BlazBlue Causality Reload (IC)

The Out Of World

Lichte's Brain
BlazBlue: Causality Reload

Many cycles, all alike in dignity,
In fair Kagutsuchi, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the wheel of fate spring these foes,
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
Whose grim destiny once again overthrows,
Do with their union bring the world strife.
Their fearful passage the Earth behooves,
And continuance of bloodstained rage,
Which, but a successor's eyes, nought could remove,
Is now the many hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient souls attend,
What here repeats, our toil shall strive to end.

The thirteenth Boundary Interface Prime Field Device, Nu-13, blearily opens her eyes and awakens to a familiar sight; her surroundings are a brilliantly glowing blue canvas, the world of the Azure.

The Boundary.

She slowly floats and waver with the currents in this blue abyss of life and time, reflecting on her situation. Something here is definitely not as it should be. The voice of a man faintly echoes from somewhere in the distance, calling out to her.


The monorail car rumbles as it decelerates, entering the station at a more sedate pace. Reynolds Pushstroller recently learned from one of his contacts in the bounty hunting business that whispers of a big bounty purportedly heading toward the 13th Hierarchical City have been going around. Intent on bringing the target in and claiming the reward, he hopped on the first monorail to Kagutsuchi as soon as the opportunity presented itself.
The intense vibrations of the car cause his suitcase, the only piece of his admittedly light luggage, to tumble over onto the floor from the overhead compartment.
As the tram comes to a complete stop with a pneumatic hiss, the doors slide open to reveal the breathtaking view of the city's port, currently empty of any private or government airships. Reynolds advances further into the port's check-in office, where he encounters an appointed customs official sitting at a desk behind a glass window.
"Identification, please. If you've got any weapons with you, show me your carrier license and registration." He says in a lethargic drawl.

The monorail car slows down with a thunderous groan as it pulls into the station; the engineers who run maintenance on these things should seriously fix the braking Ars on it...or not. A good monorail car crash would certainly relieve Kazuya's boredom. The entire ride had been monotonous for the Bargain Hunter, who had hopped on a train in hopes of tracking down and killing a supposedly tough mark that was rumored to be on the road to Kagutsuchi. Kazuya decided it would be best to ambush his target at his or her destination, then delight in the experience of severing the thin thread of its life.
He brought on his trip only the tools of the trade: a vast assortment of chains and knives, the former hanging on his leather jacket while the latter remained concealed beneath.
As the tram comes to a complete stop with a pneumatic hiss, the doors slide open and display the city's port, currently empty of any private or government airships. Over by the check-in office, a man in a purple suit and white bowler hat is chatting with a customs official.

Arina Miriha treads across the gigantic Bascule Bridge of Area 21, which connects Kagutsuchi's outskirts to the city proper. The place is abuzz with activity, countless people hurrying hither and tither as they go about their lives.

Her original mission from Sector Seven's hierarchy was simple, but vague. Ragna the Bloodedge, the wielder of the Azure Grimoire, was recently sighted in the area. If the Grim Reaper's rep sheet of destroyed NOL branches was anything to go by, he was guaranteed to visit Kagutsuchi for another attack on the Library. Arina was given marching orders to embark for the 13th Hierarchical City and prepare for the arrival of the Bloodedge, apprehend him and retrieve the Azure Grimoire for Sector Seven.

Then command radioed in with additional orders. A highly valuable asset had escaped from one of their laboratories, and was likely moving in pursuit of the Grim Reaper as well. Alongside seizing the Azure Grimoire, she was assigned to locate and observe the asset from a distance, never engaging it in direct combat. From what little information command supplied, the asset was incredibly dangerous and could easily kill terminate her if confronted.

Blaze needed to get this job done right. She couldn't afford to fail again.

Endo Resu wanders the streets of Orient Town and gazes at the surge of the activity demonstrated by Area 19's residents. New Years' Eve is right around the corner, the time when the people of this town engage in the greatest celebration of the whole year.

With all these folks running about, the itinerant monk wonders if he will find people in need of his wisdom...or at least a good drink.

Rumors of a prized bounty with a hefty sum on their head traveling toward Kagutsuchi have been circulating as of late. Perhaps this is his ticket to getting rich?

