Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I can see it, we find some ancient artifact on some planet out in space that proves definitely that some alien species created humanity, and after hundreds of years of searching it turns out it was just one dude named joe. Not even a cool name like Gabriel or something completely alien, just joe.

Edit: funnily enough auto-correct doesn't capitalize joe

Ugh... I want to make a callback to the great movie The Man from Earth, but saying it would be spoilery... If you haven't watched it. Go. Best scifi without special effects.

Turns out it was only his old door stopper.

5th dimensional door stopper

I mean a brick of gold makes a good door stop, so who knows what went into the doorstop.

Michigan Man Discovers His Barn Doorstop Is Actually a Meteorite Worth $100,000
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Michigan Man Discovers His Barn Doorstop Is Actually a Meteorite Worth $100,000
In my case it's a story bout one of grand-uncles if I remember correctly, he had a brick sized bar of either gold or silver that he used as a doorstop, had it wrapped in paper ya see, so it was hidden in plain sight, and it apparently looked just like a regular brick wrapped in paper.
Registered an account just to say this, because this story has me baffled.

The point-of-view chapters are consistently some of the best I've read in Worm fanfiction. They're each a joy to read, with distinct and interesting voices. The Leet and Blasto POVs were superbly well-written and compelling, and I could feel those characters come to life.

The tech-heavy normal chapters are, in contrast, often kind of a slog? What feels like thousands of words all to repeat the same general pattern, over and over again. The small tidbits of characterization that shine through are excellent, but feel like they are buried in an ocean of gray slop. I feel my eyes start to skim through multiple paragraphs as I search for sections where characters interact or stuff happens. Not powers growing, or numbers getting bigger, or stuff being built, but actual stuff happening in the story sense.

The quality whiplash has me feeling some kind of way. Either the technical stuff is a pet passion of the author that they have to repress during a day job writing, or this is some elaborate experiment.
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Registered an account just to say this, because this story has me baffled.

The point-of-view chapters are consistently some of the best I've read in Worm fanfiction. They're each a joy to read, with distinct and interesting voices. The Leet and Blasto POVs were superbly well-written and compelling, and I could feel those characters come to life.

The tech-heavy normal chapters are, in contrast, often kind of a slog? What feels like thousands of words all to repeat the same general pattern, over and over again. The small tidbits of characterization that shine through are excellent, but feel like they are buried in an ocean of gray slop. I feel my eyes start to skim through multiple paragraphs as I search for sections where characters interact or stuff happens. Not powers growing, or numbers getting bigger, or stuff being built, but actual stuff happening in the story sense.

The quality whiplash has me feeling like this has to be intentional. Either the technical stuff is a pet passion of the author that they have to repress during their day job writing, or this is some elaborate experiment. A piece of performance art, with the audience as a member, simply titled "Sufficient Velocity."

Please, no more.

Lord has addressed the pacing issue to death at this point.
TLDR : No, he will not change his writing style to what you guys think is better because the last time he tried it, he nearly got burnt out on the story.

So no, the pacing and the way the story is structured will not be changing.

This isn't a Worm story with the Celestial Forge as the power.
This is a Celestial Forge story that just happens to be set in Worm.
Registered an account just to say this, because this story has me baffled.

The point-of-view chapters are consistently some of the best I've read in Worm fanfiction. They're each a joy to read, with distinct and interesting voices. The Leet and Blasto POVs were superbly well-written and compelling, and I could feel those characters come to life.

The tech-heavy normal chapters are, in contrast, often kind of a slog? What feels like thousands of words all to repeat the same general pattern, over and over again. The small tidbits of characterization that shine through are excellent, but feel like they are buried in an ocean of gray slop. I feel my eyes start to skim through multiple paragraphs as I search for sections where characters interact or stuff happens. Not powers growing, or numbers getting bigger, or stuff being built, but actual stuff happening in the story sense.

The quality whiplash has me feeling some kind of way. Either the technical stuff is a pet passion of the author that they have to repress during their day job writing, or this is some elaborate experiment.
Lord said he writes it for perk interaction he wished jumpchain stories would have so it's the base and not going to change.
I object to the "slow" part; it's only slow from our perspective. In-story, three day old tech is often left behind together with three day old neuroses.
A few weeks(?) ago I saw someone commenting on putting links to jumps in the wiki, was it here? because I found a repository of links for, as far as I can tell, all of the jumps ever, including sb and qq so it would help them.
And I guess anyone else that wants to quickly find specific doc.
Here it is
Registered an account just to say this, because this story has me baffled.

