Blackpowder and Blood (A Fantasy EU4 Quest)

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Korgus Dookanson, demigod, warlord of the Greentide, the Doom of Khugidir and Despoiler of Castellyr, has been slain through the sacrifice of Corin, a mortal hero imbued with the powers of a disgraced god of war! But even as blood cools on the streets of Castonath and the mighty orcish horde splinters, the fate of Escann remains uncertain. For nature abhors a vacuum, and the great chivalric kingdoms lie shattered beneath a two-decade occupation. And, after all, it was the Adventurers that saved the land - surely it's only just that they receive compensation for their efforts?
The Lilac Wars - 1
The Prelude

To state when the Lilac Wars truly began is a somewhat difficult task, but the commonly agreed upon source of the conflicts was the troubled reign of Riannon Silmuna, elected sovereign of Anbennar at the grand age of five years old.

The reason for this is multifaceted: the crux of the matter was Riannon's unprecedented magical ability, readily apparent even as a babe. Although the magocratic traditions of the Empire had been abolished previously (being a powerful mage didn't translate into being a good ruler and the decentralized imperial princes disliked how much power the practice consolidated into the hands of the monarch) it still was seen as a potent boon, a sentiment bolstered by the widespread rumor that the young duchess bore the Aspect of the Dame, the Regent Court's Goddess of magic. There was another angle, however - the Silmuna dynasty had long held a special status amongst the members of the empire, and were loath to surrender a decades-spanning continuous monopoly due to an inconveniently timed death. Thus, a literal toddler was elected Empress of Anbennar.

It didn't go well.

House Silmuna had overplayed their hand by pushing through the election, causing many in the empire to turn against the Damarian hegemon, viewing their efforts as a prelude towards abolishing the electoral system as a whole. Additionally, Riannon was ... unstable. Whether that was due to her incredible magical powers addling an inexperienced user's mind or a simple consequence of turning a five-year-old child into the center of a political clusterfuck soon after losing a parent is unknown, but the empresses' destructive temper tantrums and general emotional instability swiftly became impossible to hide. Political opponents also began spreading rumors that Riannon's reign was meant to bring about a new magocracy, where the only qualification of a ruler was their magical talent. This is highly unlikely, but stories of evil witch-queens served to underscore an increasingly large wave of popular hysteria over the entire incident.

Finally, the entire situation culminated in a motion of no-confidence being held by the Electors in 1348, where it was agreed that the child-empress would be forced to abdicate and another election held. Upon hearing this, Riannon went completely ballistic, used her immense arcane prowess to murder much of the responsible nobility present, and locked herself and her closest retainers in the throne room once the inevitable retaliation arrived. When it became clear the vengeful armies of the nobility were determined to see her dead, an increasingly panicked empress cast a spell over much of Anbenncost's civilian populace to force them to attack her foes in a berserk fury, and personally slaughtered dozens of men when they attempted to break into the throne room. Horrified by the mass death and Riannon's utterly unhinged demeanor (ten-year-old children making grown knights chunky salsa while screaming about burning the realm to the ground makes even the most stalwart loyalist reconsider their choice of liege), one of the empress's own bodyguards stabbed her in the back, intended to bring the madness to an end. But in one last act of spite, Riannon detonated a magical explosive of incalculable might, completely destroying the palace, killing everyone present, and leveling a good section of the city as well.

Needless to say, the Empire was stunned by the event and House Silmuna's once exalted name was now mud, even as they scrambled for a new Grand Duke with the sheer amount of kinsmen slain in the bloodbath. But while Anbennar struggled to recuperate and re-summon the electors, foreign observers sought to take advantage of their weakness. To the North, Gawed once again attempted to reclaim the mouth of the Alen, and to the east Corvuria re-ignited their conflict with the breakaway princedom Ashienade. But it was the west that held the most dangerous threat: King Rean Siloriel of Lorent, the White Fox. Widely regarded as a canny and talented leader, in his youth Rean had done much to reign in the Rose Kingdom's unruly vassals and centralize the power of the monarch, and delivered several stinging defeats to the Gawedi barbarians in the Small Country. But as he aged, the king grew unsatisfied with his accomplishments. He wished to etch his name into history in a manner befitting a man of his stature, to do something so great that he would go down in history forevermore. And with Empress Riannon's extremely controversial reign, the king saw his opportunity. After all, there was no rule stating the emperor of Anbennar had to be elected from its ranks. And if Rean were to succeed, he would be the most powerful man in all of Cannor.

