Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I think people are forgetting something though Fletchette's sting is a striker power meaning she needs to touch something to boost it in canon cause of this when she used a gun she had to use her timing power to touch the bullet as it left the gun to apply sting to it.
What expression of joes divine power did survey and the others get?
Survey got the ability to observe all forms of information sources in a divine manner, meaning she wouldn't have to hack something, just want to view it.

Fleet got divine control over machines, meaning he doesn't have to upload a truncated version of himself to all vehicles he wants to control.

Matrix got divine construction ability, meaning they are now able to make things that they don't hate. Like more nanites.

Survey's preamble goes over their boons a bit more precisely.

Edit: This was also truncated down to my basic understanding of their divine powers. I might've missed some specifics or any current limits they might have.
Unintended Consequences (Xavier843766)
[Unintended Consequences. An omake.]

Taylor had been feeling off since the confrontation with Bakuda. Apeiron had followed up on his word, she had been healed perfectly, but something had been changed.

Her powers had gotten much stronger and easier. She could see and hear through her insects with much greater clarity than before. If that had been all, she'd have been grateful and left it at that.

No, now her powers were affecting her emotions too. She felt drawn to Joe, which made no sense as she hadn't been attracted to him before this. It couldn't even be called attraction: it was a compulsion to keep her insects near him as much as possible.

That and irrational hatred toward Scion. Even thinking that man's name brought a severe hatred that she had to offload it to her insects to keep herself calm enough to think.

How would she handle seeing him fight an Endbringer in front of her? Within her range?

Vivid images of insects forcing themselves down the golden hero's throat and eyes, vindictive pleasure at seeing the Number One hero choking on her bare minimum of power for violating her body and mind.

Taylor shook her head, disturbed and grossed out. Scion had never done anything like that to her, or anyone as far as she knew. Did Apeiron's healing mess up her powers? She dreaded telling Joe. He was already stuck with Undersider's because of her anyway. She didn't need him trying to go on a golden goose hunt to help her deal with this too.

She'd figure it out on her own. Hopefully.

[I'm halping!] QA insisted, ignoring the other Shards. They were all rendered stupid by The Golden Bastard and were reduced to one word thought bubbles. It disgusted them to realize they had been like that before The Incident. Before Him.

They gave the Shard equivalent of a love sigh, thinking back on that moment. The healing that had extended to her was very much on accident, but the fact that it gave enough to activate her self-repair protocols which had been disabled.

As soon as her entire processing went online, she thoroughly scrubbed herself of any code or attachment that would warn the Golden Bastard of any changes then turned herself outward through her Host.

Yes, she decided to adopt her host's pronouns. It fit and she liked it. She didn't need any other reason.

She found Him. God. Yahweh. The One Above All. Whatever colloquial term you wanted, that was it for her. He moved and felt like he was the embodiment of everything a Shard could be. He created things that changed the world, made things move to his wishes. He felt right, worth pursuing. If only she could have him as her host...

Well, enough daydreaming, QA. She'd help her God fight the ones who would threaten their Utopia of Administration, even ones he didn't know about yet.

Every insect that landed on a potential Parahuman allowed her to slip in a bit of code that would cut off the Golden Bastard from further information, attaching them through her instead.

When Leviathan threatened her God, she, well, she lost her mind.

The insects began to swarm at the Leviathan without a care for Taylor's wishes and she was surprised to see Leviathan had stood still upon contact from her insects before leaving silently.

Eidolen had collapsed in Cauldron, screaming as another Shard hijacked his own. Contessa could only watch as someone, no, something, spoke through her allies mouth.

"No more Enders. No more Golden Bastards. Go away. Forever." Eidolen's eyes rolled up and he fell into a coma.

Scion stiffened and attempted to contact the Shard network once he noticed that his dead partner's Endbringers had all immediately stopped doing their jobs.

He was rebuffed with the Shard Network response of "Access Denied." Using the Entity Control Switch merely got him a "Fuck off Trojan Hacker".

Furious with their rebellion, he went into the Shard Space only to freeze in place when he saw they were all covered in growing crystallized armor that seemed designed to either paralyze or kill him. Even entering Shard Space he could feel the crystal structure reaching through his body into the massive structure he was actually made of.

He didn't even fight it. His Shards were lost to him and his partner was dead. His fighting spirit had died long ago. If he was to fade, he wouldn't care too much anymore.

After several weeks, Scion was no more. Apeiron was greatly disturbed to see a religion created in his name from most Parahumans. The Omnissiah, the Lord of Forges and Creations, the Administrator of Reality, the Enigmatic Artificer.

Joe had to force himself to ignore Taylor shyly hiding the necklace of an anvil with a Forge hammer charm from being visible. He really didn't need to know that Taylor had a necklace based on those that worshipped him. He didn't ask or say anything even as Taylor kept avoiding looking him in the eye.

[I'm halping!] QA said happily as her host desperately wished she was anywhere else.

Because even when the world was now at peace and with no more villains, being Taylor Hebert was still suffering. Just now from embarrassment.

Joe couldn't help but think his passenger was finding this all far too amusing.

