Blackpowder and Blood (A Fantasy EU4 Quest)

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Korgus Dookanson, demigod, warlord of the Greentide, the Doom of Khugidir and Despoiler of Castellyr, has been slain through the sacrifice of Corin, a mortal hero imbued with the powers of a disgraced god of war! But even as blood cools on the streets of Castonath and the mighty orcish horde splinters, the fate of Escann remains uncertain. For nature abhors a vacuum, and the great chivalric kingdoms lie shattered beneath a two-decade occupation. And, after all, it was the Adventurers that saved the land - surely it's only just that they receive compensation for their efforts?
The Dawn of a New Era
United States
Blackpowder and Blood (A Fantasy Europa Universalis IV Quest)

The Greentide began 19 years ago when the orc Korgus Dookanson, the self-proclaimed son of their foul god, invaded and laid waste to the chivalrous kingdoms of Escann. Only Corin, a mortal woman imbued by the powers of Agrados, the disgraced god of war, could stop them. And stop them she did, with her companions, she united the marchers and adventurers of Escann into a single force of good and stopped their invasion of western Cannor dead in its tracks.

Yesterday, on the 11th day of the month of Nerament, Korgus Dookanson was slain in single combat by the heroine Corin in the ancient metropolis of Castonath … at the cost of her own life.

Corin may be dead, but so too has the Greentide been decapitated - Dookanson's vast host of clans and warbands assembled from the entirety of the Serpentspine already dissolving into chaos and disunity, their seemingly unstoppable momentum shattered into a thousand warring pieces. It is up to us, an alliance of dozens of different cultures and creeds, to now follow her legacy and bring an end to the Greentide once and for all.

You are ...

[ ] The Sons of Dameria: The Lilac Wars have finally ended in defeat for the Moon Party, the Rose Lords of Lorent return home to bask in their pyrrhic victory, and the opportunistic Lothane III of Wex is proclaimed the new emperor of Anbennar. The Silmuna dynasty, first among the Silver Families, sovereigns over the Grand Duchy of Dameria, synonymous with the imperial throne at their height... has been expunged. Slaughtered to the last man, woman, and child at the climax of a conflict spanning 116 years, this formerly vast and majestic house now exists only in far-flung and minor cadet houses (well, except for the Marcher Lords of Wesdam, may those Lecori-loving traitors burn with the Infernal Court). That is to say, with one exception. Rogier I Silmuna "the Exiled," grandson of the last true Emperor and only remaining direct descendant of Munas Moonsinger, has fled to Escann with what loyal retainers and veterans his ancient House can still call. Although Rogier's attempts to find his sister - who was wed to a Castellyrian prince - has failed, he and his men have turned their hearts to a new purpose. Although they may never be able to return to Anbennar and all their sacrifices for Damaria ended up in vain, Rogier intends to create a new homeland in Escann, a place for all the listless veterans of the Lilac Wars to pound their swords into plowshares and end their wandering. But first, they need to take it from the foul beasts that have inflicted so much suffering. And perhaps, one day, if their endeavors succeed and they create a powerful, prosperous new kingdom ... their descendants can remind the Rose Party that their celebrations were just a little too precipitous.
Leader: Rogier I Silmuna "the Exiled," Adm: 2 Dip: 5 Mil: 3 Traits: Depressed, Well Connected, Inspiring Leader Species: Half-Elf
Culture: East Damarian (Anbennarian)
Starting Location: Western Castanor

+ Lilac War Veterans: The Sons of Dameria are largely composed of veterans from the century-long war that wracked western Cannor and are thus some of the most experienced and proficient soldiery in the known world. Time, attrition, and despair has whittled down the once legendary army of Dameria, but what remains is still a force bar little other in Escann. A tired and worn blade, but lethal nonetheless.
+ Silmuna Connections: Saying the line of Munas Moonsinger has fallen on hard times would be an understatement of incredible proportions, but you don't rule one of the most powerful realms to ever exist for hundreds of years without accumulating a few favors. Almost everything was burnt in the early elation and late desperation of the Lilac Wars, but almost isn't the same as all - a tiny sliver of their influence is still a considerable and unique advantage over the competition in post-greentide Escann, should it be leveraged wisely.
+ - Unfinished Business: The Lilac Wars may have finally ground to a close, but only a fool would claim that the matter is settled once and for all. For better or worse, the Sons of Dameria are tied to their homeland to a much greater extent than any of their contemporaries and will most likely be dragged into - or perhaps cause - the next generation of bloodshed. It's unlikely to be any more decisive or worthwhile than the wars preceding it.
- Legacy of Defeat: Rogier I Silmuna's depressive episodes and crying jags are a poorly kept secret, and he's hardly the only homesick, traumatized veteran in the Sons. Even years after it all ended, a shadow can be seen in the eyes of a people that used to know nothing but victory. Defeatism, despair, or desperate delusion haunt the band like a sickness. Only time will bring relief to their suffering.
- Before the Fall: Hubris is often accused of being the primary flaw of the Silver Families, and nobody exemplified their virtues and failings more than the Silmunas. Hubris drove them to push the war against Lorent further than reason demanded when they were winning. Hubris drove them to refuse any surrender when the war swung against them. Even in exile and squalor, hubris may still define the Sons of Dameria.

