Wow this was a long time coming, nearly two years later and I finally got around to doing something about this, and fair warning I've not written anything since the last chapter of this, so I am quite rusty.
Before the chapter though I'd also like to thank @ConfusedCanuck for being the one to ask me to continue this (even if it took a bit longer then I told him it would to finish the chapter.)
but in any case I'd like to present to you after about, 30 different attempts and many more rewrites, the continuation of Born Of An Umbral Star.
10 Years ago
It became immediately apparent that you would need help, because as powerful as you were, you couldn't train an army by yourself.
You knew that you could rely on the other seraphs for help when it came to any combat applications of their flock's main domain.
The problem however, and the reason why you didn't ask the seraphs to help with the training is that of the twelve seraphs only you, Uriel, Helel, Michael, and Azazel could have put your immense power into combat applications without help first.
Michael was too busy as the new Archangel to spend his time focusing on the army, not that he was unwilling to help, he did offer every willing and able member of his flock as assistants where you needed them, as Michael's flock was of teachers, this was a boon that you were very willing to accept.
Uriel had readily jumped at the opportunity to be on the field teaching those of the angels that were more magically inclined, most couldn't cast very strong offensive magic in the heat of the moment yet, but any magic is better than none, even if just as logistics to get supply from heaven to the front lines.
Azazel had flatly refused to help train the Seraphim, stating that his magic was better taught by Uriel then him, he instead would be creating weapons and armor to help even the odds between the six wings and below against the more powerful pantheon's minions.
Helel was lost without the previous responsibility of leading his flock and being Archangel, unlike the other Seraphs who had offered up what they could during the meeting, Helel had been too upset and distracted to really offer anything at the time.
While you could have ignored him in favor of just using Uriel as your second in command, you didn't want to, as Helel was your favorite brother.
Where others had been distant and judgemental of one so wrong at first, Helel had been accepting and kind, it had been him who took you on fishing trips at the pond in front of his house, it had been Helel who defended you when Rapheal had judged you so harshly.
Even Uriel, kind as he was now, was once young and hotheaded, there was even a time when you had both hated each other, it had only took the creation of a distant and deep ravine down on earth for tempers to cool and eventually reverse.
It was that fact more than anything else that had led you to Helel's home ready to ask him for help. Helel lived on the level of heaven nearest to the actual physical entrance in what was once eden.
Once upon a time, there was a plan to fill this level with the human souls which Father had decided were 'Holy' enough. What that meant you couldn't quite say, as all your experience with humanity was filled with killing and suffering.
Helel lived in a house that was usually immaculate and, by mortal standards, extravagant. Currently however the morning star's stone carved abode was looking almost rundown and forgotten.
Passing by the lake near the front entrance always brought fond memories of your brother teaching you how to fish up to the surface. It was a nice time, a time when you thought being accepted would fix the problem.
"Anath?" You were brought out of your memory by the sound of the familiar voice of your brother.
You turned towards the sound of his voice to see him near the entrance of his home, his hair was disheveled, his skin was paler than usual.
"Shouldn't you be out making an army, right now?" he was walking towards you while he said this a weak smile plastered on his face.
"That's what I wanted to talk about," there was more hesitation when you were around Helel, then when you talked with your other siblings.
You took a breath in and looked back into the lake, after you let it out you continued.
"I was hoping to be able to convince you to help me." you could hear him shuffle and sigh before responding.
"Anath, I really don't think I'm ready just yet to.."
"That's fine!" You interrupted him before looking back at him and continuing.
"I-I understand." you wanted to leave, it was clear that this was uncomfortable to him, and yet.
"In that case, do you still have our old fishing poles around?"
You continued anyway, even if your brother was unwilling at the time, maybe later he would become more receptive to the idea.
He gave a grateful smile and a nod before responding.
"They should be around here somewhere, wait here and i'll go have a look."
It had taken nearly a month of convincing, and Helel was still sore about the removal of power and the perceived lack of trust from Father.
But after some time for him to think and recover some confidence you were able to, if barely, convince him to help out as your second in command, even if he was unlikely to be in as confident a mood as he had once been.
Moving on however, the first order of business was to get the rest of the Seraphs combat ready, so you had left Azazel to monitor and outfit the non twelve winged angels with newly made armour and other assorted supplies.
With him you had left Sachiel and Baraquiel as assistants, it only made sense as both were already a part of his flock to begin with.
Even if they weren't, they would still have likely been your choice to help bring up the ten wings and below anyway, as Baraquel was a genius with lightning based magic, and Sachiel's skills with logistics would be an unparalleled help in speeding up the endeavor.
It was quickly decided that the best way to go about getting the ranks of the seraphim up to par with your enemies; would be to split up the seven others between you, Uriel, and Helel.
This task was rather easy in some ways as there were some very clear groups that would end badly when paired together; for example, Rapheal was pretty much immediately handed over to Uriel, as he would have likely not listened to you at all and Helel would have just started bickering with him to the point that the effort of training would have been wasted entirely.
