Bones of Broken Stars

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How I wonder what you are.

In the time of the ancients, the stars were gods atop the heavens...
Cagayan de Oro City, The Philippines
How I wonder what you are.
In the time of the ancients, the stars were gods atop the heavens. In the recent past, they were luminous spheres of plasma held together by their own gravity. Now?

Now they are graven images of death, a testament to the Last War, a reminder to mankind of its greatest enemy: itself.

Forget the autonomous AIs of the planet Ex. Ignore the the myriad aliens that humanity itself engineered. Fear not the techno-plague, nor the data-famines, not even time itself. None of these foes could topple the man-made god known as civilization. No obstacle could withhold them from their galaxy, their empty kingdom of void.

Like the star, mankind grew and grew, until it was at its brightest and at its most powerful. Then, like the star, it collapsed. The Last War utilized radiation to attack worlds lightyears away, and sped up the sequences of stars to incite them into supernovae. In the four months of the Last War, the galaxy saw millions of stars go out, and it was then, forever, a darker place.


However, there is always a light.

You live in the untouched void-port of Cradle, three years after the four-month long Last War. Under the laws of the self-governing port, you are fully grown and will now have to pay your own dues. In this last bastion of society, work is a premium luxury.

Despite the stacked odds, you found a place in:

[ ] The United Systems Relief

Whatever remained of the United Systems has dedicated itself to helping the survivors of the Last War in any way they can. They trek through the dangerous gulfs of space to reach far-flung worlds and void-ports, and though they ask for no reward, they have no trouble finding offered rewards anyway.

[ ] The Ascendancy Loyalists

The galaxy's foremost superpower, the Human Ascendancy, controlled over 60% of the Milky Way. The Ascendant, Eve IX, went missing at the end of the Last War. The Loyalists traverse the entire galaxy searching for her, helping to rebuild the Ascendancy when and where they can.

[ ] Monolith - Cradle Chapter

One of the major religions in the pre-war, the Monolith believes in the divinity of every man and woman. All worshippers are brought back to the Homeworld and interred in a machine-tomb known as EDEN, combining their minds with billions of others to become a supercomputer. The Cradle Chapter seek to reclaim the faithful victims in the war and return them Home.


Just as it is never truly dark, no one is ever truly alone. Tagging along with you is:

[ ] Leon Mercado - A Cradle-born citizen, Leon is giving up a life of guaranteed comfort in his home port to make sure you don't get into trouble.

[ ] G.O XII - A refugee from the robotic world of Ex, G.O or Gio, lost his world when Ex was deactivated. With no home to return to, Gio decided to eke out a living in less-mechanical pastures.

[ ] Eo - An alien illegally smuggled into Cradle, Eo was revealed to authorities and now must flee. Going with you is better than being shipped off to who-knows-where against her will.


Before leaving, you receive, with some small ceremony, your new I.D. On it, you saw:

[ ] Name:

[ ] Gender:


Just something I wanted to get down on 'paper'. The story'll be directionless and malleable; just somebody in a post-apoc galaxy trying to survive.

Merry Christmas!​
Last edited:
[X] Monolith - Cradle Chapter
[X] Leon Mercado - A Cradle-born citizen, Leon is giving up a life of guaranteed comfort in his home port to make sure you don't get into trouble.
[X] Name: Lily Messers
[X] Gender: Female
[X] Monolith - Cradle Chapter
[X] Leon Mercado - A Cradle-born citizen, Leon is giving up a life of guaranteed comfort in his home port to make sure you don't get into trouble.
[X] Name: Lily Messers
[X] Gender: Female
[X] The United Systems Relief
[X] Leon Mercado - A Cradle-born citizen, Leon is giving up a life of guaranteed comfort in his home port to make sure you don't get into trouble.
[X] Name: Sebastian del Mercurio
[X] Gender: Male
[X] Monolith - Cradle Chapter
[X] Name: Hans Lander
[X] Gender: Male
[X] Monolith - Cradle Chapter
[X] Leon Mercado - A Cradle-born citizen, Leon is giving up a life of guaranteed comfort in his home port to make sure you don't get into trouble.
[X] Name: Lily Messers
[X] Gender: Female
[X] Monolith - Cradle Chapter
[X] Leon Mercado - A Cradle-born citizen, Leon is giving up a life of guaranteed comfort in his home port to make sure you don't get into trouble.
[X] Name: Lily Messers
[X] Gender: Female
Update I: A Star is Born