The White Fox had begun his campaign of charm and blackmail before the Imperial Palace was vaporized, but it served as a perfect opportunity for the Lorentish monarch to push his agenda - House Silmuna's diminished status left a power vacuum no one was quite able to fill, one that could be hypothetically replaced by the House of Siloriel. Indeed, to the princes on the west coast of the Dameshead, it didn't seem like such a bad deal, and the crucial vote of the Duke of Pearlsedge was won over to what came to be known as the 'Rose Party.' Prophetically, among this group stood the Marquiestate of Wesdam, Dameria's western shield.

But just as the Silmuna's before, King Rean's ambition got ahead of him. When he managed to snag the election through a razor-thin margin, the outcry was immense. If the thought of a Damerian hegemon was unpleasant to the lords of Anbennar, the reality of a Lorentish overlord proved outright revolting. Many of the member states blatantly refused to acknowledge the new emperor, and even the usually apolitical Magisterium voiced its opposition to the election. Nonetheless, 'Emperor' Rean had faced a similar reaction from his own vassals to his various reforms, and presumably believed he could bring his new subjects to heel in a similar manner. Undeterred, the White Fox made it clear he intended to go through with the traditional crowning in Anbenncost - although the Imperial Palace was still being rebuilt. However, when Rean attempted to sail to the Deamsear Isle, he found his passage barred by an imperial fleet, and when the Lorentese attempted to run the blockage, their vessel was boarded and the monarch humiliated by having to sail to shore in a rowboat. Vowing revenge, the would-be Emperor of Cannor turned to his Plan B - to seize his rightful prize by force ...
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The Lilac Wars - 2
The First Lilac War

The First Lilac War is something of an odd duck out compared to the rest of the conflicts that came to be swept under the term 'Lilac Wars.' The war was initiated by the Kingdom of Lorent, the House of Silmuna was a minor player for the first half of the war, the primary theater was a maritime struggle for the Dameshead Sea, the conflict was largely low-intensity and there were few notable major battles, the war ended in a genuine peace treaty that lasted for nearly a decade, the 'Wine Lords' of Lorent had little direct involvement, indeed, there was virtually no actual fighting on the Lencori peninsula until the very end. In many regards, the First Lilac War lacks the attributes and themes that define the Lilac Wars so significantly in popular and historical consciousness, and wouldn't really be associated with them ... except for the fact that its result was instrumental in the resulting eighty years of nigh-continuous warfare.

The war began with a surprise attack by the Kingdom of Lorent in conjunction with the turncoats they'd managed to secure among the Anbennarian lords, most notably the Duchy of Pearlsedge. This assault was a largely unqualified success, the royalist aggressors capturing much of the imperial fleet and burning the rest while overrunning the 'Moon Party' (although this term wouldn't be used until decades later) loyalists with little difficulty. Simply put, the forces of Anbennar on the western coast of the Dameshead had always been the weaker leg of the empire and were totally unable to withstand the applied military of the entire Lencori peninsula, a paradigm that would prove true through the rest of the Lilac Wars and even much further into the future during the Wars of Religion and Blackpowder Rebellions. Even the March of Wesdam, created specifically to defend Dameria's western flank, found itself defeated in short order, although its forces would go on to conduct a brutal guerrilla campaign for the rest of the conflict.

