Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

metaphysics are at least carried over to the localized area. I'm not sure about worldwide

The localized area? Hmmm...

So if Apeiron ever took a plane flight or a cross-country road trip, he'd spread magic's existence like an eldritch Johnny Appleseed?

Apeiron: "Fleet, where is Thunderbird One(TM)?"
Fleet: "A clone wanted to spend his 10% time in Anaheim."
Apeiron: (on phone) "Why dafuq are you in California?"
Clone: (on phone) :ogles: "I wanted to make Disney Land the most magical place on Earth!!!"
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So I was re-reading Tybalt's appearance and it suddenly hit me.

Tybalt's stranger ability makes so everyone perceive him as perfectly normal, right? Right. Because of it he can have civilian identity, right? Right. BUT as far as I understand ALL this stranger ability does is that it makes him perfectly normal and thats it. And Tybalt showed up on summit with only helmet, not mask (unless I am wrong and his helmet obscures face a lot more) which means he showed up already unmasked cuz while people will think he is perfectly normal cat people will connect perfectly normal cat in Celestial Forge with random bystander perfectly normal cat due to his features like fur color, eyes color, etc.

Tl;dr if this rant didnt make any sense: Is Tybalt pulled New Wave and showed up unmasked?
Don't forget - it would be judging Tybalt on his species to assume that he and Kataklyzein are the same person just because they're both cats!

I mean, how racist can you get?
Remember, Tybalt's powers extend to basically every quality - he can just make you take for granted certain details in favor of focusing on specific ones. As Kataklyzein, it's probably as "he's a powerful ally of Apeiron" as opposed to "wait, he's a cat." That's why people just roll with him being a cat - because why should it matter?

On that same note, Tybalt can do that with his own secret identity. "Yeah, he's Kataklyzein, but look at how cute and harmless he looks! I don't care that he's also a cape, but he's just so adorable with that weapon of his out!" even as he walks to them with a superweapon, and the terrifying part is? Nobody will see it weird. Even Aisha needed to have it be explained to her with prior warning, seeing the effect in action, and some resistance to Stranger effects as a result of her own power.
Aisha needed to have it be explained to her with prior warning, seeing the effect in action, and some resistance to Stranger effects as a result of her own power.
That effect is fiat backed, Aisha has no resistance to it. Aisha knew that Tybalt is power supplied and doing something thus knew by definition that something unusual should be tied to Tybalt, but couldn't find it.
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That effect is fiat backed, Aisha has no resistance to it. Aisha knew that Tybalt is power supplied thus knew by definition that something unusual should be tied to Tybalt, but couldn't find it.
Exactly the point, yep. It's so fiat backed that literally nothing is immune to the effect, not even Joe, the AIs, the Shards, even Zion. The only thing that keeps it from immediately wrecking the story honestly is the fact that Tybalt is essentially a knight or a squire, which means that he's not inclined to immediately use it in ways that are entirely scummy.

It's worth remembering though still that Tybalt is also a Child of Ares, which means that while not immediately inclined, should push come to shove, he's also instinctively knows how to use it in the most combat-effective and destructive ways possible, so yeah. If Memetic Taylor was a demigod, she would've been 100% Child of Ares from the sheer destructiveness and escalation.
Jack Slash and absolutely perfectly normal cute kitty cat (ExploerTM)
Remember, Tybalt's powers extend to basically every quality - he can just make you take for granted certain details in favor of focusing on specific ones. As Kataklyzein, it's probably as "he's a powerful ally of Apeiron" as opposed to "wait, he's a cat." That's why people just roll with him being a cat - because why should it matter?

On that same note, Tybalt can do that with his own secret identity. "Yeah, he's Kataklyzein, but look at how cute and harmless he looks! I don't care that he's also a cape, but he's just so adorable with that weapon of his out!" even as he walks to them with a superweapon, and the terrifying part is? Nobody will see it weird. Even Aisha needed to have it be explained to her with prior warning, seeing the effect in action, and some resistance to Stranger effects as a result of her own power.

God, Tybalt's stranger ability is so strong it messes with my head on meta level.

Also, it is beyond terrifying. It's like Nice Guy but worse cuz Nice Guy at the very least wasn't demigod of war.

Actually, have an omake:

Jack Slash and absolutely perfectly normal cute kitty cat

Patience is virtue, Jack Slash learned that much during his time as leader of Slaughterhouse 9. Entire world is hurries somewhere, runs as fast as it can but for what? Or, rather, to where? After all, there is nothing ahead, no finish line with shiny prize and cheers of fans awaiting the fastest runner. So let them run and run, tripping over each other and breaking legs in process. Jack will bid his time slowly walking forward and whistling catchy tune meanwhile.