The monk sits beneath a lamppost to meditate on his next course of action, his straw hat sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the crowd.

Business has been slow for Alexander Lucken lately. Few clients have approached him to commission his particular services. The last few week have held nothing but the usual hum of activity in preparation for the holiday season. To alleviate his boredom, the Onepunch Killer has gone on a stroll through Area 5's port to pass the time and get some fresh air. Leaning against a guardrail, he sees the port itself is barren except for two men coming in to the monorail check-in station.

The overcast sky is growing dark; rain is coming soon. Down the street, a police officer is putting flyers of some sort on a building wall.

Ragna the Bloodedge paces over the old forest road, thick vegetation sprawling over the edges of the heavily cracked pavement. This is one of the many vestiges of the road systems from the days before the Dark War, when people could still rely on transportation at low elevations to move between cities.

He has been traveling on foot for so very long now. The 13th Hierarchical City, Kagutsuchi, lies in the distance. If his estimations are correct, he should arrive by dawn tomorrow...and then he'll be free to destroy the Cauldron that no doubt lies beneath the city's NOL branch building, like so many others before it.

From the dense undergrowth a pair of seithrhounds, animals long since twisted and warped by the lingering taint left in the environment by the Black Beast's rampage some nine decades ago, emerge with a ferocious snarl. The black and red canines raise draw closer, hackles raised and preparing to pounce.
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Ragna noticed the seithrhounds out of the corner of his eyes, even though he wanted to ignore them, but he couldn't take a threat to his safety lying down. He drew the Bloodedge, keeping it sealed for the time being, and prepared to strike against them... should they make the first move.

A few moments passed, before he glared at the pair of seithrhounds. "Well?!" he demanded, perpetual anger getting to him. "Aren't you going to make the first damn move?!"
"Identification, please. If you've got any weapons with you, show me your carrier license and registration." He says in a lethargic drawl.
"Greetings, my good man," Reynolds Pushstroller joyfully greets the man, reaching for his wallet in his back pocket, "Here is my identification." As he pulls out his identification card from his wallet, he glances at the Steel Balls holstered by his sides.

"And as for weapons," Pushstroller continues to dig through his wallet for the licenses he was looking for, "Ah, there they are! A carrier license and registration. Now if that is all, I have places to be and places to go."
Business has been slow for Alexander Lucken lately. Few clients have approached him to commission his particular services. The last few week have held nothing but the usual hum of activity in preparation for the holiday season. To alleviate his boredom, the Onepunch Killer has gone on a stroll through Area 5's port to pass the time and get some fresh air. Leaning against a guardrail, he sees the port itself is barren except for two men coming in to the monorail check-in station.

The overcast sky is growing dark; rain is coming soon. Down the street, a police officer is putting flyers of some sort on a building wall.

Alex walks down the street, bored out of his mind. "Well, it's official," he starts. "I've got nothing to do for...however many days in a row and the holidays are right around the corner. No one to call, barely any work I can find, and I've hit a mental block for my projects." He sighs to himself. "Maybe I should go to a party or a date or something. Get my mind off of things." He stops and notices the flyers being placed. He rips one of them off the wall and reads it.
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The Boundary. Space outside space. It was a lonely place, where individuals turned to nothing and the only company one had was the Azure. It was hostile, uncaring.

For Nu, it was the closest thing to safety she'd ever really known.

How long had she been there, waiting, simply being? She didn't know. There was nothing, strictly, to be found in the Boundary, for the Boundary was to humans as the concept of infinity; no one person from within it could hope to encounter something else before they vanished within the sea that contained the shining Azure.

Yet here she was. Waiting. Something had reached out, talked to her in something she couldn't quite make out. It was enough for the beginning of a glimmer of hope for that single, sad desire.

'Perhaps I will see Ragna again after all.'

And so Nu continued to wait, clinging to that little glimmer that soon, everything will be...

Well, not alright. Nu knew that her life was forever that of a tragedy, reaching out to Ragna again and again and again. But the act of reaching for that unattainable desire was all she knew.

