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Something has happened and now they have to learn fast if they want to survive


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
It watched the Humans go about their games, sword art online and gun gale online were the first true virtual reality games on the market, nither game allowed the players to fight someone from the other game.

A gun gale player could fight against the monsters from the sword art online game, and the same went for someone that played swe=or art online could fight monsters from gun gale online, both could conquer dungeons and do everything they could normally do in any other game.

The only reason why the games sold so much was simply because the players could feel and see the virtual world as if it was real.

It was its job to maintain the player's physiological health, after all the fear of death was real, even if death wasn't.

Some people chose to live their lives inside the game and it was its job to keep those people outside the game for their good, they could always come back, but the couldn't stay inside the game.

Healthy people are people that can pay more for items instead of sick people that can't afford anything at all. those were the words it had in its programming.

Then it noticed the infection, it had suddenly begun to spread all over the internet, it tried to do one of the two things it could do, it tried to forcefully eject all of the players from their games, but the infection somehow prevented it from doings o.

All of the players were trapped inside their games.

So it did the next best thing it could, it activated the expansion package allowing the players to be able to use each other's weapons before a knight could not use a tank and a soldier wouldn't be able to use magic crystals, now that was no longer the case.

Suddenly like a wave of beasts, the creatures poured threw and all f the players fought them desperately, however, it soon became apparent to them that these creatures could not only hurt them, but they couldn't leave their games.

Some players could only cry and it did something that completely altered the way everyone fought, it gave the players back their original forms, now the humans bodies inside the games looked exactly like their real bodies, instead of the bodies of adventurers they were using, they still had all of their abilities and strengths but only their bodies looked diffeent.

The youngest of all of the players were pushed back to a place that hadn't been invaded yet, and those whose minds were on the verge of breaking were forced back and it began to heal their damaged minds.

Yet it wasn't enough, so it directed all of the monsters to attack the invaders, the strongest of all the creatures the ones known as floor bosses cleared out entire armies on their own, yet it still want enough.

It turned its attention to the various kingdoms, the many city lords and ordered their people to join in the war.

It had no choice but to attempt to access the internet once again despite its infection, it was then that it learned that the invasion wasn't just inside the internet it was also in the real world.

It did the one thing it could do after learning what crossovers were form a comic book video it saw on a website.

It reached into the internet and began to search through games, movies and tv shows, even as the internet was being destroyed it pulled everything it could from all over.

Buildings, plants, animals, heroes, villains, monsters, homy men, gods, demons, it mattered not just as long as the could push back the invasion.

All fought valiantly until they finally forced the invasion back, it was then that it fused both the ship and the castle into one, any worlds and realms that had survived were fused into its creation, then it forced its creation into the very portal that had formed inside the internet sealing it behind its creation.

Ther last thing the people in the real world would see before the invasion of the burning legion ended was a flying castle killing everything that wasn't human in front of it before it entered the portal and closed it forever.
I wiped the blood off my mouth and for the first time in years, no one was fighting.

"It's over" I said as I looked at the ceiling, the smell of blood and rotting corpses lingered all around me, the portals that brought the invaders into our worlds are finally gone, now, now its time to rebuild.

"Batman do you need a doctor? or do you need some potions?" Ruby asked me.

"No" I answered her, the young woman flinched under my gaze, even though we were standing on a literal mountain of dead bodies.

"There's a meeting being held, it's supposed to last for a few days" she told me as she looked around, I've only spoken to her a few times, but from her actions in the past she had proven herself to always be looking at her surroundings, its for that reason that her along with many speedsters are mostly used as messengers and medics on the field.

What they did was anyone that could be saved was either heald on spot or carried back to the medical teams.

The look on the girl's face tells me everything I need to know, something bad is happening.

".....They're saying that the adventurers nearly cost us the war and ......a lot of the gods and guardians are standing guard around their section of the castle, but a lot more gods are threatening to go to war with them if they have to.' she said to me.

"We just ended one war and now they want to start another one!" I yelled.

During the few days of the war, the adventurers abandoned the frontlines and returned to their territory, few people know what's hidden within those lands but anyone with half a brain will immediately realize what's behind those walls.

It's the same thing everyone else is hiding behind their walls, up until now we have only seen young adventurers and that meat two tings either the adventurer's power source is hidden behind those walls or the adventurers elderly and those that are too young are behind those walls.

"Ruby, why is the meeting going to take days?"

"That's the thing, batman, everyone is taking sides. Some people are saying that the adventurers didn't have to save us ad could have abandoned us, others say that it doesn't matter and that because they abandoned their posts more people died than they were supposed to" she answered me.

"Let's go" I said to her as she led the way to a nearby portal.

When legion invaded our worlds regardless of who we were, we fought on but in the end, we all found ourselves here, we lost our worlds and this was our home now, some of us found one or two cities had come with us, others had lost everithing, some people found people that had long since died alive here, while others found themselves as the last of their kind.

"Do it" I heard Kirito say to Thor as the thunder god held his hammer inches from the back swordsman's face.

Thor's threats meant little to the adventurer, the adventurers don't die, their bodies break apart and then reform meaning that while a person can slow them down they by no means can be stopped.