Borckton Bay certainly was an interesting place. Dangerous, but interesting. A storm in which eye resides the most powerful tinker ever walked surface of earth. Apeiron. One wrong step and storm will tear you apart. But why hurry and get away or get in, if you can sit in the bunker and wait until eye of the storm will be right above you?

Sneaking into city was't challenging at all. With PRT and Protectorate at total dismay and gangs doing something that can be described as dancing on minefield Slaughterhouse 9 arrival went unnoticed by anyone.

Jack lazily glanced from the window to a pair of bodies lying in the kitchen.

Well, by almost anyone.

Actually, where is Bonesaw? Shouldn't she take care of this mess already? Most of them can't sleep next to bunch of corpses. It's unhygienic after all. Ned and Alan with Riley's creations couldn't care less of course, but he very much did.

Jack exited his apartments and moved to the third floor, to apartments Riley took for herself. Usually she and Alan shared room together but Alan's obsession with Apeiron send him into tinker fugue and he was tinkering non-stop since they stepped into the city. Metaphor about storm wasn't so metaphorical: Apeiron will find them eventually but they will make him step into their territory. And Alan will ensure that they will have every advantage possible.

Riley's door wasn't closed which caused Jack to rise a brow. Good Girl Riley forgot to close the door? That's new. His intuition was silent though, so despite his guts telling him something is wrong Jack shrugged it off and walked in.

Habitually finding his way between various devices, samples and occasional mechaspider, Jack walked into the bedroom.

And found both Riley and Mimi sitting on a bed and gushing about a cat between them. To be fair, it was a cute cat. With his Greek helmet and strange stick with both ends being pointy, cat looked like some cartoon character out of kids show about Ancient Greece.

"Well hello there. Riley, who is your little friend?" asked Jack in his "kindly uncle" voice.

"Oh, uncle Jack! It just walked into the room through the window and I couldn't bring myself to shoo it away! Look how cute it is! Even Mimi stopped playing with fire after seeing him!"

"I certainly can see that" lightheartedly laughed Jack. "Oh? What's that? You want to play?"

"Huh its weird ball" noted Burnscar looking at fist sized ball of red threads that intruder-kitty produced from behind his back. "Why its red?"

"Because red goes faster, obviously" snarked "ball" unfolding into Proto Aima. Burnscar immediately attacked with fire teleporting in the same time. Riley screamed and jumped away from glowing red threads. And Jack? Jack was looking in the eyes of Death itself as its avatar ran him through with Jägerstock made out of very, very cold metal.

<Line break>


"Yes, Apeiron?"

"Did you see Tybalt and Tetra today? I can't find them anywhere in Workshop."

"They went to the city."

"Huh. Well, I hope they won't end up in the middle of some mess."

"They should be fine. After all, they said that they just going for a walk."
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I thought the Stranger effect meant only his actions are judged, doubt that would mean he could roll with the Nine without anyone taking issue to that.

Imagine if Manton rolled with them openly as a 'normal' rather than tagging along behind to be a safe little projector?
I thought the Stranger effect meant only his actions are judged, doubt that would mean he could roll with the Nine without anyone taking issue to that.

Imagine if Manton rolled with them openly as a 'normal' rather than tagging along behind to be a safe little projector?
He can also exaggerate the effects of prejudice. He'd likely be recognized as Kataklyzien, but who cares? He's such a cute little kitty! Like Nice Guy but not quite as bad.
Thanks for nice omake!
Most of them can't sleep next to bunch of corpses. It's unhygienic after all. Ned and Alan with Riley's creations couldn't care less of course, but he very much could.
I think it should have been 'did'. 'could care' does not indicate that he actually cares, Jack definitely does.

I thought the Stranger effect meant only his actions are judged, doubt that would mean he could roll with the Nine without anyone taking issue to that.
He can 'mask' what 'makes him different from a normal cat' to make himself appear as a normal albeit smart and cute acting cat as easily as he can appear to be 'normal' intelligent paracat. What's left is to look healthy, cute and meov a bit. So his deliberately cute action are what gets judged, his likely anomalous appearance (biotinker should have noticed the difference) and equipment gets ignored as if normal.

Quote from chapter 56 "You may, at will, choose for these or other superficial traits to be ignored for an objective merit based evaluation"
Also "or instead for a trait to be exaggerated in their perception", so he could have exaggerated 'cute' aspect instead, potentially to the point where other abnormalities will be ignored.

P.S. Reread chapter 56, that's a Very nice introduction of Tybalt, in other stories such descriptions are often boring, but here they are just rolling flawlessly as a dialogue without breaking character for anyone present.
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Thanks, Fixed! My English "a bit" junky lol
I strongly suggest running this through a Word or some equivalent.
Couple more fixes:
That's new.