King Rean wasted no time capitalizing on this success, and within six months his troops had successfully conducted an amphibious invasion of the Damesear Isle (an island straddling the center of the Dameshead Sea). It was here that the rest of the empire had assembled their forces and attempted to meet the Rose Party in a pitched battle, but despite pouncing on the Lorentese forces fresh off their ships and achieving local quantitative superiority, the united imperial princes found themselves unable to overmatch the cream of Lorent's chivalry, and the divided command was dealt a swift and shocking defeat. The Grand Duke Aldres III Silmuna, the older half-brother of the child-empress, was killed in the ensuing conquest of the island, leading his men in a futile last stand to try and protect Anbenncost, whose walls had been damaged by Rionnan's death making defense unfeasible. With this House Silmuna's fortunes seemed to hit an all-time low, confined to their holdings on the east coast of the Dameshead, having suffered at another slain head of House, and the anti-Siloriel coalition falling apart almost as quickly as it had been formed. The White Fox took the time to consolidate his conquests with the successful capture of the imperial capital, giving himself the ceremonial crowning that had previously been denied and preparing for his next move.

It was at this time Vincen I Silmuna was anointed as the new Grand Duke of Dameria.

Vincen's reign did not get off to an auspicious beginning. Having taken up Munas Moonsinger's legacy at the age of fifteen, yet another child lord was seen as the last thing House Silmuna needed. Aware of the coalition's faltering morale, Vincen attempted to reverse the momentum of the war by boldly seizing the initiative while simultaneously re-asserting the Silmuna's pre-eminent role among the houses of Anbennar. The plan to accomplish this was an invasion to liberate the Damesear Isle, the logic being that they wanted to do it before the Rose Party had time to rest and fortify their position, and the sheer boldness of the ploy would catch the invaders off guard.

The new Grand Duke's plan was certainly seen as bold, but he had less success convincing his peers to accompany his counterattack. A sense of defeatism had infected the Anbennarians, with it becoming believed it was impossible to defeat Lorent's forces in an open battle. There was little enthusiasm to throw their troops back into a bloody mess the coalition had barely managed to escape from the first time, and the naval situation had only gotten worse since. King Rean's reputation for strategic genius had also only grown, so the possibility of seriously catching the king with his pants down was considered very unlikely. Even Vincen's own retainers and companions voiced reservations about the plan - it was agreed that a daring ploy was required to turnabout the war effort, but they'd also need to win for the plan to work - a glorious defeat was unlikely to accomplish anything more but worsen the situation. Still, the young prince remained resolute, determined to reverse the series of disasters that had overtaken his house and empire, and convinced his plan was the only way to see through the 'trials of the gods.'

The invasion technically wasn't a total disaster. Vincen Silmuna's audacious attack legitimately did take King Rean off guard, and his planned follow-up offensives ended up being stalled by the need to redirect troops and ships to address the incursion. That being said ... by any objective military analysis, the invasion was a catastrophic failure. Out of the 20,000 soldiers Vincen took with him, the bootstrapped reserves of an already exhausted House Silmuna, less than 800 managed to return home. The invasion force was set upon by the occupying garrison lead by the White Fox himself, and the result was a total slaughter, made worse by the naval forces piercing a trap behind the Damerian troops, shattering their fleet and leaving the landed forces trapped on the Damesear. There was an attempt by some of the survivors to go to ground and fight a resistance campaign like the men of Wesdam, but the confined terrain of the island made the tactic unfeasible, and the would-be guerrillas were rooted out and executed en-mass within a year. The Grand Duke himself attempted to go down fighting with his men, but ended up crippled when his steed was slain beneath him and collapsed on his leg.

