Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Firstly yay new chapter
*hunkers down and grabs industrial grade mincer* let me chew through that.
*Puts away bloody mincer* Well in reverse order Blasto and friends are in for many many terrible surprises.
Leet, I would say you should know better but you actually matter at the moment and that can be one hell of a drug, also Uber you're Shard is being really obvious in it's bullying.
Finally Scrub, you need a rapid detox a stuffed animal also possibly a hug.
I was being sarcastic and I didn't want to spoil that he beat her for people who didn't know.

Might I recommend a sarcasm tag in the future? As someone who loves sarcasm more than the next person, it really doesn't translate well through writing. Probably explains why my online dating profile never gets any hits :rofl2:

Also, the Damsel of Distress comment at the end had me rolling with laughter for like a good thirty seconds. Really enjoyed this interlude as it gave me even more reasons to be excited for Somer's, which I didn't think was possible at this point.

Final point: Uber trying to convince Leet to attack the truce is some truly frightening character development. With one of them starting to see the light and the other falling further off the edge, you know there's definitely going to be some stuff going down between them, especially when the Sleeper material gets exposed (because you know it has to happen).
Might I recommend a sarcasm tag in the future? As someone who loves sarcasm more than the next person, it really doesn't translate well through writing. Probably explains why my online dating profile never gets any hits :rofl2:

Also, the Damsel of Distress comment at the end had me rolling with laughter for like a good thirty seconds. Really enjoyed this interlude as it gave me even more reasons to be excited for Somer's, which I didn't think was possible at this point.

Final point: Uber trying to convince Leet to attack the truce is some truly frightening character development. With one of them starting to see the light and the other falling further off the edge, you know there's definitely going to be some stuff going down between them, especially when the Sleeper material gets exposed (because you know it has to happen).
Eh I just like using sarcasm if people don't get it then they don't get it y'know. Course if someone replies to me I just feel like letting them know what's up.
*Reads the Update Notif* "Happy Reader Noises"

*See's the Chapter Title* "Welp, my disappointment immeasurable and may day is ruined.

In seriousness tho, I've resigned myself to the fact that reading this story is like watching a lone artist paint a mural on a wall the size of the Great Wall of China. LIVE.

Any one want to speculate the contents of the next chapter with me?

I predict that the next chapter would start with how the three AI's getting used to their bodies, with a high likely hood of it being in their perspective. Maybe from survey.

Followed by Joe making the upgraded costumes for the undersiders. Then distributing it. Sommer's Rock would most likely be the next chapter after that.
I love that the L33t/ABB faction is hiding out and still acting like they're in an epic death battle with Apeiron while Joe is off fucking around playing robot basketball and chilling with his new demigod cat buddy, not giving them a second thought.
I can see Ivy recruiting Scrub. He'd be fine changing groups. If any Merchant asks, he is just running off with the girl to hopefully get laid. Thus another recruit for Lost Garden.

Someone asked about what Scrub did to Taylor. He killed a bug clone. He didn't know it was a bug clone and is obviously rather terrified of payback. Taylor showed up shortly after that scene when it happened.

Poor Blasto. Everyone he doesn't want to meet will likely be there.

What was amazing about this was Leet being perceptive. He always thought Uber was the one that ran rings around him on social stuff. Leet really wants out. Well out of the ABB thing and maybe BB. BB is his home though. He doesn't want to burn it to the ground. He doesn't really want to run off, but it remains an option. Right now, his plan for the ABB contract is basically to use their resources for his masterpiece.

After that, Leet has no desire to stick with them.

It would be interesting if Leet and Blasto ended up working together. Doubt it.

We found out that March is functional enough for all the contracts that she put into place to stay in play. She's paying the bills with the ABB funds. Basically, the Dragonslayers and U&L that we know of. There may be someone from New York being contracted as well.

It's amazing that Leet is a voice of sanity, but the person he is speaking to is too stubborn/naive/bat shit insane to take his advice. He has years of cape experience in one of the worst cities on the continent. Girl, you've not been a cape for a month and likely won't be alive in another week or two. She likes to criticize others far too much.
Before we get to Somer's Rock in a chapter or two, could someone help clarify some things about what Joe, Aisha, and Brian know about each other.