Jack walked into bedroom
into the bedroom (at least I think it should be 'the', since it's specific Riley's bedroom)

sitting on bed and gushing about cat
sitting on a bed and gushing about a cat

With his Greek helmet and strange stick with both ends being pointy cat looked
being pointy, the cat looked

It just

shoo it away

Look how cute it is

dancing on minefield
dancing on a minefield
during his time as leader of Slaughterhouse 9
as a leader
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I strongly suggest running this through a Word or some equivalent.
Couple more fixes:
That's new.

into the bedroom (at least I think it should be 'the', since it's specific Riley's bedroom)

sitting on a bed and gushing about a cat

being pointy, the cat looked

It just

shoo it away

Look how cute it is

dancing on a minefield
as a leader

All fixed. Man, I never seem to remember that when talking about animals it is "It" in English. Kinda weird IMO.
God, Tybalt's stranger ability is so strong it messes with my head on meta level.

Also, it is beyond terrifying. It's like Nice Guy but worse cuz Nice Guy at the very least wasn't demigod of war.

Actually, have an omake:

Jack Slash and absolutely perfectly normal cute kitty cat

Patience is virtue, Jack Slash learned that much during his time as leader of Slaughterhouse 9. Entire world is hurries somewhere, runs as fast as it can but for what? Or, rather, to where? After all, there is nothing ahead, no finish line with shiny prize and cheers of fans awaiting the fastest runner. So let them run and run, tripping over each other and breaking legs in process. Jack will bid his time slowly walking forward and whistling catchy tune meanwhile.

Borckton Bay certainly was an interesting place. Dangerous, but interesting. A storm in which eye resides the most powerful tinker ever walked surface of earth. Apeiron. One wrong step and storm will tear you apart. But why hurry and get away or get in, if you can sit in the bunker and wait until eye of the storm will be right above you?

Sneaking into city was't challenging at all. With PRT and Protectorate at total dismay and gangs doing something that can be described as dancing on minefield Slaughterhouse 9 arrival went unnoticed by anyone.

Jack lazily glanced from the window to a pair of bodies lying in the kitchen.

Well, by almost anyone.

Actually, where is Bonesaw? Shouldn't she take care of this mess already? Most of them can't sleep next to bunch of corpses. It's unhygienic after all. Ned and Alan with Riley's creations couldn't care less of course, but he very much did.

Jack exited his apartments and moved to the third floor, to apartments Riley took for herself. Usually she and Alan shared room together but Alan's obsession with Apeiron send him into tinker fugue and he was tinkering non-stop since they stepped into the city. Metaphor about storm wasn't so metaphorical: Apeiron will find them eventually but they will make him step into their territory. And Alan will ensure that they will have every advantage possible.

Riley's door wasn't closed which caused Jack to rise a brow. Good Girl Riley forgot to close the door? That's new. His intuition was silent though, so despite his guts telling him something is wrong Jack shrugged it off and walked in.

Habitually finding his way between various devices, samples and occasional mechaspider, Jack walked into the bedroom.

And found both Riley and Mimi sitting on a bed and gushing about a cat between them. To be fair, it was a cute cat. With his Greek helmet and strange stick with both ends being pointy, cat looked like some cartoon character out of kids show about Ancient Greece.

"Well hello there. Riley, who is your little friend?" asked Jack in his "kindly uncle" voice.

"Oh, uncle Jack! It just walked into the room through the window and I couldn't bring myself to shoo it away! Look how cute it is! Even Mimi stopped playing with fire after seeing him!"

"I certainly can see that" lightheartedly laughed Jack. "Oh? What's that? You want to play?"

"Huh its weird ball" noted Burnscar looking at fist sized ball of red threads that intruder-kitty produced from behind his back. "Why its red?"

"Because red goes faster, obviously" snarked "ball" unfolding into Proto Aima. Burnscar immediately attacked with fire teleporting in the same time. Riley screamed and jumped away from glowing red threads. And Jack? Jack was looking in the eyes of Death itself as its avatar ran him through with Jägerstock made out of very, very cold metal.

<Line break>


"Yes, Apeiron?"

"Did you see Tybalt and Tetra today? I can't find them anywhere in Workshop."

"They went to the city."

"Huh. Well, I hope they won't end up in the middle of some mess."

"They should be fine. After all, they said that they just going for a walk."
Workshop Rule 7: Tybalt and Tetra are no longer allowed to "go for a walk" without letting us know.
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Hey, @LordRoustabout this is about the fic on AO3, and I'm not sure if you know about it. I noticed you have it in someone's collection.

I'm just gonna warn you, in case you don't know, you need to go to preferences on there, and uncheck this:

If it is checked, someone can either unintentionally or maliciously hide the fic from anyone who wants to read it. So that's a heads up, so you know.

