BobTheNinja's Brainstorming Corner


Sword of Possibility
Multiverse Sector Texas
It occurs to me that I have a LOT of different ideas for stories and/or RPs floating around in my head, but I almost never truly use them. Given how easily and often my interests tend to shift, and the fact that there are so many different series and related ideas that I like, its been nigh-impossible for me to pin down specific, concrete story concepts that I can actually work with. Usually its a lot easier to simply have fun imagining various scenarios for a little while, and then move on with my day.

Well I'm starting to get tired of just letting my ideas float around without doing anything substantial with them. So I'm making this thread as a space to write down what I have on my mind in the moment and hopefully make something interesting, engaging, and concrete out of it by talking it over with other people. My other aim is to gradually develop the discipline for continuing to work on creative works that I've started, instead of abandoning them once I start running into trouble staying mentally engaged, because that has also been a major issue for me to this day.

Right now, I'd say that the general concept that keeps coming back to me the most is multiversal settings and stories, especially ones that involve the meeting of groups from different eras and genres. Think along the lines of GATE: Thus The JSDF Fought There and Mondaiji-tachi. In particular, I've been playing around with the idea of a faction on a mission to bridge once-separate universes together for the sake of contact and mutual exchange with other cultures and species, as well as possibly to amass strength to fight back against a vast cosmic threat of some kind. The result would be an expanding network of interlinking realities, some with magic and fantasy, others with advanced technology and infrastructure, possibly including our own Earth. Watching the anime Dog Days also gave me the idea for this "Alliance of Worlds" to use magic or divine power to facilitate non-lethal warfare as a form of competition and entertainment. And again, such a practice could also serve as as valuable training and preparation in the event of a truly dangerous incursion by hostile forces.

I also had the idea of NGOs, guilds, or corporations acting as suppliers or even private military contractors for various heroic factions and defense/police forces, gathering personnel and resources from all around the multiversal network to bolster the local good guys when trouble rears its ugly head.

I think I'm leaning more toward using this set of concepts for an RP game rather than a story, but I'm just not sure where to start with it. If you guys have ideas or suggestions to add, please feel free to share them here.
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So I had a dream which reminded me of an ancient RP idea I had, the one that came before my first RP that I dismissed as two lofty a goal for a newbie. It would need a solid number system, well written rules, and a list of powers that players can use, not to mention specialties and a few posts keeping track of numbers...

The idea is A Deity is You. Become any deity you favor from fiction, but you start weak, with only one follower as your champion. As they spread word of your faith, and convince others to follow you through violence, success, or charisma, you gain power, and the ability to perform greater and greater miracles. All of the players are against each other, though gradually they may add newer, starting players to their pantheon so new players don't get steamrolled. The winner is the one whose religion has dominated the world at the end. The big rules to the miracles are; no directly destroying humans that have not commited heresy against you. You have to specify what sets that off, and it must be reasonable. Mind control is right out, free will. And no destroying enemy armies for heresy, you can only boost your own troops with your saved points.
So I had a dream which reminded me of an ancient RP idea I had, the one that came before my first RP that I dismissed as two lofty a goal for a newbie. It would need a solid number system, well written rules, and a list of powers that players can use, not to mention specialties and a few posts keeping track of numbers...

The idea is A Deity is You. Become any deity you favor from fiction, but you start weak, with only one follower as your champion. As they spread word of your faith, and convince others to follow you through violence, success, or charisma, you gain power, and the ability to perform greater and greater miracles. All of the players are against each other, though gradually they may add newer, starting players to their pantheon so new players don't get steamrolled. The winner is the one whose religion has dominated the world at the end. The big rules to the miracles are; no directly destroying humans that have not commited heresy against you. You have to specify what sets that off, and it must be reasonable. Mind control is right out, free will. And no destroying enemy armies for heresy, you can only boost your own troops with your saved points.
Hmm, I do like that idea, and there's absolutely places for gods and other powerful entities to be involved in the overarching setting. Heck, I could envision a kind of Celestial Cold War taking place in the background, with various gods and pantheons trying to further their influence and agendas, mostly by indirect means (assuming that they aren't utterly alien, mindless, or reckless).
Hmm, I do like that idea, and there's absolutely places for gods and other powerful entities to be involved in the overarching setting. Heck, I could envision a kind of Celestial Cold War taking place in the background, with various gods and pantheons trying to further their influence and agendas, mostly by indirect means (assuming that they aren't utterly alien, mindless, or reckless).
Well, the intention is that all of the deities are players, not NPCs.