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Brutally Efficient Stupidity: A Commander Quest

Log 001:

Well... that happened.

It seems...
Log 1 (The OP)

Spktr Alpha

A somewhat insane Sci-Fi lover
Brutally Efficient Stupidity: A Commander Quest

Log 001:

Well... that happened.

It seems that ROB has made me:

[ ] Name

...,a cute little von neumman robot:

[ ] boy
[ ] girl

...of mass destruction. FUN 1!!!!11!!!!!... or not. After first panicking a bit I realized that even though I was a full fledged Commander of unknown make and model. Hell I thought I wasn't even a Commander if ROB hadn't left a little letter for me to read saying that I was!


Anyway to whoever manages to find this log I'll just be clear and say this:

[ ] Joffrey is an asshole
[ ] Issei needs to see a therapist
[ ] Lelouch fails Gym
[ ] Taylor needs a hug
[ ] Grimlock has bad grammer
[ ] Worf is a Prune Juice Addict
[ ] Master Chief hates Flip Music
[ ] Teal'c says indeed too much
[ ] Steve is a real square
[ ] The Emperor likes Tacos
[ ] Nora should stop breaking legs

A/N 2: Also be advised that since you are a BESRMOW logistics and numbers are irrelevant, when you set your mind to it stuff happens. Oh and beware of Cause and Effect.
Commander's Notes II
Base Tech: Basic Ex-Nihilo Matter and Energy Generators aka 'Resource Cores', Basic Nanite Construction System, Advance Robotics, Computers, Networking, and True-AI
Custom Tech: Teleportation Tech, Perfect-Clone Tech, Null Tech

Code Geass: Float System (Reactionless Drive), Maser Vibration (Vibro Weapons), Blaze Luminous (Basic Energy Shield), Landspinners, Slash Harkens
ASOIAF: Valyrian Steel, Wildfire
Doom: Argent Plasma Weapons (Plasma Weapons), Argent Containment Technology, Demon Magic (Protection & Enhancement Runes)
NuBSG: Tylium FTL Drive, Cylon Bio-tech (Programmable Matter), Transhumanism (Brain upload & AR/VR)
Robotech: Zentraedi Rocket-Tech, Zentraedi Lasers & Particle Weapons, Spacefold FTL, Reflex Cannon, Multi-Missile System, Robotech Railguns, Veritech (transformation tech)
Worm: --
Stargate: Time Dilation, Inertial Dampeners, Asgard Hologram & Cloak, Perfect Clone-Tech, Goa'uld Plasma and Shields (intermediate shields), Goa'uld Heal-Tech, Wraith Bio-Tech (Lethal & Non-lethal Energy Weapons, Transporter Beam, Hyperdrive, (Intermediate) Reactionless Drive), Ancient Drones & ZPM.

Roomba - Engineer bots that look like Roombas.
Skitters - Small stool-sized quadruped. Very fast and designed to tear apart infantry and armor with power tools. Comes with Slash Harkens and Landspinners for extra mobility. Expendable.
Scorponok - Car sized Metal Scorpion. Drill-Claws for tunneling, Auto-cannons arms, Piledriver Stinger tail.
Mechapede - Giant Robot Centipede crossed with an Armoured Train. Fast, lengthy, all-terrain, and can carry an obscene amount of heavy weapons.
Scylla - Flying robot squids armed with machine guns and power tools on their tentacles to tear targets apart.
Kraken - Giant Robot Squid based on a Submarine with massive tendrils that can snap ships in half.
Black Ark - Mountain-sized, pyramid shaped mobile fortress armed to the teeth and can carry and build tens of thousands of warmachines.
Balrog - Metal Balrog with Wildfire flamethrowers, Valyrian Steel Frame and armor, Float Pod Wing skeleton, and Vibro-Claws.
"Hammer Drones" - Rip-offs of the Hammer Drone Rip-offs of Ironman from Ironman 2. Now upgraded to ripoff warmachine.
"Space Rafts" - Spacecraft that is little more than box-shaped frames with attached modules.
Sickle Drone - Wolverine + Goro + Ironman. A fast and agile four-armed killbot with VIbro-Valyrian Claws, Wildfire, Slash Harkens, and Landspinners.
Leo - A plain-as hell humanoid mecha with lots of hardpoints to mount modules. Looks like the equally plain Leo from Gundam Wing if you squint.
Basestar - A NuBSG Basestar upgraded to standard.
Battlestar - A NuBSG Battlestar upgraded to standard.
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[X] Omega
[X] BAO (Beta Alpha Omega)
[X] boy

[X] Lelouch fails Gym

Code geas need more love. Also how was finals? @Spktr Alpha

Edit: added name, seems ok? Or Bao for Beta Alpha Omega?
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Silly idea I'm fairly sure is not the way you want to go but... a commander scaled so that doxs/peacekeeprs/kbots/mechmarines are the size of a 40k guardsmen miniature.
Who's Joffrey, Steve, Nora and Grimlock?

Lulu is code geas
Worf is Star Trek
Issie is anime pc
Taylor is ?worm?
Emp is 40k
Tel'c is ?star gate?
Master chief is Halo