[ ] The Count's League: The kingdoms of Escann found themselves utterly taken aback and overwhelmed by the Greentide, as their long traditions of chivalric conduct, while creating a peaceful and orderly land, left them unprepared for the brutal realities of total warfare against a relentless and cunning foe. Thus fell the land of Castan in what felt like the blink of an eye, sending shockwaves across Cannor and convincing many that the orcish horde was invincible. Not all Escanni surrendered, perished, or fled in the face of destruction, however. The cursed fortress of Oldhaven, abandoned out of fear and superstition since the Dragonwake, was turned into a hidden refuge for the nobility who desired to continue the war even after the battle of the Bloody Ford. Carleon Blacktower, a previously minor nobleman, earned considerable renown for providing Castellyr some of its only genuine victories before its destruction, as his once mocked "dishonorable tactics" wrought battles that saw many orc scum slain in return for few of his own men and soon came to lead the faction that desired to renew broad conflict against the Greentide instead of holding up in Oldhaven and hoping for rescue. Unfortunately, his former social superiors grew paranoid and jealous of Blacktower's successes. They refused to deploy their much larger levies, leaving Corleon to wage a hopeless guerrilla war against the greenskins alone for years upon end. This turned about with the arrival of Corin, who shamed the remaining nobility of Escann with her famous charisma, allowing the Count's League to participate in the conclusion of the Siege of Castonath and finally avenge their homeland. Now, Blacktower leads a coalition of Escanni nobility that remained true to take back their fiefdoms and liberate their subjects, whether that be from vile greenskins ... or would-be adventurer-kings claiming dominion over a land not theirs.
Leader: Corleon Blacktower, Adm: 4 Dip: 3 Mil: 6 Traits: Tactical Genius, Free Thinker, Brusque Species: Human
Culture: Castellyrian (Escanni)
Starting Location: Inner Castanor

+ Escanni Locals: The Count's League is the only major Escanni faction (besides Marrhold) capable of standing on equal ground to the adventurer bands, both in prestige and military might, which has granted the organization considerable legitimacy. They will have little difficulty claiming the legacy of pre-Greentide nations and will easily secure the cooperation of Escanni survivors and returning refugees, making expansion and administration much easier.
+ Homefield Advantage: Blacktower's men have fought the Orcs for nearly two decades, turning the land to their advantage to accomplish this seemingly impossible task. The foul Greenskins soon learned to fear trees that suddenly start talking, and with effort, Oldhaven's Rangers can be turned into an official organization. In general, Escann is their home, and they'll know its odds and ends better than foreign trespassers.
+ Righteous Revanchism: The Castanorian people have fallen on hard times before, but the Greentide represents the lowest they've ever been. They'd be lucky to recover a fraction of their prominence by any man's odds ... but they're no normal people. They are the heirs of Castan, heirs to Humanity's first Empire, heirs to a legacy a dozen times as long and glorious as any other polity can claim in the world! Castonath, the greatest city in Cannor and beyond, withstood all of Korgus Dookanson's fury for nineteen years, even when their dead carpeted the walls and their women were forced to man the crossbows they did not flinch nor cower! And if the Count's League has anything to say about it, their glory will be sung of forevermore.
- Adventurer Antagonism: As much as the Count's League may declare their own participation in the Greentide's defeat, even they must admit that it wouldn't have been possible without considerable contribution on behalf of foreign adventures. Still, they would very much appreciate it if they took their reward in coin and returned home instead of settling down and claiming Escanni land for themselves.
- Better Hate than Pain: There are no people in the world that loathes the Greenskins more than the Escanni, save perhaps the Dwarves with their ancient and unending grudges. Where others might apply a degree of pragmatism towards Orc or Goblin polities, or nuance regarding the handling of conquered populations, the Count's League knows they deserve naught but the end of a blade for their crimes.
- Shaky Foundation: Corleon Blacktower has taken over the League and lead it to victory, but his control over the organization isn't perfect, and things have already begun to unravel with the existential threat diminished. Not to mention, their home of Oldhaven is unsuitable to serve as any kind of center of power and may or may not actually be cursed. The Count's League will have to change to move into the future.