Similarly Gabrial and Raguel were paired off with Uriel, Gabrial being particularly good at defensive and healing magic made the prospect of being taught by you, unlikely to be a good idea, to say the least.
The problem with Raguel however had less to do with what he was good at and more to do with the fact that Raguel was talkative and wordy to the point that you were fairly certain that he just liked his own voice more than you cared to deal with.
This left you with the choice of two of the four remaining Seraphs.
The first choice was cheerful and exuberant Metatron, Messenger of Heaven. He has done many things for you in the past, including being the only seraph to have thought it prudent to inform you of the flood that father had planned for the humans. It would perhaps not be remiss to pay it forward by teaching him what you can of warfare.
The next choice was graceful and serene Sandolphon, Heaven's Song. It is said that of every angel that resides in heaven there is none that represents the greatness of God's children quite as much as Sandolphon. Uriel, to a mortal man, would be considered gigantic being the height of one man then half his height again. Sandolphon was to Uriel as Uriel is to most of humanity.
Your third choice was distant and alien Sariel, caretaker of the Earth. Sariel and his flock were Father's chosen gardeners of Heaven and Earth's wilderness, there is some lingering resentment between the two of you, because of all the outcasts of Heaven's myriad flocks none were quite so numerous as the gardeners of Sariel that preferred colourful metal and uncaring stone to drab dirt and temperamental life.
Last and most memorable of all was Father's last planned child, youthful and energetic Remiel, Herald of God's Wrath. Where you were God's answer to the unfaithful and heretical forces of earth, Remiel was the warning sign of your descent.
Where she went storms of hail and thunder would follow, even in Babylon the days before your arrival were preceded by endless flooding and wailing thunder caused by the middle daughter of Father's Seraphim.
Choose two of the four remaining Seraphim to teach, the remaining two after you choose will be taught by Helel who will focus on how to command the common angel over the personal strength of arms you will teach.
[ ] Metatron, Messenger of Heaven.
[ ] Sandolphon, Heaven's Song.
[ ] Sariel, Caretaker of the Earth.
[ ] Remiel, Herald of God's Wrath.
5 Years ago
Though your main focus at the time was on teaching the Seraphs, at least at first anyway, that did not mean that you were not teaching the rest of the angels as well.
The difference primarily lied in that fact that you were teaching them more on a unit by unit basis instead of the more personal and up close teaching of the Seraphim. Your time was spread thin to put it lightly, from dawn till dusk you were helping somebody with something.
That day was not one of those days however, That day was the first test of the heavenly host sans Seraphim.
The test was a simple mock battle presided over by Uriel, Helel, and Michael.
In attendance as well was Raphael and Azazel the former for medical purposes, and the latter to gather 'live' data on the armour he had crafted for the ten winged angels.
The battle was to take place in a more or less empty section of heaven, it was originally intended to be the resting place of the not quite 'holy' enough human souls, with a playing field marked to be at around twice the size of Babylon.
On one side in the air was the force marked as the Heavenly Host, it was to be led by Samiel and Kokabiel.
Samiel was a member of Helel's once flock who you mostly remember as your brother's friend and lieutenant, it was said that "where The Morning Star goes the Serpent is not long behind".
Kokabiel was a ten winged member of Azazel's flock who had taken to the idea of war perhaps a little too well, in your opinion at least.
In the air on the other side was one person.
You were not allowed to attack them outside of grabbing a bell on a rope wrapped around the waist of every angel in the air.
They were allowed to use whatever means necessary to get your rope or bell from you, whenever a bell, yours or theirs', is taken the person whom the bell is tied to is immediately teleported to Raphiel and the other medics of the host.
You saw far on the ground kilometers away Michael talking to Uriel and Helel, though you could not hear what was said. Across from you Samial was arguing with Kokabial there was pointing and gesticulating abound, you would have to make the arguing stop.
The sky was suddenly lit up in fire, Uriel's signal. Immediately after the flames had receded you were off, flashing forward at a speed most would think impossible.
You got most of the way towards them before the thousands of angels decided it was time to fight back, in an instant you had a spear in hand batting away many multitudes of spears being launched your way.
Despite your skill however you knew that to stand here and merely deflect what you could would merely end in you being skewered eventually, so onward you went closer and closer toward the great host.
Once you were a mere hundred feet away from the front line of angels, you could hear orders being shouted from the host, though not precisely what words were being said only that they were being said.
The angels scattered, what was once an orderly formation in the sky was now a cloud of people rushing forward and backwards, in an attempt to space out the amount of damage you could do at one time perhaps.
It would not work.
In a normal battle it would perhaps allow them to move more freely to dodge and make attacks as they wish, this was not a normal battle.
You merely needed to reach out a hand to grab the first bells of the match from a two wing that had flown closer to the sun then one of his stature should have, the resulting disappearance was the only signal you needed to take advantage of the now willing prey.
With a burst of speed you seemed to be everywhere at once, most of the angels were trying to keep their distance merely throwing spears your way whenever you were dealing with whatever foolish angel thought they could contend in a hand to hand fight.
It was mildly worrying that the ones that could probably slow you down enough to allow someone to take the bells were not attacking you up close, the ten wings were noticeably absent.