With it unchecked, you need to actually give permission for them to add it to a collection, but I just never approve that for my own fics, personally. I've seen far too many popular fics get hidden unintentionally by a reader who didn't realize that privating their collection meant that it hides every single fic in it.
Hey, @LordRoustabout this is about the fic on AO3, and I'm not sure if you know about it. I noticed you have it in someone's collection.

I'm just gonna warn you, in case you don't know, you need to go to preferences on there, and uncheck this:

If it is checked, someone can either unintentionally or maliciously hide the fic from anyone who wants to read it. So that's a heads up, so you know.

With it unchecked, you need to actually give permission for them to add it to a collection, but I just never approve that for my own fics, personally. I've seen far too many popular fics get hidden unintentionally by a reader who didn't realize that privating their collection meant that it hides every single fic in it.
To be fair, the moment any fic with a large following gets accidentally privatized, you better believe that it will be noticed very quickly. When that happens, the author can just unlink themselves from the relevant collection in a few clicks, so it's not that big of a deal.

In comparison, having your fic added to a collection or multiple collections that aren't your own is one of those badges of honor in AO3, really. It means that your fic is good or unique enough that someone went and put it in display for you, practically free advertising. In the light of that, automatically accepting collections is fine to me personally because mistakes like the privatizing thing is easily enough fixed, and if someone is really out to abuse it for your fic, that's really the only time you really remove to automatic acceptance while you report the situation to the mods.

This exaggeration requires the prejudice to already exist, though. He can't just invent a stereotype and have his target believe it.

As a corollary, he probably couldn't completely pull a harmless kitty act on anyone who's been mauled by a cat.
Not really though? The entire point of the power was actually to deal with innate prejudices. Tybalt can make people ignore stereotypes/prejudices and force them to hone in on specific details and have to rate them objectively.

The fact that Kat the Cat is respected as a member of Apeiron's team is not just because of his Stranger ability - it's because objectively, Apeiron and crew do indeed treat them as just one of their own, and with Apeiron's words backing him up, of course he is going to be respected. That's the objective response to his cape identity despite him being literally a bipedal cat.

And objectively? Tybalt is always cute. It's not just because he's a cat - though certainly a big part of it is - but also his mannerisms and actions are also cute by nature. Remember, this is the guy who was playing tug-of-war with Garment during Joe's monologue on how terrifyingly strong Tybalt was, and whose response to Aisha holding back her instinctive response to give him headpats was to act disappointed until she actually gave him kitty scritches. So Tybalt being able to make someone think he's cute and harmless just as he's walking towards them with a weapon in hand is definitely possible since it'll be the epitome of that moment when a cat pushes your expensive vase off of a ledge, but you can't stay mad at it for too long because they are so good at looking innocent.
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So what are the first 6 Workshop rules?
And it's spelled Tetra, by the way.

Rule of Workshop Number 1: Never talk about Workshop outside of Workshop

Rule of Workshop Number 2: Never leave Avid Glove or/and it's clones unsupervised

Rule of Workshop Number 3: Never leave Aisha in Workshop unsupervised (Appealed by Aisha, currently pending)

Rule of Workshop Number 4: Never let Garment inside Prismatic Lab without supervision (Appealed by Garment, currently pending)

Rule of Workshop Number 5: Never tell Apeiron that he is a morning person

Rule of Workshop Number 6: Never EVER IN ANY SITUATION touch Imulsion pump
Rule of Workshop Number 1: Never talk about Workshop outside of Workshop

Rule of Workshop Number 2: Never leave Avid Glove or/and it's clones unsupervised

Rule of Workshop Number 3: Never leave Aisha in Workshop unsupervised (Appealed by Aisha, currently pending)

Rule of Workshop Number 4: Never let Garment inside Prismatic Lab without supervision (Appealed by Garment, currently pending)

Rule of Workshop Number 5: Never tell Apeiron that he is a morning person

Rule of Workshop Number 6: Never EVER IN ANY SITUATION touch Imulsion pump

Rule of Workshop Number 8: While calling the real world Meat Space is appropiate (shut up, Prime, it's a thing now!), calling people "meat person" and capes "meat space whale crystal-like person", isn't. Also, a mouthful.

Rule of Workshop Number 9: Yes, most of us are immune to normal gunfire, no, we aren't using real guns, augmented guns, magical guns, or any other kind of gun to play paintball. Except normal, unaugmented, non-magical (except for infinte ammo) paintball guns.

Rule of Workshop Number 10: Not asking Tybalt for a milkshake after every meal or as replacement for breakfast, those things are as unhealthy as they come.

Rule of Workshop Number 11: Using cognitohazards and inforhazards any kind of -hazards (including plain old blunt traunma) to respect Rule Number 1 isn't allowed.