[ ] The Anbenncost Expedition: The City of the World's Desire, the de jure capital of Anbennar, the Heart of the Dameshead ... Anbenncost has many names. As of the end of the Lilac Wars, they can claim another title: Free City of the Empire, with the considerable privilege and autonomy it entails, granted to tear the heart out of the former Grand Duchy of Damaeria and ensure the new Wexnonard Emperor's symbolic crowning would go smoothly. The largest city in Cannor (now that Castonath has just begun to recover from a two-decade siege) looks into an uncertain future now having to deal with the bankers of Damescrown, halflings of Beepeck, and many other jealous contenders for the city's exalted status without the protection of the Silmuna's, but the merchants of Anbenncost are nothing if not proficient in seizing opportunity from danger - and they won't stay ahead of the competition through safe investments. An expedition has been outfitted and sent to Escann to colonize the depopulated region and create a realm to harness the trade once it renews with the rest of Cannor while simultaneously providing an outlet for the city's teeming population and an ever-restless horde of adventures. Should the plan pan out, Anbenncost will achieve a decisive advantage over their numerous rivals ... and perhaps find fertile ground to experiment with its 'unique' form of governance.
Leader: Republic, Adm: ? Dip: ? Mil: ?
Culture: Anbenncoster (Anbennarian)
Starting Location: Western Castanor

+ The Greatest City in Anbennar: Anbenncost is the center and pearl of the Dameshead Sea, the largest, richest, most important urban center in the known world (now that Castanoth is 'diminished'), and has significant motive to see the expedition succeed. The settlers will not want for coin, men, or anything else it's possible for money to purchase, although this support will depend on a pipeline to Anbenncost itself.
+ Meritocratic Traditions: Dameria was unusual for its unique parliamentary feudalism. Free Cities of Anbennar oft practice some form of plutocracy. And Adventurers are infamous for their lackadaisical attitude for any other qualification than talent. Individually, any of these components would create a less stratified society than is the norm in Cannor. Combined? The system 'Anbennland' will use is honestly a stone's throw from an actual democracy.
+ - Settler State: The purpose of the Expedition is to found a colony for Anbenncost. Although it has plenty of adventurers, it is not an adventurer-kingdom, for better or worse. It will consequently be better at managing colonization, trade, and other civilian matters, while worse at combat and lacking the unique edge extremely talented adventurer leaders can provide.
- Official Colony: The Expedition was not at the battle of Castonath, or participate in any of the conflict against the Greentide beforehand. It has come to Escann to turn part of it into a home for a foreign people, and makes no bones about it. This has, needless to say, not endeared them to the surviving Escanni, nor does it engender respect from its adventurer descended peers.
- Anbennarian Involvement: The Anbenncost Expedition is autonomous from its mother city in both fact and name, but eventually it will be expected to provide returns for the major investment it is, although this will not be for some time and won't be in the form of overwrought taxation or something equally banal. It will, however, have to contend with its close economic and political entanglement with the empire, with all that entails.

