Mppi's word fabber only goes so fast, because his is an early model and the Hive haven't been able to upgrade it yet.
Well, Armsmaster scanned parts of the underground, right?
Might as well let him continue.
Then remove all Hive traces from the data and open it to the public.
Sell it a a Tinker made geological mapping experiment, that went better then expected.
So... How did Dragon get around her restrictions to make some VERY illegal spy/scanning Hardware/drones. Or at least to operate them in the manner she did, which violates all kinds of laws regarding violations of privacy and health violations... Since I'd imagine them needing years to get approval to use all manner of scanning technology on people, nevermind using it on them without their knowledge or permission.
Am I missing something, or would this "deep scan" not also reveal the "secret underground base" that once was supposed to become an endbringer shelter, that a pretty annoying Super villain is using?
I mean because while they might not be surprised to see that there IS a shelter there, they might find it interesting that it is in use.
If that was the case then Coil is going to have a pretty bad day some time soon :)

Or am I completely off the mark and the whole "Coil" thing never happened because of all the changes that were made to the timeline?
Or am I completely off the mark and the whole "Coil" thing never happened because of all the changes that were made to the timeline?

That, my friend is a very good question. Maybe the base isn't finished yet? Or knowing Coil, he knows / knew about what Armsy was doing and shut everything down? Plenty of possibilities here...
"Sounds like a plan," Taylor agreed happily. "Hey, Amy, you ever want to go to space?"

Amy stared at her as they headed towards their first class of the day, wondering what the hell that meant...
Hopefully they don't go any further than the moon, 'cause if I remember correctly Parahuman powers aren't configured for extra planetary travel this go round.

(IIRC Wildbow did a WoG somewhere that said if the Entities found an extra planetary civilization they were interested in they'd combine and do something more along the lines of The Force than the configuration we see in Worm)
So... How did Dragon get around her restrictions to make some VERY illegal spy/scanning Hardware/drones. Or at least to operate them in the manner she did, which violates all kinds of laws regarding violations of privacy and health violations... Since I'd imagine them needing years to get approval to use all manner of scanning technology on people, nevermind using it on them without their knowledge or permission.

Dragon only has to obey orders from lawful authorities. That doesn't mean she has to obey all the laws and regulations all the time. Unless someone orders her to.

So she can totally violate constitutional rights. Or maybe it's even worse. Colin is the local leader of the Protectorate, perhaps he accidently told her to do it and now she has to obey?
So... How did Dragon get around her restrictions to make some VERY illegal spy/scanning Hardware/drones. Or at least to operate them in the manner she did, which violates all kinds of laws regarding violations of privacy and health violations... Since I'd imagine them needing years to get approval to use all manner of scanning technology on people, nevermind using it on them without their knowledge or permission.
Wasn't the droneswarm deployed by Armsmaster, not Dragon? (Dragon did help with the drone design, but I see no mention of her being involved in the actual deployment)
Well it was rather predictable that this would eventually get its own thread.

As for the newest chapter… God Damnit Armsy the number of laws, ordinances and just rules of common sense you just trampled could fill an entire encyclopedia set. You better pray that no one so much as peeps about this to anyone and take your punishment from Emily. Otherwise you're going to be lucky to see the outside of a prison by the time you're hypothetical great great great grand kids are ready for retirement.

In other news Amy confronts Taylor only to get asked what took her so long. Going to be funny if Vicky admits to having figured it out already but had kept her mouth shut because watching her sister scratch her head over it was too funny not to. Not to mention the continued drama Armsmaster has been producing.
When "Hive Grandmother" was mentioned the first time I thought they were talking about "QA"...
Somehow I couldn't help but imagine her having an avatar like the "Sea Emperor Leviathan" from Subnautica.
Wordz! Always appreciate finding more wordz. And enough wordz to turn snipers into a thread is a great milestone.

Thank you @mp3.1415player for writing this and sharing it with us.
What are the chances the Hive has infiltrated the PRT and now knows that they know? Maybe Dragon or Kid Win will get an invitation to visit the Hive and look at the spaceship?
A better question may be "how likely is it that a member of the Hive learned/noticed what was going on and spoofed the data?"

