Blacklight District of Tokyo

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You enjoy a cool day until you start coughing up blood.
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Coughing fit


I ain't been active in years, yet pep read me stil
You covered your mouth as you yawned, breath misting in the cold winter air. Part of you almost wished for some calm freezing snow, to paint everything in a nice white. But most of you was just glad it wasn't snowing because it was already cold enough without the wind or water all over you. So you kept walking on with the crowd down the sidewalk, coming to a stop at an intersection, waiting alongside everyone else for the lights to change and the cars to stop.

Shivering slightly you shuffled side to side as you waited, wondering what you were going to do later to occupy yourself. Doing the same thing over and over wasn't exactly entertaining after a while, but you couldn't afford to do too many other things. Maybe see what you could do for money later.

Coughing you tried to clear your throat, swallowing dryly as it started to burn. Pounding your chest a few times you noted that everyone around you starting to cough too. Was it flu season already? You pulled on your shirt collar, hoping to relieve that choking sensation starting to crawl into your throat, as it started getting harder and harder to breathe. Trying to take a deep breath, just resulted in your lungs burning like a fire and you entering a coughing fit, alongside everyone else in the intersection with you.

Looking around you could watch as people were coughing, eyes widening as you saw blood splattered all over a woman's hand just beside you as she kept coughing. Coughing up blood. What the hell kind of flu was this, you wondered, pushing your way out of the crowd, others starting to do the same as you.

Covering another cough you could only stare as blood splattered itself all over your shirt-sleeve. Another cough with your throat feeling as if it was filled with thorns, still dry as ever even with the wet blood that was starting to cover your entire sleeve.

And the air, the air. You couldn't breathe and your lungs were burning, your skin was crawling and you just clawed and clawed at your throat to try and breathe, but your head was pounding, every heartbeat slamming a hammer into your brain. Like a curtain was being dragged over your face choking you and making everything start to go dark.

You distantly felt your knees hit the ground before ultimately passing out.

You groaned as life returned to your body, your very bones aching as if you'd be beaten to a pulp and tenderized. Trying to swallow made your throat feel like a desert, skin inside dragging over sharp rocks. Your arms jiggled like jelly as you pushed yourself upright.

And taking a deep breath in you gagged on the sickly sweet and rank smell all around you, Opening your eyes to see what it was, you could just see all the bodies laying on the ground, limp and lifeless.

That reminded you of how you couldn't breathe just a short while ago, how everyone started collapsing at once. How everyone seemed to be dead but you. Eyes wide you shakily shoved yourself up and off the ground, away from the street clogged with bodies and cars.

The one thing in your mind was you needed to go home. Now.

So you turned and stepped over piles of bodies to head back…
[] To your apartment with your family.
(Transfer Student - Pros : Speaks english, speaks some japanese. Few people know them.
Cons : Unfamiliar with the city, little to no support network, stick out more due to being a new person in Japan. )
[] To your house with family.
(Local - Pros : Fluent in Japanese, familiar with Tokyo and its streets. Has friends and support network.
Cons : More people to be aware of changes. Knows zero english)
[] To the alley you've claimed, away from prying eyes.
(Ghoul - Pros : Fluent in Japanese, heavily familiar with backstreets and passages from prying eyes. Already super strong and possess a Kagune.
Cons : Hunted by CCG, other ghouls know of and dislike you. Regular food tastes like shite and near impossible to force to eat it.)
Blackboxes and Bio
Taking an old quest that I ran somewhere, looked up here but didn't see it so iunno where, and attempting to get back into writing. Been nearly 2 years since I last wrote semi seriously. Which is waaaay too long. So this lil' thing should be a nice simple easing back into things.

Blackboxes - Short chapters form other PoV's Earned by getting Points, which you can get for just interacting in Quest, answering questions, doing fanstuff, having a great idea/oversight of something I've done. Blackboxes may offer nothing but context/reading, or might offer hints or information relevant to planning out whatever you plan on doing once the quest gets going.

Blackbox - V speaks to T 7 Points
Blackbox - Wisemen's Wiseass 5 Points
Blackbox - Ghoul to Ghoul 5 Points
Blackbox - Director's Graph 7 Points
Blackbox - Boots on the Ground 3 Points
Blackbox - Last Laugh 7 Points
Blackbox - Mercy 3 Points

Aliases Consumed/Adopted

Kagune/Abilities Adapted
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[X] To your apartment with your family.
(Transfer Student - Pros : Speaks english, speaks some japanese. Few people know them.
Cons : Unfamiliar with the city, little to no support network, stick out more due to being a new person in Japan. )

Interesting. I like both franchises, though I never did finish TG.
[X] To the alley you've claimed, away from prying eyes.
(Ghoul - Pros : Fluent in Japanese, heavily familiar with backstreets and passages from prying eyes. Already super strong and possess a Kagune.
Cons : Hunted by CCG, other ghouls know of and dislike you. Regular food tastes like shite and near impossible to force to eat it.)

Gift Quote
Kind of unfair, Blacklight is like Ghoul+ in that it has none of the downsides of being a ghoul... though I never finish TG so it might have hyper escalated.
Interesting intro.
Don't know much of TG, only what I read in fanfics but Prototype is something I definitely follow.

[X] To the alley you've claimed, away from prying eyes.

Let's see how the CCG deals with a true monster.
Interesting intro.
Don't know much of TG, only what I read in fanfics but Prototype is something I definitely follow.
Uh simplest way to phrase it, typical vampire story. But, it's more murdery, gruesome and instead of drinking blood they eat people and each other for powerups. A good minor bit of bioscience in it too. MOre to it but that's a simple way of phrasing.