[ ] The Corintar: Corin was nothing but a peasant girl in the Borders when the people of Escann cried out for any assistance possible to combat the Greentide. The petty feudal lords and decadent magisters of Anbennar, wrapped up in the latest iteration of the Lilac Wars, spared no attention to what they saw as a distraction, sending only token troops and coin to assist against the orcs. Instead, the people of the civilized world, the Adventurers, took up arms in response to the call. It was they who marched far from their homes to fight and potentially die in a foreign land, and Corin, the peasant girl from nowhere, who stood amongst their ranks, was determined to contribute. Yet fate had a grander plan in mind, for when her team was ambushed and it seemed Corin would give her life to save her comrades, the Aspect of the disgraced God of War, Agrados, came upon her, and with its power, she smote the orcs where they stood! And filled with purpose, Corin knew only she could defeat Korgus Dookanson, her dark counterpart leading the hordes against the civilized world. So she set out across Escann, assembling a team of trusted companions during her efforts to organize a mighty army from all the forces embattled by the greenskins. And among these companions was Lothane Bluetusk, a half-orc who pledged himself to Corin's cause after she saved his life. Today, he is one of the only companions left, the others dead, disappeared, or returned to their homelands in obscurity. Lothane grieves for Corin, but even as they lower her body into the ground, his band of followers exalts! For it is written in the stars and the vanquishing of a demigod, Corin has ascended as the Regent Court's newest God of War. The priests and oracles may dither and debate over the details, but the newly founded Corintar knows in their hearts the Truth - that Good must be protected and Evil slain! "For all Evil needs to triumph, is Good men do nothing." And Escann is a land sorely in need of heroes ...
Leader: Lothane Bluetusk, Adm: 2 Dip: 4 Mil: 4 Traits: Companion, Pious, Benevolent Species: Half-Orc
Culture: Corintari (Escanni)
Starting Location: Inner Castanor

+ Face of a Faith: The Corintar is unique in its major involvement with religion, which provides significant opportunities for soft power that other factions totally lack. Although the Order isn't in charge of Corinite worship, it does have major legitimacy as its "face" and will face no rivals for the direction of the faith ... at least, initially. Although getting major nations involved as fellow worshipers provides its own benefits, of course.
+ Fear No Evil! : The followers of Corin honor her legendary courage and resolution in the face of impossible odds and will do Her no shame in similar circumstances. Maintaining high morale for both civilians and armies will be easier for the Order, and the people will remain firm in the face of disaster that would cower less resolute cultures.
+ Holy Order: As all adventure-kingdoms grow in size and complexity, they will need to face the difficult questions of governance and the systems to enact it. The Corintar will have access to a unique 'Holy Order' Government Type which will focus on enhancing martial prowess and religious involvement, specializing Corin's first followers into the sword and shield of Her faith.
- Theocratic Headaches: A large part of the Corintar's philosophy stems from discontent with the Regent Court's cults and their conduct, but they will soon discover the awkward reality of the situation. To put it simply, the demands of secular rulership conflict sharply with the doctrines of benevolent faiths, and it's a lot easier to suffer out of principle when thousands of people won't also be on the line.
- The Question of Canon: The Regent Court is used to absorbing new gods, even those ascended from mortals such as Munas Moonsinger, but there is a structure that has to be respected for two dozen different religions to effectively cohabitate. The Corintes have ... questionable beliefs about their diety's role in this hierarchy - but even the most audaciously heretical among them respect Castellos, the Ruler of Heaven. So long as he reigns, the whole issue should blow over as everybody gets used to the new status quo.
- That Being Said... : Should by some set of unforeseen circumstances things not calm down, or even worsen, the consequences would be ... extreme. The nations of Cannor have undergone much turbulence in the past few decades, and a major religious schism could unleash utter hell. And, if this were to occur, the Corintar would be at the very epicenter of the worst clusterfuck seen on Cannor since the Dragonwake. It won't be fun.

[ ] The Bronzehardt's Band: The Allenic peoples have always prided themselves on being an honest, forthright folk, and while the Wexonards of Anbennar didn't take their pride to quite such an extreme as their northern Gawedi cousins, it was nonetheless a value Roland Bronzehardt was raised on. But the labyrinthine politics of the Lilac Wars were no place for honest men, and early in his life, House Bronzehardt was called upon by their liege to betray the Grand Duchy of Dameria and its Silmuna masters. Roland lost many relatives in that war and was pushed to perform his aristocratic obligations at a young age, a hurriedly drafted administrator for some of his House's suddenly expanded holdings. The art of rulership is a stressful and difficult profession for grown men, let alone 15-year-old boys trying to manage a recently conquered fiefdom, but Roland did his best to be a good lord. He repaired the war damage, suppressed rampant brigandry, and eased taxation on the impoverished peasantry. But the Bronzehardt's had been bankrupted by the conflict and needed their new territories to provide returns immediately, and so pressured Roland to squeeze his fief dry of funds, forcing the new ruler to strike an impossible balance between his duty to his subjects and family. During this time, he barely noticed the young girl who proclaimed her intention to fight in Escann, giving the supplicant some coin, asking his guard for any volunteers, and never paying it another thought. Sometimes, however, minor kindness done for little people has a way of creating unintended consequences - so when his men returned a year later claiming of a reborn god, Roland was rather taken aback. But on the verge of being stripped of his position, the young lord decided he'd rather be a hero in a grand story rather than a minor failure, so he called his levies and knights to arms, kept the details vague, and promptly marched off to Escann with an army, a purpose, and nothing to lose. It has been many years since then. Many things are different now, but Roland Bronzehardt is once again at a precipice; his duty to the gods is satisfied and Corin is dead ... but the now acclaimed adventurer feels no enthusiasm to return to home. No, let his House send all the angry letters they want - the people of Escann still need help, and perhaps here he can create a place where virtue and duty are not made a farce.
Leader: Roland Bronzehardt, Adm: 6 Dip: 4 Mil: 4 Traits: Companion, Just, Lawgiver Species: Human
Culture: Wexonard (Allenic)
Starting Location: Lower Castanor

