You points mostly valid, even if not always perfectly accurate or correctly phrased. Yet, any of your points does not change point of my comment - that all
takes time.
Five days mean 120 hours, munus her needs like sleep, food, drink, and using a bathroom. And don't forget about diminished efficience of her work untill she healed her limbs.
1) I am pretty sure that implanting head bombs is not something that definitely requires Bakuda's Presence (though in Chen's Case I doubt that non-tinker's could achieve it) and the prospect of their being a professional surgeon or something similar in the thousands of members or conscripts is not that low (US I think has 7 surgeons per 100.000 people) or just the guy who patches up Oni Lee every time OR just Uber.
Maybe. That'd make it easier to extract too, but she might think that her safeties are good enough.
Though, you talking like there was several thousands of conscripts... I looked back and I
may underestimate the numbers:
"Ten times the forces we had a week ago. Positioned, armed, and ready to strike.
With something like half a thousand of regular gang members (and I doubt there was much more), that'd make four and half thousands of conscripts.
Unless she bluffed or I overestimated the amount of regular members, that is.
So. 5000 bombs. If she need
one minute for a bomb (and I don't think that's possible, Sechen Range or no), that'd mean
84 workhours, without any huccups that may slow it down.
Only that step alone.
That's why (beside other things) I thought that there's no more than two thousands conscripts top.
2) Given how fast she assembled those final Rockets against Apeiron's Final Slash once she was in the Seechen Range that is not that hard.
Assembled - yes. Build - no. She used already created tech, mostly.
3) Considering that she only needs the to be destructive but not in any kind of exact way she can take full advantage of her Tinker Type as a Chaos Tinker (ridiculous powerful but no real control over what you make).
4) As 3) but I think that for any of the compounding chain Bomb effects that Joe stopped that need careful coordination and timing a combination of Leet Tech and March's Thinker Ability would suffice to find out what the Bombs does even when Bakuda herself is clueless.
Not really. She need exotic effects, not just powerful, because they already knew that Apeiron, for all practical purposes, immune to "regular" damage. And anyway, she has to spend some time to make it. And with amount of bombs - not one or two hours.
And about testing, since I try to be objective, not to win the argument - you forgot about Oni Lee. He can test any bombs just fine, if they had a place for tests. And with how LordR ruled his power to work through surveilance, that place can be anywhere on Earth.
6) Yeah it does not contain an easier to build plan but it contains hybrid technology and the inspiration she can gain from that is useful for facilitating this whole madness.
Dunno where you get the "hybrid technology" thing, but anyway, that argument does not refute my point: studying the stolen data takes time, and this data does not
speed up her work. It may improve results, yes, but at best the work takes the same time. At worst - to incorporate the "stolen" principles she had to spent more time for projects.
And about "hybrid technology" as part of the Armsmaster specialty, I hear it for the first time ever - can you explain, please?
thus even with all the rushing her Bombs would still be extremely dangerous and thus High-Tier Tinker Tech
all her bombs
are dangerous (for almost anyone). But most of her bombs nowhere near as dangerous as what he capable of with her A-game. Let's remember your statement:
a greater Portion of dozens to hundreds of ABB Members and hundreds to thousands of conscripts both motivated to the extreme by Neck-Bombs, equipped with high-grade tinker tech and coordinated by a high-tier Thinker
That implied that
they all was equipped with high-grade tinkertech. And that's not true. Most of them didn't have
any tinkertech at all (implant exclude), and those who had - mostly had pretty low-level tech, both in the general sense and "Bakuda's high-level tech way more dangerous".
Also dangerous =/= advanced, afaik. A knife, or even a club, is way more dangerous (directly) than a calculator.