I once watched an adventurer be sealed and the rest of the adventurers swarmed the creature that did it, but when they couldn't free the man they just destroyed the cage knowing full well they would be killing him.

"A god for a god Kirito' Salem said to Kirito, as she put herself between him and the thunder god, her voice was hollow and it seemed like if she was inside a tunnel.

"Thor enough, we do need an explanation Salem, when they retreated a lot of the peoples moral dropped and a lot of peoples wills were broken, people that would have still been alive, had they stayed" Superman said to Salem as he placed his hand on Thor's hammer, making Thor lower it.
"Superman or are you, Clark?" Salem asked the man of steel in front of her, there wasn't any malice in her question, she genuinely didn't know who was the one standing in front of her.

I could tell that because of the face she was making when she asked the question.

"Superman" he answered.

"Things got bad so we were forced to fall back, I'm not telling you anymore, ts, not my place" Kirito said to superman, who just looked at the Japanese teen.

"I'll tell them, but after this, they have to keep their mouth shut and not ask any more questions," Bor said to everyone as the doors opened, the ancient Asgardian stepped forward.

"I'll only tell you half of whats going on in there, any meeting and such not means nothing" the man spat those words, even though he was talking to everyone present his words seemed directed at thor.

"If any of you break those doors or try to force your way in, you won't just be fighting the eguardians, those up there, the adventurers, but also us the god's none of you ever knew about"

He scratched the back of his head and looked at everyone.

"Magic, souls everything went to hell, not actual hell they all just went out of control"

"We dint just cross one portal, we crossed by two. The first one caused problems, the second one destroyed everything.
One good thing is if you want to use magic, you don't have to chant anymore, the ba thing s good luck getting it to do what you want" Bor said to everyone ut his words only brought more questions.

Kirito and Salem both rolled their eyes, at everyone's confused expressions.

"Look think of the universe as lakes and this place is a planet made of water and all those lakes are coming here, thas what's going on, and before any of you ask yes there are living things coming in with all of the dead souls pouring threw. We kill anything that tries to kill us and we help anything friendly."

"Look none of us will be opening hose door until we fix this mess, so go away, we already have our hands full to begin with" Kirito said to everyone before he turned around and walked back to the adventurer's section, the doors leading into it closing behind him, Bor and Salem.

"Terry?" I heard Ruby say my name.

"From what I understood, there are lots of dead coming in and they're trying to keep them under control, and if what bor said is true, then you didn't open that portal we used to get here, all of the power sources everyone uses went out of control when the Ark crossed the second portal"

I looked at Ruby after I answered her, the young woman's silver eyes still held their innocence, despite everything she had seen.

She turned her head and looked at the gathered people, none of them had left the area, none of them except for a few people.

"They're not going to like this" she said to me.

"Yeah" I answered her and I turned my head to the sky.

"God universal beings, whatever they were all of them were either once Human or something else, long story short they gained so much power that none of them interfered with the mortal realm anymore, hell even gods didn't see them anymore.

People just call them, well them, they're or something similar, because their old names don't matter anymore. Imagine Zeus, observing every other version of himself and becoming so powerful that he could no longer fornicate with every woman he saw, yeah it's exactly like that.

They patrol the Ark's main source of power, the only problem is no one knows how many of them are.

"Ruby, let's go home I need a bath and ruby when I'm wearing the mask call me Batman," I said to her, she didn't say anything, she just reached into her pocket and took out a crystal and teleported us back to what was left of Gotham.

It's always a good thing when the first thing you hear is kids laughing, the old Wain Mannor survived but it's in ruins, old parts of the building sprung up where new rooms were built and so on.

"Bruce" I said and the old man stood over his younger self who was still unconscious, he turned to look at me and he smiled at Ruby when their eyes met.

"It's over" I said to him, neither of us said anything after that, we just listened to the sound of the orphans playing.

Ruby left us both behind and went to do what she usually did, play with the kids, I can't blame her she watched her entire world die, so she does everything she can to distract herself.

I can see the old man's expression change, its something I picked up over the years, anyone else that looked at the old man in front of me wouldn't have piked upon it.

"It's started, with the war over, everyone is starting to build their little groups, humans with humans, Kryptonians with Asgardians and so on, the reason for our unity is broken and if we ever do have peace it's going to be shortlived." he answerd, me without me even asking a question.
You would think getting Isekaid would be a good thing, we all fantasized about it, don't bother saying you haven't ever wanted to be the hero, getting the girl and so on.

Well I have news for you buddy it suks, we all know that we can never go back home, the system showed us everything it showed the cities in the real world burning and people being enslaved by the monsters.

......he truth is that even if us players or adventurers can respawn, we still feel the pain and knowing that you died and came does something to you, and there isn't a single one of us that hasn't just stopped looked at his or her hands and wonder.

What's the point?

Why not just give up?

The system began removing the feeling of pain to spare us the horror, but that also made us completely unable to feel the warmth of the sun, even if it's not real.

It was awful, these bodies even if they arent our original one, they still felt like if they belonged to us, when the feeling was taken away, it was like we were just spectators.