+ Acclaimed Hero: Roland Bronzehardt is one of the only Companions of Corin to survive the Greentide and remain in prominence, which on its own would already turn him into a figure of significant renown. Add in the fact that he's a noble, from Anbennar, not a half-orc, and House Bronzehardt is already commissioning paintings of him slaying dragons to boost their prestige by association? There are already salacious rumors about a romance with Corin Herself.
+ Able Lord: Roland is not a merchant, or a warrior, or a mage. He's a former feudal lord - and a good one, at that. He's practiced in leading men during peace as well as war and knows what it means to turn lofty ideals into written laws, how to return a devastated land to health, how to win over a civilian populace, handle clergy, set up a bureaucracy, assuage vassals ... all the complicated details of actually ruling a fief. This is, unfortunately, a very rare trait among the many former adventurers sprouting across the land, but provides a considerable advantage for the Band in skipping much of the "How to Rule" learning curve.
+ Blood Ties: House Bronzehardt may be a bunch of conniving, backstabbing, opportunistic motherfuckers who've burnt much of their suddenly favored scion's goodwill, but they're also a major force in the post-war Empire who're consummate pragmatists and political operators - they're already playing the situation to their advantage, and it won't take long to realize a mutually beneficial relationship is in the House's best interests.
- Sins of the Father: Intentionally or not, the 'Bronzhardt Band' has effectively become the non-Lorentish Rose Party representative in Escann. While serving as a useful source of allies and manpower, this also means the Band inherits the numerous grudges and vendettas created by the Lilac Wars, both petty and grave.
- One-Man Dream: As you might have noticed, the Band's advantages revolve around its exceptional leader. Should Roland perish before he can transform his talents into long-term benefits his people will be left sorely off, if his group doesn't outright dissolve completely.
- Uncertain Conception: The Bronzehardt Band was created through, when you get down to it, a Bavarian Fire Drill. Certain questions of legitimacy and lawfulness will have to be answered. Technically speaking, Roland is still the count of Asperage, and a good portion of his host hasn't seen their home in years, although with effort and bribery they might be convinced to settle down in Escann and bring over their families.

[ ] The Raven Banner: Corvuria is oft regarded as a destitute, oppressive shithole by foreigners. It's people, of course, know how false such a malign rumor is - the land of Shadows and Blood is far, far worse. But if there's one thing Corvuria is good at, it's beating off any and all comers who think to challenge this ancient state of affairs, whether they be arrogant Anbennarians, slavering Orcs, or imperialistic Gnolls. And so the Greentide was halted at the aptly named Death Pass, its leaders wisely choosing to break off in search of easier prey. Corvuria isn't, however, particularly used to going out and conquering its neighbors, preferring to shelter in the protection provided by the mountains of Dostanor's Range and swamps of Daravan's Folly. Still, there was so much free land ripe for the taking! In the king's infinite and eternal wisdom, an "Adventurer" "Company" was created to occupy what land it could near the border, in the former domain of the Blademarches - if nothing else it'd be a nice and petty slight against one of Corvuria's more obnoxious late rivals, and the setup would allow the kingdom to focus on their current grudge against Asheninande. Of course, in order to pull this scheme off the expedition would require a significant degree of autonomy, a privilege Corvurian kings were historically infamously loath to divulge, but the temptation of securing the comparatively lush lands of southern Castanor - a decisive edge to be leveraged against ambitious Anbennarian border princes - proved an enticing enough prize for an exception to be made. The Raven Banner sets off from the Death Pass to colonize the future eastern fringe of their motherland ... but even as they step out of Corvuria for the first time, the would-be colonists already begin to dream of more. Whether the Shadow King and his Blood Court realize it or not, their future would-be colony has a far greater degree of choice in its future than they ever intended.
Leader: Cezar Radu, Adm: 2 Dip: 4 Mil: 3 Traits: Careful, Silver Tongued, Expansionist Species: Human
Culture: Corvurian (Dostanorrian)
Starting Location: Lower Castanor

