[X] Plan: Space Superiority
-[X] 270 PF - x6 Howitzer Prometheus Armoured Cruisers.
-[X] 225 PF - Sol "Superlasers"; expand Dyson Swarm, multiple Emitters, multiple Relays.
-[X] 50 PF - Send probes through the distortion, scan for aliens, and relay sensor data.
-[X] Fire Sol "Superlasers" at Mars ritual site, and any other alien targets of interest.
-[X] 150 PF - Continue Fusion R&D
-[X] 150 PF - Drone Spaceship R&D
-[X] 200 PF - Orbital Ring Expansion
[X] Pest Control Outsourcing (1045 PF)
-[X] Mars Bases (350 PF): The creation of bases on Mars is of paramount importance since they will be the nucleus of potential Martian cities while it can be considered to be a bloody toll it is necessary to both shorten logistics and provide a way to colonize Mars earlier. Work with the EU in creating these bases as the bastions of civilizations on Mars itself and a basis for multiple colonial governments.
-[X] Invasion Craft Design and Build (150 PF): Design and create invasion crafts for Mars to allow orbital landings on the planet. Build and allow the manufacture of such craft by other parties to ensure the ground is held on Mars.
-[X] Martian Legion (300 PF): Create a French Foreign Legion-styled force with the promise of freedom, land, and pensions. Scour through prisons, orphanages, the streets, and dissidents to recruit with deliberately low standards and look away on any problematic factors such as age for anyone willing to fight in Mars so that there can be numbers to fight outside the bases. For prisoners divide them up to those who will be safe and dangerous with the dangerous inmates being part of the vanguard for multiple campaigns at the discretion of the officers and will be provided great rewards when they retire. For volunteers and safe prisoners provide them the tiers of rewards if they would be able to stomach the dangers. On the topic of land and pensions, the land rewarded to a legionnaire cannot be sold but can be rented by governments or economic concerns operating on Mars which can be added to their pensions. They will be initially supported by funds from both the EU and the Conglomerate but must eventually be funded by the Martian colonies themselves.
-[X] Fusion Technologies (100 PF): Provide further funding to fusion technologies and see with its weaponization against the alien menace.
-[X] Martian Moon Research Cities (140 PF): Phobos and Deimos will be a great site for researching better military technologies and to study the wreckage of the Battle of Sol. Provide the European defense establishment facilities in these moons and a site where safety standards can be lax for weapons and armor testing. Any military corporation is able to have facilities in these cities as long as they are able to pay the rental fees.
-[X] Launch the Invasion of Mars (5 PF): When enough invasion crafts are done launch the invasion no matter what to ensure that the alien menace is can no longer work on Mars unimpeded.