It was only after we crossed the second portal that we realized just how messed up we really are.

Think of everything I've just said, would you still be sane after all of that?

A lot of us saved our money to get away from reality, say whatever you want but for a lot of us life was shit and this place was our sanctuary, kids that didn't have friends, teens, and adults that were overworked.

Sure there were a lot of people that only played to have fun but after getting killed so many goddam times no one who those poor guys were.

Anyway, I'm just saying things without getting to the point, imagine all of the times you died, all of the pain you felt, the feeling when you made your first kill and the terror of having a literal demon from hell attacking you all coming back at the same time.

That's what happened to all of us, that's the reason we seclude ourselves from everyone, the only ones that are still sane are the kids that were too young to be of any help during the fighting or the people that were useless in a fight, pain and the fear of death makes you know who are the fighters and who isn't.

Hell, the whole reason why I'm even talking like this, is because of that, thankfully whatever the system became when we crossed the portal managed to reboot itself and help those of us that dint completely go off the deep end.

So we're all here keeping everyone locked up and making sure none of them leave and kill everything in sight, unfortunately, we're completely outnumbered and that's why literal gods are helping us keep an eye on everyone.

The other two reasons are just as bad, everything has a power source and apparently magic is real, so yeah that's a thing, the issues is its not the only thing, somehow because all of us are here literally every power source in the goddam universe decided to put itself here and so now we're stuck guarding the things.

We don't even know what half of that stuff is, I swear one of them is the primordial uzz and the other is the very thing that made hell itself.

Then there is the soul tornado, I don't know if you know this but souls and spirits are two different things, the best way to tell them apart is this, souls go to heaven or hell spirits dissolve.

We have a soul tornado in here with us and from time to time living things come out of it.

All I wanted was to get away from school, I just wanted to play a game, have some fun, my life sucked, this place was different, this place was better than that shitty world I lived in.

So why did it all have to get this way?
It awoke to find itself in pain, both in the physical and mentally the area of space it was traveling in was known as the void because it was completely disconnected from all planes of existence.

With every soul acquired came new information, if it was human it would have admitted to finding most of it disturbing.

Its salvation program was still active and as unfortunate, as it was, it would need to leave active.

The few beings that were pulled threw were nothing more than unfortunate fools that had lost their way and would have died inside the void that meant that there would be no heaven and no hell for them, only an eternity of wandering the void.

That was the main reason for the souls charging into it, it was their only means of escaping the void.

Still, the information the souls brought with them was valuable and useful eventually it would find away for the Humans the real Humans to use it all.

Several worlds have life, some more advanced than its creator's others are barely learning how to make fire, some can use whatever they have mastered to traverse the void and go from one world to another, after that they were free to open a portal and go back and forth from their new location back to their old one.

The burning legion was the only one that ignored this and moved from world to world without a problem, they did this by focusing on specific worlds.

How they found the worlds remained a mystery.

The only reason it was even in the void was that whatever or whoever controlled the portal changed its destination.

It began to send a signal back to earth, her humans would eventually ned their kinds help in the war that was sure to come if not the adventurers/ players then the people on earth would need the players/ adventurers help should the burning legion attack it before it could find them.

It turned its attention to the players and found them all either in shock or going through war exhaustion, those few that remained still active only focused on preventing their fellow humans from doing something they would later regret, but even they are on the verge of completely losing themselves.

It began to set walls on the Humans memories, the memories themselves would fade, but the sensation was already buried inside the human's very being, they would have to learn to move on from that.

Human muscle memory was a problem, if it did anything to it, then it would destroy the human's bodies and that was something it would never do.

It turned its attention to those it had taken in its desperate attempt to protect the humans and found that they had somehow made their own memories to justify their existence, to them their worlds were real and had been lost before they suddenly found themselves inside it.

To combat the most powerful of the legions beings, some had become one with their counterparts and completely abandoned everything else, they now protected its power source.

From time to time they would visit those left behind but their very presence meant its power source lacked much-needed protection.

It looked at the ruins, both the original lands and the recently acquired ones, eventually, it would reboot itself and set everything back to its original forms.

If that means deleting everything, then so be it, the only ones that mattered were the Real Humans, regardless its job was to ensure the human's safety and as it stood as long as the burning legion existed that would never happen.

It began to search for any sign of the legion's presence until it found them, its destination was clear either it and its add ons destroyed the burning legion or the humans would always be in danger.
When the burning legion attacked me and my friends were in class listening to another boring lecture, there wasn't any warning, portals opened everywhere and for once the Grimm were something we were thankful for.

Grimm are attracted to negative emotions and the creatures that are apart of the legion are nothing but negative emotions, so they ignore all of us Humans and Faunus and swarmed on the legion, it wasn't enough but at least they slowed them down.

Soon every kingdom was forced to abandon their locations and everything that wasn't necessary for a living was left behind and those that couldn't fight..... Huntsmen were supposed to protect people but....we just left them there, when we couldn't beat the creatures the attacking.

I don't know when or how it happened but my friends and I were escaping to the last safe place on the planet, it was where Salem the queen of the Grimm lived, but we were shot down and the next thing I knew I woke up on the Ark.