So wait she did, in that little world where her programming meant nothing. For the moment, it was all she could do.
The seithrhounds flinch, intimidated by the rage in Ragna's voice. The larger of the two inches closer, while the smaller cautiously strafes around its potential prey to strike while his back is turned. Their growling rises to a fever pitch, and the larger seithrhound leaps through the air toward Ragna, its open maw full of teeth the size of knives.

Behind Ragna, the sound of static and arcing electricity crackles vividly.

The official gives Reynolds' license and ID a cursory glance, then lazily scribbles away at paperwork on his desk.

"Mmm." He drearily nods, "Looks like everything here is in order. Keep those weapons of yours close, there've been some murders in Areas five and six these last couple of weeks." He presses a rubber stamp on the paper, then tucks it away in a manila folder by his side. "Enjoy your stay in Kagutsuchi, I guess."

〈 Public Notice 〉

In light of recent suspected serial killings in the area, all citizens are advised to remain in their homes at night. If traveling at night is absolutely necessary, do not do so alone.

-13th Hierarchical City Law Enforcement Division

"Try and keep careful, sir." The police officer, a tall brunette holding a stack of the flyers, warns Alex. "It's not as safe to wander the streets as it used to be these days." She adjusts her uniform cap and rubs her chin in contemplation. "Well, I can't say it was ever entirely safe to go out and about on your own in this city. All the development halted by that ruckus in Ikaruga left this place in sorry shape."

"Hmhmm." The voice hums with clarity as its incorporeal echo draws nearer from the infinite sea of nothing but blue. "Awake, are we? That's good. Tell me young lady, how would you like an opportunity to do things over, a second chance of sorts?" The voice rings with a hint of mirth and curiosity from everywhere and nowhere all at once. "I can offer you an escape from this dreary place, but in return I may ask for a favor sometime down the road."
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Nu raised her head ever so slightly, trying to ignore that dreadful feeling called hope.

"Nu wants to see Ragna." She said simply. "Help me do that. That's all Nu cares about." The artificial human could only see through one eye, yet that eye, in truth could see nothing but the void and the Azure.

"If you can't grant me that, then shut up." Programming and will clashed, and will was clearly winning. "Well?"
"Very well," the man's voice once again rang, "I have prepared a vessel for your soul. It may be a bit of a tight fit, but I am certain you will enjoy it."

A spear of silver light pierces the blue world, something bright, warm and cold at the same time. The girl's body is gently beckoned by a current of force as waves of white wash across her back. Silver arcs of electricity dance across the Boundary, bringing contrast to the Azure of this boundless realm.

"Bon Voyage, Miss Murakumo. May we meet again." The die has been cast. Soon shall the wheel of fate break, and the「Core」will be ripe for the taking.
The light grows more intense, and her vision is consumed by a glaring white. The paradoxical feeling of cold warm encompasses her entire being and the world seems to slow to a crawl. Whether she was waiting in that blank whiteness for a moment or an eternity, she neither knew nor cared.

The white receded to black, and the extremes of color melded together into a kaleidoscopic vortex of brilliance. The turbulent sea of color gradually faded, leaving Nu somewhere unfamiliar. The cool sensation of loamy soil and dew-spotted grass nestles her bare feet while the radiant warmth of the sun pours down from above. Her body, however, is not was no longer her own. Rather, her form was now that of the eleventh Boundary Interface Prime Field Device, Lambda-11. Before her stood Ragna, Blood Scythe held at the ready and back turned to both herself and a feral creature as he confronted another beast lunging toward his face.
Ragna roared in defiance of the seithrhound in front of him, slashing at it with enough force to force it backwards and back to the ground, though he wasn't sure if he used enough lethal force to kill the hound. Best to go overkill if at all possible.

"Dead Spike!" he roared, slicing at the ground with dark energy and targeting the seithrhound in front of him, now that it was on the ground. The resulting force of the blow was (hopefully) enough to destroy the hound.
The official gives Reynolds' license and ID a cursory glance, then lazily scribbles away at paperwork on his desk.

"Mmm." He drearily nods, "Looks like everything here is in order. Keep those weapons of yours close, there've been some murders in Areas five and six these last couple of weeks." He presses a rubber stamp on the paper, then tucks it away in a manila folder by his side. "Enjoy your stay in Kagutsuchi, I guess."
"Thank you, I will keep your advice in mind. Have a good day to you too, my good man," Pushstroller says his goodbye to the man, putting the license and ID back into his wallet and placing them back into his back pocket. He tips his hat at the man before leaving the station. Taking his suitcase with him, he makes his way pass customs and into the city proper.