The debacle ended in Vincen Silmua being dragged before King Rean in chains and what remained of his army surrendering. The failed counter-invasion and unexpectedly bitter autumn storms ended up delaying the planned additional offensive long enough they had to be called off for the year, but the victorious knights of Lorent weren't concerned. The war had thus far been a march from success to success, and it had become apparent that without the Silmuna's, the Annbenarians had no suitable leader - with the Damesear conquered and their foes' last desperate gambit crushed, it was only a matter of time before the 'rebellious' princes saw sense and bowed to Cannor's true hegemon. There was no need to rush the next parts of the war and potentially give their foes an easy victory that could rejuvenate faltering spirits. No, Lorent's army would winter in their occupied territories and continue wrapping up the war in the spring.

King Rean certainly had reason to be confident - indeed, the captured Silmuna youth may have given him a false impression of the rest of the Empire's willingness and ability to fight. The exact nature of Vincen's captivity is difficult to parse, as the Damerians and Lencori give very different accounts of what exactly happened. It's exceedingly unlikely the boy was actually tortured, which Silmuna historians would later claim caused the wounds he bore for the rest of his life, but Siloriel's claim that he took Vincen under his wing like a son only to be vindictively betrayed is also most likely a fabrication. Whatever the case, it seems Vincen spent at least some time with his captor and it may have been the cause of the White Fox's overconfidence. Or perhaps it was a deeper cultural misunderstanding - the kingdom of Lorent and Empire of Anbennar were two very different organizations, and Rean had only further pushed the centralized nature of Lencori monarchy, the source of much strife between it and the southern Wine Lords. With the imperials 'decapitated,' the invaders probably overestimated the effect it would have on the war effort and didn't feel the need to maintain the pressure, instead opting to begin trying to peel apart the coalition diplomatically over the winter.

But Anbennar was not like an 'Empire' in the Castanorian sense. A union formed in the aftermath of the war with Black Castanor, the empire is better described as a federation of dozens of aligned kingdoms, principalities, theocracies, and merchant republics. Despite efforts to change this, it had always been a strongly autonomous institution, which meant its states were not only used to but preferred to operate independently. With Dameria partially subjugated and the Silmuna's a non-factor, Anbennar splintered along regional lines ... but continued to refuse King Rean's authority and maintained a war footing. Ironically, the Duchy of Wex was one of these realms that rose to the occasion, rallying the princes and marches of the Borders to serve as a relatively untouched homefront, something that would earn it much prestige and reward in the aftermath, elevating the formerly secondary Allenic realms to the forefront of imperial politics as well as seeing a surge in the overall region's importance. Other areas proved less successful - the Grand Duke of Esmaria initially was one of the Moon Party's most strident supporters, but eventually was poisoned and his fiefs splintered into a vicious succession struggle, with candidates being supported by both factions of the war. In the North, the mercantile states of Damescrown and Vertesk suffered significantly from the disruption of trade in the Dameshead and erupted into hostilities between each other, while the Gawadi took the opportunity to snip away vulnerable border provinces, only seriously opposed by the Marquieste of Arbarran, which thus had little it could offer to fight Lorent. The Heartlands, finally, received the brunt of the subsequent warfare, Port Munas and the lands of Vern falling under direct assault by the Rose Party seeking beachheads to further push their advantage.

What absolutely was not happening, however, was peace - indeed, many parts of the empire took the opportunity to settle long-standing grudges between themselves. And to the Kingdom of Lorent, this was a problem. As previously mentioned, it's fully summoned might was incredible, but maintaining such a massive army and navy proved ruinously expensive. The levies of Lorent could be mustered away from home for a year or two, but only so many harvests could be missed before severe economic harm was inflicted, or in the worst cases, outright famine risked. Confident victory was just within his grasp, for over five years King Rean kept his nation on a full war footing, heavily taxing the halflings of the Small Country and his wealthy southern vassals to make ends meet in the meantime. Trade was seriously disrupted by the conflict, and the Lencori found themselves needing to ship in mass amounts of food to feed the now impoverished occupied citizens along the Dameshead's coast. Finally, a large part of the diplomatic effort to win over the lords of Anbennar consisted of sending them funds and arms in exchange for support, adding yet another necessary expense to the overburdened budget. The White Fox was eventually forced to concede the situation was untenable, but so long as the war continued, there was no way to fundamentally resolve the ruinous expense of maintaining such a large standing army overseas.

