Blackfyre Reborn [ASOIAF/SI]

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So I came across this rather interesting thread by Widowmaker on SB and a phenomenal fic by...
Chapter 1: Blackfyre Reborn


The Loyal Bannerman of the One True King
In A Hole in the Ground
So I came across this rather interesting thread by Widowmaker on SB and a phenomenal fic by @Jevran .

This got me thinking and here we are. All credit goes to both of them for their wonderful works. So without further ado, let's get cracking.



Sometime After

I hate Volantis. It's hot and sweaty and smelly.

"Stop being a fucking brat you off brand Anakin! It's just a bit of sun!" My rather unhelpful of a mind parasite roommate shouted in my head.

I felt as if someone smacked the back of my head with a hammer. Ouch! What was that for?!

"Shut the fuck up! You're the one inhabiting my body!"

Boy does this guy have a mouth! You kissed your mother with that mouth?

Another sharp pain. Ouch!

"Yes, now let's get moving!"

Yeesh, so impatient. Whatever did Daenerys see in you?

Pain, for the third time.

"My love for her."

Cheesy. Damn it my head's starting to hurt! Stop it! Right then, Empire to build and cities to conquer. Let's go Daemon.

"Finally," the First Blackfyre said with apparent glee.


As a great man once said: "Death is but the next big adventure"

The words could not be truer for me.

I woke up in a place more white and sterile than a hospital and seemed never ending. After calling out into the Great White, a faceless man in a two piece suit just appeared out of thin air. Now when I mean faceless I don't mean face changing assassins. I really mean faceless, like Slenderman level faceless.

After unceremoniously informing of my death and introducing himself as a 'very important' being, the bastard asked me if I wanted to be thrown into Planetos, because as he needed as he so eloquently put, 'entertainment.'

So I agreed. The VIB applauded me for my 'brave undertaking' and as gift promised to send me a care package along with a surprise added bonus.

He then Thanos snapped me onto a bed, in a room as naked as the day I was born with an equally naked woman wrapped around me (not that I complained. Thank you!)


I stood in front of a mirror after managing to disentangle myself from her cobra clutch, confirming two very important things:

1) I was a guy, just like my previous life. Thank the Seven, R'hllor or Whatever! I don't know what I would have done if I were to lack a certain appendage.

2) I had Valyrian descent, more specifically Targaryen descent or even more specifically Blackfyre descent

How do I know? Because at that moment a voice in my head spoke to me introducing himself as Daemon I Blackfyre, the natural son of Aegon the STD and Daena the Defiant and telling me that I was currently him. Followed by an acid trip montage of Daemon's life, from his birth, knighting, marriage, sister-banging and finally death, courtesy of Bloodraven.

A truly fascinating life, but damn! His mom was smoking hot!

I felt the pain and sensation of being kicked in the balls. I collapsed on my knees groaning in pain.

"That's my mother you bastard!"

I groaned, the pain causing tears to well up in my eyes. How did he kick me in the balls?

"There's a lot I can do. For example."

I now suddenly knew Westerosi and both High and Low Valyrian.


"Thank you, but scrolling through your memories, I don't like what I see. Shit's really going to hit the fan soon."

How can you see my memories?!

"You just saw my entire life's memories literally moments ago!"


At this point the woman woke up from her very deep sleep and smiled at me brightly, with a hint of lust in her beautiful blue eyes.

After flirting a little (Her name was Talisa, heh), I learned that the year was 291 AC. So, the Greyjoy Rebellion's just ended and the Targaryen duo just became street urchins. Great. Also, I was in Essos, Volantis to be more precise. She then blushing prettily asked to just ask for her in an inn aptly named The Tiger's Den if I wanted to have some more fun. With that she left.

I may just take her up on her offer, not now though.

I rummaged through a large chest in which she said my stuff was in. Hope she didn't rob me. But as I looked inside, my eyes widened. Inside was a hand-and-a-half longsword with a ruby on its pommel. The guard had two dragon heads on each side and a black leather grip.