+ Nothing New: The Corvurian people are no strangers to hardship or suffering. Although the dangers of post-Greentide Escann are different than their homeland, at the end of the day they'll buckle down and endure whatever the world throws at them.
+ Low Expectations: The Raven Banner isn't really expected to accomplish anything other than plant flags and not die. Should its leadership actually start sending back coin or crops, winning battles, or treating its peasants like something other than dogshit, people will be ecstatic and they'll receive many accolades.
+ - The Blood Court: There are many ... rumors about Corvuria's darker secrets. Reasons the apparently dysfunctional backwater has persisted for so long in the face of at times indomitable enemies. Some may suspect the land of Shadow for breaking the Magisterium's code, but those in the know understand how deep the rabbit hole really goes. The Nightwalkers are a tremendous asset and allow the Raven Banner to punch well above its weight, but should their existence be revealed to the rest of the world, the results would be catastrophic. Let alone the danger of giving the Blood Court too much influence alone ...
- Preconceived Reputation: The Raven Banner will be perceived as an extension of their mother country with all that entails, at first. It will take time, effort, and deeds for the march to establish a name of its own and be treated as such.
- Lacking Adventurers: Corvunia is, unsurprisingly, not a land in which adventurers are particularly appreciated, and their own home-grown ones aren't impressive by the standards of the heroes of the Greentide. It will take time to adapt to the needs of this new land, and they will initially lack the extreme versatility talented adventurers can offer a state.

(These are but a handful of the many, many groups that will be attempting to carve out new lives and realms in the shattered Escann)​

AN: Welcome, everyone, to my second quest! Set in the world of Anbennar, a popular total-conversion mod for EU4, this is a story embracing its themes of a fusion between a classic D&D-inspired world going through all the turbulence and progress of the Renaissance. In specific, we will be focusing on Eastern Cannor, or as it's been colloquialized, Escann. It has just been saved by the Protagonist, Corin, but life doesn't just end with the Big Bad slain and the hero ascending to godhood - his mighty horde is still around and the grand coalition already begins to splinter. We will play as one of these adventurer bands as they battle the Greentide's remnants and begin the process of resettling the shattered land of Escann, but as they'll soon find, nation-building is a great deal more difficult than slaying monsters ...
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[X] The Corintar: Corin was nothing but a peasant girl in the Borders when the people of Escann cried out for any assistance possible to combat the Greentide. The petty feudal lords and decadent magisters of Anbennar, wrapped up in the latest iteration of the Lilac Wars, spared no attention to what they saw as a distraction, sending only token troops and coin to assist against the orcs. Instead, the people of the civilized world, the Adventurers, took up arms in response to the call. It was they who marched far from their homes to fight and potentially die in a foreign land, and Corin, the peasant girl from nowhere, who stood amongst their ranks, was determined to contribute. Yet fate had a grander plan in mind, for when her team was ambushed and it seemed Corin would give her life to save her comrades, the Aspect of the disgraced God of War, Agrados, came upon her, and with its power, she smote the orcs where they stood! And filled with purpose, Corin knew only she could defeat Korgus Dookanson, her dark counterpart leading the hordes against the civilized world. So she set out across Escann, assembling a team of trusted companions during her efforts to organize a mighty army from all the forces embattled by the greenskins. And among these companions was Lothane Bluetusk, a half-orc who pledged himself to Corin's cause after she saved his life. Today, he is one of the only companions left, the others dead, disappeared, or returned to their homelands in obscurity. Lothane grieves for Corin, but even as they lower her body into the ground, his band of followers exalts! For it is written in the stars and the vanquishing of a demigod, Corin has ascended as the Regent Court's newest God of War. The priests and oracles may dither and debate over the details, but the newly founded Corintar knows in their hearts the Truth - that Good must be protected and Evil slain! "For all Evil needs to triumph, is Good men do nothing." And Escann is a land sorely in need of heroes ...