It was this financial crunch that probably lead to the overturning of the king's policy of refusing to accept ransoms while at war. A slew of captured nobility, some of which had been held in captivity for the entirety of the war, was released at extortionate expense as part of the Silistra's measures to produce funds. Among this group included Grand Duke Vincen Silmuna, the once would-be rival contender for the throne of Anbennar. Having reached his majority behind bars, the formerly vibrant prince appeared a shadow of his former self, his beauty marred through a vicious mace strike and only able to walk with the aid of crutches. It was as if the tragedy in his life had sucked the very spirit from him, gossiping Lencori nobility observed whenever the prisoner was trotted out during major events, leaving behind a shell of a former potential hero. Confident his demanded ransom would leave the already bereaved House Silmuna destitute, King Rean believed the broken prince would pose no further threat and signed off on his manumission, his mind already turning towards the next years newest offensive, intended to extinguish the fierce resistance of Istralore and finally tear out the heart of the Moon Party's cohesion. With the Heartlands subdued, the White Fox was sure that at last, the opposition to his rule would gutter out, even if it meant providing unpalatable concessions to various major regional actors such as Wex and Arbarran.

Ransoming Vincen Silmuna did not turn out to be the key to winning the war, however. Instead, it proved the worst mistake of King Rean Siloriel's life.
The Lilac Wars - 3
The First Lilac War - Part 2

1363 represented the absolute height of Lorent's power in the First Lilac War. The Magisterium had begrudgingly accepted 'Emperor' Rean's legitimacy and restarted their normal operations. The war in the Heartlands had gone well, with Istralore beaten in the field and their last holdouts under siege. Similarly, the incursions on the Wyvern Gulf had been successful, albeit the insular and independent nature of Vernman city-states preventing a similar singular victory from being achieved. A combination of ransoming noble prisoners and a detente with Eborthil (an influential island kingdom on the Divenhal Sea) had served to alleviate the strain on their coffers, although domestic resentment against the war continued to be a problem. Rean's diplomatic efforts had also started to bear fruit - a number of western Anbennarian lords had been convinced to cooperate with the occupation, inroads had been made into the fracturing Grand Duchy of Esmaria, and the north was completely distracted by Gawed and their own petty squabbles. Although the Borders seemed likely to be a problem in the future, seemingly having fallen under the thrall of those "pseudo-allenic barbarians," the region was easily one of the least important parts of the empire.

It was to this situation that Vincen Silmuna returned home ... or rather, to the unoccupied eastern fringe of Dameria. It was to a duchy and empire teetering on the brink of collapse that met the returned prince, who seemed an almost alien figure to those who'd known him previously. The Grand Duchy's inner circle perhaps expected to be drafting articles of surrender when their liege summoned them to a private meeting.

Instead, they found him staring at a map, his posture completely changed.

As it turned out, Vincen didn't have a new grand plan to turn the war around. What he did have, however, was hate that Nerat himself couldn't extinguish, and a willingness to do anything to see Dameria restored and the invaders sundered. Hate like that revealed many options previously considered unpalatable or impossible, Vincen's advisors found, and for a time there was a serious discussion as to whether the young master needed to be 'removed' from his position and someone saner appointed to finally make peace. But they'd all suffered under Lencori depredations and felt the burn of wounded pride, so when they reconvened with Vincen it was not with an ultimatum but a plan. An unthinkable option that hadn't even been brought up at the first meeting half a decade ago. It was time to make a deal with Gawed.

