Can enough magic save the world?Hopefully(WOD/Celestial Grimoire)

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A kin folk with the celestial grimoire.
Chapter 1
I punch Edward from behind and he barely notices the hit. He staggers for just a moment before he whirls around to face me and I see the Rage bubble inside him, his sclera turning golden as his beast tries to lash out. But even in his rage Edward was a born warrior and he leashed his rage from murderous to merely grievous bodily harm.

I don't see his fist coming, I just feel the impact of his fist as the blow lifts me off my feet and I crash onto the ground. I curl up on myself and shield my head but the expected barrage of blows doesn't come. I peek through my block and look at Edward.

Allison, his packleader and Philodox, has stepped in and she is holding back Edward even as the Ahroun growls and tries to lunge towards me.

"Stop it Ed. You don't attack Kin like this. So what if he broke the laws, you don't want to be disgraced alongside him. We will talk to the sept and deal with this matter but you have to calm down." She says the magical voice of Philodox calms the rage of the beast inside edward. That just means that the hate that burns in Edwards eyes is all him, a man that has never been denied in his life getting defied by someone he saw as beneath him,

It was a stare I was familiar with;I was by far the most hated Kin-folk in the Sept, I was described as insolent and irreverent by those elders that liked me and an asshole by those that didn't.

"Alright Al, I wouldn't want to sully my claws with trash blood anyway. You never know where they have been, might even be tainted and I don't want to do a cleansing rite before the moot." He said with a sneer and my hackles rose at these words. Calling me and Alice trash was one thing, that was the kind of thing I was used to. But to insinuate that we were tainted by the wyrm was an insult was too far.

Just as I am about to call him a mangy dog and die on his claws, Allison decks Edward in the face.

"You know that's too far Edward. Alice is still a warrior of Gaia." She says and I just sit back down, content from the reprimand.

Their galliard and ragbash grab Edwards and carry him to their car. Allsion gives me one last nod, not of being ok but the fact that we were ultimately all Gaia's children. 4

That was the best I could expect from a pack member of someone who hates me, there was no chance of them ever giving me preference over their pack mates.

"You didn't have to punch him. I was dealing with that prick on my own, he could have killed you Ajax!!" My half sister says as she offers me a hand and pulls up my 6'3'' frame with a single hand despite her 5' foot frame.

Her rebuke was mild, sure she could handle herself but her change was recent and she doesn't have a complete control on her rage yet and I don't want her to get into a fight with a pack of Adren while still a Claith without a pack.

"Hey kid you might be a big bad garou warrior now but you are still my little sister and I am not letting some asshole talk shit to her in front of me and beside, once you find a pack and gain enough renown, you can protect me all you want." I reply and try not to wince how hard that was going to be for her.

She was a Warborn, a product of union between two garou and as such she was sterile. It was job of all garou to raise the warriors of the next generation of gaia's defenders but she couldn't do that fundamental duty. Not that was important these days, what with how we almost certainly lost the war against the wyrm but garou are nothing if not hidebound people so there was a stigma around it still.

I shake my hand and deflect her concerned look.

"I am just fine, he doesn't hit that hard despite being an Ahroun and besides I have that meeting with Elder Pearl River so I will talk to him about him." I say and she finally relents from her glare.

I ruffle her hair and then run away before she mock chases me inside.

The Cairn of our Sept is gloriously verdant Island in a small lake in rural New york. It is a Major cairn but it has an impressive bawn, covering nearly 50 sq km around the lake that could be the locus of control for rites and gifts. So whenever a Moot was called the entire beach was made off limits by the kinfolks in the forest department. It was a time of gathering for nearly a dozen packs and their kinfolks so there are hundreds of people that are theoretically allies and brothers and sisters but usually don't see each other all year.

This means there is a lot of jostling on the boats as they row us to the Island-Cairn. It's especially so for among the Black Furies and the Get of Fenris as there always is but some of the lupine breathrine also yip and nip if they get crowded around too much.

But no other fights break out and we all arrive at the Island in peace. None of the packs make trouble here, the Goldclaw pack would put an end to it real quick so everyone falls into place with alacrity as we all stand around the small pond in the center of the island where is the Cairn heart of the Sept.

The order is complex to an outsider but it becomes clear once you have attended one every other month since a teenager.

The Garou all stand around the pool in the first row, the warriors of gaia given their due place of honor at the center of cairn but even they are divided by first rank, with the elders and arthos getting the place of honor next to the theurge of the Goldclaw as she perform the rite to begin the Moot.

The kind folk are standing in the back, behind the garou so as to not to get hurt when the prey spirit is summoned later on but we all know it is because we are not the warriors of gaia.

I have a relatively high place of honor in this moot because I can sense my own gnosis and commune with the spirits, i was the apprentice to a real theurge, but I can assist in the rites and rituals to call spirits and beseech gaia and our patron spirit for favor. So I am assisting RIvers as she leads us through the Rite of Opening and Cleansing.

The ritual is simple, she takes a ladle carved from rock with her bare claws and scoops up some of the gnosis filled and pristine water from the pool of purity, just as the moon rises and the first rays of the Garou's mother hits the pool infusing it with her purifying power in auditions to its own inherent properties.

I hold the turtle shell fetish that has a spirit of a luna inhabiting it, using my meager reserve of gnosis to activate its effect of keeping the water purified outside of the pool. I walk behind her as she scoops and sprawls the water around the entire moot, blessing and cleansing all in attendance.

It is an excruciating 2 hours to just start the moot but by the end it is my turn of anointment and just as she dabs my forehead with the water. I feel a pulse of energy purify me like usual. But this time there is a reaction from deep inside me. A wellspring of power rushes up to meet this cleansing wave and I feel infinite potential bubble up inside my soul.

The closest I can come to describe the feeling is as If I had taken a dip into the pool of purity, all that power welling up into reality and yet this feeling inside me is like a sun compared to a campfire. It is a font of infinite power and potentiality that is bubbling and morphing and this floating ball of infinity spits out three globs of infinity that hit what I recognise as my spirit half or my soul.

These globs of power hit my soul and are absorbed inside me and I feel a rush of power and knowledge as if I had know them since Birth


Multiply & Conquer

(It's a bit troublesome how easily Devils can replenish their numbers like flies while the rest of the supernatural world has to do with the old methods for increasing their numbers. Let's even the playing field a bit, shall we? I'll grant you a 'blank' copy of the evil pieces system, albeit modified to fit your current race, and with a different 'theme' of your choice so instead of chess you can have them themed after the tarot, casino tokens, or whatever - the only limited to a maximum of 18 per 'set'. Alongside this, comes a manual with instructions on how to make more sets. You can make some minor modifications on how they work precisely, given their role.)

Greater Life Ring

(A simple ring set with a small red jewel. Normally left in graves as a memento for the dearly departed, this special Life Ring noticeably improves the vitality, the physical health, of the one who wears it no matter how full of life they might already be.)