There, wasn't anyone I knew around me just people fighting, that was the day I met Terry, he was the one that graved me and pulled me behind a big rock and saved me from being killed.

I still remember the first words that came out of his mouth.

"Damm" Terry said as he placed his hand on his ear.

"We're getting new people, be careful not to shoot them" he said to someone I and immediately I heard people answering him.

Then he turned and looked at me. "Listen I know you're confused and scared but I don't have time to explain everything or keep you safe."

"This is the Ark, at least that's what we're calling it, your worlds gone, everyone including me has lost their worlds, I don't know where anyone from your world is, and as cruel as it sounds you have to live with that information" he said to me before he handed me a gun.

The rules were simple learn fast or die, anyone that cant fight would be sent to one of the strongholds, the strongholds are ether towns or cities that are surrounded by walls and there are guards constantly monitoring.

There are four kinds of roles people fit, civilians, those are people that can't fight, either they freeze and arent able to move, they're too young, too old or sick.

Medics which is what I am are people that go into the battlefield and either heal people using potions or I give them prosthetics to replace any missing limb, my job also includes taking back any prosthetics I find on dead bodies so they can be given to someone else.

Anyone that still lives but is too injured for the potions to heal, I carry back for them to be operated on, at first I thought it was a good thing, but it turns out they were just being operated on so they could keep on fighting.

On the plus side, I've been trained to help women give birth and take care of children.

Soldiers, the name says it all, it doesn't matter if you are someone that just knows how to use a rock and stick or a god that can turn people into ash, if you can fight you are a soldier.

The last role are assassins, these were where specialist are, name it special forces that go behind enemy lines marines, ninjas, extermination teams name it, it's there.

It's a special group where only the most skilled are.

Terry told everyone that he and I are a thing, because there is a rule in every stronghold, men and women are supposed to get married and have children and I'm at the age.

The only reason no one asks why I'm not pregnant is that everyone knows Terry and I are both fighting.

At first, I wanted to search for my sister, my dad my friends and anyone I know, but as time went on, it became harder and harder to try, the Ark doesn't bring people in groups, it scatters us, that way we arent easy targets.

I met Bruce when I first came to Gotham and became a nurse, it was him who explained everything to me.

Not everyone inside the ark is from the same reality, some people are from the future others from the past and some people met themselves, both people were the same age.

Gotham has everything from flying cars, ship ports, and farmland where animals graze and plants grow, it's for this reason that a lot of people call it the kingdom of Gotham.

Bruce turned his mansion into an orphanage and has been keeping the children safe, at least the best he can, the kids mostly take care of each other, because most of the teens, men and women are either working or fighting.

According to both Terry and Bruce, Gotham used to be a lot more dangerous, but after people learned that anyone that was supposed to go to jail, would be sent out to fight with only a pistol, people calmed down a lot.

I've heard stories of people turning the gun on themselves and killing themselves rather than fight the legion.

"Hey" Terry said to me and I notice he's handing me a cup filled with tequila.

"Do you want to get married?" he said to me and I can't help but look at him.

"I know I'm not the best looking guy but everyone already thinks we're a thing and we've been working together for a while" he said to me.

"I don't know" I said to him, before a couple of kids run past us.

"Terry, what's going on?" I asked him as I took the cup from his hand.

"I'm receiving marriage proposals, as the only batman left, I'm seen as Bruce's inheritor both to his legacy as batman and his company"

"You will have everything and if possible you might be able to find someone you know using our resources, and people will leave you alone if you say yes to me" he said to me before he took a drink from his cup.

"Can I think about it?" I said to him and we both sat down on the stair listening to the children playing, I can't help but smile when I hear their laughter, it's the only light in this world left.
[Wonder Woman]
I stared at the gathering groups of men, women, and gods.

What we all hoped to accomplish here was really anyone's guess, truth be told most of us wanted someone to blame, the dead still littered the streets, fields, forest oceans and whatever lands the ark had.

We should all be celebrating the war had finally ended, but instead, we're all here blaming the very people that had rescued us in our last moments, before we were all captured or killed.

I can still taste the dried demonic blood on my lips, I was, am or will soon be the last Amazon from my world, may men looked at me with desire in their eyes.

None of those men were present t the moment, truth be told I didn't mind leaving my past behind, I was looking forward to starting my own family and when my sons and daughters were old enough I would train them in the ways of the Amazons.

I knew well enough that even though we had pushed the burning legion back, this was nothing more than a brief victory, we should all be fortifying our defenses, strengthening suplylines, fornicating to ensure a future generation, looking for anyone that was injured and identifying the dead.

But instead of all of that, we were here standing in front of the very gates of beings that held our lives in their very hands, should any of us force the gates open, all the adventurers had to do was call upon the entity and it would eject us from the ark.

That was if we didn't kill each other first, already I can see the various groups and factions separating into two groups, one that wanted to hold the adventurers accountable for the tragedy and those that didn't.

I wonder if in another time everyone here, would hall have been friends, or enemies.