Since no Dwarves are available to play as, I'm going for my second-favourite faction to play as in the setting.
[X] The Raven Banner

Fantasy Vlad Tepes, please.

Edit: although I am kinda disappointed that we can't play as one of the Orcish successor states; hordes are my favorites to play in EU4. @LonelyWolf999, I don't suppose I can schmooze you into giving us such an option?
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[X] The Raven Banner

We are definitely not vampires.. Also, the Blademarches are just around the corner and we are in quite the position to take up the Sword. Que immortal ruler with insane realm buffs.
[X] The Bronzehardt's Band: The Allenic peoples have always prided themselves on being an honest, forthright folk, and while the Wexonards of Anbennar didn't take their pride to quite such an extreme as their northern Gawedi cousins, it was nonetheless a value Roland Bronzehardt was raised on. But the labyrinthine politics of the Lilac Wars were no place for honest men, and early in his life, House Bronzehardt was called upon by their liege to betray the Grand Duchy of Dameria and its Silmuna masters. Roland lost many relatives in that war and was pushed to perform his aristocratic obligations at a young age, a hurriedly drafted administrator for some of his House's suddenly expanded holdings. The art of rulership is a stressful and difficult profession for grown men, let alone 15-year-old boys trying to manage a recently conquered fiefdom, but Roland did his best to be a good lord. He repaired the war damage, suppressed rampant brigandry, and eased taxation on the impoverished peasantry. But the Bronzehardt's had been bankrupted by the conflict and needed their new territories to provide returns immediately, and so pressured Roland to squeeze his fief dry of funds, forcing the new ruler to strike an impossible balance between his duty to his subjects and family. During this time, he barely noticed the young girl who proclaimed her intention to fight in Escann, giving the supplicant some coin, asking his guard for any volunteers, and never paying it another thought. Sometimes, however, minor kindness done for little people has a way of creating unintended consequences - so when his men returned a year later claiming of a reborn god, Roland was rather taken aback. But on the verge of being stripped of his position, the young lord decided he'd rather be a hero in a grand story rather than a minor failure, so he called his levies and knights to arms, kept the details vague, and promptly marched off to Escann with an army, a purpose, and nothing to lose. It has been many years since then. Many things are different now, but Roland Bronzehardt is once again at a precipice; his duty to the gods is satisfied and Corin is dead ... but the now acclaimed adventurer feels no enthusiasm to return to home. No, let his House send all the angry letters they want - the people of Escann still need help, and perhaps here he can create a place where virtue and duty are not made a farce.

ADM 6 goooo
[X] The Bronzehardt's Band

Very exciting! I foresee quite the scramble from the word go.
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[X] The Anbenncost Expedition

live the Republic!

[X] The Bronzehardt's Band
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I know nothing about Anbennar and these walls of text are kind of intimidating. Is there anywhere I can read about the world without needing to play the mod?

[X] The Bronzehardt's Band

Ruler seems like a nice fellow with good stats and I have no idea what I'm doing.