Blessings To The Faithful

(Prayers from your worshippers no longer only swell your heka like a river filling with rain, but the very words of your faithful will reach you as long as they are made in the manner you command. You may choose to shut out these prayers or resume hearing them at any time. As well as words, offerings of food reach you too: if they are made to you in your shrines or in the manner you command, this food provides sustenance for you.Your heka may fulfill their prayers at your pleasure. After a worshiper finishes making a prayer to you, there is a short window in which you can respond by a working of magic. Your 'reply' may be a message or a spell which is enacted as if you were standing at your supplicant's location, instead of your own.)

The sheer Power of the motes of infinity almost knocks me out and I barely notice one of the motes manifest around my finger and fill my body with vitality. I have bigger concerns.

My little vision or whatever that was has knocked me on my ass and as I get up I am greeted by a snarling maw an inch away from my face. The fangs in this may are the size of daggers and slavering to bite me.

I look into the eyes above the maw and the eyes look back at me with caution.

Its great white beast standing 10 feet tall and her fur is crisscrossed with scars from her long storied life.

The entire circle of the ritual has transformed and let me tell you if you haven't had two dozen giant killing machines ready to pounce and kill you, you haven't lived.

I was later told that the only reason I wasn't lying in 7 pieces across the glen was because none of the very very experienced philodox sensed any wyrm taint on me.

"What happened??" I ask in an incredulous tone. Unable to believe what my knowledge had given me and this too preoccupied to stop myself from asking the question.

"You tell us. Why did you react like that to a rite of cleansing and why do I feel no taint on you infiltrator? Did you sell us out of simple money then??" River Pearl asks me with a growl that shakes me to my very bone. I could feel her anger. I know she has learned to sort truth from falsity from spirits of justice long ago.

"I have had a vision or dream. I don't know what but something has touched me during the rite of cleansing and awakened some ancient power in my blood. I think it was Gaia, Because of what this vision showed me. It showed me a Rite, a relatively simple rite that has the chance to win the war and save the world." I say with my most ardent and forth right tones, because I know I speak true and the rite is most definitely something that will change garou society forever.

"Ha, as if gaia would give vision to one such as you before choosing one of the elder theurges here." its Edwards nasally mocking tone that speaks this, his gnosis flexing to make it a rite of challenge.

I ignore him which causes him to grow even more rabid and only his pack holds him back. But I notice all of the garou look at me expectantly, likely thinking similar things.

"I know it was gaia because of what the rite does. It is called the Rite of True Rebirth, it can turn anyone that can gain the acceptance of a patron spirit into a Garou." I say and my words send a ripple of disbelief and anger through the gathered sept. There shouts and growls and I feel at least three werewolves flex their gnosis to smite with fire and lightning. Pearl RIver seems shocked by my words, almost unresponsive as she peers into my eyes as if desperately looking for even an ounce of deceit.

She raises her hand for silence and when that doesn't stop the noise she gesture to her Arm of Gaia, a male co leader, and he howls with power. The howl laden with power silences the wolves and calms their inner rage so that they Listen as the Theurge speaks.

"I sense no taint in this kin, and I sense no lies in his words. Before any of you lose control of yourself, I want you to think, what if he is telling the truth and he believes he is at the very least. We have to investigate it."She points to he her actual apprentice and he takes over the duty of continuing the rite.

She turns to me and says.

"Let's see what you have to say for yourself."
I've never seen a celestial fic set in world of Darkness before so I'm interested in how this gonna go. although this is a bit bare-bone for a start
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Chapter 2
She leads me down a side path and down a stream and suddenly we are transported into a cave decked out with fetishes and talens. It was so abrupt a transposition that I stumble from the displacement.

The cave is rough, hewn from rock and deep, I can't even see its exit. I feel a slight tingle in my fingers, that feeling of electricity in the air when you know a storm is coming. It's a pretty intense feeling but I put that out of my mind as I see Pearl River transform into her native Lupine form. The Arm of Gaia, her co-leader and a homid named Bruce Strongarm, takes a place behind me. He has his great klaive drawn and I can feel the war spirit bound to it eager to run me through.

"So tell me about this vision, what happened? Also take off that ring, I need to see what it is, it appeared while you were convulsing from your vision." She asks.

"I don't know what happened but I just saw the energy of the cleansing rite travel through me, it somehow caused a reaction with something deep inside me and it gave me those rites. I think it was a gift from Gaia because of the Rite of True Rebirth. What else could it be??" I say and her wolf eyebrows frown in a very human manner, no matter what the red talons say staying with humans do change wolves. I also take off my new ring and immediately feel the difference as I feel weaker without it. I put it in my pocket for later inspection.

"That sounds more like a gift from Luna, if that ritual that used her power was what awakened it. She is the patron of all Garou so it would make sense if she gave you the right that you think you have." She yips and I feel the meaning of her wolf speak.

"I don't then, you haven't got that part of spirit identification class." I say in jest and her chuff of amusement is a reprieve, maybe she won't slaughter me. It was tense, a knot of anxiety inside me that loosened a little bit.

"Well, the only way to figure it out is to do the rite. Let's see what it does and if it's acceptable to our patron spirit." She says. She howls with the force of a hurricane and I feel the sound in my bones as the power laden call echoes through the cave.

A howl answers the call in turn but it is odd, it is not like any wolf I have ever heard of before.

After a few seconds there is the sound of paws scraping across the floor and deep thumping steps that shake the cavern. A looming shadow covers the entire wall as a canine figure approaches the bend. There is mist on the ground now and the shadow is being cast from some unseen flame in the distance.

I can't make out who it is and the apprehension of the unknown scares me and I feel the fear start to run rampant, my hands clench and I start sweating profusely.

Then the Coyote turns the corner and all of the special effects disappear. To be clear, it is not a giant spirit coyote or a shadow coyote that fills the entire cave. Its just a normal coyote that ambles up to me, lifts up its hind leg and pisses on my left shoe.

That brings me out of fight or flight mode and I shout at it.

"What the fuck???!!!! Why did you piss on me bro? There's a whole cave right there." I gesticulate wildly all around me.

And even through my manic outburst I can hear the wheezing laugh that the coyote lets out at my reaction. It rolls onto its back and its little body starts shaking as it lets out full body chortles.

"Ah hahahahaha haaaaaa. Oh that was good." it says in the most unexpectedly deep baritone imaginable, a navajo accent marking his identity clear as day.

I freeze up; I know who our patron is and it's not Him. We are the people of Unicorn and its brood of spirits. He shouldn't be here. I don't want to deal with him.

"Hello Coyote. I apologize for my outburst. May I know what brought you here this moon rise." I ask and even as I say it I know I fucked up. Coyote isn't like the other spirits I have been trained to entreat with. He doesn't care for formality and decorum. And my fears come true as he just laughs of my question and rubs himself across my right leg.

I am frozen stiff, not everyday that an Incarne spirit sends an avatar to interact with you.