1. Does Aisha know that her brother Brian is Grue?

2. Does Brian know that Aisha is Lethe?

3. Does Joe know Brian/Grue is Aisha's brother?

I think the answer to all three of these questions is "no", leaving room for the maximum possible clusterfuck, but there have been a whole lot of word spread over quite a bit of time since Brockton's Celestial Forge started, and I'm not sure I remember everything.
We found out that March is functional enough for all the contracts that she put into place to stay in play. She's paying the bills with the ABB funds. Basically, the Dragonslayers and U&L that we know of. There may be someone from New York being contracted as well.
I completely forgot about that. Wasn't there some speculation about March contacting the Butcher after they got kicked out of New York?
Looking back, it was clear he wasn't meant to work alone, at least as far as powers could 'mean' anything. The gaps that his earlier projects left in his power could be pasted over with trivial ease with the work of any other tinker. Even something as simple as a supply or power sources, or advanced processors would have removed critical components of failure from his work. And his own work, the projects that came together from fields not yet depleted, could be both enhanced and appreciated by any other tinker in the world.

As long as she was working to cure herself she wasn't devoting her final days towards taking revenge on Apeiron. Or the city. Or the world. Leet had found himself in the position of managing Bakuda in the worst point of her life, with the added responsibility of keeping things from going to hell in the event they took a turn for the worse.

Leet babysitting service, the most responsible member/affiliate of the ABB.

God help us all.
Her reaction was embarrassment that was covered by an air of rapidly manufactured offence. "No. Why the fuck would I bother with that?"

"Because that's how hostage situations work." He explained. "The goal of whoever you're dealing with is to get the hostages out safe. It's your job to give them a path to that goal. If you don't release at least some of the hostages they become desperate and will do anything to find that path. It's a gesture of good will." And sanity, but he didn't have high hopes on that front.

She laughed. "So, you're explaining negotiating dynamics now, like some master criminal?"

Yes, that's how basic hostage situations work.

"I let ANY of them go and my position is worthless." She spat. "I don't have time for this. If the PRT wants any of them released they can make an offer."

Leet took a deep breath and steadied himself. Times like this, it really hit him. The fact that he was actually a veteran cape. Plenty of capes measured their careers in weeks or months. Years of active work, of functioning in a city as crazy as Brockton Bay without death or capture, it meant something. Yes, they were jokes, but at least they were running jokes. Add in the fact that his powers had been fighting him most of his career and there was some actual weight to that accomplishment.

Oh God its even worse, Bakuda has no clue how to do anything.

He hated his power for that, but somehow he had the sense that the feeling was mutual. That it had been as angry with him as Leet had been with it. At this point, it seemed like that didn't matter anymore. They were people who had a bad history, but they were willing to set that aside to make this work. He could almost respect that more than if there was actually some cushy affection based on the power of love and friendship. The sensation of 'Fuck you, let's get to work.' was actually refreshingly honest.

The most honest relationship between a shard and a host, "Fuck you, give power for Data"

To his horror Jeff smiled. "Well, not 'go' as in attend." Slowly he turned towards the components Leet had been working on.

"Exactly, everyone in the city. This is our chance to clear the board. The Protectorate isn't going to care about us taking care of their villain problem. They'd love the chance to bury everything and move on." Jeff, Uber explained, using the voice that had talked Leet around so many times before. "We'll have every group in the same place. There's no better time to use this."

Are we sure your power allows competence rather than self-delusion?

This is a really bad idea in that it puts all the eggs in one suicidal basket to say the least.

'The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation's Report on the Expression and Impact of the Entity Known as SLEEPER, Data, Analysis, and Medical Reports of Incidents 1-17. Classified Priority 1, for Ministry Eyes Only'


Leet took a breath and got to work. He might not be Apeiron, he might not be in control of the situation, but he wouldn't go down without a fight. He knew what he could do, what he was capable of, and when the time came he would be ready.