Underneath the brim of his hat, his face scowls in anger at the mentions of the murders. What was going on over there, and why hasn't the NOL stopped the murders already? Who could have done this and evades the authorities for so long? It couldn't have been the works of his target, since they weren't even supposed to be in the city yet.

Pushstroller heaves a sigh and relaxes his face. But before he could go to area five and six to find out who or what could have done those dirty deeds, he should probably find a place to stay at and talks with more folks about the murders first. And maybe something to eat first too? He was feeling a little bit hungry from his ride to the city. Feeling a little famished, Pushstroller searches for the nearest restaurant with his suitcase in toll.
"Try and keep careful, sir." The police officer, a tall brunette holding a stack of the flyers, warns Alex. "It's not as safe to wander the streets as it used to be these days." She adjusts her uniform cap and rubs her chin in contemplation. "Well, I can't say it was ever entirely safe to go out and about on your own in this city. All the development halted by that ruckus in Ikaruga left this place in sorry shape."

Alex nods. "Good to know. Thanks for the info." He walks away from the officer and starts contemplating things. "So, looks like there's a killer on the loose..."

"Well, that's not something I can let slide. Especially if it's anywhere near here." Alex focuses on what's ahead of him before he hits something and considers his options. "Well, on one hand, I could pawn the job onto someone else, and save myself some trouble. On the other hand, however, I wonder what the reward for something like this could be. Might be enough to buy a few more parts to complete some of my projects." He mulls it over in his head before coming to his conclusion.

"Eh, screw it," he thinks. "I don't have anything better to do anyways. Still, though, there's the problem of how to find him." As he considers this problem, he reaches his house/workplace.
Arina Miriha treads across the gigantic Bascule Bridge of Area 21, which connects Kagutsuchi's outskirts to the city proper. The place is abuzz with activity, countless people hurrying hither and tither as they go about their lives.

Her original mission from Sector Seven's hierarchy was simple, but vague. Ragna the Bloodedge, the wielder of the Azure Grimoire, was recently sighted in the area. If the Grim Reaper's rep sheet of destroyed NOL branches was anything to go by, he was guaranteed to visit Kagutsuchi for another attack on the Library. Arina was given marching orders to embark for the 13th Hierarchical City and prepare for the arrival of the Bloodedge, apprehend him and retrieve the Azure Grimoire for Sector Seven.

Then command radioed in with additional orders. A highly valuable asset had escaped from one of their laboratories, and was likely moving in pursuit of the Grim Reaper as well. Alongside seizing the Azure Grimoire, she was assigned to locate and observe the asset from a distance, never engaging it in direct combat. From what little information command supplied, the asset was incredibly dangerous and could easily kill terminate her if confronted.

Blaze needed to get this job done right. She couldn't afford to fail again.

Stopping at the centre point between the two sides of bridge, Arina Miriha, code name Blaze, gaze up upon the NOL branch located at the top of the Kagutsuchi.

"Now, how to proceed?" She mutter to herself in a frown.

Her mission for Ragna the Bloodedge was fairly straightforward. All she had to do was stalk out the Library branch and her target is definitely to show up there. When he show up, all she had to do for wait for an opening and she will take him down to fulfill her objective. The only problem is that she doesn't know when he will show up. It could be day or night based on the information she had gather about him and could take days.

Her other mission while easy and straightforward as well, is actually much harder. She doesn't know how the asset look like. Sector Seven was very vague about that part. All she know that the asset was powerful and dangerous. She need to radioed in with Sector Seven to acquire more information about the asset.

Feeling a headache coming up, Arina let out another sigh. Either way, standing here on the bridge will not solve anything. She need to keep moving and avoid attracting the attention of NOL.

She heard the food in Orient town was quite good. Maybe she should head there and have a meal before deciding further course of action. She also heard that a former member of Sector Seven had taken residence there. She could acquire some information from that member.