"Oh I came here because I had an appointment, a job interview in fact. But don't let me disturb you, do your tests and trials. I will just be sitting there in the corner." He says with one last affectionate rub against my leg and he goes and sits in a corner.

Still in coyote shape he pulls out a little portable TV from somewhere and a six pack of bear and starts watching an operatic performance. He does not pay us any attention and there is a bucket of popcorn he is engrossed in eating from, still in coyote form.

"Disregard him, Coyote will do his thing when he wishes, its no use wasting your time thinking about him." Pearl says "No offense."

Coyote gives her a thumbs up and continues watching the opera.

"Show me the rite. I have summoned some test subjects." She says and gestures towards where Bruce was standing, I hadn't noticed him disappearing to get volunteers but there he was, with three kin folks and Alice standing there.

I almost got whiplash because of how fast I turned to look at my sister.

"She is already a Garou. She doesn't need to be here." My voice cracking with alarm.

"She is here as the guide of these new Garou. She will join their pack and lead them. It shouldn't be a problem, since she doesn't have many prospects for a pack in our sept." Pearl says with an almost magnanimous tone but I understand what this was.

Alice is a hostage, to ensure the safe result of my Rite. If my Garou turned out to be corrupted or mad berserkers or defective in some way, then the spiritual bonds of a pack would doom my sister as well. From her point of view this might even be a kindness, after all Most Garou are prejudiced against warborne, for being living results of litany breaches, and having someone who's very status as a warrior of gaia is owed to someone's family would be more accommodating to her.

It is despicable but I just bite down on my indignation and push down my anger. I understand where she is coming from but it's not good, downright dishonorable even. I will remember this even if I don't have the power to do anything about it.

"Ok, come forward then. Introduce yourself with your names, the way you consider yourself in your own thoughts. The ritual needs that to lock onto you.State the reason why you think you deserve to be a Garou. Leave the rest to me." I say to the 3 Kin that had volunteered.

I briefly turn to Pearl River and explain the ritual to her.

"So the ritual is simple theoretically, there are 2 versions depending on who the target is but this is fundamentally the same thing. If the target is a Kin like these fine folks here, then it is similar to a simple ritual of awakening that you taught me. It is pumping power to the spiritual part of their soul to awaken it from its slumber and then merge them together with a binding to their Parent, more on that in a bit." I pause to take a breath and lick my lips because what I am about to say is a bit heretical. "If the target is mundane, then you have to attach a spirit to their soul first, probably a war or wolf spirit for a Garou. Now both of these transformations are unstable for the first month, they need to be bound to a parent that can spiritually burden themselves to shore up their souls until they settle down, it can be a patron spirit or even an elder but it requires fairly potent spiritual weight."

There is a record scratch as I finish my explanation, a literal record scratch sound from where the coyote was sitting and when I turn to face him he isn't there.

When I turn back to face the room again, it is covered in shadows. It is the black abyss of the void between stars and the deep sea trenches that haven't seen light for billions of years. It is so dark that it loops back around to being bright, an negative incandescence that dims the very light around it.

That void blinks and out of that void steps Coyote. But it was not the coyote that was just here, this was Coyote made up of a shadow flesh dappled with stars. His eyes and maw are red stained and slavering, a beast in the truest meaning of the world. There was no sound inside the cave other than his steps and his frigid breath. His eyes still held the mischief he was known for but there was something else there, a deep sorrow and rage that could drown the world. It is the rage of a teacher whose lessons had failed to take root.

"What you are saying then is that this rite need not be just for the Garou. That any of the other fera's can be the results as well." He asks in a voice that was the smoothest silk and the most decadent chocolate, a voice fit to seduce gods and goddesses. The only reason I am not begging to be on my knees is because I can feel his power shield me from his very presence.

"Y-yes Coyote. They would require an appropriate spirit to help solidify the transformation for a month or so but after that yeah they would be whatever kind of Fera they are, forever." I say and I have an inkling of why he asked me this question. Even as a Trainee of an apprentice shaman, I know the tales of the Garou and I know of our shames, I know of the war of rage and the crimes we committed that haunt our nation still.

"I am going to copy this rite from your mind now, I will take it to fix the crime of your people. I will give you mine and Gryphon's blessings as recompense so that your purity is not doubted as long as you remain Gaia's. Is that acceptable to you?" He says and I notice that fragile and forlorn hope in his voice, a hope that had died a millennia ago. I knew then there is no way I can say no, it would be a crime and I know we have done enough of them in our time.

"All I ask is that the Gurhal, Apis and Grondor can forgive us and not carry out the war again." I say and he just nods. I nod to him in turn to show my assent. The were-bears, were-bulls and were-pigs will live again. It is a good day.

He gives me the crookedest smile that stretches his face to fill the cave and then he boops me on my forehead and disappears.

"That's weird." I say the room as exactly as it was at the end of my explanation. Coyote had stopped time to talk to me, the full coyote and not the aspect still sitting in the corner and watching tv, if a bit more smug than he was just a moment before.

Revived 4 Species of Fera from Extinction.(+1000CP)(Rolling)
Lostbelt King(600CP)
(Wait, what? How did - nevermind. I'm sure Dr Heartless will be glad to have you on board, because it seems you have somehow circumvented one of the dangers of actually changing the world in this setting, specifically that the Quantum Time-Lock and Pruning Phenomenon may decide that your timeline is outside of acceptable boundaries, and eventually delete it entirely. You don't need to worry about it, because you have a power no one else does: when your timeline is about to be erased, altered, or deleted, a sort of mystical alarm goes off in your mind, at least a day in advance, and you may declare yourself - or a major or defining figure of the timeline a the timeline's "king." Upon doing so, the timeline is henceforth a "Lostbelt," over which the king gains a sort of Divine Authority. So long the Lostbelt's king remains within it, and alive (or alive-adjacent) it will persist, any problems caused by its mere existence will simply not occur, and any attempt to alter it will simply result in additional timelines spawning. Departing for a new jump or Going Home does not count as leaving, and post-Spark, you no longer need to remain within your claimed timelines to preserve them. In the case of competing claims, the more defining figure of the timelines or the most mystically powerful becomes king.)
(Your affinity with the Forge has given you the exceptional ability to transmute objects and even living things, provided the correct price is paid. Magic begets magic, souls begets souls, and divinity begets divinity.)
Roll Failed. (100CP Remaining)

I pause as new stars of potential impact my soul bring with them new gifts. A gift that allowed me to secure my timeline from all disruptions as long as I live was strange. Mostly because I didn't even know that was something I was under threat from, and how did it work exactly? Was it retroactive and protected me since my birth or was it more about going forward.

It doesn't matter; I activate my power and feel a strange sense of connection with everything in existence for a moment before I am back in my body with none the worse for wear. Hopefully no one sends a terminator after me then.

The second power is also strange, it is both initiation into a magical tradition and a talent for all magics aligned with flame, transformation and strength. I am a pretty decent smith now and I have the Invocations of the Forge that let me make magical things.

But I put those aside as I have to continue the ritual, for my sister's sake.