Well i disagree with your methods but go down swinging I guess.

The promise of food was enough to talk around most teenagers, and at least that was one area he was well supplied for. The state of Lost Garden's accounts was frankly ridiculous, to the point where he felt insulted by the original deal that had been cut for his services. It seemed that Barrow's commitment to fighting urban sprawl wasn't strong enough to avoid being influenced by various civic and corporate interests.

It made sense, really. You could keep Lost Garden from subsuming your community through dedicated assaults, stalling actions, and the efforts of entire Protectorate branches to drive them back or off course, or you could just throw a pile of money at the man and have him suddenly decide that the next town over was a bigger threat to mother nature. Rey had no idea how deep the man's pockets really were, not until he started spreading that around. No doubt he enjoyed playing the thoughtful hermit living beyond material concerns while sitting on a fortune that could buy anything he could want.

The fate of all true Hippies.

Either you die a hippy or you sell out to the "man"

Also, damn how come no one in that group is even remotely competent, Blasto is in the worse phase of his career, surrounded by literal morons.
Also, damn how come no one in that group is even remotely competent, Blasto is in the worse phase of his career, surrounded by literal morons.

Lost Garden is mostly composed of teenagers who ran away from home to join an eco-terrorist who doesn't even believe his own purported ideology. There's a significant selection pressure against people who think things through running throughout the group.
Lost Garden is mostly composed of teenagers who ran away from home to join an eco-terrorist who doesn't even believe his own purported ideology. There's a significant selection pressure against people who think things through running throughout the group.

Also, I am getting cult vibes between the older man running an ideology he does not actually believe in and teenagers under his authority.
It is funny that the bullshit lvl super computer that transcend modern science could get access to selective release of some bombs.

To add to all the other bullshit that is getting there.

And wow, Cauldron are still be assholes? with toybox? and maybe some other random? and even a entire nation (maybe)?

These guys are betting on the wrong horse. the other side is a divine/magic/super tech/self improving robot unicorn after all^^. or they are trying to beat information? which I think is even more stupid considering what they think it happens when his tech breaks.

Still since this is kind of a war (of info and people). I guess the cat plus the Ais can get some concessions and maybe even more allies from the villains. To not mention all the 'monster capes', or capes that don't control their power and some others that just don't want to work for the govern.

I just saying they are not prepared for the Apeiron effect if they are using the 'games' that happen too many villains lose and/or the normal double standard for conflict for 'neutral' factions. They are truly not ready. but everyone here already knows that. Even with reality changing tech I continue to have pity on these people that can get a angry Apeiron plus friends. And they are horrible people that I should not pity.
*Reads the Update Notif* "Happy Reader Noises"

*See's the Chapter Title* "Welp, my disappointment immeasurable and may day is ruined.

In seriousness tho, I've resigned myself to the fact that reading this story is like watching a lone artist paint a mural on a wall the size of the Great Wall of China. LIVE.

Any one want to speculate the contents of the next chapter with me?

I predict that the next chapter would start with how the three AI's getting used to their bodies, with a high likely hood of it being in their perspective. Maybe from survey.

Followed by Joe making the upgraded costumes for the undersiders. Then distributing it. Sommer's Rock would most likely be the next chapter after that.
He already made them and gave them away.
Also, Somner's Rock is going to be crowded. We've got Undersiders, Empire, Merchants, Blasto and friends, Faultline's Crew, Coil, Dragonslayers, Uppercrust, possibly Travelers, possibly some other unknowns, and of course the star guest Apeiron with his unexpected six teammates. That bar is going to be packed.
I'm relatively sure that Accord or at least a couple of his Ambassadors will show up to the meeting.
Not only because he's a Aperion Fan-Boi but also because of his business interests in Garment.
So I don't know if this topic has already been covered... but any predictions on Team Apeiron's big entrance to the cape meet-and-greet?

Hammy Herald?

Theme music?

Subtle but piss-your-pants terrifying?

Flashy entrance?

