Bleach the Return of Death.

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Death has come and he isn't happy


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
"Wake up."Ishin Kurosaki heard someone say to him, but for whatever reason he wasn't able to open his eyes, then he realized that he already opened his eyes and everything around him was pitch black

"Who are you." Ishin says to his captor as he calls to his sword and tests whatever is holding him, be he isn't able to feel his sword's presence, nor can he feel anything holding him in place.

"I have many names boy, but everyone knows me as death." A coyote walks towards him.

"shhhh" the coyote places a finger on Ishin's lips as it tells him to remain quiet.

"You oul Reapers have broken too many rules and now all of the gods are angry." it says to him as it spins a scythe in its free hand.

"You lobotomized the soul king, placed yourselves as the rulers of the dead, and worst of all you have been responsible for the destruction of entire species."

"Those are the crimes that just one god demands your punishment for."

"I on the other hand want to punish you for what you have done here. You are a soul, you were never meant to breed with a mortal and yet you kind repeatedly break the ancient rule." it says to him, its voice is now more of an animalistic grow.

Ishin can feel the coyote's hot breath, but he somehow feels the deaths of untold trillions in it.

"But I am death and I am just."

"So I offer you a way out, and this offer isn't just for you, it goes for those kids of yours too."

"Stay out of the Soul Society. You will go there after you die, so what's the rush and before I forget feel free to patrol the world of the living just as you always have." the coyote says to him.

Ishin can't help but laugh at the creature's empty threat and he was about to say something smart when he felt the creature's hand grab his neck and squeeze.

"Even when the world was young, things died."

"Souls die and are destroyed, even now when your kind thinks they have rule over me."

"And they will continue to die, long after you and your kind are gone."

"I am Death and I have come to put things back in order."

Ishin doesn't know when the creature let go of him, he can only see the countless worlds where beings are born and die. Each one has a Soul Society, none of those work like the one that he knows.

Unlike the other worlds the Soul Society, is just a place where souls live before they are reincarnated.

In the other worlds, the Soul Society works the same way, except it's there where the souls of mortals are judged and either sent to heaven, hell, or they are sent to other worlds to be reincarnated.

Ishin gasps for air, he has to warn the Head Captain, he quickly gets out of bed and opens the way to the Soul Society, but before he can give a single step, he sees the glowing red eyes of the creature staring at him.

Ishin closes the gate and runs to the only person that he knows can do anything about this.

Within the Soiul Society ancient long-forgotten beings open their nonexistent eyes. "Master." they all say at once.

Death doesn't say anything as he pulls the creatures into the next realm and repeats his action, over and over again.

He doesn't need his servants and they are aware of this, but what is death if not a mercy. It would have been cruel to destroy the current way of things and not let them have any fun.

Death stands between three realms, the realm where Humans live, the realm where beasts rule, and the realm where dragons rule. Each of these realities are the homes of living beings, not souls but creatures of flesh and blood.

"What to do" he asks himself before he sends a version of himself into each realm and warns the creatures living in them not to get involved in what is about to happen.

None of them would ever remember having met him and on some occasions her, but they will now fear anything that wasn't alive.

"It's time." he says to his servants before they stand at the very bottom of Hueco Mundo.

Death and all of his servants raise their hands, paws, claws, branches, petals, tentacles, and other unknowable things as high as they can and destroy the barrier separating Hueco Mundo from hell.

It doesn't take long for the souls of the dammed to spill into the realm of twisted spirits, soon Devis and Hollows are tearing each other apart.

Some Hollows try to escape into the other realms, and while they may find safety for now, they will not be safe forever.

Death watches as the realm of twisted souls cries in pain, as the souls that once called it home return to the sea where they had come from.

The dammed, devils, demons, and abominations of hell let out hate-filled roars when they see the souls that they tried to feast on escape, into the peaceful dream of the sea.

Death and his servants watch as the last grains of sand vanish from Hueco Mundo and are burned away by the fires of Hell.

"The realm that should have never been is gone." Death says as he opens several portals that lead into the realms that have no living beings in them, and allows the taint of hell to cross.

"It begins." he says to himself as the ruler of hell laughs when he sees death.

"Bout time you came back, so what are the rules?" the ruler of hell asks him.

"The living are of limits, and by that, I mean everything, that is from their realms, be it an object, an animal, or a person, and yes even the dirt, air, water, and insects are of limits."