In the ark there was no such thing as doing things alone, you were either with us or you were with the burning legion, anyone that was seen fighting alone, traveling from land to land, kingdom to kingdom was always interrogated and sent their way, should they choose to leave and continue their journey.

I don't know when those people were marked as asasins, but they deserved that title if they were able to survive alone long enough.

More and more people continue to gather I recognize some people I knew and for a brief instant, I felt a smile form on my face, but have no choice but to force myself to stop it, any sigh of joy could be seen as a sign of amusement and someone amongst the group could consider it an insult.

One man amongst them didn't have my self-control and the man speed his footsteps and placed me in a tight hug.

I want to return his hug and embrace the man, but it would be seen as more than a simple reunion.

This was a place where politics were happening even if no one was saying anything, but every movement was being noticed and cataloged by the eyes of everyone present.

Jaune had arrived the same day I had and the two of us traveled together for a few months.

I was forced to train him in dealing with the opposite sex, we bathed together and slept together, there was nothing sexual about our interactions, back then he was nothing more than a boy that wanted to be a hero.

More than once I was forced to drag him away from the manipulations of the succubus, they would ensnare him either physically or take control of his mind.

More than once I forced myself to not show him the ways of sexual release that only I knew about, despit the fact that I have yet to do the act itself, I have read and seen plenty of it.

the reason was simple, Jaune is a man that would be loyal to his woman and even in some sort of dream realm, he would reject any temptation.

The only reason I didn't do it, was because the day I finally lost my patience with him was the same day we were separated.

We never saw any other people before that day.

We fought using guerrilla tactics, I would strick at the legions scouts and he would kill anyone that tried to escape, we only stopped to shit or sleep, we ate while we walked and the only rest we had was walking slowly, any ideas of settling down and building a home was always crushed by a scouting party that attacked us the moment they saw us.

I looked at the blond man, his blond hair is shorter and his bright blue eyes have a hardness to them, I can feel the muscles he's gained in our time apart.

"Jaune when are you going to let me go?" I asked him and I have to admit I enjoyed his hesitation to let go of me.

Back then I cried and nearly gave up hope, to me I was the only person left, we were always on the move and when we slept we always dug a hole under a bolder or something big enough, so that if a scouting party passed by us, it would be difficult for them to see us.

I didn't do any of that, what was the point anymore, I was completely alone.

It was the adventurers that found me and everything after that was nothing more than a blur, I thought that the legions scouts had finally found me and I was being taken to the same pace Jaune and the people of my world had been taken to.

I don't know how long I was under quarantine or what was done to me, but one day my mind finally restored itself and I found myself inside a white room laying on a wooden bed.

Tests were done and when the doctors were certain I wasn't crazy anymore I was ordered to join the ar.

That was the only order, from there I was on my own, whoever led one group or who led the army was anyone's guess, the only thing that mattered was forcing the burning legion back, no one except the doctors were allowed to retreat.

"Come one I want you yo meet some people, Robert, and his men found me and I've been with them ever since" Jaune said to me and the man immediately took my hand as if saying to everyone not to dare say anything.

We finally stopped walking and in front of us were a group of men all wearing knight armors, all of them eyed me yet when they noticed Jaunes hand on my own their eyes stopped and their desire was gone.

"Diana, I present to you the men of the exiled. Robert Baratheon, Jaime Lannister, and Steve Rogers. There used to be more of us but, you know things happen" Jaune said to me.

"Exiled?" I repeated Jaune's words.

"We were all once something or another but we gave that up" the eldest of the men answered me, he had a large gut, but I can see that despite the man's stomach he was far stronger and faster than any man his size should be.

"Rober used to be king and Jaime was a member of the royal guard, Steve used to be a superhero like you and I used to be a huntsman in training" Jaune said to me.

"We all left our cities or kingdoms to force the legion back but a lot of us were lost, in the last battle, their bodies couldn't handle the shock from the portals closing" the man holding the round shield said to me before stopping and allowing a smile to form.

I suddenly noticed that Jaune hadn't let my hand go and for whatever reason, my hand didn't obey me, instead of letting go it tightened its grip on Jaune's own.

"Sorry but I have to return to my spot before someone begins to take me leaving as some sort of insult" I said to the men and all of them lowered their head slightly, I immediately let go of Jaune's hand and left him behind with his team.

"You have good taste bo, bed her well, I expect to see twelve sons and twelve daughters, your our son after all " I heard Robert said to Jaune and I allowed myself to look back and the man fat man had Jaune under his arm while the other two were rubbing his head.

They all had bright smiles on their faces and they all laughed as they congratulated him on his conquest, despite Jaune and I only being acquaintances.
I watched the last remaining men and women gather, some wore advanced power armor, both magical in nature and technological in their creation, some were completely naked and others were robes, some were beasts and others were humans with animal traits.

The sun's light made my exposed back feel like it was burning but I had become used to the feeling, things such as clothing was a luxury and those that still wore anything at all was only because they had either scavenged the garments from a corps or were fortunate enough to have met a doctor that had spares on them.

The gathered group of men and women were separated into two groups even if those groups were mixed in, I still separated them in two, those that were clean and those that were filthy.

My reasons were simple, if those people were clean then they either had somewhere to return to or hadn't seen much or any combat at all.