I walk up in front of the others and carefully carve a circle in the ground. I take a seat on one side of the circle, facing the east and gesture to the kin first in like to take a seat in front of me.

She is a severe woman, your classic punk with chains and leathers and cropped hair and hard eyes. I know her type, I had a few girlfriends from the Furies before. But there was an edge to her stance even when she quietly took her place. It was a chip on her shoulder as if she had something to prove.

"My name is Aurora Johnson, I am a kin of the Black Furies. I deserve to be a warrior of Gaia because it is my birth right, I have trained since birth to fight the enemies of Gaia and I won't let something as stupid as chance stop me from slaughtering her foes." She says with no hint of irony. I guess she doesn't see the stereotype.

"Well then Aurora, welcome to the war." I say and touch her on the forehead. My latest gift helps here, the forge is associated with change and transformation so I mutter a quick Ardent Orison, revealing the truth of her soul as it was meant to be and should be and not as it is. A spark of flame enters her forehead and in a flash it diffuses all across her body; before she starts spasming for a second. Her limbs bend in rictus poses that creak her bones and I feel the clench of her muscle.

But that lasts only a second before she transforms into a werewolf. Her fur is russet red and she stands at 8 feet and she looks at her claws in wonder before her wonder and happiness overflows and she lets out a howl of victory. Her harsh exterior reasserts itself and she quickly calms down. She nods her thanks and then steps out the circle.

The next Kin steps forward and he is a contrast to Aurora, a man that stands 5 '6'' in a crew neck sweater and chinos. His blond hair was as cliche as his blue eyes. He always stands out in any moots, dressed like he is of the enemy. But I know this guy, he is probably the most fanatic eco-warrior I have ever seen, that is a high bar indeed in a Garou sept.

"My name is Maximillan Modera the 3rd. My soul burns to strike down the enemy of Gaia. I am already in hand's reach of our enemies' agents every day. Being a Garou would give me the tools to take down their edge and win victories that are meaningful and lasting." He says and I just nod accepting his answer.

I hand him a coin, imbued with my power via the forge, and as he takes it he transforms into a black furred giant werewolf, with claws that shone silver and eyes that are red with rage.

I know he can't control himself the moment he changes, I have faced down enough angry garou to be used to it.

The angry werewolf is lost to rage and he lashes out at me with his claw. I can barely react to the rage fueled celebrity of the wolf. I try to duck under the swipe but his claws bite into my shoulder with a jarring tearing pain that sets my whole body on fire.

Bruce is there in the next instant, a werewolf more scarred and with snarl he chokeslams Maximillian into the wall. The shock of the bone crushing impact brings him out of the rage and he gives me an apologetic yip.

I am too busy bleeding on the ground. Pearl approaches me slowly with an apologetic look on her snout as she directs a healing paw on my wound. The flesh squirms with an unbearable itch for a second before the bleeding stops and it starts regrowing. The claws of Garou are weapons of gaia, they do not heal quickly nor easily but Pearl River is an elder shaman, she has healed more wounds than I can even conceive.

"It's unusual for new Garou to lose themselves to the rage upon their awakening. I should have warned you." She says and her tail drops in her regret.

"No, I am fine. We started it and we finished it." I growl back. This is important, it is the future of my sister's pack. I am not going to fail her, no matter what it takes.

The last Kin is a teenager. They are dressed in a hiking outfit, like they were out for a hike.

"My Name is Kline. I am a Garou because it is Gaia's will that gave you this blessing the very first time I came to a moot, the only kin from a family with a half dozen Garou. It is my destiny that I am chosen for this honor." They say and I just nod, I don't care about the entitlement, it's not my problem. I snap my hand and they transform into a white furred wolf that stares in wonder at their hands.

Transform a Kin into Garou for the first time(+100), Help your Sister Form a Pack(+200CP)

(Made of thin planks, this longship has many convenient magics, such as shrinking down to a fist-sized toy, and able to sail the skies and the "sea" of space without any harm befalling the passengers. It can even cross the spaces between Realms to visit Asgard and Jotunheim.)

The Draupnir Spear(300CP)(Absorbs Greater Life Ring)
(Once Draupnir was an ornate golden ring that would create mundane golden duplicates for an infinite supply of fine golden rings for smithing or for wealth. After being reforged from the efforts of the Legendary Huldra Brothers (who created Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor), and the efforts of The Lady of the Forge. Now you have acquired the Draupnir Spear.

You gain a ring that can create a golden Spear that can kill even the mightiest of gods. This Spear can multiply itself, whenever you strike or throw this Spear, you can create an identical duplicate Spear, such as when you strike an opponent and leave a duplicate Spear inside of them to explode at your discretion or harmlessly dispel.

The Draupnir Spear having been infused with the power of the wind can also fly much farther and more accurately than a normal Spear, and by slamming the butt of the Spear on the ground or by twisting the handle, the other duplicate spears can explode with enough force to wound and decapitate gods and God like beings. You can also throw the Spear into the air to create a storm of falling Draupnir spears that all can explode at once or in any particular order of your choosing.

The Draupnir Spear has also been infused with the Power of the Wind, allowing it to create vacuums and areas of wind pressure that can launch foes away or pull them as needed. Even swinging The Draupnir Spear can create powerful cyclones and miniature tornadoes that can sweep across the field of battle.

And if all of that was not enough for you, The Draupnir Spear can even empower itself with nearby elements such as Fire, Ice, Poison, Lightning, Bifrost Energy and any other form of nearby Energy to deal that same kind of energy damage with every strike and throw. However it is not capable of making these other types of energy on its own and must have a nearby source to empower itself with. For an additional 100 cp, once you have empowered The Draupnir Spear with a form of energy, you can re-empower it with that same energy with a thought, making The Draupnir Spear even more powerful and versatile.

The one spear....that is many. A truly formidable weapon.)

I feel two motes of potential manifest in my pocket. I decide to check them out later.

With that the pack is full.

Even as I get and walk out of the circle they are sizing each other up, all in their warform judging and gazing at each other. It was a standoff, their primal instincts making them confrontational and prone violence. Because they haven't decided on who the pack leader is. Its going to be a bit of a scuffle but its not my problem, I am sure Alice can take care of herself in a fight.

I am walking towards pearl but just as I walk up to her. Coyote is there; the little aspect of coyote and not the full spirit, and he has a desk set up with a manilla folder in front of him with my name on it. He is dressed in a little doggy business suit.

"Its my turn now. For the interview." He says.

"Interview for what???" I ask, kind of tired of the bullshit.

"Well, the job interview for becoming a patron spirit and starting a spirit brood of course. What??? Did you think you were going to get the job without any impediment were you??" He answers with a sly grin.
Huh, wonder if he could revive the Bunyip?
Edit:Or the Croatan? If they have surviving Kinsfolk.
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What would be effect of that ship on the old world of darkness, which I'm assuming is the version here?