Cannor has been defined by a triple division of power for as long as there'd been civilizations to fight over it. In antiquity, it was the Empire of Castanor, Gnomish Hierarchy, and Damerian Republic that formed the balance of power, but in the "Age of Ascendancy" this dynamic was fulfilled by three realms: the Empire of Anbennar, the Kingdom of Lorent, and the Kingdom of Gawed. Gawed was a relative newcomer to these high-level geopolitics, replacing the influence of Escann since its isolationist tendencies following Black Castanor's fall. Stemming from the Gawedi tribes of the Alennic frontier, they're primarily known for their "human-supremacist" attitudes (although in reality this can be better described as an antipathy towards the 'elf-philia' that's defined the southern realms since the Landing) and are often compared to the Allenic barbarians that were so infamous in antiquity. In particular, Gawed and Dameria had fought wars over the city-state of Vertesk, sitting at the mouth of the Alen river (the northern tip of the Dameshead Sea), ones that had pushed the Gawedi north and established the new frontier of the empire. There was much bad blood over the incident and other conflicts stemming from efforts to drag the Allenic people into the Anbennarian/Lencenorian cultural sphere or vice-versa, and the current ruling dynasty - House Gerwick - usurped the previous one under the promise of avenging their defeats and reclaiming the lost territories.

Needless to say, crawling to them for help was deemed both a terrible humiliation and unlikely to actually work, but the simple matter of fact was that the Silmuna's had no better options. The Escanni had already refused to get involved, Busilar and Corvuria were all but declared for Rean, and Lorent completely dominated their own home region - there was little hope of convincing nations like Reveria or the gnomish remnants to commit a glorified suicide. If the Moon Party wanted an ally with the means and motivation to take on the Kingdom of Lorent? They were either looking at Gawed or a pipe dream.

Initially, the envoys to Gaweton met an incredulous response, and in one case actually physically thrown out, but it didn't take long for the northerners to reconsider. In blunt terms, Dameria was offering to throw Vertesk under the bus by forming a semi-open alliance with Damescrown and Gawed with the intention of dividing northern Anbennar into respective spheres of influence and tacitly signing off on the territories Gawed had already conquered. While a far cry from the total victory the Gerwicks had promised, the proposal held an undeniable allure. Their attacks against Arbarran and Vertesk had made consistent gains, but thus far they had failed to take any of the important fortresses, with the Black Citadel, in particular, proving an impossible nut to crack. Additionally, while the Gawedi loathed the Anbennarian swine, they hated the Lencori just as much and were growing increasingly unnerved at how well Rean was doing. Plus, while the Small Country had been lost for some time, reclaiming it would provide House Gerwick just as much a boost to their legitimacy as defeating the Anbennarians, and quite possibly be a lot easier than pounding their heads against the empire's northern marches. Thus, after a month of more detailed negotiation, the two bitter enemies came to terms. Dameria would sign off on whatever land Gawed had managed to grab thus far, and in return they would back the Silmuna's in their war against Lorent, consisting of subsidies to make ends meet, "mercenaries," and later on, an outright invasion of the Small Country.

This was hardly the only thing the rejuvenated Damerians were doing, of course. While previously Vincen's attempts to rally the coalition consisted of badgering them to appoint him emperor, now he took a more utilitarian approach of winning over support. The First Lilac War turned into a chessboard between what became known as the Rose and Moon Parties, representing the sigils of the Siloriel and Silmuna dynasties. Nothing exemplified this tendency more than the fall of Esmaria - when the duke of the grand duchy fell to poison, both factions immediately backed their own claimants in the ensuring succession war. In the Heartlands, however, Vincen took a more direct course of action. The Duchy of Istralore was on the verge of collapse when the Damerians launched another counter-attack, but instead of a hail-mary at the Damesear, it instead consisted of surgical strikes at Lorent's strained logistical network, forcing the besieging forces to fall back to the coast. With House Silmuna's backing, the Duchy of Wex solidified their de facto hegemony over the Borders, funneling the experienced marcher troops to the frontlines and founding a line of manufactures to supply the war effort. Busilar, which had previously eagerly watched their long-time foes fortunes tank, were convinced to side against Lorent due to their negotiations with Eborthil (an even more hated rival), and Corvuria was intimidated by the fierce resistance displayed by Ashienade, eventually submitting to an ultimatum from Vincen to pull their troops out of the empire.