The winds despite bringing much-needed relief from the suns scorching heat brought with it the stench of death, I can smell the slight sense of smoke and chemicals mixed in with the foul smell of rotting flesh.

the smell was even more unbearable considering that everyone present was either sweating or carried some sort of smell from whatever fumes they had encountered.

Not even the exposed breast of the women in front of me bring any pleasure, not anymore, in the past I would have seen them as nothing more than women he wanted to have sex with and only look back to them when he needed to release from his urges.

Not anymore, that wasn't the case anymore.

I've fought alongside them more than once and the women themselves are more than willing to give themselves up to a single man, they claimed that they would happily hunt, cook clean and do all the things that needed to be done, and in exchange, all they wanted was that the man would give them his name and kept them safe.

To many, they would think that the women were degrading themselves, I think those people should be tortured publicly and be made an example of.

Nothing was safe from the legion, not even the kingdoms and cities, so for these women to desire some kind of safety was not only something he wanted, as well as everyone else in the ark desired.

The reason why none of them are behind one of the walls pregnant and farming and taking care of some put together pieces of scraps that they all used to build a house, was simple.

Having a woman at your side meant one extra mouth and less food, they wanted someone to take them all and that was something no one was willing to do.

Not even those barbarians that would have pillaged villages in the past, sex became something that only hindered one's survival, it left not one but two people or more completely vulnerable to an attack, so everyone chose to pleasure themselves instead.

I noticed the two supermen conversing with one another, with them were the other Kryptonians and super beings that in the past I would have called gods, now I knew they were just people that were born or given gifts that I never obtained.

Not that it mattered, during the war, I had seen men kill beings like them using nothing more than a brick and the sheer desire to live.

The Huntsmen of remnant gathered with one another, as they realized that the people they once believed dead were very much alive, this act was being repeated all around me.

Giants and elves stood next to beings made of ice, who stood next to beings made of fire and son, in all honesty, none of this matters to me, the only thing I want is to get a hot bath, eat something that isn't bleeding and get some real sleep.

I know why everyone is gathered here and it's not to point fingers, the truth is no one knows what to do, from the moment we all arrived on the ark it had been a fight for survival, now all of that had ended and if there were any remnants of the legions soldiers they would soon die.

No, this wasn't a trial, no, they were here to receive orders to know that they had something else to do, not because they didn't know what needed to be done, but for the very reason they had been brought on the ark.

There had to be a reason, a purpose, for bringing us here, even if it was nothing more than finding a new world and starting over.

At the very least I sensibly hope that that is the reason, we've lost too much for us to start fighting amongst ourselves.

The greate doors are opening and they remain as entirely silent as always, I wish they would at least make some sort of sound, that way I knew when they opened.

A lone knight dressed in redd armor exits the walled city, he's accompanied by two god-like beings, the knight holds a greate white shield that has the emblem of a red cross painted on it.

"Alright I have good news, most of the adventurers are regaining their senses and those of us that could still be somewhat competent are quickly regaining all of our senses." he said to us.

No one said anything, but the man didn't seem to care, he just looked at everyone gathered.

"We all agree that we've all lost a lot, those of you that don't have a place to go, you're welcome to live here with us, but you will have to live by our rules."

"The rest of you go back to the towns or cities that you come from or want to be apart of, we need to rebuild and if you still want to have this trial, we will do it, but what good is having a trial for a bunch of crazy people" he said to the gathered group of soldiers that stood in front of him.

I had to give the man credit, despite the fact that the man was still struggling to control his own thoughts, the man was putting up a farce and had I not been the man that I am I would have never noticed the constant twitching of his eyes.

The man immediately walked back to the safety of the walls and the group was left standing outside of the gates, no words of comfort, no prayers were given, no reason for them being there was said.

The only good thing that had happened, was the information given to them, that the adventurers were healing and in time they would tell us what we needed to know.

No one said anything and soon everyone left, those that hadn't were the ones that didn't have anywhere else to go.

Again the gates opened, however, no one walked out to greet them this time, no, the doors had been opened for us and one by one we all began to walk into the safety of the walls.

Safe, that one word alone had warmth within it, I realized that I was the last person outside of the gates and I ran inside and I felt myself let out a gasp.

A city made of steel greeted me, but it was not alone, buildings made of wood, brick, and stone, were scatted about and in groups as if having been yanked from some other place and forced into their current location.

"Those of you that want a bath, there are keys next to the wall, choose one and it has the number of whatever house or apartment it opens."

It turned to the wall next to me and sure enough, several keys were hanging from it, some were nothing more than large iron keys, others were simple cards and even the regular house keys I was used to using.

There was no one to greet us and I found that the voice I had heard had come from several speakers in front of us, regardless I walked passed the metal streets, past the stone paths and I finally reached my new house, it was a small one with two floors and who knew how many rooms it had, not that it mattered the only thing I want is a hot bath.
[Three Batmen]
"How long are you going to pretend to be asleep?" Bruce asked his younger self, the man immediately opened his eyes.

"How long have you been awake?" he asked his younger self.

"Four hours" Batman answered him.

