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When you were young, you dreamed of the Outside World.

Yellow smog coating the skies, you gazed...


Caffeine Dependent Hero
United States
When you were young, you dreamed of the Outside World.

Yellow smog coating the skies, you gazed up at it as people passed you by, phasing through your body as if you didn't exist.

But on the edge of your vision, SHE was always there staring at you. With her purple dress, and infinite eyes staring inquisitively out of an inky blackness.

Waking up each morning, you would clutch your pocketwatch close to your breast. Your mother would huff at the display, before sending you off to Keine-sama's classes. She never took your dreams seriously. Said you were likely imagining things.

If only you had been.

Pick One:

[ ] The Magician
[ ] The High Priestess
[ ] The Empress
[ ] The Emperor
[ ] The Hierophant
[ ] The Lovers
[ ] The Chariot
[ ] Strength
[ ] The Hermit
[ ] Wheel of Fortune
[ ] Justice
[ ] The Hanged Man
[ ] Death
[ ] Temperance
[ ] The Devil
[ ] The Tower
[ ] The Star
[ ] The Moon
[ ] The Sun
[ ] Judgment
[ ] The World

Assign 3 character points (Human baseline is 3).

Strength: 3
Constitution: 3
Agility: 3
Mana: 5

Optional Question: Who is your favorite 2hu and why?

EDIT: I completely forgot... but what is your name (please keep it original).
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[JK] The Hunger

[X] The Devil

My favorite touhou has be Yuuka! Sadism ho!

Also. . .

Strength: 3
Constitution: 3
Agility: 3
Mana: 8
[X] The Moon

[X] Strength: 3 + 1
Constitution: 3 + 1
Agility: 3 + 1
Mana: 5

Yuyuko. They're a ghost who spends an inordinate amount of time trolling everyone. They're great.
[X] Wheel of Fortune

[X] Strength: 3
[X] Constitution: 3
[X] Agility: 3+2
[X] Mana: 5+1

Flandre Scarlet. Fancy winged death
[X] Death

Because it symbolizes change, which I think can have some interesting implications.

[X] Strength: 3
[X] Constitution: 3
[X] Agility: 3+2
[X] Mana: 5+1
[X] The Tower

has always been an interesting card. It's easy to associate it with catastrophe, but drive, sudden revelations, and revolution are also common interpretations. Someone who sees the Outside and is watched by a certain old hag might be close to any of these in the future.

[X] Strength: 3
[X] Constitution: 3
[X] Agility: 3+2
[X] Mana: 5+1
seems fine. Can't go full mana if you want to be good at danmaku.

My favorite 2hu has been Okuu since Hisoutensoku, just because I was always lousy with any other character and I enjoyed her grab, even if it was terrible.


[X] Miyu (実優)

I dunno if we have a family name?
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