Deciding on that trail of thought, Arina stir herself towards Orient town.
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If overkill had been Ragna's goal, he certainly accomplished it. The initial swing of Blood Scythe's massive blade completely bisected the larger seithrhound and the Dead Spike that came soon after reduced the creature to a chunky puddle of sludge smeared across the road. The second seithrhound, however, saw an opportunity to attack an otherwise occupied target. The creature's lithe body carried it through the air as it leaped toward Ragna's exposed back.
If overkill had been Ragna's goal, he certainly accomplished it. The initial swing of Blood Scythe's massive blade completely bisected the larger seithrhound and the Dead Spike that came soon after reduced the creature to a chunky puddle of sludge smeared across the road. The second seithrhound, however, saw an opportunity to attack an otherwise occupied target. The creature's lithe body carried it through the air as it leaped toward Ragna's exposed back.
At first, all Nu knew was that of reality spinning, warping and distorting as space gave way to the Boundary and distance lost meaning.

Then she saw the one she wanted to see. The voice had upheld his end of the bargain ondeed. Hope bloomed to happiness, and any price seemed worth paying.


The wail of delight was cut short, however, by the movement of a hound, a foolish little creature that had imbibed far too much Seithr.

Only one person was allowed to bring any form of harm to Ragna. All others would be destroyed. To Nu, there was no simpler truth. Ragna was her desire, not that of some mutt. If he was going to die, or become something else, then it would only be through Nu's actions that it would come to pass.

"Releasing Restriction 666. Target acquired. Deploying Murakumo Unit. Activating imaginary number force field. Deploying swords."

The speed at which the Gravity Seed warped into existence could only really be matched by the speed of the eight swords seeking to turn the hound into a shishkabob.
As Reynolds begins his strategic sweep of his surroundings to find a bite to eat, he passes by a police officer having a rather one-sided conversation with a white-haired man in a black vest. Judging by the stack of flyers in her grasp, the officer had been putting them up to warn the local residents of the recent serial killings.

The thought of a murderer on the loose in the city renewed only serves to further stoke the fires of Pushstroller's gentlemanly fury within. Such a fury invites a mighty hunger, the likes of which only the dandiest of meals could satiate.

Reynolds' patrol of Area five unveils only a multitude of bars, many of which could only be truthfully describe as a dive. One of the bars in particular had a rather amusing title, 'The Bar With No Name,' paradoxical as it was. Reynolds entered the establishment tentatively and finds a classy and powerful contrast to the others of its like in the Area. The interior is dimly lit, conveying a sensation of romanticism and secrecy. The mood is sombre, and a dreamlike drowsiness fills the air. Before he even knows it, he is seated at a table by a waitress with a menu in his hands.

"What may I get you to start, sir?" She asks with a slight Kazamotsu accent, formerly known as Russian.

The Onepunch Killer's home boasts an odd balance between orderly organization and cluttered chaos. Bits of metal and other various materials for Alexander's trade are stacked on and around workbenches here and there, providing sharp relief to the clean normality present in the rest of the room.

One of his latest projects, a harpoon gun Armagus designed to channel massive electric charges, lies on his couch next to the remote. A plain yellow sticky note is posted on the television, with a message written on it in permanent marker.
A quick check of his refrigerator reveals it to be bare, save for the occasional part or two from a project that needed to be stored under low temperature before integration into the final product.

The sheer force of Nu's summoned swords, amplified by the Gravity Seed, reduces the seithrhound to a shower of mulch that paints Ragna's jacket a whole new shade of red, gaining his undivided attention.

'Sufficient velocity achieved.' the Murakumo Unit is informed by her combat analysis programs.
Ragna looked at the carnage that happened behind him, before he caught sight of the one person he never thought he'd see outside of a Cauldron...

"Dammit!" he swore. "What the hell are you doing here, Murakumo?! Shouldn't you be in a Cauldron by now?!"
Nu just stared dully at Ragna for a moment.

"You don't want to see me? But here is so much nicer then a Cauldron!" Nu declared, fidgeting from foot to foot. "Unless... Oh! I didn't think you were the type to do it hidden from sight, Ragna! Teeheehee."

The sound of giggling coming from the Murakumo was almost unnatural, as she gave Ragna the once over.

