[X] Try to find...(pick three) -[X] A Landsknecht! Someone similarly trained in the art of war, but with a rifle, a zweihander, and significantly less moral standing. -[X] A Savage! Someone who fights just like you. Except they're probably shirtless while they do it most of the time. -[X] A Warlock! They also cast spells, except they've probably made a compact with one of your...less savory peers.
[X] Try to find...(pick three) -[X] A Thief! To try and steal materials in a clandestine way.
-[X] A Wizard! They cast spells. -[X] A Medic! Medicinal magic isn't quite linked with the gods this time, you note.
[X] An Assassin! To kill quietly; sometimes barging in as yourself isn't the best course of action. [X] A Knight! Someone who's trained in the art of war would be a boon to have. [X] A Warlock! They also cast spells, except they've probably made a compact with one of your...less savory peers.
[X] Try to find...(pick three) -[X] A Thief! To try and steal materials in a clandestine way. -[X] A Landsknecht! Someone similarly trained in the art of war, but with a rifle, a zweihander, and significantly less moral standing. -[X] A Medic! Medicinal magic isn't quite linked with the gods this time, you note.
[X] Try to find...(pick three) -[X] A Landsknecht! Someone similarly trained in the art of war, but with a rifle, a zweihander, and significantly less moral standing.
-[X] A Wizard! They cast spells. -[X] A Warlock! They also cast spells, except they've probably made a compact with one of your...less savory peers.
-[X] A Wizard! They cast spells. -[X] A Warlock! They also cast spells, except they've probably made a compact with one of your...less savory peers. -[X] A Medic! Medicinal magic isn't quite linked with the gods this time, you note.