In minutes what was once a dark cloud of bodies and spears was already starting to thin out, you were faster and stronger than all of the people in this cloud combined, what could they hope to do against you.
The answer came shortly afterwards however, as with a thunderous crack, followed by the smell of ozone you were made aware of the one thing that you did not beat them in.
The lightning strike managed to hit you, though only barely, the fact that it not only hit you but it stung at all clued you into who was likely behind the strike. With a turn you saw Baraquiel on the ground beneath you with a large number of mages already beginning to ready another spell.
You took off knowing that if you were to succeed you had to stop them at all costs.
You got not even a foot closer before you were made aware of the fact that they were not alone, being forced to parry a spear from above you, though you could not see quite who made the throw as you were distracted by a shout from Kokabiel behind you.
"You're mine!" he was charging you, someone had to afterall, the bells wouldn't take them themselves.
You parried his first strike with relative ease, though the second came soon after another spear from above, you also managed to stop that blow in its tracks.
The third, however, got through when a great blast of fire from below distracted you, though combined he mearley scratched you and the fire resulted in only slightly singed hair.
You could tell that you were being pushed back, if this kept up it was very likely that you wouldn't be able to get any of the three combatants bells before one of the three was finally able to get a significant enough strike to slow you down.
You had to do something and fast.
Something must be done, what did you do?
[ ] Take out the spears from above, does it really matter if you don't know who they are? they can't match you.
[ ] Stop the mages on the ground, Baraquiel and his mages are a significant enough force that if they were to keep it up they would not even need Kokabiel to distract you.
[ ] Push the advantage onto Kokabiel, he is likely to chase you no matter where you go, at least here you can stop him relatively alone.
[ ] Let them win, It's only a test after all, not a real battle, Father taught you that mercy was above all other virtues. The likes of Ra and Shiva would give them no quarter, so you shall prepare them for such fights by crushing them.
The Star Hungers.
Present time
The time has come, though it has taken more time than you would have liked to get the army to a point that father was willing to let the host march to war, it was finally happening.
Father has informed you of the main targets of his crusade, though eventually they are likely to come together, right now you have the advantage of being able to fight them one at a time.
There are four Pantheon's that you have the choice of attacking, there are more, but none others with the power to fight heaven alone.
First is the young Olympians in the Aegean sea, ruled over by Zeus, god of thunder. Once this spot would have been taken by Kronos, father of Zeus and lord of time, however some time in the last few centuries Zeus and the other Olympians had taken over, though how exactly this was done you are unaware.
The Olympians are the weakest of these four at the moment, being young and new to their divinity, however if what father says is true, it would not do to let them sit unhindered for too long, as while they lack in power right now they make up for it in absurd potential.
Second is the Egyptian gods of the Nile, led by Ra, Lord of the Sun, of all of the pantheons, Egypt is perhaps the one most equal to Heaven. That is only if you don't count father however, as while Ra is a combatant you are somewhat hesitant to believe you could beat alone, Father would not have any issue with him; Father will not be fighting however, as he is still weak from the birth of Yeshua.
Other than Ra the egyptians have an advantage in sheer firepower, as all of their gods besides a select few are at least the equivalent to the hosts eight winged angels, you have one hundred and sixty angels with eight wings, they have far more gods. The host however has the advantage in mobility and utility, the magic of heaven can achieve much and while they may have more heavy hitters, you outnumber them greatly overall.
Third is the Chinese Celestial Court, Ruled by the Jade Emperor, you know very little of the Court in all honesty, what you do know however is that they outnumber heaven by an amount that you would consider blatantly false if it wasn't Father who told you this.
The Court however is likely weak overall with only a select few Deities who could oppose the Seraphim, worth noting however is that those deities that can, are almost Fathers equal, so if you choose to attack them first, it is worth proceeding with caution as the balance of power could very suddenly shift depending on who is fighting.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly is the Devas of the Hindu Faith. This would perhaps be the hardest fight by far, you are outnumbered, outgunned, and outmanned by the Deva. The war from three hundred years prior had proven that, with even mere humans being enough to give you pause. However you would have a possible advantage if they have not recovered from that; they lost over a billion soldiers, the fact that you think there is a chance at all that they have recovered in only three hundred years should speak volumes.
This does not even take into account the Trimurti, the trio of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
To put it bluntly Father is unsure if he can defeat any one of the three in an even fight without being grievously injured, as there are three of them, this is a problem. If the Trimurti gets involved in the fight it is already over, as Father is not yet ready to fight even Ra, it would perhaps be best to push this fight off until Father is ready and the host is more experienced.
The Year is 2710 B.C.
The year God unleashed the White Titan and her forces upon the earth. Who did she choose to destroy first?
[ ] Zeus's pretenders and all of the peloponnesian lands, may his sky fall around him.
[ ] Ra's children of the Nile and their human playthings, may the false sun be eclipsed.
[ ] The Jade Emperor's Court and his useless magistrates, may their arrogance be their downfall.
[ ] The Trimurti and their Heroes of legend, may their creation be devoured.