Does it go intro umbra realms? The underworld? Arcadia? 'Hell'? The astral? The deep and middle umbra to visit the Triat? All kinds of god mage realms like Osiris place or the garden of Eden? Oblivion\the labyrinth lol?

What a dangerous item if you make the "wrong" choice (all of them) and you can get there by accident. This nerd historian now just has to be convinced by Coyote to 'visit the first city' to get in over his head into the super mega death vampire range. Or visit Coyote in the middle umbra, or go piss off a archangel. In fact, 😂, death is almost certain if you visit anyone but a super mage that isn't mad (rare), Isis or maaaaybe Gaia or archangel Michael.
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Does it go intro umbra realms? The underworld? Arcadia? 'Hell'? The astral? The deep and middle umbra to visit the Triat? All kinds of god mage realms like Osiris place or the garden of Eden? Oblivion\the labyrinth lol?
It can go anywhere not blocked by powerful beings.
Huh, wonder if he could revive the Bunyip?
Edit:Or the Croatan? If they have surviving Kinsfolk.
He can create wolfs but somone else needs to do the cultural and spiritual reconstruction.
oh fenris is going to not like him since he got items relating to the aesir. Better not use the spear and ring in front of get of fenris
So is the lostbelt king actually useful is the timeline being pruned an actually possiblity
Time travel is only explicitly forbidden in the exalted setting and that is because the exalted fucked around and something wrote out time travel from the setting (ie: time of cascading years). There is nothing actually forbidding it in the world of darkness, if you don't count the various spirits outside of the "skinlands" that might notice and be pissed off.

So a power to fix your personal timeline is a useful blanket, but ... Well, going full reverse flash is not exactly common compared to just aging you to death. It's probably useful it rolled before pentex or one of the mad mages noticed though, because it's one way to get rid of the MC before he was powerful for the sufficiently desperate and big brain big bad.
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Time travel is only explicitly forbidden in the exalted setting and that is because the exalted fucked around and something wrote out time travel from the setting (ie: time of cascading years). There is nothing actually forbidding it in the world of darkness, if you don't count the various spirits outside of the "skinlands" that might notice and be pissed off.

So a power to fix your personal timeline is a useful blanket, but ... Well, going full reverse flash is not exactly common compared to just aging you to death.
So probably not worth the 600 points spent on it dammit shame it was rolled first
This is a story you know? If it wasn't rolled, it wouldn't matter, but now that it was, the writer can easily write a timetravel jackass failing to kill him\obviate his existence or succeeding and creating a alternate timeline to be a later threat or to be a apocalypse level.

Suggestions for timetravel jackass: true brujah hiding out in the past relative to the "present" (constantly creating alternate timelines now the perk effect is on, more of a accidental apocalypse than anything malicious, maybe once the triat goes wtf), nephandi specialized in the time sphere, earthbound demon specialized on the lore of chaos, outsider spirit from the deep umbra (think Lovecraft), Fae Noble Trazyn\Orikan expy.
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So is the lostbelt king actually useful is the timeline being pruned an actually possiblity
Oh yeah big time. Like time is one of the ten spheres of magic. There are time wars and alternate timeline travel.

The only reason he wasn't killed as a child before completely changing shit is that this works retro actively. Otherwise the nephandi would have slaughtered his entire bloodline.

Another thing is that they have completely shut down These guys. They are super pissed and the void engineers are worried.
oh fenris is going to not like him since he got items relating to the aesir. Better not use the spear and ring in front of get of fenris
You guys are not going to belive what he rolled next. Its so improbable i will be told i am faking but its hundered percent real.

But yeah, the get were always going to be a problem.
Chapter 3
"Tell me about your previous experience and training that make you eligible to be a patron spirit. Describe what makes you capable of fulfilling your duties." Coyote asks me with the most droning corporate tone I have ever heard. I wait a bit for the punchline but it never comes and to my dawning horror I realize that this is an actual interview, with all the impersonal and inhuman judgment inherent to the process.

I take a second to compose my answer and truly understand the question. It wasn't as simple as it just appears, it has a secondary function that I will divulge what I think my duties are as a patron spirit and so act if I know their function well.

"Well I was learning how to act to provide spiritual counseling to Garou and communing with spirits. It gives me an intimate connection with the wants and needs of any pack I take under my wing as well as the balance of the Umbra. My weird blessing from gaia gave me an ability that gives me more power the more people I have under my patronage and I can help them achieve their goals by casting magic as If I am with them. These abilities mean that I properly protect the interest of Gaia as a whole and the smaller part that is my brood and packs." I answer by trying to give my honest thoughts but hedging a bit as well to make sure I appear amenable, because ultimately I don't know what he is looking for and even Coyote should appreciate someone who is willing to help out.

The Coyote in front of me nods and there is another Coyote sitting on the seat on the right to it, this time in a a doggy blouse and skirt, and she asks me.

"What is the Triat, what is their relationship with Gaia, what do you think is the problem and what do you plan to do about it." She questions.

Fuck, really digging into the core of the Garou's bigggest philosophical questions aren't we Coyote. Might as well ask me what is the meaning of the universe and what the universal question is?? Damn that's hard. But I guess the only way to answer is start from the basics and construct a more encompassing answer.

"Well, Gaia is the All-Mother, the one who gave life to all life. The triat is the trinity of umbra that represents 3 forces of reality, Wyld is the aspect of unbound creation, Weaver is the eternal stasis and preservation and then there's the Mad Wyrm, the ceaseless hungering maw of entropy. I will be honest, I don't Know the relationship they have to Gaia, I mean like most of the tribes I believe she is above them and they are subordinate to Gaia, but I think it's an apples to oranges comparison. Gaia is spirit of something concrete and complex, life consists of all three aspects of triat in fact life is the only way they are all present in. But on the other hand I think gaia would tell wyrm to chill out if she had the authority. I just think they are idiot gods, mindless forces of reality that might have greater scope than gaia but ultimately Gaia matters more." I say and pause to take a deep breath after the impromptu monologue.

"As for the problem, we all know the story. Weaver trapped the wyrm to preserve the world. Both went mad and now want to dominate the universe maximally. It is the job of the Garou nation to curb where that imbalance hurts Gaia and her children. Long term you probably need to kill the wyrm and weaver, which is probably not possible all things considered, but it's not important. We just need Gaia to be healthy and thriving first. Then we can make that decision." I finish with a deep exhale.

The Coyote with a skirt nods and writes down something on her skirt.

A third Coyote sitting on my left, dressed in a much fancier suit of a ceo type guy, and he gets up from his seat and trots over to me and raises his paw as if to give me a shake.

I look at its little paw for a second and then shake his hand in turn.

"Congrats, you have got the internship on lock. You just have to do a preliminary task for us and then you can be properly inducted into the company as a Patron spirit with your own court." He says and his tale is wagging as if he is struggling to contain some joke.

That more than anything scares me, Coyote's jokes were seldom appropriate and it wasn't known to turn out well if you refused to learn whatever lesson he wanted you to learn.

"Ok, What is the task? I will be more than happy to oblige." I say with consternation.