"If there is anything else in their realm or comes from their realms, you and your kind cannot hurt them." Death says to the ruler of Hell who nods.
Thick storm clouds fill the sky as a dark rain begins to fall, Ishin stops running when he feels sand hitting his face.

He looks at his hand and stares at the grains of sand falling on it. "This isn't right," he says to himself before several tears in reality open in front of him.

He can only watch as Hollow's spill into the world of the living, he prepares himself to fight for his life, but he is left staring in disbelief when the monsters run past him, as they desperately try to find a place to hide.

He doesn't bother attaching any of them because he can see the injuries that they have, some hollows have entire parts of their bodies torn off, while others seem to have been cut apart and pasted back together.

The rain continues to get stronger and it almost feels like a hurricane has suddenly taken form above the town, Ishin can feel something massive moving in the sky, but it doesn't feel threatening, if anything he can feel the creature's fear spreading into the world beneath it.

Something deep inside of him tells him that he doesn't have much time left so he runs to Urahara's shop so that he can warn the Soul Society about what he had seen and what he dreamed.

In the sacred realm, death stands before what remains of the Soul King and sits next to him.

"Look at you, we warned you not to be too kind and you didn't listen." death says to the soul king who doesn't react.

"Look at what they have done with your realm and how they corrupted it."

"This is your last chance to save them, tell me one reason, just one. Why should I spare them?" death asks the soul king who remains silent.

"Hueco Mundo is gone, the hollows that survived are now living within the mortal realms. they will soon adapt and they will learn to live next to the inhabitants of those worlds."

"I spared some of those unfortunate souls. Can you believe that some were powerful enough to escape on their own?" Death's voice sounds almost as if it had enjoyed seeing the strongest of the hollows escape.

"Time to die." death says to the soul king as his guards charge at him, he ignores their attacks, because their attacks lead straight back to him.

Seals fade, beings die, things turn to dust, realities fade and acts of murder always lead to death.

He lifts his hand and shatters the soul king's body, sending the fragments of his being into the world of the living.

Eventually, the soul king's body will reunite, but that will be for a long time, so much time will pass that no one will remember that this version of the soul society ever existed.

The death of the soul king sends shockwaves through the realms alerting the most ancient of beings that live in them that something terrible has happened.

Some prepare to go to war, while others call their kind back so that they can hide from whatever is about to happen.

The different versions of death raise their hands and stop the merging of worlds, their job is to deal with those that corrupted the cycle, not destroy the world and its many faces.

Ishin finally arrives at Urahara's shop and finds the place empty, he runs past the main house and finds the hidden entrance to the basement where the mad scientist does his research.

he finds the man running back and forth from one machine to another trying to figure out what is going on, the two of them lock eyes, and before Urahara has a chance to say anything they feel the world shake beneath them.

Their very essence the very center of their souls warns them that the soul king has died.

Ishin places his hand on Urahara's shoulder when he sees his old friend open a portal to the soul society and he starts to tell Urahara about the dream that he had.

urahara listens to Ishin and closes the gate behind him, he knows that there is nothing that they can do.

For now, they need more information, because if what they are fighting is death itself then it is possible that they already lost this war and death is just playing with them.

One of Uraharas's machines begins to make a noise as the machine warns him that the souls of the dead aren't leaving the world of the living, but the blockade is limited to the world where humans live, even the beast and dragon realms are being affected.

They can only stare helplessly because they can't do anything to stop the souls from spilling into each other and when that happens no one knows how the world will change.

The sound of a single raindrop falling can be heard throughout the world as death sits next to the body of a dying child.

The boy's soul sits next to death as they look at his parents crying at his bedside.

"Was I bad?" the boy asks death.

"No." death answers the boy as an angel takes the boy's soul.

Death doesn't say anything, the boy was just the first soul to go to where it was meant to go, some will be reborn in this world others will simply remain as spirits until they are judged.

Many others will be sent to hell so that they can pay for their crimes, while a few like the boy will go to paradise and join the heavens.

Death walks out of the hospital and sits on a nearby bench, it is going to sit here and watch for any soul reapers that escape into the world of the humans.

It will allow the soul reapers that were created out of normal souls to exist, but the nobles of the soul society won't escape its judgment.

If death had any regrets it would be that it isn't the version of itself that is about to invade the soul society.