This back-and-forth went on for a number of years, but by 1368 the war had pretty obviously shifted against Lorent. Eastern Anbennar was completely liberated from Lencori invaders after the last army retreated from Verne, and the Rose Party found themselves unable to sustain the naval competition in the Dameshead, the maritime advantage that had enabled their early crushing successes slipping from their fingers with each port lost. This was clear even to the turncoat lords, and King Rean found the progress he had made winning over a plurality withered away each year he couldn't provide a victory or end to the war. Understanding the opportunity was slipping away from him, the White Fox called for a final surge of conscription to overwhelm Anbennar, burning every last favor and blackmail he had to push his country even further, but the proclaimed build-up of soldiers was abruptly and brutally aborted by Gawed's blitzkrieg into the Small Country, overwhelming the defenders which had been stripped thinner and thinner with each year the war continued and the Eagle of the North did nothing. Instead, Rean actually had to pull back men from the Dameshead lest Lorent completely loses control over the "Breadbasket of Cannor," all of which compounded the decline of Lorent's position and further encouraged the Moon Party.

The Second Liberation of the Damesear went a great deal better than the first, with the Grand Duke forcing himself back on a horse so he could see his greatest shame avanged in person. King Rean attempted to replicate his earlier success by attacking the landing forces before they could organize, but by this time Anbennar had grown familiar with Lorent's tactics - the battle was hard-fought and bloody, but by the time the next wave of reinforcement landed the beachhead was maintained. Meanwhile, another prong of the invasion sailed south of the island and attacked Anbenncost, with the intention of encircling the Lencori garrison and trapping the usurper himself. This attack was repulsed, but only through the mass sacrifice of Lorent's captured navy, further eroding their naval superiority. Recognizing the situation was lost, the White Fox didn't attempt to commit to another battle and instead ordered a full retreat, the Rose party completely conceding the Damesear and forming a new line of defense on the west coast.

Instead of attacking the heart of western Anbennar through Pearlsedge and securing the Damesneck like expected, however, Vincen leads the next campaign to Beepeck - where the Halfling Elector immediately switched sides yet again and surrendered without a fight (not doing their species' reputation any favors but probably saving a lot of people from unnecessary deaths). From there, he moved his soldiers south and liberated Wesdam in conjunction with an uprising of insurgents who'd been fighting for over a decade at that point. But when the Rose Party rushed troops north to stop the next attack south, to their shock they found no sign of their enemy - Vincen had taken his entire army and marched it into Lencanor itself, intended to take the war to the enemy in a way they'd never forget. Furious about being outwitted and the course of what was supposed to be his greatest legacy, King Rean Siloriel angrily ordered his army to pursue.

But at this point, Lorent was fed up with the conflict and Rean's inability to follow through with his promises. When Vincen arrives at Lorentaine expecting a brutal and rapid siege, instead finds Prince Kylian riding out with a peace offer. King Rean had been couped by his own vassals who put his son on the throne and demanded the war end (and their previous privileges be restored while they were at it). In order to ensure that the peace would be "genuine and long-lasting," the new Lorentish king promised the hand of his sister, Eilis Siloriel, to sweeten the deal. Vincen - to his credit - accepts the offer with a strained smile, restoring the status quo antebellum, as if nothing had ever happened at all. The Silmuna prince returns to Anbennar in victory, his grand gambit has paid off this time, and is promptly elected Emperor, restoring House Silmuna's prestige and position back to its pre-Riannon days. Feted as a hero and savior, Emperor Vincen sets about the lengthy process of restoring the damage inflicted on his empire and duchy while the former King Rean stews in house arrest, all of his accomplishments having been undone by the end of his days.

... Except things are never that simple, are they?

AN: I'll be wrapping up the vote in 12 hours.
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