[X] Continue the ground war. (Your turn actions should include some method to engage in greater warfare, as one thousand ground troops will not suffice at all.)
[X] Begin full-scale bombardment, crack open Mars and shred them. (Your fleet, solar laser and many asteroids will be put to use in brutalizing Mars and its inhabitants.)
[X] Corporate System Security Industry v2 (1230)
-[X] Naval Buildup (450 PF): Build 10 Prometheus class cruisers to increase defenses of the Sol System.
-[X] Drone Armies (280 PF): Build and Deploy 10 Drone Infantry Armies (150 PF), 3 Drone Armor (60 PF) Armies, and 3 Drone Air Armies (60 PF) to Mars. They are to increase and hold territory in our Martian domain for permanent settlement in the Red Planet. Allowing it to open up for the many economic concerns for the system.
-[X] Fusion Technologies Deployment (100 PF): With the assistance of the European Union the time to deploy fusion technology is nigh. A whole new market will emerge in a land of cheap energy where economic growth and potential will skyrocket.
-[X] Martian Moon Research Cities (100 PF): Phobos and Deimos will be a great site for researching better military technologies and to study the wreckage of the Battle of Sol. Provide the European defense establishment facilities in these moons and a site where safety standards can be lax for weapons and armor testing. Any military corporation is able to have facilities in these cities as long as they are able to pay the rental fees.
-[X] Project Akashawami (200 PF): The clamping down of alien sympathizers is of utmost priority to system stability. Creating predictive software able to analyze both digital and physical information with accurate results on suspected cults against stability. With those arrested in the corporate states being viable candidates of their memories being uploaded as part of increasing the accuracy of predictions as well as lobotomizing them for future experiments. In addition, this data can be sold to law enforcement, intelligence agencies, PMCs with a security service, and advertisers on both clean and criminal information.
-[X] Project Wells (100 PF): A team of specially modified drones will extract and analyse all alien biomass and transmit all the data back to preposed Phobos and/or Deimos research sites (or Earth and Luna if both aren't available) where our best scientists will look over the biological data with the goal of developing and deploying an airborne Biowepion that could adversely survive in the martian atmosphere and adversely affect the aliens' reproduction cycle and/or cause they death. The bioweapon should also have a relatively short lifespan outside (less than 24 hours) its target host to decrease chances of infection for future colonists.