Vote tally - Blackpowder and Blood (A Fantasy EU4 Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by gutza1 on Apr 12, 2021 at 4:40 PM, finished with 15 posts and 12 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Blackpowder and Blood (A Fantasy EU4 Quest)
Post #70
Post #84


  • [X] Ser Percival Sebastian
    [X] Venia
    [X] Ser Percival Sebastian: During the Greentide, massive waves of refugees fled the slaughter in Escann, desperately attempting to reach any kind of safety as their world crumbled around their ears. Ser Percival was one of these broken men, a survivor of the early crushing defeats who made it out by cutting and running once the killing started. Haunted by his shame and cowardice, the former knight listlessly wandered the Borders of Anbennar as an itinerant sellsword, another one of Escann's erstwhile chivalry now reduced to scrambling to survive with the rest of their displaced countrymen. That he likely would have remained, if it weren't for Percival encountering the Roland by chance during his march to join Corin. The Band had come to a stop as its participants had come to realize what exactly their liege actually intended, with many threatening mutiny if they didn't return home. In response, Bronzehardt gave an impassioned speech to the assembled host, one which also had an unintended audience - brought to tears by the sight of strangers coming to fight for his homeland for the sake of honor and decency, Ser Percival swore his sword to Roland, and has faithfully served his new liege ever since, coming to lead the faction of former Escanni emigres finding the Wexonard noble a more palatable leader than the often abrasive adventurer companies who came to dominate the war.
    [X] Niklas Kohlhaase