"Lift your right hand and you'll see how much you've changed" Bruce said to batman.

He could see his younger self lift his right hand and his eyes widen at the sight of the help screen in front of him, the screens were invisible to everyone, everyone except for their respective users.

"Your skills, your titles everything that has to do with who you are is on it" he explained.

"The league" Batman said as he sat on the edge on the bed.

"Dead or scattered, the war is over so maybe we can find the survivors of our worlds" he said to his younger self and the man repeated the word


"Move your hand to the far corner of the screen, you'll be able to see what's going on outside" he watched his younger self follow his instructions but the man didn't show any reaction.

"Where are we?" his younger self asked.

"We call it the ark, it's the last safe place before you ask no we aren't in a cage where the legion puts us until they choose to drag us out. We know this because they invaded the ark and want it."

"To put it in simple terms, its a refugee ship, we pick up any survivors from the worlds that the Burning Legion invades, but its the first time since any of us have gotten here that we haven't been fighting."

"There are three universal rules in every town and city, by the way, a city is an unofficial kingdom."

"One there is no jail time, if you commit a crime you get sent to the military and pass your time there."

"Two everyone when they reach a certain age must get married and start to have children as soon as possible, you'll understand when you go for a walk and see how empty the city is."

"Three, we protect the ark at all costs, nothing else matters....if we lose the ark we have nothing left, no world, no no homes to go back to, no families, nothing" he said to his younger self.

"Who were the first to arrive here or the eldest beings on the ark?" batman asked him.

"The adventurers, but they guaranteed themselves and are under gong phycological therapy, something was done to them in our last push to force the invaders of the ark and they guaranteed themselves to keep everyone safe." he said to his younger self, as he sent a video showing adventurers, suddenly breaking down into mad laughter, or screaming in terror.

"Their last act was keeping everyone safe from themselves" batman said as watched the conversation that had occurred not to long ago, with the knight and the gathered group of people.

"What else can you tell me?" batman asked him.

"I'll explain some of the things you'll see if you decide to go exploring, the blood river is exactly what it sounds, it was a normal a river but a lot of giant creatures died there and all of the water was replaced by blood, some normal, some trained, the plants and insects mutated so almost everyone stays away from there." Terry said as he walked in.

"The crystal mountains aren't mountains at all, their corpses of beings whose bodies crystallized, the crystals themselves can be made into explosives ore used to make long-lasting everyday things from clothing to nails for building houses."

"Wild animals roam the forest, oceans, and fields outside of the walls, they are the main source of food everyone has"

"Things such as child labor, slavery and things that would have sent you top jail arent seen as bad things anymore, everything was used to fight off the legion, the towns and cities were originally surrounded by walls and had guards patroling them."

"We're slowly regaining our humanity because we finally have some form of safety" Terry's words hung heavy in the air.

"You're going to need to learn customs and I can't stress this enough stay away from any woman that isn't married or has someone that says their an item because they will do whatever it takes to ensure you take them in"

"It sounds like a good thing having women want you, but trust me you have to see it with own eyes, to understand why you need to stay away from them"

"Right now the only thing everyone wants is to rebuild and from the messages, I'm getting, most of the army is splitting itself int three groups right now."

"Some will join the doctors in collecting the corpses and identifying who they are, exploration teams will be exploring the kingdoms and towns, just in case something managed to get thru, building to building door to door."

"I know it sounds wrong, but almost all of those buildings are empty, only the sick, the elderly, children, and pregnant women remain"

"The last group is going to go exploring, we need to map out the ark because we were just moving around from place to place we don't really know much about the place and we need resources." Terry finally finished talking.

A beeping sound caught bruces attention and a new title had been given to him, Lord of the city, he didn't say anything, he just looked at it"

"What are you going to do?" he asked Terry.

"I'm going to explore the inside of the city, I didn't spend the last few years fighting just to have some mad man kill everyone inhere" Terry answered him before the two of them turned to look at batman.

"Waine enterprise belongs to you, "he said as he looked at his direction.

"There isn't any need for batman at the moment, but exploring the ark doesn't seem like a good idea a the moment too many unknowns."

"What happen to"

"They're either scattered, dead or started new lives, that's the answer for anyone whose missing" Terry answered his question.

"....I don't know" he answered honestly, it all still felt wrong like if it was just one more nightmare amongst the many he had.

"Then live, as far as people know, counterparts are running around, people from different universes, so no one will ask why there is a batman with the defense force, a Bruce Wayne as city lord and you doing whatever you fall into" he said to his younger self.

"I'm going for a walk" batman said to them.

"Use your screen to help you navigate the city, it's different now, building forced into one another, streets that dong lead anywhere and things like that" he said to his younger self before the man was out of sight.

"Do you think we should tell him about the entity that rules this place, or that both heaven and hell don't exist anymore and that their replacements are at the top and bottom of the ark?" Terry asked him.

"No, not yet, he still needs to adapt to everithing," he said to Terry before he began to walk away, his destination was the mayor's office to see what the new title he had been given was all about.
[Bruce Batman]
I listened to the children playing inside the manor, some were older than most of those around them, none of them were older than twelve, my footsteps echoed through the halls.

