Boy, have we got a vacation for you!

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AKA SV runs a theme park or Thermidor appears from the ether with yet another oddball quest...
AKA SV runs a theme park or Thermidor appears from the ether with yet another oddball quest.


Relax, you tell yourself. It's only the first day of the most important and prestigious job you've ever held; a position where your work will be scrutinized by countless masses every day and where a single creative mistake will probably doom your entire future in this industry. What could go wrong?

Rising from the low bench you were occupying, you begin to pace around the center of the cavernous room, so large that its exact dimensions seem to fade into the edges of your vision. It's odd seeing this place so empty when every other memory you have was of it filled with people. Wringing your hands, you stop to look up at the centerpiece of the room. A massive golden globe, the name of your new employer prominently emblazoned across the side facing the entrance: a message of welcome to all who came to experience their works.

You go over dozens of greetings. First impressions are important after all. "It's a pleasure to," no, too generic. "It's a privilege to," no, too pretentious. "Howdy," does anyone even say that anymore?

"You know, you could just try saying hi."

Spinning around, you spot a man stepping out from the other side of the globe. Average height, classically handsome, smart suit, this is probably your escort. Ok, stop overthinking, just go with what feels right.

"Uh, hi."

Shit! You did not just start with a stuttering hello. I mean sure, he did get the drop on you, but come on. As your escort makes it up to you, he holds out his hand, face breaking into a lopsided grin. "First day jitters? Don't worry, everybody gets em. Mark Whitney, I'll be handling your orientation."

At least you managed to shake his hand without making a further fool of yourself. With a nod of his head, Mark guides you to an elevator along the far wall of the chamber. This is the first time you've been inside the employee only sections here, you were interviewed elsewhere. Mark leans himself against the elevator wall.

"So, I'm sure you've got questions, and this lift's gonna take awhile to get to the top floor. So, ask away."

You swallow slightly before answering. "I realize I was hired as an administrator, but I wasn't told which location I'd be assigned to. How do we determine that?"

"Well," Mark says, "that's partially based on need. People get shuffled around to where they're most valuable. The company does try to take your wishes into consideration, but no guarantees. On the other hand, once you're set up in a location, we do try to maintain continuity in management, let you get intimately familiar with the assets under you."

You nod. "And what about the department heads? Will I have any influence over their selection?"

"That's a bit tougher," your escort shrugs. "A lot of staff will already be in place. You might be able to poach some experienced people from another location on account of you being an external hire, but it'll probably be a game time decision."

"One last question," you say. "Why here? I mean, you could have just as easily done this kind of briefing at the corporate headquarters. So why bring me out here?"

Mark glances up at the floor display before breaking out the same grin he had in the entry hall, "Well, that's something that's better shown than told." The elevator reaches its destination with a loud ding. He holds the door as you step out into the open air.

Holding up a hand to shield your eyes from the cloudless sky, you follow Mark along a walkway before stopping at a glass lined overlook. Despite your best efforts, you find yourself gaping at the view. Below you lays a verdant desert, towering red mesas broken only by the green of an immense river winding its way amongst them. A faint trail of black smoke marks a train slowly following the lay of the river, the only sign of the world below.

Mark leans up against the railing, looking outward towards the valley. "Looks a heck of a lot different from up here, doesn't it?"

"I've never seen the place from above before. Everything's so tiny." For someone who's only seen the view from the valley floor before, even the mighty mesas look small from up here.

You shudder slightly as Mark claps you on the back. "That, is the exact reason we're here." He sweeps his free arm across your field of view, taking in the whole valley. "When our guests come here, they only see a little bit of the whole picture. We need a reminder that a location like this has hundred of thousands of working parts, and as a Director, you're going to be responsible for each and every one of them."

Mark turns from the railing to look directly at you, lopsided grin replaced by a somber smile. "Look, I know this job's going to feel overwhelming at sometimes, it's part of why we bring you here. Just remember, you wouldn't be here if we didn't think you had it in you. Just trust yourself, and I'm sure you'll make out just fine."

He holds his hand out to you again. You take it, breaking out into a smile of your own.

"Welcome to Delos, and welcome to the future."

Which park did you begin to work at?​

[] Medieval World - A Rural pastiche of medieval tropes officially set in 14th century Bavaria, this park caters to guests who want to pursue chivalrous quests and daring swordfights. As one of the largest parks in terms of size, there is plenty of room for massive narratives. A solid performer, but not particularly innovative or outstanding.

[] Ronin World - Recreating the warring states of feudal Japan, this park had had a strong opening, but a lack of space for expansion has led to waning interest as the narratives become routine for repeat visitors.

[] Austin Manor - One of the smallest properties operated by the company, this manor and its grounds usually cater to those seeking a relaxed vacation straight out of the early 1800s. Has low upkeep costs, but suffers from a severe lack of narrative variety.

[] Mob World - over twenty square blocks of downtown Chicago and New York merge to recreate the visceral criminal underworld of the late 1920s and early 1930s. While smaller than many other parks, it can accommodate more guests per square kilometer thanks to its urban setting. However, the need to maintain all of the vehicles and other urban staples does increase its upkeep costs. The relative novelty of the setting means moderate guest interest rate.

[] Spy World - Based on a private resort island, this park is an homage to the spy fiction of the 1960s. With casinos, dramatic action, and over the top villains, this park remains quite popular. However, the size and pyrotechnics required means that it's operating costs are stupendous.

[] Future World - Only just finishing testing, this park uses a number of visual and mechanical transitions and barriers to simulate multiple planets and spaceships in a moderately sized (mostly indoor) environment. While costs are forecasted to be only middling, there is a longstanding concern about being able to retain interest. It does offer great narrative freedom though.

[] Other - Replace this selection of parks with a new group. Can only be taken once.

As always, thanks for playing and feel free to ask any questions you want.​
[X] Ronin World

I've been on a Samurai kick lately, and not a lot of quests focus on Asian style settings.
[X] Spy World - Based on a private resort island, this park is an homage to the spy fiction of the 1960s. With casinos, dramatic action, and over the top villains, this park remains quite popular. However, the size and pyrotechnics required means that it's operating costs are stupendous.
Yeeeeeeeees, Westworld quest.

[] Other - Replace this selection of parks with a new group. Can only be taken once.

assuming this is a write-in:

[X] Hero World - A world right out of 20th and 21st century comics, it's a bright colorful world, where a select few stand as gods over all. Taking place in a single, massive, city, the story ranges from cartoonish to grimly realistic the farther out you go, powers shifting inversely to distance. Due to the otherwise exorbitant operating costs, the center section (where powers are strongest) uses an augmented reality system along with more minor pyrotechnic effects as support.

Normally this would probably be an issue for immersion. But the way I figure, the people staying in the center areas are mostly going to be with their kids, so it won't matter as much for them.
Thanks for the votes everyone. Going to call the vote sometime tomorrow and get an update up.

Looks like we will be running our own little corner of the Warring States unless the vote changes significantly. Sadly, while this is a fun setting, it does mean that I won't be immediately able to use the large stock of one-liners and bad puns I stocked up for Spy World.

Yeeeeeeeees, Westworld quest.

[] Other - Replace this selection of parks with a new group. Can only be taken once.

assuming this is a write-in:

Sorry, but this option is exactly what is says on the tin: you trash the current six options and replace them with six more ones. I kinda went overboard when coming up with parks to run (one of them was even a comic book park) and figured that a vote with a dozen plus options wouldn't be conducive to generating a clear consensus. I can go ahead and add the rest of the options in if there is a desire for that though.

Finally, since this is a Westworld quest, a little question for the readers: Is your host just a host, or a host playing a host at hosting?