I unsheathed the sword. It was light and felt right. I examined the blade. It was extremely sharp, with an edge that could cut just by touching it. I traced my fingers around the rippled patterns on the blade, careful not to get cut. It was Valyrian Steel and I knew the name of the sword. Blackfyre.

I searched further in and found a doublet and a pair of trousers. Now I won't have to go around naked like an exhibitionist. But the best discovery after came through after some even more searching.

When I picked it up, I nearly dropped it out of shock. It was a full set of Valyrian Steel plate armor! Plate! This thing's probably worth a half of Westeros! This thing gives plot armor a whole new meaning.

After gently putting it down like a new born baby, there were only two items remaining. One was a note in yellowed parchment and the other was a large oval egg with scales. Wait. Egg with scales? I picked it up. It felt warm. This thing was a damn dragon egg! I caressed its smooth shell and gently placed it back picking up the note.

Your care package, have fun!

P.S: You get to have the complete loyalty of the GC.

This seems awfully generous. I don't think I trust him.

Daemon snorted in agreement. The guy was awfully quiet there for a while. I was starting to think something happened to him.

"I was just a tad bit too shocked to see the armor and egg."

Fair enough. This stuff is worth so much, that Tywin Lannister would need two lifetimes of diarrhea to shit enough gold.

Daemon burst into laughter while giving me a headache at the same time. So, any ideas?

"Hatch the egg"

I don't know how. A burst of knowledge. I know how to hatch it. You knew how to hatch dragon eggs?

"No, must be that god."

Convenient. Now what.

"Find the Company?"

Sure, then what?

"Conquer a city?"

I snorted. Good way to get killed.

"C'mon it's gonna be fun!"

I don't know how to fight or lead armies. Download. Now I do.

"Now, can we do it?"

I don't know. It's way too risky not to mention hard.

"Please! Please, please, please, please please!"

Alright, alright, what's with the sudden battle-boner?

"I haven't done anything in the last 100 years. I want to feel the rush of adrenaline."

I think there's a less deadly way to do this, but oh well.

I put on my clothes and armor on and strapped the sword to my waste. I put the egg in a bag and fastened it. Won't I be shanked for this?

"It's Valyrian Steel. It'll stop a bazooka point blank."

How do you know about bazookas?

"I think it has been established that we can see each other's memories." He deadpanned

Oh right. So any idea where the Company is?

"Let's look around."


Quest Added: Find the Golden Company.


There you go. Our hero has begun his journey decked out in armor and sword worth a hell lot. What will happen next? Will he hatch his egg? Where is the Golden Company? Can he conquer anything at all? Find out the next time on Dragonblood Z.
Please leave your suggestions down below.
Chapter 2: The First Daughter
Volantis was a beautiful city that looked like something of the pictures of the Byzantium I had seen in my old history books. The Harbor was huge! There were ships from all across Essos and beyond. I heard tidbits about Braavos, Meeren, Astapor and even Yi Ti. Just to the East to where I was, was Old Volantis. It was surrounded by a huge black stone wall, aptly named the Black Wall.

There the elite lived. According to lore, no one except those with Old Valyrian ancestry could enter. In addition to the wall, the two parts of the First Daughter were also separated by a long stone bridge called The Long Bridge. Really creative names there Volantis.

All around, people going about their day with freaking white elephants pulling carts with people on them. Another thing about this place, they believed that anyone with class should not walk on the streets but instead on elephants, horses or palanquins, which Daemon thankfully reminded me of. I was also reminded by him to wear something to hide my bajillion dollar armor.

So here I was on a horse I had managed to obtain, with Daemon's particular set of skills wearing a cloak on top of the armor. From where did the Great Daemon Blackfyre learn to steal horses?

"King's Landing."

A flashback of 13 year old Daemon stealing horses from the Red Keep's stables to go out riding with Daenerys Targaryen. The Dorne one, not the Khaleesi. The memory gave me a feeling of loving nostalgia.

Really sucks how Daeron the Dornophile did not let you marry her.

"Yes, but I still got to take her maidenhead."

I remember. The books never mentioned that.

Daemon snorted, "They're books, and you can't expect them to have every single detail of our private lives."