Kind of unfair, Blacklight is like Ghoul+ in that it has none of the downsides of being a ghoul... though I never finish TG so it might have hyper escalated.
Not sure when you quit but you got fire breathing ghouls, ghouls with armor made out of the RC cells, full on city wide war/revolution where humans are steadily losing and a kaiju near end.

So got 5, 2, 4 in order of transfer, local, local ghoul.
Not sure when you quit but you got fire breathing ghouls, ghouls with armor made out of the RC cells, full on city wide war/revolution where humans are steadily losing and a kaiju near end.
Blacklight has the infiltration ability of John Carpenter's The Thing with the physical abilities to karate kick helicopters and elbow drop tanks.

Course all is subject to author interpretation as videogame mechanics don't always translate clearly into fiction. And the government will presumably get anti-Blacklight measures along with anti-ghoul measures.
Blacklight has the infiltration ability of John Carpenter's The Thing with the physical abilities to karate kick helicopters and elbow drop tanks.

Course all is subject to author interpretation as videogame mechanics don't always translate clearly into fiction. And the government will presumably get anti-Blacklight measures along with anti-ghoul measures.
Yea, Blacklight literally can spiderman across buildings through Sheer strength despite weighing absurdly large. Oh and Glide.
Blacklight has the infiltration ability of John Carpenter's The Thing with the physical abilities to karate kick helicopters and elbow drop tanks.
Aye, Aye, I'm familiar, after all I 100 %'d both in years past. But anywho, ghouls while not as strong individually do tend to be in groups and their best are things I'd put somewhat equal with Mercer's enemies ala, Arima, Kaneki and One Eyed Owl. Would even say they're faster if you're going off game stuff.

Anyways prolly wrap up vote shortly unless anyone new wants to vote.
The Walk Home
Your skin crawled as you stumbled your way home, head pounding and eyes burning as if you had poured peppers into them. All the while you tried to push the images of limp bodies strewn all across the streets from the forefront of your mind, the sweet rotting smell seeming to hover in your nose and threatening to make you puke over and over, while at the same time you could just feel saliva pouring out of your mouth it felt like.

So you kept walking and just focused on trying to find your way home, as out of it you felt and as much as your body burned and ached and hurt. You just focused, paid attention to your feet as you stumbled through the streets, sirens echoing in the distance. You were sure you heard some screaming here and there but really it was all a blur as you shoved your way past.

Up until you found yourself at home, laid across the couch, morning sun filtering in through the windows.

Groaning you lifted a hand and stared at it, trying to will your eyes to focus, knowing you didn't have three hands. Everything still ached but it was a slight annoyance instead of a blur now. Not that you remembered much of anything beyond the blurs and collapsing in the first place.

Getting up you stumbled to the refrigerator and started to eat, stomach growling at you to do so. And you just realized how hungry you were, stuffing your mouth with apples, ham, squid, fish, cheese, snacks.

Shoving it all down your throat you slowed as you heard the phone ring. Swallowing you went over to it, wondering who it might be, another question crossing your mind of where your family was as you picked up. Speaking of the devil, your...

[] Mother was on the other end, followed quickly by your father and younger sibling…
[] Grandmother and younger sister…
[] Older brother and sister…
[] Insert family

…demanding to know where you were, telling you of how the entire Ward was being blocked off. Sputtering on the half of the banana you were eating you listened as they told you about the bio-attack and the CCG, Police and even the JDF were keeping anyone from entering or leaving the Ward. You informed them that you were still very alive, wanting to avoid worrying them by telling them of your earlier passing out.

With a wish of love, kisses and an order to stay inside with the doors locked, they had to hang up as the amount of calls were forcing everyone to keep their calls short.

You blinked as you set the phone back down, mind trying to wrap itself around this knowledge. It was a bio-terror weapon that you had managed to survive, with the government already shutting everything down. Stomach growling, you grabbed a bag of squid from the fridge and rushed over to the TV and hurriedly turned on the news, flicking through the various channels.

"Reports are coming in… over four hundred confirmed dead so far, with no known survivors… earlier this morning a suspected Ghoul released a biological agent… military assistance offered from the UN to help prevent another strike... " This morning your entire world flipped upside down, yet despite the horrid luck of Japan, you managed to survive it. Half of you felt as if you should report in that you survived, yet the news was insistent that no-one could have or would have survived.

Staying glued to the tv as reports kept coming in, with the death toll climbing more and more, you didn't leave the couch except for another bite, as your stomach began gnawing away at your insides.

Hours passed and the day turned to dusk as you reached the end of the food supply in your fridge. You paid little attention to the fact that there was no humanly possible way you could have eaten two weeks' worth of food, instead focused on the pit in your stomach, how weak your legs felt, just trying to keep yourself steady as you were shaking more and more.

You needed something to eat. Now.

[] Check in on the neighbors, stay off the streets at night and away from any potential sick people.
[] Go down to the store and find something to fill you.
I suppose I should note it'll take a bit of a smidgen to get to some action. And I forgot how annoying it is to write things when leaving things up to quester folks heh
[X] Grandmother and younger sister…
[X] Check in on the neighbors, stay off the streets at night and away from any potential sick people.
[X] Grandmother and younger sister…
[X] Check in on the neighbors, stay off the streets at night and away from any potential sick people.
[X] Father and two twin younger sisters...

[X] Check in on the neighbors, stay off the streets at night and away from any potential sick people.

Well, this is going to be fun...
[X] Grandmother and younger sister…
[X] Check in on the neighbors, stay off the streets at night and away from any potential sick people.