Burnt-Out (Quest-Style Psychonauts OC)

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The world of Psychonauts is large, and not every psychic has people's best intentions in mind or respect the sanctity of thought.
Turn 1 (Chapter 1)


67% lewd. Oh my!
Florida Sometimes
AN: This is not a Quest. I'm just writing it like a Quest to practice my Quest writing skills. Please do not vote. The votes will not be tallied because, again, this is not a Quest. This was almost a Quest, but I wasn't feeling confident enough.


Psychic abilities have been observed throughout all of recorded human history. From the earliest cave drawings of rocks being thrown without hands to the fairly recent conflict in Grulovia. The actual application of psychic powers however have been fairly restricted. Everyone knows they exist, but generally people aren't sure what to do with psychics. Some say they should be pressed into military service in some manner, but then one only needs to point out the tragedy in Grulovia to see what havoc a powerful psychic can do. Other people say they should be left to their own devices. Let the psychics do what they want as long as they don't bother 'normal' people too much.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that I couldn't care less. I mean yeah, I am a psychic myself. But I don't waste any time whatsoever thinking about what I should be using my powers for beyond using them for my own gain. Does that make me a bad person. Not necessarily. All it really means is that I'm selfish.

My name is Mark, and as far as I know I'm probably the most powerful pyrokinetic alive. I'm a fair hand at thermokinetics in general, but I advertise myself as a pyrokinetic to keep things... uncomplicated. Now I bet your asking yourself who would hire a pyrokinetic and why. Let me tell you a little bit of advice my first boss told me. Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question, is an answer.

I'll tell you anyways.

Insurance fraud, mob hits, evidence disposal, bodyguarding, and other thing like that. There are oodles and oodles of shady people out there with lots of cash willing to spend it on the services of individuals like myself for our abilities. By individuals like myself I mean psychics firmly on the other side of the law. We don't have a real name for ourselves until just a little while ago where this small time comic company called myself and others in my position 'The Dark Psychics of The Network!' At least, that was the title of the comic where they clearly called us out. Thankfully only a few people in-the-know are aware that True Psychic Tales only publishes actual true stories instead of fictional events.

Let's just say that a lot of us in 'The Network' aren't quite happy with True Psychic Tales right now. Me amongst them.

Somehow they put me in one of their comic issues! They didn't get my real name or face thankfully, but the shadowy pyrokinetic with an axe the comic called 'Ignis' is clearly me dammit! I hate the name Ignis! I burn people alive when they have the gall to call me Ignis! They even got all the details of me fighting that Psychonaut right, up to the point where I collapsed that canning factory on top of them. After that they clearly did some guesswork on how I escaped the authorities.

True Psychic Tales thinks they can just go ahead and air other people's dirty laundry huh? Well I'm not going to take it. Neither are my fellow 'Dark Psychics'. We all got together and did something... dangerous. Really dangerous. We did something only the craziest and most desperate people in the world do.

We made a plan.

While my fellows are off drawing off the attention of the Psychonauts wherever they can, I won the raffle and get the pleasure of dealing with the chief editor of True Psychic Tales myself.

I'm in my truck smoking while I can before I start the job and looking over the office building where True Psychic Tales have all of their big-wigs. A part of me says that I should only focus on the chief editor, while another angrier part of me is saying that everyone in that building is implicit in me being called IGNIS!

The cigarette in my hand burst into flames and instantly turns to ash as my control slips for just a second.

"Damnit. That was my last cig..."

I see an orange glow highlighting everything around me and turn around to look at what it is. All the trees in entire city park have caught on fire as well.

"Well, that's one way to cause a distraction."

While people begin to panic I put my truck in gear and move to a different location. Then I look in the backseat at my go-bag. There's two thing in there I can use to solve the 'problem' I have with the chief editor.

The first thing is my axe. It's a fireman's axe my father gave me and I've had that axe since I was ten. It represents a more... violent solution to the chief editor.

The second thing is new, and a trophy I won in my battle to the death with that Psychonaut two months ago. A Psycho-Portal. A Psycho-Portal I jury-rigged to get past all of the safeguards that are usually built into them and customized to my own aesthetic. Not many psychics outside of the Psychonauts have Psycho-Portals, and I consider myself lucky. It would be a cakewalk for me to go into the chief editor's mind with this and cause permanent damage. The cheif editor could become a symbol to anyone who thinks they can cross 'The Network'.

No, what should I use on the chief editor?

[-] The Axe: Chop Chop, and then it's done. Easy.
[-] The Psycho-Portal: Sometimes the most dangerous thing in the world can be an open door in the wrong place.