"It's a simple enough task. As your test for being patron, more or less, you are to free New York from all hostile forces and bring the city and its suburbs under gaian control. I am giving you a seal of approval from the boss herself, a temporary standing in the courts as a Gaian Jaggling Marcher Lord. In return you have six months to complete your task." He says.

"As a Jaggling Margrave you are operating under fairly simple yet crucial rules of engagement. You can only fight mortals in self defense or if they intrude on your domain in the umbra. You are allowed to wander around and even live in the mortal world but you can't actively use your power to directly attack or compel beings that are not your equals and if you risk skirting this rule due to some great offense then you will be penalized in a significant manner.." He gives me a briefcase marked with the rules.

I am a bit dazed from the proclamation and grab the briefcase. It nearly pulls my arm from my socket. It looks the size of a normal briefcase. It must weigh as much as a small boulder. I dread to think of how thick the reams of papers are and how complex the rules that they need so much paper.

"In there is an abridged copy of the various supernatural pacts, treaties and agreements that prevent the entire world from being turned into an open war. Read up on them, they are important, if only so you learn how to circumvent them quickly. Pro-tip, no player of any power actually abides by these rules, they have long carved out exceptions for themselves. Its more of a trap for keeping the middle ranks from upsetting the board too much. You should figure out how you are going to do it soon. Second free tip, mortals are not bound by these." He says with exaggerated eyebrow raises and pointing surreptitiously toward Alice's pack.

This was the last straw, not only was I given an impossible task with an absurd timeline but I was also being told to risk my little sister's life due to some stupid rules that are by default designed to be broken. It doesn't matter that she is a warrior and would smack me for even thinking this, I am not risking her for this stupid task. I am not sacrificing anyone else in my family for Gaia's safety.

Coyote must have read some of my thoughts from my expression because he momentarily drops his mischievous masks and shows a genuinely sympathetic look.

"I understand it must seem like a large task to you now. But don't make any hasty decision just yet, whatever this strange blessing you have will draw attention towards you. It's too late to hide in the shadows now, the only way to not be forever hunted across the realms is to dig your feet in and carve a safe haven for yourself with your own hands. This task is as much for you as it is for us. That also applies to your sister and her pack as well, some of the other tribes will not be kind if you disappear and left her with people some of the more hidebound are not even going to consider true Garou." He says.

Oh, I sit back down on my chair. I was too angry to notice but I had risen to announce my refusal. But Coyote's words take the wind out of my sails and I deflate a bit. I take a look at my hands and see the new ring. It was different from the previous one, that was a gray stone ring with a jewel inset. This is a golden band of such incredible beauty and art that seeing it shock me out of my despondence. I feel it with my power and I grin a little from what I learn.

I hold out my hand in front me and with a tug of my will, a golden spear made out of wind and vitality forms in my hand. It is an exquisite weapon, with a metal shaft inlaid with magical rune and 3 foot long golden blade on its head. A blood red cloth is tied below the spearhead, like a banner of a war god and it flutters in an unseen wind. The spear resonates with power and freedom, the winds and storm shaped in a weapon fit to slay gods. I thrums with vitality, the absorbed ring still present in essence if not in form and just hold the spear fills me with a hearty feeling.

With another flex of my will I hold out my other hand and another spear manifests in that one, utterly identical to the one in my right hand. It too thrums with power and life and wind. Holding it just adds to my well of life and I feel even better, if Maximillan attacked me now, I doubt his claws would do more than leave scratches in my empowered flesh.

I dismiss them both with another flex of will and the power Draupnir spear retreats to the back of my mind and back to the ring on my finger. It was but a single mote of my power and yet this single weapon could well allow a Garou to take out one of the maeijlns, the right hands of the wyrm.

My powers are going to continue to grow, and Coyote is right. I can't hide them, Draupnir sings the song of the winds of freedom and I can probably feel the blazing presence of the miniaturized boat in my pocket from kilometers away.

I can't be dejected by being given an impossible task, no lesser task will be appropriate for my potential and the renown and experience will sharpen Alice so she can take care of herself. And if need be, I will save my sister no matter what, fuck whatever the rules that try to stop me.

My mind made up, I raise my head and look Coyote in the eye and say.

"I accept."

He starts laughing at that, his fancy suit crumpling and creasing in the dirt as Coyote laughs for 30 entire seconds.

After that he stops laughing and then wipes tears of laughter from his eyes and then between heaving breaths he manages to whisper.

"Oh you sweet darling, you think you had a choice. You are getting conscripted boyo, shanghaied even." So declaring he starts laughing again.

Everything after that was a blur, the emotional and magical toll of the back to back rites and the meeting with the coyote has exhausted me.

Pearl River and Bruce take me out of their umbral cave and rejoin moot. She gives everyone a very very brief and redacted version of what happened in the cave.

There is a lot of Outrage, quite a few Garou almost lose themselves to the rage and try to attack me but my pack is there to defend me. Even if they are new to their powers and weak of spirit, a pack of Garou can put down stronger foes if they outnumber them. It doesn't take much but they do stall them until the other elders can calm them down.

I don't react externally from whatever is happening, I feel as though I am stuck under water and the noise of the world is muted for me. It is a feeling of dissociation that makes it hard to care about the threats and growls and even more disturbingly the pity and pleas.

I just walk surrounded by my pack to the pier and stop at the edge of the water.

"Hey Alice, want to see something cool??" I ask even through my funk and I draw my boat before even waiting for her response.

The toy longship in my hand shimmers for a second and in a flash of blinding light there is a silver coloured longboat floating in the air in front of us. Its a beautiful piece of art with a sail decorated with plant motifs.

I clamber up quickly on the boat, the plank extending automatically at a flex from my will and my pack reluctantly follows behind.

"Where the fuck did you get a flying ship Ajax?? What is going on?" Alice asks and I abruptly realize that I haven't really explained things to her, or for that matter to the pack.

"Fair; you deserve whatever semblance of an explanation I can give you. Let me just get out of here." I say and will the ship to move.

The ropes loosen and the sail unfurls on its own, the ship's side opens and oars start poking out the sides and they start rowing.

The Long ship moves with almost no discernible bobbing or anything. Its a smooth and quick acceleration to about 100 MPH, barely pushing its speed but I don't want accidents. The boat leaves behind a glowing silver trail that disappears into the night after a while but it is an exhilarating feeling standing on the prow as the wind whips in your hair as the ship ascends higher and higher towards the sky.

After we get to cloud level I weather the pack and begin explaining the situation.

"First of all, I am not clear about most things that are happening. I am just acquiring powers and magic at what is frankly a concerning rate. That has given me the ability to awaken someone as a Fera. I explained that so I don't get gutted by the elders and pearl river wanted a trial, somewhere along the way Coyote came to me and also decided to test me, they told me you guys volunteered." I say and point to Kline, Aurora and Maximillan.

"Yes we did, but we expected it to be a spirt quest and take a lot of time and risk. This seems like pretty simple and quick work." Kline says.