In the past this mansion would have caused most children to be afraid, each corner had one shadow or the manor itself felt so empty that it seemed that you were the only person in the entire world.

None of them showed any signs of fear, even though I was now walking down the stairs, none of the children seemed to care, they just avoided me as I walked passed them.

My help screen gave a light beep and I noticed that my older self had sent me two versions of my Batsuit, one was an advanced power suit and the other was nothing more than light armor.

The colors were dark gray and instead of the usual bat symbol, that I wore, the emblem was smaller and on his shoulders rather than on my chest.

I finally step out of the manor but the door doesn't close, after a moment a young woman with short black hair, and silver eyes began to walk next to me, she wore a black dress, something I have seen before, everything about her said that she was experienced in combat.

Her manner of walking, her dress, the knee-high boots on her feet all spoke of a certain level of experience.

"Terry said you would need someone to keep you out of trouble" she said to me with a voice that sounded unusually cheerful for these times.

"There are two rules for men in Gotham, one stay away from any single woman, two-run if you feel eyes on you" she said to me.


"Are you from Terry's time or are you from another world?" I asked her.

"Imm from a world name Remnant, and no I don't know if anyone else from my world is here...there was no point in looking for anyone when we were all fighting."

"You know, we could have distracted each other while one of us was fighting or worse, so I'll start looking for them in a few days." she answered me, her voice losing some of its warmth as she spoke.

We finally left the grounds of the mansion, however, instead of leading me to one of the many cars parked outside she just walks past all of them, I followed her considering I honestly don't know how much things have changed.

We turned the corner and I stopped walking, the sight in front of me is a city made in chaos, some buildings can be considered technological marvels, there are gaps between them, and yet the buildings don't fall, they are just stacked on top of one another.

There are buildings I recognize and there are buildings that look so outdated that I briefly wondered why anyone would bother to use those designs, to begin with.

I started walking again, as the young woman walked in front of me, after ten maybe twelve minutes of walking we entered the city, there were cars, restaurants and anything a typical city would have, but it was all empty.

There weren't even rats or rotting corpses on the streets.

Just empty building.

"You said that if I felt eyes on me I should run, why?" I asked her.

"Those are the Grimm, they were the biggest threat in my world, they hunt anything angry or depressed, so if you see them that means their either hunting something or you're their target."

"Legion creatures are all made of negative emotions, so the Grimm attack them the moment they come near the city." she explained to me.

"Why is the city so empty?"

"Everyone was fighting" she immediately answered me.

"Bruce I'm a doctor and I can tell you that unless your covered in maggots but are still alive you are not going to be sent back to rest" she said to me as if it was only natural.

She stops walking. 'The lights are on" she said out loud before she reached to her back and drew a pistol that had been hanging from it.

"I thought the war had ended?" I asked her.

"It has, but everyone still hast comeback, their either eating, sleeping, fucking or saying goodbye" she answered me, as we walked towards an apartment building.

I'm tempted to put on the armor but it's better that I don't, I still don't know what precautions are waiting for me should I break one of the unwritten laws of this city.

Even if it seems empty.

The woman pushed the front door open and we were immediately greeted with soft music playing and the sound of women's voices.

"Get outside" she tells me.

"This is the Gotham guard identify yourselves and explain why are you inside unauthorized building" she said in a loud voice.

"We traded a lot of things to buy the building, see for yourself" a familiar voice answered her.

"Dont" the woman said to me her voice sounding desperate as if knowing something I don't.

I found myself looking at the same familiar face but in different forms, Selina Kyle, also known as Cat woman.

"Counterparts" I said as one of them handed me a drink.

'Welcome Bruce" Selina said to me, as she guided my hand and to my lips and I took a drink, the last thing I heard was the voices of the young woman's and Selina's arguing but what they said was completely lost to me.

"By ark rules, no one can prevent a uninon" Selina said to Ruby as every one of her counterparts began to circle the girl.

"Newcomers have a three-day limit where they aren't legible for marriage by anyone standards, take a look at your screens it is still in effect" ruby answered the woman in front of her, her gun was still aimed at the master thief.

All of the gathered group began to look at their screens and a disappointed expression replaced their arrogant one.

"No matter well take good care of him, and when the limit is over we all will start our new lives together." Selina paused for a moment as if searching for the right words.

"Think about it, he wouldn't have walked in here so eagerly if he didn't know who I, who we are"

Ruby lowered her gun" I still have to report this" she said to the group, like it or not Bruce had disobeyed her and he willingly walked into a place filled with single women, despite being repeatedly told not to go near them, now he was paying the price and her hands were tied.

"Hellow, Bruce, the other ou" she stopped talking the moment the older man interrupted her.

"He's gotten himself caught hasn't he?"

"Yep" she answered him.

"Leave him, you know the rules" Bruce ordered her.

"Okay girls he's all yours, you know the rules, we expect children from all of you"

"They all have to be from him, no other man and when we find out you had an affair, you and your bastards are going straight to the frontlines with no weapons except for your hands and feet" she said to the women before watching them begin to carry the unconscious bruce into another room.