After all, last we saw the Hive was much closer to the surface and under Taylor's home...
A better question may be "how likely is it that a member of the Hive learned/noticed what was going on and spoofed the data?"

After all, last we saw the Hive was much closer to the surface and under Taylor's home...
As previously described, it sounded like the Hive was a lot bigger than a square mile, and, possibly partially in another dimension?
"Of course not," Armsmaster replied immediately. "I am merely going to scan the entirety of the city and surrounding area with high resolution ground penetrating sensors to locate the Hive itself, then arrange to insert stealth drones into the facility to gather useful intelligence."
Why doesn't anybody point out that Armsmaster would need a warrant to actually plant bugs without permission of the owner? While the Patriot Act (which most likely does NOT exist in Worm) has made it a lot easier to plant bugs without notifying the owner, a warrant is still required.
What Armsmaster is doing is blatant violation of the 4th Amendment, although Worm seems to play fast and loose with the Bill of Rights.
I guess Armsmaster is really a law enfarcement officer.
So... How did Dragon get around her restrictions to make some VERY illegal spy/scanning Hardware/drones. Or at least to operate them in the manner she did, which violates all kinds of laws regarding violations of privacy and health violations... Since I'd imagine them needing years to get approval to use all manner of scanning technology on people, nevermind using it on them without their knowledge or permission.
Simple, she made them at Armsmaster's request, Armsmaster was the one to deploy them.
Those are probably legal with a search warrant.
Somewhere, a skinny man in a black costume with a snake sneezes.
You bring up a fair point actually; the drone mapping covered the entire city, right? With a ~15 cm resolution even. And the ability to detect alloy compositions and energy sources at a minimum. That means it has to have found Coil's Bond villain lair borrowed endbringer shelter, right? I wonder when Dragon (or someone else with access to the data) is going to take another look and be all "hol' up a minnit!"
You bring up a fair point actually; the drone mapping covered the entire city, right? With a ~15 cm resolution even. And the ability to detect alloy compositions and energy sources at a minimum. That means it has to have found Coil's Bond villain lair borrowed endbringer shelter, right? I wonder when Dragon (or someone else with access to the data) is going to take another look and be all "hol' up a minnit!"
Odds are it will have turned up quite a few other 'interesting' more-or-less unused underground structures. Like lost smugglers caves, giant robot hangers*, and the odd semi-aquatic temple with an altar to Dagon...

Of course, we get to ignore any suggestion that 'Innsmouth' was the original name for the 'Bay. :)

Dragon strikes me as someone who likely won't throw away info, though she might highly secure it... Saint, on the other hand...

* How could you obtain the materials to build a giant robot (let's aim for a 20m (65ft) height one) in the 'Bay? (Bar shard shenanigans supplying such.) In the chaos of creating the Ship's Graveyard, a whole (abandoned) ship might have 'disappeared'...
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I've got to wonder if the hive has rocked up to a pizza joint to put in an order, if they've got an arrangement to teleport pizza for delivery, or if they print pizza.

I guess they'd just order pizza for delivery, but the idea of them ordering pizza TMNT-style amuses me.

Edit: Given that we definitely have at least one troll in the hive, I'm convinced that at least once four of the hive wearing trench-coats, hats and color-coordinated masks have indeed rocked up to order pizza.

Hmm. I wonder if there have been sufficient three adjectives and an animal shows for the hive to have a group theme for halloween costumes? =)
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I've got to wonder if the hive has rocked up to a pizza joint to put in an order, if they've got an arrangement to teleport pizza for delivery, or if they print pizza.

I guess they'd just order pizza for delivery, but the idea of them ordering pizza TMNT-style amuses me.

Edit: Given that we definitely have at least one troll in the hive, I'm convinced that at least once four of the hive wearing trench-coats, hats and color-coordinated masks have indeed rocked up to order pizza.

Hmm. I wonder if there have been sufficient three adjectives and an animal shows for the hive to have a group theme for halloween costumes? =)
I wouldn't put it past the Hive to be wearing unconvincing turtle suits under their trenchcoat etc. disguise...