The point-of-view chapters are consistently some of the best I've read in Worm fanfiction. They're each a joy to read, with distinct and interesting voices. The Leet and Blasto POVs were superbly well-written and compelling, and I could feel those characters come to life.

The tech-heavy normal chapters are, in contrast, often kind of a slog? What feels like thousands of words all to repeat the same general pattern, over and over again. The small tidbits of characterization that shine through are excellent, but feel like they are buried in an ocean of gray slop. I feel my eyes start to skim through multiple paragraphs as I search for sections where characters interact or stuff happens. Not powers growing, or numbers getting bigger, or stuff being built, but actual stuff happening in the story sense.

The quality whiplash has me feeling some kind of way. Either the technical stuff is a pet passion of the author that they have to repress during their day job writing, or this is some elaborate experiment.


Yes, this story was (is) an experiment that exploded in popularity (to the point where it spawned multiple clones... or maybe it's a genre now ?) about using the celestial forge as a power source. So yeah, the tinker chapters are there to stay.

Please, no more.

Lord has addressed the pacing issue to death at this point.
TLDR : No, he will not change his writing style to what you guys think is better because the last time he tried it, he nearly got burnt out on the story.

Sure, but he also said he was fine with us discussing about it, even if he wasn't going to change the story.

I personally agree with his criticism, but maybe it's because I enjoy Joe interactions with the world a lot more than his alone tinker time.

I object to the "slow" part; it's only slow from our perspective. In-story, three day old tech is often left behind together with three day old neuroses.

All pacing are from the reader perspective.

(And, well, 6 months for 2 days is taylor-varga-slow.)
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The quality whiplash has me feeling some kind of way. Either the technical stuff is a pet passion of the author that they have to repress during their day job writing, or this is some elaborate experiment.
I think a lot of this whiplash is a result of uneven editing attention. The story we get is only a light revision of the initial draft, still riddled with minor technical and spelling problems. But a proper editing pass would not only catch the minor errors but address larger composition* weaknesses and direct extra attention to weak sections. This isn't a criticism of LordRoustabout's skill. Even among professional novelists, very few writers do such a good job on the first draft that their work wouldn't benefit from editorial attention and a major revision.

For this story in particular, the composition is difficult to revise because narrative events are tied to word count. It's still possible, but it'd take more than a week per chapter. However, some of the 3rd party PoV sections are not tied to Joe's word count, which frees LordRoustabout to move paragraphs around after the fact, which makes a structural revision feasible within a week. I think the quality increase from this sort of revision is a significant part of what you're picking up.

* basically, which events and thoughts are explicitly depicted, what order they appear in, and how much detail is dedicated to each one
I'm so excited to see the next chapter. Coil is probably already there because he wasn't mentioned but there was a table that was not named and I can't wait to see how it goes today!
Wait. It's out today right?!
I'm so excited to see the next chapter. Coil is probably already there because he wasn't mentioned but there was a table that was not named and I can't wait to see how it goes today!
Wait. It's out today right?!

Coil was mentioned by Alex when Joe entered the bar.

EDIT: Sorry, walked into the bar like he owned the place followed by his team.
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I've been having this problem trying to share any fanfiction with my wife.. she hates to read... Also I'm laughing out of my ass with SonicBoom lately and there's no way that she will find it funny. At least we enjoyed Arcane a lot. The woes of nerdism.

I tried to describe BCF to a friend.

Apparently her conclusion was that it was a Wreck-it Ralph and Fix-it Felix fanfic with Joe as a super nerdy Felix MC and nearly every other cape in the story as a version of Ralph with superpowers and severe mental trauma.


Which.... somewhat fair. :o

Then I tried to explain that, like Joss Whedon's Firefly series, the story was really about the characters, their relationships, individual histories, and development/growth.

She responded with a smile and a comforting pat on my shoulder.

Someday being a nerd will be cool?

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I wonder however if it is actually Coil's body double I can't remember if it was canon or fanon that he employed someone who looked like him within a costume to take his place.
His shard might be able to pick up if it is actually Coil and not a bodyguard and if it does Joe might just accidently cause some crap to go down