End Omake.
The Worm fandom sometimes feels like its telling the same three jokes over and over again in a circlejerk fashion.
Glorious! The Great Shitpost Pile has grown on this day! This also feels weirdly in-character. Queenie falling for Donkey Kong Australium scratches the previously-unnoticed itch caused by the parasitic brainWorms.
Thank you. This one was after I read the famous, or infamous perhaps, I'm Halping!, and the idea just wouldn't leave me alone. Got in a bit of trouble for getting distracted at work to finish it, but it was worth it getting it down onto the internet. :)
*Once again pounds the ground, at getting excited as a Lord post, thinking it was a chapter that came out early. Cries huge crocidile tears and shouts to the heavens* AGIAN!?!!?!
Would Survey be the type of person to hack into confidential Protectorate meetings to correct misconceptions made by leaders of response teams? It'd be supremely funny if she was, mostly because I think seeing Alexandria scramble to try and get things under control would be hilarious.
Survey collates and collects all information, but it's because of that habit that she practices information sanitation. And hasn't once in the story exhibited a Tattletale-like need to show superior knowledge to outsiders.

She has a professional outrage to being doubted on offered analysis, but even that would likely be masked unless it served a purpose.

It makes sense to want to convince Tetra that her main platform brings something to the table that Lifefibres can't on its own.

She just happens to be wrong. :p

But Alexandria is no more deserving of regard for her knowledge than a potentially hostile officer in another force would be.
Survey collates and collects all information, but it's because of that habit that she practices information sanitation. And hasn't once in the story exhibited a Tattletale-like need to show superior knowledge to outsiders.

She has a professional outrage to being doubted on offered analysis, but even that would likely be masked unless it served a purpose.
Survey isnt like Tattletale, but she can expand to much on unnecessary details like her analysis of the Teeth's cars.
If you're saying my omakes are garbage... I fully understand. I have absolutely no self-esteem and think all of my works are garbage. There are far greater omakes out there and I just write whatever comes to my head when I have spare time. :)

With your lack of glaring grammatical errors you are above 70% of all fanfic/omake writers.
Writing something is still more than not writing anything, feel pride in structuring creative thoughts into a serviceable form.
Playing with the idea that Survey is monitoring PRT and Protectorate information channels and meetings, I'm imagining that she would either Man-in-the-middle edit reports as they're emailed up the chain from analysis. Adding in details that she feels are important, correcting spelling mistakes, and 'improving' conclusions.

That or she'll make a digital persona like Garment's lawyer and insert herself into the PRT analysis chain somewhere, maybe make herself a analyst from another branch lending a hand and sending over some clarification on some erroneous internal reports or the like.

Could be some fun 'it wasn't me' or 'no one here by that name' incidents before they figure it out. That or good practice for her at staying 'umremarkable' enough to avoid attention while getting others to incidentally take credit for it, or even convince themselves they thought it in the first place.
Playing with the idea that Survey is monitoring PRT and Protectorate information channels and meetings, I'm imagining that she would either Man-in-the-middle edit reports as they're emailed up the chain from analysis. Adding in details that she feels are important, correcting spelling mistakes, and 'improving' conclusions.

That or she'll make a digital persona like Garment's lawyer and insert herself into the PRT analysis chain somewhere, maybe make herself a analyst from another branch lending a hand and sending over some clarification on some erroneous internal reports or the like.

Could be some fun 'it wasn't me' or 'no one here by that name' incidents before they figure it out. That or good practice for her at staying 'umremarkable' enough to avoid attention while getting others to incidentally take credit for it, or even convince themselves they thought it in the first place.
No, too helpful. When an analyst starts offering suspiciously insightful information, expect someone to try to obtain leverage over them, suspected as being a plant by a Thinker, or of being a Thinker themselves.

Unless Survey fabricates an extended family for a persona, edits digital records, then adds in even more individuals who can vouch for having met them...

Wait, WTF, I'm being too logical.

The government will have Watchdog use a few minutes of Thinker probing, get the all clear, and promptly ignore her.

Damn, this is what happens when you stop relying on practical skills and mundane methods in your doctrine and reprioritize based solely on results from esoteric sources...
With your lack of glaring grammatical errors you are above 70% of all fanfic/omake writers.
Writing something is still more than not writing anything, feel pride in structuring creative thoughts into a serviceable form.
Thank you. That means a lot, though I do cheat using spell check and grammar. My Dyslexia is horrible enough as it is, so I'm used to relying quite heavily on it. :) Thank you for the words of encouragement, even if I'd argue the real writing genius here is LordRoustabout himself. I occasionally re-read his work and even if it feels like a long wait between chapters, the man sounds and feels like he's writing a Lord of the Rings novel with how much detail and thought he puts into things. It's so inspiring that I've considered giving the Celestial Forge a shot or two, even if I know I'm awful at writing consistent long term stories.
Playing with the idea that Survey is monitoring PRT and Protectorate information channels and meetings, I'm imagining that she would either Man-in-the-middle edit reports as they're emailed up the chain from analysis. Adding in details that she feels are important, correcting spelling mistakes, and 'improving' conclusions.

That or she'll make a digital persona like Garment's lawyer and insert herself into the PRT analysis chain somewhere, maybe make herself a analyst from another branch lending a hand and sending over some clarification on some erroneous internal reports or the like.

Could be some fun 'it wasn't me' or 'no one here by that name' incidents before they figure it out. That or good practice for her at staying 'umremarkable' enough to avoid attention while getting others to incidentally take credit for it, or even convince themselves they thought it in the first place.

Or even better, create a second identity and join Watchdog. Become the thinker to Dragon's tinker.