(also I would strongly recommend, in the future, rather than formatting a vote as
[ ] Title of thing: paragraph-long description of thing
Format it as
[ ] Title of thing
Long description of thing
because that way the easy way to paste it into your vote and the short version of the vote are the same)
Fantasy Vlad Tepes, please.
Heh, not quite - that'd be Corvunia, your mother country. The Raven March actually has a lot of freedom in how it plays, although vampirism will remain prominent even if you don't end up going for a pseudo-Sylvania theme.
We are definitely not vampires.. Also, the Blademarches are just around the corner and we are in quite the position to take up the Sword. Que immortal ruler with insane realm buffs.
The Bronzehardt Band is actually in a better position to go for that, as they're also starting in Lower Castanor and one of their issues is a lack of cultural identity and purpose. The Sword is an incredibly potent anti-undead weapon, however, so if your planning on betraying Corvuria it's a solid investment.
Edit: although I am kinda disappointed that we can't play as one of the Orcish successor states; hordes are my favorites to play in EU4. @LonelyWolf999, I don't suppose I can schmooze you into giving us such an option?
I considered it, but I figured maintaining a certain degree of conciseness in theme and gameplay would be a good idea. Rest assured that the Orcs are just as much players in the Rush for Escann as the Adventurers, though!
Roland is a hell of a leader, yeah. He's one of the more straightforward hero-units you'll have available. You put him on something, it'll get done - the trick is creating a state where one person doesn't have to carry the whole team.
I love democracy, I love the republic.
There's definitely going to be some Thirteen Colonies allusions being made with the AE, although it should be noted that the proto-democracy is something they unlock in the mid-game, not straight away.
Very exciting! I foresee quite the scramble from the word go.
Oh, absolutely. The key balance in the early game will be gobbling up as much free clay as possible while maintaining the integrity of your incipient state and not overextending.
I know nothing about Anbennar and these walls of text are kind of intimidating. Is there anywhere I can read about the world without needing to play the mod?
There is a wiki, but don't feel the need to know the lore to enjoy the quest, just think of it as a generic D&D setting going through the Renaissance, and I'll lay in the relevant details as we go on.
It is time to reclaim our land. Be it from orc, goblin, or adventurer.
Escann for the Escanni!
I played a run as Iron Scepter>Blademarches. Let me just say, Magocracy op. Free battlemages allowed me to let me neighbor settle then proceed to conquer all his land. Well that and punching everyone around me for buckets of duckets.
Roland is a hell of a leader, yeah. He's one of the more straightforward hero-units you'll have available. You put him on something, it'll get done - the trick is creating a state where one person doesn't have to carry the whole team.
Oh, absolutely. The key balance in the early game will be gobbling up as much free clay as possible while maintaining the integrity of your incipient state and not overextending.
Roland being who he is, namely a Lean and Mean Ruling Machine, I'm guessing our early game as him will have us balancing opportunity costs (and Roland's specific personality) more so than other factions. We can point him towards any problem for an almost guaranteed success, like organizing the administration or persuading his reluctant band to move to this new frontier, which will mean that we'll have to give up those early-game landgrabs that our rivals will be making. Sort of like min-maxing, on a macro scale, which certainly is a style of play, though not my favorite in this particular scenario. Which is why I want to make an attempt at swaying people to the Raven Banner.

Joining the Dark Side gives us more than just cookies and vampires. With Cezar Radu's diplomatic skills, the low international expectations placed upon us by both our neighbors and the mother country, we can really take advantage of the early game and set the stage for some nice snowballing. The aforementioned vampires also sound like a very neat ace-in-the-hole, if managed properly.

@LonelyWolf999, could you please say more about how they will be treated mechanically and setting-wise? Alsol a starting map would be p. nice.
I played a run as Iron Scepter>Blademarches. Let me just say, Magocracy op. Free battlemages allowed me to let me neighbor settle then proceed to conquer all his land. Well that and punching everyone around me for buckets of duckets.
Yeah, I'm definitely nerfing the power of war magic, at least in the early game - later on once we enter the Era of Witch Kings, that's another story.
Roland being who he is, namely a Lean and Mean Ruling Machine, I'm guessing our early game as him will have us balancing opportunity costs (and Roland's specific personality) more so than other factions. We can point him towards any problem for an almost guaranteed success, like organizing the administration or persuading his reluctant band to move to this new frontier, which will mean that we'll have to give up those early-game landgrabs that our rivals will be making.
Not quite, as Roland doesn't have to do everything and he's got competent subordinates. You can have other people oversee colonization - the opportunity cost comes from the fact that Roland knocks stuff out of the park. Basically, he's a more or less free source of super-criticals, whereas everything else being handled will proceed normally. The twist with the Bronzehardt Band comes from their lack of "Advantages" not stemming from Roland himself, which means the focus of the early game will be acquiring bonuses and a purpose that will outlive him.
Joining the Dark Side gives us more than just cookies and vampires. With Cezar Radu's diplomatic skills, the low international expectations placed upon us by both our neighbors and the mother country, we can really take advantage of the early game and set the stage for some nice snowballing. The aforementioned vampires also sound like a very neat ace-in-the-hole, if managed properly.
None of the factions are really set up for "snowballing," besides maybe the Count's League if they go particularly revanchist and snag Castonath. The Raven Banner is one of the weaker factions, with one exception - you're completely on the ball with the vampires being the ticket to punching above your weight. That's what their gameplay will revolve around - using the Blood Court and Corvurian assistance to overcome their weaknesses but not to the extent they're ever reliant on them, while simultaneously trying to establish enough of a power base and reputation to accomplish whatever goal you decide upon.
Alsol a starting map would be p. nice.
I'll see what I can do, and am working on a 'geography of Escann' post. I'm probably just going to work with the EU4 map, all things considered, but if I can get it to work I might try to use a hex grid.
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