Deus est Hominem
"And to conclude today's mass, I'd like to introduce two of our newest members to the chapter - Lily Messers and Leon Mercado!" said the wise man, clapping at the stand.

You smiled and nodded, shaking the hands of those around you. Leon, seated at the back, usually found it hard to accept praise; thankfully, the Cradle Chapter was easy to warm up to.

The chapter's wise man, Isaac Hughes, was swarthy and rugged, but had a calm like the sifting sand. He beckoned for the two of you to join him at the stage, before the image of the Monomanity. With quick ceremony, the pair of you were sworn into the Monolith - Cradle Chapter. More applause followed.

"Now," said Isaac, "let's get to work, Siblings!"


The Chapter was small, comprising about fifty members, or Siblings. Monolith numbers plummeted after the Last War, but not only due to casualties; many became disillusioned after rumors spread that EDEN played a part in designing the radiation weapons that devastated the galaxy.

The remaining faithful reason this as EDEN being misused by unenlightened warlords, abusing EDEN's gift of advanced sentient thinking for violence. Others dismiss the rumors as just that: rumors.

In any case, you found your calling after your 18th birthday.

"We've heard reports that a Ascendent derelict has been found," the wise man began. "There were a thousand Ascendant servicemen on-board, and there are bound to have been our Siblings among them."

A moment of silence passed.

"It should be safe now that the Loyalists have gotten most of their property back, but there could still be some looters or scavengers lurking about. I want you all to be on your guard - we're going in with fifty Siblings alive, and we're leaving with fifty Siblings alive. Agreed?"

Enthusiastic cheers filled the somber room.

"Sister Messers? I'd like a word with you and Brother Mercado before you go."

The rest of the Siblings began preparation for the mission, arming themselves with stun-guns and brightly-colored civilian armor. Isaac the wise man led you and Leon to the hall outside.

The old man smiled reassuringly. "Before we start, I'd like to give the both of you a warning. This Chapter isn't like the rest; we're not just teachers and doctors here."

Leon looked at his own stun-gun. Never had either of you held a weapon before. "I can see that...."

"We're here to bring our Siblings, our family, back to the Homeworld."

"Earth's a long way from here," you said.

"No destination is too distant, when that destination is Home," the wise man said kindly. "Anyways, I just wanted you to know that if, after this mission, you don't feel like this is for you, we'll understand."

You nod.

"Good. Now, everyone plays a part here. I haven't seen you kids in action, so it won't be right for me to assign you a role just yet. I'll let you both be the judge of your own character."


In the mission, you will:

[ ] Be a forward scout.

Derelict ships house not only defunct and destroyed equipment, but also scavengers, pirates, and feral aliens. As a forward scout, your job is to go ahead of the group and mark out the dangerous areas, as well as finding the bodies of dead Siblings.

[ ] Be on Defensive duty.

The Monolith are not allowed lethal weaponry, but they can defend themselves. Armed with larger stun-weapons and bulkier armor, you will have to clear out areas of danger and protect your Siblings as they work.

[ ] Pilot the ship.

Using a smaller copy of EDEN, you can gain temporary expertise in a few fields, such as piloting a void-craft. Not many can handle plugging it into their brains, and fewer enjoy the experience, but you've done it before.

Or, you could [ ] Change your mind.

This might not be for you, and you'd rather join another career.