"Yep, It is convenient. But it does require someone powerful enough to support your spiritual weight for a month or two, as I explained briefly beforehand, you guys souls are still in a state of transition so as such there is a real risk that if I don't bind myself to you as your patron, there was risk the transformation could have reverted. But its fine now. Anyway, where should I drop you guys off." I ask.

"What the fuck are you talking about Ajax, you are going out to try and cleanse a city and you are bound by unreasonable rules, of course we are coming with you." Alice says with a vitriol that was understandable, I know I would do exactly what she is doing and that I have resolved to try and not smother her. But big brother instincts are hard to break.

"Its too dangerous Alice, all of you are young and cubs besides. I am going to one of the biggest supernatural hotspots in the world, no offense but you guys won't last long there." I replied.

I see the entire pack bristle at my brutal yet honest assessment. Alice sets her shoulders and narrows her eyes at me.

"So you said you are our patron right? SO give us the chance to earn the prowess and gifts we need to help you. Didn't you mention somehow working your magic through us." She spits out, she knows I am always more stubborn than her, she is falling back to her old adage of logical arguments that I can't really refute.

"Its not what you think, now that you are bound to me I gain a steady trickle of gnosis from you. I can use that link to enact some spells as If I am there. My knowledge isn't very extensive, I mostly know some sort of foreign forge aspected magic. Stuff like turning your claws and fur to metal or transforming your wounds into strength or summoning spirits of fire and the forge and some of technology; there is some more esoteric stuff but it's not immediately relevant.. These are all things that gifts and rites can do, if in different ways and a lot more disparate sources. So I can do it through you until you learn how to shape the gnosis inside you to enact those spells and that should be enough for you to learn them." I say.

I acquiesce to alice's argument's tacitly, I don't have a good reason beside the one I said and her rejoinder was valid as well. I will teach them the powers they need to survive.

Gain the rank of Jaggling in the Spirit Hierachy(+200)
Through some series of events, which I'm sure is a story in an of itself, you have made a friend: a helhound. The spawn of the Hel Wolf, a powerful Asgardian demon born of – you guessed it – Hel, the nordic realm of the unworthy dead. The size of a small pony, this beast most closely resembles a particularly large pit bull. This hound is not only strong enough to fight against gods and monsters and capable of breathing magical fire, but is as smart as a man and capable of speaking as one. This particular one is completely loyal to you and will follow your orders to the best of its abilities – especially those involving murder. Your hound is quite fond of murder, see and will be happy to speak of this fondness at length.

As if spurred on by my thought process two motes of power detach from my power and suffuse my soul.

But that's overshadowed by the god that manifests in front of me.

It, he I guess, is sitting on his haunches in front of me and he is still on par to my head. His breath smells like brimstone and his breath warms me even in the stratosphere's cold. I see the love in his eyes and before I can reach he pushes me down with his front paws and starts licking my face and covering me with brimstone slobber.

To a normal person he is just a very very large pitbull with glowing red eyes and flames snorting out of his nose.

"Stop! Stop!! Stop!!!" I shout, a delightful laugh releasing from lips unbidden at the dog that is licking me.

"Thori just saying hello." The dog says and pauses its affection assault.

I take the chance to get up and look at everyone's astonished faces.

"Everyone; this is Thori. He is my dog now, granted to me by my power, and he is also a god." I declare only to be greeted by understanding nods.

Of course, I don't need to explain that. Power radiates out of Thori in waves of such intensity the very air around him is literally giving birth to short lived spirits of hellfire and the Hunt. I can feel the knowledge that my power gave me and it is just as impressive that my senses are already telling me. This dopey smiling dog is nigh invulnerable to all small and heavy weapons, his hide tougher than a tank's armor. His jaw can crush diamonds and rip redwood trees out of the ground. He can outrun most cars, track and hunt beings across dimensions and he can breath hellfire.

Well that takes care of my worries.

"He is going to be a pack member with you guys, he isn't the alpha but i will feel much safer if he is with you." I say and I see all of them try and argue.

Not for including a dog in their pack, every Garou interacted with our lupus brethren and everyone is taught to respect our 4 legged friend as equals. It was more the instinctive teenage urge to prove themselves without any help.

"We don't need a chaperone." Mutters Aurora.
"Sir, its a waste of such a valuable asset to assign it to babysitting duty." Says Maximillan
"I think he is cute, it will be fun." Posits Kline and I am surprised by their words, I guess someone is taken with his doggy charms.

"Now, Now. He will stay in the background." I say and start rubbing Thori's head "Won't you boy, won't you teach them to hunt. Who is the good boy that mentors pups, you are. Yes, you are."

His tail wags and his feet thump as he leans into my cuddle. Its fun having someone reach so powerful melt into your arms because you have implicit trust.

"Thori will guide thes pups Master. Thori will make them greatest Hunters, beside Thori of course." He barks in response.

"But before that I need you to find someone for me. You can do that can't you boy??" I ask with another headpat.

"Thori can track a mouse around the globe, Mystery targets nothing for Thori." He replies.

The rest of the flight to New York is quiet, the pack is sitting in the aft of the ship talking about their plans. Meanwhile I am on the helm guiding the ship as Thori guides me across the sky.

I can feel that the boat doesn't show up on radar so I am not worried about that but it still makes me cautious about flying into New York without a flight plan.

But my flight is uninterrupted and undisturbed and I am free to enjoy the sights.

People think that New York is what they see on the TV, the small apartments and skyscrapers and broadway and wall street and the boroughs. What they don't realize is that New York is a shining jewel of glamor and heterogeneity in a sea of bland, soulless suburbia that is New York. It is all grid squares made out of identical houses with sterile lawns and same zoning schools and mega stores.

Even looking at it made me nauseous and apocalyptically angry. I can sense the calcifying taint of the weaver as she weaves her webs over swathes of the town. We are flying over deep unfriendly territory.

It still surprises me then that the boat shudders as if hit.

"Get down and brace for combat." I shout to the pack and they scrabble to find cover.

I grab the helm and give it a frantic turn. The astral rudders shift and the star sail catches the solar wind and the ship dips into a breakneck dive. Just behind us a dozen cyan lightning bolts and crystalline shards perforate the area where we were. A quintet of spider spirits manifest out of the umbra, flying in the sky by sheer power they radiate.

They are shaped like vague approximations of spiders, but with crystalline cybernetic enhancements where their eyes, legs and thorax are. Their forms crackle with power and their eyes lock onto us immediately.

"Unidentified Devient Vessel, you are flying over prohibited airspace. Surrender or be scheduled for existential editing." A robotic voice thunders across the sky.

I curse my complacency, of course the weaver is plugged into the Air control systems and of course it will enforce Aviation Laws, because its broods are inflexible like that. I mean the response seems unusually potent, each of those spirits is a gaffling and their attacks had some potent power.

I don't respond to their calls for surrender and instead turn to maximilian.

