Vote tally - Boldly Going to a Galaxy Far Far Away: A Star Trek: DS9/Star Wars Wormhole Crossover Quest

Scheduled vote count started by LilyWitch on Nov 11, 2023 at 1:14 PM, finished with 42 posts and 21 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Boldly Going to a Galaxy Far Far Away: A Star Trek: DS9/Star Wars Wormhole Crossover Quest
Post #1
Post #42


  • [X] Captain Yodra Tetner
    [X] Commodore Mirrin
    [X] Captain Jassar
    [X] Jeanne de Meulenaer
    [X] Commodore Baxan Jal
    [X] Captain Matthew Tike
    [X] Jeanne de Meulenaer
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Human (Hysperian)
    -[X] Born on the colony world of Hysperia, Jeanne de Meulenaer grew up with a fascination of space and spent much of her childhood visiting the star viewers (observatories) and aether ports (spaceports) of the planet. When a Star Fleet officer gave a presentation on their work in Jeanne's last years of schooling, she eagerly signed on.
    -[X] Over the course of many years, Jeanne worked her way through many different postings; first as an ensign on an isolated starbase, before landing a transfer to one of Star Fleet's many utility craft, and a promotion to Lieutenant just in time to face the Tzenkethi War. It was here that Jeanne learned the distastefulness of war, seeing her friends and captain perish in the conflict, and when the war ended she was content to stay in the exploration side of the fleet. At least, up until a year ago when her experience was requested for the Commodore position.
    -[X] Devoted Explorer
    -[X] Like most Hysperians, Jeanne has a fondness for Ballroom Dancing and renaissance reenactment. Less typically, Jeanne has also taken up jazz music, becoming especially proficient with the Saxophone.
    [X] Commodore Clark Kane
    [X] Commodore Mirrin
    -[X] Gender: Trans Woman
    -[X] Species: Vulcan (Romulan)
    -[X] Early Life: Mirrin arrived in Federation space with her family at a very young age, as one of many political refugees of the Romulan Star Empire. Although she was told that they left due to fear of being targeted by her father's overly vindictive superior officer, she strongly suspects it was really because her parents were unwilling to dispose of her younger brother over his supposed "birth defects". They were settled on Alpha Centari, and while they took care to instill a strong Romulan cultural identity in Mirrin and her younger brother, it would be wrong to say that they were unaffected by the cosmopolitan nature of the world they grew up on. Mirrin herself was soon taken by the idea of joining Starfleet and testing her intellectual mettle against the various peoples of the galaxy. She enjoyed meeting people and figuring out their secrets as she grew to know them, and Alpha Centari was familiar enough to her at this point that either the challenge or reward wasn't satisfying to her anymore.
    -[X] Previous Career: Mirrin found the bureaucracy of Starfleet surprisingly easy to navigate once she graduated from the Academy's Command Track. The fact that she was willing to take deskside postings early on with little issue seemed to win her many friends amongst her superiors and more restless compatriots. Of course, staying in a single location and interacting with the largely same people can become boring after too long, and when she felt herself reaching that point, she would put in a request for a transfer to a shipside posting. This alternating promotional chain would continue with little issue, as the passion she put into her work left her with glowing reccomendations from her previous postings. Becoming the Captain of her own ship was easily the longest she had stuck with a posting to date, which thankfully didn't include having to serve in a military role during the Cardassian or Tzenkethi wars. However, with a First Officer she felt was more than ready to take full command of the ship, and the end of her most recent Five Year Mission, this new Commodore posting was exactly the opportunity she was looking for.
    -[X] Tag: Political Animal
    -[X] Hobbies: Like most Romulans, Mirrin is both incredibly passionate and as sharp as a knife. Her proudest memory of her youth was keeping the exact nature of her band group a secret from her parents until their first gig at a major concert venue. To say that they were surprised by "Ancient Spirits of Vorta Vor" being a neo-progressive rock band would be an understatement. Although the band has gone on hiatus due to their careers making tours difficult, they still find the time to practice on their own and together whenever they can. Mirrin can often be found either practicing with her guitar or composing new songs when off-duty. Should anyone enter her quarters they would find a significant amount of artifacts, pieces of art, and books related to ancient Romulan mythology. They provide inspiration for her song-writing, as the band's aesthetic draws heavily upon said mythology to give it a unique flair in Federation space, and she is always on the look out for new additions to her collection.
    [X] Captain Prorr
    [X] Commodore Clark Kane
    -[X] Cis man
    -[X] Human
    -[X] Born on the human colony of Cygnia Minor, he was brought up on stories of the enterprising captain James Tiberius Kirk
    -[X] Unfortunately, rather than getting to explore he found himself obligated to serve in the Tzenkethi wars, serving as captain aboard a Miranda and rising through the ranks based on his actions there, until he finally received a promotion just in time to serve as Commodore in charge of the Trans Laniakea Object.
    -[X] [War Veteran] Your memories of war cause you to keep the tactical readiness of your squadron high. Your ships gain +1 Tactical stat but suffer -1 Diplomacy stat.
    -[X] Poetry, painting, writing, sculpture, he dabbles in all manner of creative endeavors.
    [X] Commodore Baxan Jal
    -[X] Gender: Male, transgender
    -[X] Species: Bajoran
    -[X] Early Life: Born on Bajor in 2321 shortly after the beginning of the occupation, Jal barely remembers his homeworld. His father was killed by the Cardassians in circumstances he doesn't remember, and his mother and older brother swore to join the resistance in response. Unable to fight and take care of a growing child, his mother convinced Jal's ageing great uncle Neras to take the child and flee Bajor. The two lived in refugee camps in the Federation for over a decade, Neras doing his best to raise and protect Jal. Neras' death by natural causes was a wake-up call for Jal, who became determined to join Starfleet in order to get a chance to fight the Cardassians himself. A sympathetic Captain sponsored Jal's entry into the academy, and he left for Earth.
    -[X] Academy: Earth was much different from Bajor or the refugee camps. Jal's first reaction was bitterness at the contrast between the luxuries of the Federation core and the destitute conditions he had known. This bitterness did not hold against the caring friends he found in the academy, and in the safety of San Francisco Jal was able to find his own identity and purpose. Notably a fairly chaotic romantic relationship with a fellow cadet ended with his realisation of his true gender and subsequent transition.
    -[X] Previous Career: After taking an extended course of study to graduate as a Lieutenant Junior Grade, Jal's first posting was to a ship on a five-year mission of exploration. The ship was destroyed four years into the mission by an evil energy being/spirit a long-dead alien civilisation had imprisoned within a moon, but the crew were able to flee to the planet on shuttles and survive until rescue came weeks later. During this period Jal dedicated himself to ensuring the crew had food and water, and kept them sane with the same games and songs he had passed the time with in the refugee camps. Due to this exemplary service and display of clear leadership qualities, Jal was promoted to Lieutenant Commander soon after.
    -[X] [Excellent Drill] You did a tour as an instructor at the academy and you still have a knack for teaching those beginning their careers. All ships in your squadron gain +1XP per quarter until they reach Experienced.
    -[X] Hobbies: Jal enjoys carpentry and finds similar activities that let him work with his hands calming. Though he doesn't play much sports, he likes watching them and rooting for a team/competitor. He also enjoys schmaltzy melodramatic romance holonovels, and refuses to be embarrassed about it.