"Oh, you got a new arm... I liked your old-new arm better, though." She noted.
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Ragna scowled at the Murakumo unit more. "What the hell's wrong with you?! You look and sound so much like her, it's not even funny, dammit!!"

At that moment, he noted all of what she had said. "Hold up... an 'old-new' arm?"
"You know... The new arm you got after I died... Again..." Nu paused a moment, pondering, as the Murakumo Unit went offline. "Wow, I really need to stop doing that before I get stuck in another body that can't talk. But then, you'd like that, wouldn't you, Ragna!"

Nu gave a short twirl.

"Where are you going, anyway!? There's nothing in Kagutsuchi!"
Ragna opened his mouth to say something, but stopped for a few seconds.

"Wait... what the hell do you mean, there's nothing in Kagutsuchi?!" he demanded.
"Exactly what I said! There's nothing in Kagutsuchi now! I'm right in front of you!" Nu waved her hand in front of Ragna's face sarcastically.
Ragna felt his mind break down at the words the Murakumo unit said. The only thing he could properly say to all that he had experienced in this situation was...


And then he passed out.
"Ragna? Ragna!" Nu nudged the unconscious man with a toe, before sighing. "Silly Ragna..."

Well, she couldn't leave him there. Without a word, she hefted him onto her back and began walking to Kagutsuchi. Maybe someone there could cure his fainting? Nu hadn't the foggiest clue how to do it.

She was not apologetic in the slightest for the two shoes dragging along the ground.
Arina attempts to radio in with Sector Seven, only to receive static. No amount of fiddling with the machine appears to improve the signal. Perhaps she was in a dead zone? To think that with all this technology, their engineering prowess could be stumped by something so simple…

Blaze's sojourn to Orient Town is thankfully made quick by its close proximity to the Bascule Bridge, the two being situated in the same district of the city. She is soon swept up in a crowd in her search for a decent restaurant, somehow ending up on the other side of town and generally lost. A man wearing a wide straw hat sits under a lamppost nearby, generally minding his own business.

Her hunger gnaws away at her body and soul, making her stomach growl furiously. On a nearby wall Arina spots a colorful flyer advertising good food.
The Bar With No Name
Fine Drinks and Quality Cuisine - 1880 Oni Street, Area No. 5
Blaze has reached a mental crossroads; at this point, she just might settle for anywhere that has something edible...but the contact could possibly be nearby.

As Nu continues her trek toward the thirteenth Hierarchical City in hopes of finding help for Ragna, the skies slowly turned overcast. A thick fog lazily rolled in, not of seithr, but by all means regular moisture. Over the course of an hour, the mist grew denser and denser, obscuring the vision of the Murakumo Unit.

Something about this fog didn't sit quite right with Nu; she was sure she had towed Ragna past that particular tree twice already...and she couldn't see through the fog. Any attempts to analyze it merely turned up inconclusive. No mundane condensation could trick the eyes of a Boundary Interface Prime Field Device, but there were no signs of seithr imbalances from Ars Magus or even Sorcery influencing the haze. For all intents and purposes, the fog was an impenetrable wall of white that seemed to lead the group in circles, no matter which direction they went...could this have been some kind of spatial distortion she could not properly observe?

Without warning, a glowing whitish blue figure momentarily appears in the distance. The fog makes it hard to tell, but it seems to be a person holding something in one hand. With their free hand, they make a beckoning gesture and retreat deeper into the fog.

Maybe they can help Ragna?
The Onepunch Killer's home boasts an odd balance between orderly organization and cluttered chaos. Bits of metal and other various materials for Alexander's trade are stacked on and around workbenches here and there, providing sharp relief to the clean normality present in the rest of the room.

One of his latest projects, a harpoon gun Armagus designed to channel massive electric charges, lies on his couch next to the remote. A plain yellow sticky note is posted on the television, with a message written on it in permanent marker.
A quick check of his refrigerator reveals it to be bare, save for the occasional part or two from a project that needed to be stored under low temperature before integration into the final product.

Alexander sighs. "I knew I forgot something. Or a few things, actually." He looks at the harpoon gun on the couch before deciding, "Ugh, not now. I'll just go for groceries." He grabs the marker and crosses groceries off of the list. He then drops it near the remote and walks out of the house, heading towards the Ronin-Gai.