"Max, you are a glasswalker by lineage right. Do you want to pilot a viking spaceship?" I offer

"Of course, Ajax. I will use your spiritual gifts and guide our ship to safety." He says and transforms.

"Just keep an evasive pattern, let me deal with the spirits." I say and I see his ears droop a bit but he grabs the wheel all the same.

"Thori with me, we have some prey to hunt." I call and my hound answers as we head towards the very back of the ship.

"Thori shows the spider who authorizes flights here." He replies as we scrabble to get into position.

We get it just in time to see another barrage of destructive energies head our way.

I manifest a draupnir spear in one hand and throw it in retaliation. As the spear flies true for a hundred yards before it is inside the oncoming blasts. A flex of my will manifest 10 more spears and they each absorb the energies of the beams and bolts.

Despite being a high school athlete my throwing arm isn't very good and the spears fall well short of the spirits that are mile behind us.

But I have another trick up my sleeve. It rested on what my spears are and how it works.

The Spears I manifest are very much real actual physical items. They are made with wind magic and sunlight but that is what composes the metal. They are permanent real objects, I can give someone a copy and it would become an heirloom for generations. I can melt it for its metal and it would give me bullions of the most valuable gold and bronze.

But I can still make them explode with a flex of my will. That is because they are all connected to the ring on my finger, the prime spear as it were, and that connection allows me to send a pulse of wind magic to any spear and make it explode. That connection is unbreakable and unlimited, because it is the Prime Draupnir Spear.

I tap into that connection and make the spears explode, releasing the energies they had absorbed violently. But I am still connected to that energy for a split second before it goes back to the earth.

And I am an adept of the Principle of the Forge, the aspect most responsible for Destruction and Transformation of the unwrought into the forged tool.

I use that split second of my connection to magic to do a working.

Now the magic of the Principle of the Forge is the magic of Artifice and transformation. Its primary utilization is from in conjunction with the act of crafting. It is a subtle art best utilized over a long time to make the exact tools to win the day. Sure it can do blasts of fire and curse someone's heart into a literal lead but by and large it is a subtle and slow Art.

But I am kind of in a hurry. So brute force the transformation of magic into physical objects and energetic phenomena. I sing a cascading koan that makes them into my desired effect.

I transform all of that into a veritable cloud of flack, infused with their lightning, and it slows down the spirit as their crystalline carapace is shredded as they enter the cloud of death. I even see one of the spirits go down, ill fate having punctured its eyes with shrapnel and pureed its inside.

I sign frantically to maximilian to dive as we use the delay and obscuration of our flight to literally slam the boat in New York harbor.

I quickly summon more spears and use their detonations to mutter a stanza of stealth, a field of heat haze covers the ship and we are hidden from the sight of artificial objects and spirits of technology, like the ones those weaver hunter killers were.

"Whew, that was a close one." I say.

"While I appreciate the save Mr Ajax, that cloud of smoke and the metal fragments are going to leach into the ground and kill whatever semblance of ecosystem is left in that neighborhood." He says in a surly tone and I just try to hide my wince. I like Max because he has a good heart and a forthwrite personality, not to mention his connection with the Corporate Wolfs that will be important later, but by god he was an insufferable eco warrior.

I take a deep breath and calm myself down from the adrenaline. I shouldn't be harsh, he is just ardent in defense of Gaia he is right about the impact.

"Don't worry Maximillan, that was a hasty spell of transmutation. It didn't have the proper structure and ritual that would make it permanent. It should harmlessly translate back into natural magic after an hour or so. Besides that is enough energy to probably feed quite a few gaian spirits in that spell, it was the equivalent to 10 divine spears. But I appreciate the candid criticism, it is needed for all organizations to work." I reply with honesty and kindness like he deserved.

He still looks surly but at least his tail has perked up a bit. He should be fine.

Survive your First ambush(+200CP)
Artificer(200 CP)(MTG Iconics)
Mechanical wonders and magical items of grandeur! Artifacts are powerful tools for people, wizards and Planeswalkers alike and you have a very potent knack for them. Creating artifacts comes naturally for you making you both an excellent craftsman and an intuitive inventor. It would not be difficult should you spend some time to start making artifice creatures of decent power. Within a scant few years you would even be able to devise inventions worth showing at Kaladesh's technology fair, assuming you have been studious. In addition to this, you also become more capable of making personalized artifacts that are imbued with your powers.

Another star of power hits my soul and I have an epiphany. It was a staggering talent of making magical devices and constructs. There are so many ideas that it is night overwhelming, only my newly minted mechanical genius keeping pace with a spark of brilliance that is looking back at a life in modernity and is being inspired to make them better with magic.

My overclocked mind finally calms down after a second and then I realize I am sitting on my ass and Thori is licking me with his tongue to ground me.

"I am alright, just got more power. But that's not important right now. We made it so we should get going. Don't want to miss our destination, it's rude." I say.

"Where are we going??" Kline asks me with a curious look.

"It's New York, we have to pay our respects before we start. We are going to meet her." I point towards the statue standing proud on her island, an enduring symbol in a world that has forgotten her values.

"After all, its traditional to sail by her when you come here for a new life."
"In there is an abridged copy of the various supernatural pacts, treaties and agreements that prevent the entire world from being turned into an open war. Read up on them, they are important, if only so you learn how to circumvent them quickly. Pro-tip, no player of any power actually abides by these rules, they have long carved out exceptions for themselves. Its more of a trap for keeping the middle ranks from upsetting the board too much. You should figure out how you are going to do it soon. Second free tip, mortals are not bound by these." He says with exaggerated eyebrow raises and pointing surreptitiously toward Alice's pack.
i wonder if they will figure out that Vampires aren't actually Wyrm creations?
Vampires are definitely wyrm aligned, so which god created them is irrelevant for werewolves. They're pretty clueless about other monsters "myths" or "histories", tends to happen when your only interactions are burn, kill or eat, not in any order.

And vampires are worse than most about knowing what's real or fake, what with all the fucking lying\conspiracies and dead or hiding elders, or the way most couldn't care less and some care too much.

Until the MC gets some absurd history perk or Coyote drops some fat infodumps (like that briefcase in fact) there is no chance at all for deep lore.

But speaking of deep lore, in some versions of the WOD, a discarded husk of the Tzimisce antidilluvian is in the NY sewers. Details.

To "conquer" NY you have to deal with that.
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Vampires are definitely wyrm aligned, so which god created them is irrelevant for werewolves. They're pretty clueless about other monsters "myths" or "histories", tends to happen when your only interactions are burn, kill or eat, not in any order.

And vampires are worse than most about knowing what's real or fake, what with all the fucking lying and dead or hiding elders, or the way most couldn't care less and some care too much.

Until the MC gets some absurd history perk or Coyote drops some fat infodumps (like that briefcase in fact) there is no chance at all for deep lore.

But speaking of deep lore, in some versions of the WOD, a discarded husk of the Tzimisce antidilluvian is in the NY sewers. Details.

To "conquer" NY you have to deal with that.
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