a prominent shrine in Tokei, this vessel is the largest in Akitsukuni's shipping fleet and has a reputation for luxury and comfort. She travels a route from Tokei to southern Gallia, with ports of call along the way in Manbai, Heung Gong, Palau Ujong, and of course, Serenitas. Most notably, her captain is an old shipmate from your very first posting, Otonari Masahide, who had treated you fairly well. He might give you the tour!

We're a princess and a naval officer, we can't very well take somebody else's ship! Honestly I'd be tempted by a write-in option for a cruiser if we're liable to send one for flag-showing reasons.

However, actually riding the Lusitania (Name ending ia rather than ic means she's Gay Cunard, not Gay White Star) into an iceberg could get us some fun dramatic story stuff instead of just having a holiday, so that could also be neat.
[x] Vulcania, perhaps the fastest available choice. With modern, high-tuned engines and only brief stops in other ports of call, this Otrusian vessel has a reputation for speed. While not as comfortable as other choices, she has routinely broken and then maintained speed records and is certain to get you where you're going in record time. That meant you could leave later, which meant Aiko had more time to study and train in peace, and you had more time to make sure everything was in order before you left.

Need for speed~
[x] Asakusa Maru. Named for a prominent shrine in Tokei, this vessel is the largest in Akitsukuni's shipping fleet and has a reputation for luxury and comfort. She travels a route from Tokei to southern Gallia, with ports of call along the way in Manbai, Heung Gong, Palau Ujong, and of course, Serenitas. Most notably, her captain is an old shipmate from your very first posting, Otonari Masahide, who had treated you fairly well. He might give you the tour!
FYI, the in-universe Titanic actually narrowly avoided disaster as her double hull held, but inspired safety reforms anyway because they were midway through abandoning ship before she stabilized.
[X] Asakusa Maru. Named for a prominent shrine in Tokei, this vessel is the largest in Akitsukuni's shipping fleet and has a reputation for luxury and comfort. She travels a route from Tokei to southern Gallia, with ports of call along the way in Manbai, Heung Gong, Palau Ujong, and of course, Serenitas. Most notably, her captain is an old shipmate from your very first posting, Otonari Masahide, who had treated you fairly well. He might give you the tour!

We need neither icebergs nor westerners interrupting our Aikotime.
[X] Asakusa Maru. Named for a prominent shrine in Tokei, this vessel is the largest in Akitsukuni's shipping fleet and has a reputation for luxury and comfort. She travels a route from Tokei to southern Gallia, with ports of call along the way in Manbai, Heung Gong, Palau Ujong, and of course, Serenitas. Most notably, her captain is an old shipmate from your very first posting, Otonari Masahide, who had treated you fairly well. He might give you the tour!

Kissing Aiko without icky western sensibilities pushing themselves where they're not wanted and an old shipmate? Sold.
Voting is open