Personal Ideas
1) Teleporter: I really enjoyed Thor's dramatic arrival to Wakanda in Infinity War in a column of light. I'm sure that adding mass teleportation to Apeiron's known abilities will not disturb the capes of BB at all.

2) Supernatural: the wind changes direction, lights start flickering and bursting, the roof starts rattling, the door bursts open,... then the gathered villains blink and realize that Apeiron and his TEAM are already in the bar and comfortably seated. Apeiron could even sigh and point at one of his allies and claim that they are always overly dramatic.

3) Meet the real boss: Apeiron has utilized misdirection and false leads in the past. Having a new mysterious boss appear (in addition to the other assorted team members) could provide Apeiron with additional excuses/opportunities.

4) Grand Entrance: Apeiron and team are the best-dressed crew in the world. Constructing vehicles flashy and luxurious enough to compliment the garb would take minutes (seconds?). Why not have the team show up looking impossibly sleek and professional while the rest of the BB capes look like brutish slobs in comparison? Apeiron has done dramatic and big-damn-hero entrances. Now is his opportunity to be classy and glamourous.

5) The Master's Touch: The meet-up at Somer's Rock seems to be expanding rapidly beyond canon's participants. Apeiron might need to enlarge and modify the bar in order to accommodate the additional attendees... incidentally transforming a dingy pub into the world's greatest bar. A speakeasy theme seems appropriate.
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LordRoustabout thanks for the story so far.

But, this really is no longer the story for me. It was not any one thing but a number of factors have made me loose interest. I admit that a part of it was the pacing of the story and the endless escalation with no resolution but I reached the point where I just scroll through the story without caring.

The recent chapter really drove home that point as despite it being good, I had to force myself to try and read it, giving up halfway through.

It was not anything new or anything against the Author that caused this but me simply loosing interest.

Once again I thank LordRoustabout for the story so far.
"Answer?" She scoffed. "It's not even a starting point. She started gesturing to the table with her bandaged hand, then held back, trying to avoid drawing attention to it. The image of what those growths were turning into flashed through Leet's mind and he felt his stomach churn. "You had one shot at a cancer cure and you blew it on acute lymphoblastic leukemia!" She glared at him. "Ninety percent survival rate and you decided it was worth it? Oh, and gene tailored as well, just to make sure there's nothing usable here."

"I'm going to see if there's anything worthwhile in here. Send over whatever you come up with, if you can spare any time from your vanity project, that is." She said sharply before turning to the door. With a nock Pete pulled it open for her, nodded to Leet, then shut it after the girl.
The one thing they agreed on was to keep the details from Bakuda and the handful of ABB members. There was a decent chance she could see reason and not try to attack apeiron with a half dozen men and no parahuman backup, but at the very least it would put her in a foul mood when she was hard enough to deal with already.
Well, things were certainly turned around. They were turned around, spun backwards and flipped on their head. Leet was worried about Jeff. He was ferried about Bakuda, what would happen if she snapped or gave up, or even if they did manage to fix things and she decided to go back on the warpath. He was worried about the city. As much of a villain as he was, this was still his home. Everything that had been unleashed, the people who had been hurt, it ate away at him.
worried about Bakuda
That hope had been badly misplaced. The only person who seemed to be even remotely aware of what they were attempting was Barrow Rose, and the girl spent so much time pining over Barrow that she was barely any help. The field blacking her regular status updated on his condition had left her too unfocused to exert any level of control over the rest of the group, and it seemed his position as leader of the mission was largely seen as a ceremonial one.
blocking her regular?
like an implacable lightning wreathes force of nature.

With a nock Pete pulled it

and awkwardly clamored up, slipping

and not try to attack apeiron with a half dozen

He was ferried about Bakuda,
This was a good chapter. I understand the complaints about the previous chapters. The problem is that the power focused chapters don't really advance the actual narrative, and worse, will usually get overwritten in short order. It makes them feel like filler episodes in an anime. This chapter "feels" like a real chapter where others don't because it is filling in new information that is relevant (and looks to stay relevant) to the upcoming events.