I shrugged. True, I guess.

It was still a bit freaky how I was now in a world that by all means should be fictional, talking with a guy that by all means should be fictional and dead.

"You should be dead too, the gods work in mysterious ways my friend."

The gods or our benevolent benefactor? Also, what's with the friend?

"I'm stuck in your head and you in my body; I think we have no other choice."

I noticed. You seem awfully chill with having a guy in possession of your body. Shouldn't you be a bit more, I guess angry?

"I should be, but I am not. Besides who said you are in complete possession?"

My arm suddenly lifted itself on its own.

"See? I keep some form of control."

So you can just banish me to the back of your consciousness and take over?

"Not really. I have some manner of control, but your mind makes up a lot more than half of this body. Trust me; I tried before you woke up."

I guess I should be angry, but I really was not. This was the guy's body and was being hijacked by a complete stranger.

"Hey no worries! I was getting bored in the Other World any way. I complained to Dany many times about that."

Huh?! How?! Weren't you both dead?

"What do you think happened to the souls of every person who died? They just get chucked in a trash can? No, they just keep frolicking around in the Other World."He said bitterly.

You seemed angry.

"It's so boring! Just eat, drink and sleep! Admire the flowers! Where's the fun in that?!"

Fair point.


After finally stopping at the huge harbor, I looked at the thousands of ship docked. It was calm and serene.

A sound of footsteps approaching me caused me to turn.

There were four orange robed men with armor on. They each had a spear shaped like a flame with their faces tattooed with flames too. In the center was a beautiful black haired woman, with amber eyes, wearing an almost dress-like red robe. Her face was devoid of any tattoos and she seemed to look at me with intrigue.

Shit! What are Red Priests doing here?!

"You are in their home turf."

I meant what are they doing here, approaching me.

"Hell if I know!"

Shit! What should I do?

"Go talk to them."

Are you mad?! They're gonna kill me!

"They have four guys with spears that wouldn't even dent you armor. Besides, if they wanted to attack, they would have done it already."

That's really not that reassuring. *Deep Breath* All right wish me luck.

"We're both speaking to them technically."

I approached with a smile and asked, "Greetings ñuha riña, skorkydoso kostagon nyke dohaeragon ao?( Greetings my lady, how can I help you?)

She didn't answer but just smiled.

Maybe she doesn't know Valyrian?

"She's a Red Priestess of Volantis! Of course she speaks Valyrian!"

"Gaomagon ao require mirros hen nyke, ñuha riña?( Do you require something from me, my lady?)

"You don't need to speak in Valyrian with me; I know how to speak Westerosi."She said in a melodious voice.

"Well then, did you need something from me my lady?"

"Yes. The Lord of the Light has shown you to our honored High Priest in his flames. She wishes to meet with you."

My smile, "And who is this High Priest?"

"High Priest Benerro of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth and the Light of Wisdom. The First Servant of the Lord of the Light."

"And where can I meet the honored High Priest Benerro?"

"Please follow us." With that she and her Flaming Four guided me to an elephant cart.

After both the priestess and I got on, one of the orange robes got on the elephant to be our driver, while the others stood on either side and behind to guard us.

As we drove through the roads of Volantis, I looked at the elephant pulling our cart. It was white as snow.

"I take it this is your first time on a hathay?" the priestess asked.

I nodded.

She smiled and said, "They are great for transport, not to mention comfortable."

I nodded yet again.

"You seem to be interested in Orros?"

"Who?" I asked confused.

"The dwarf elephant. All dwarf elephants have white hides."

I smiled and thanked her. She seemed different than all other Red Priests I had read about.

"You mostly read about Melisandre, there are barely any others described besides her."

I hummed in agreement.


As we reached the Temple, I looked at the shades of orange, gold, red and yellow. Like Fire, their brand logo. There were many pillars and towers connected to it with more orange robes at every post.

The cart stopped in front of a huge red door.

As we got down the guards opened the door to let us in.

I followed her through a large hallway network with more red, yellow and orange, slaves and more orange robes and red priests and priestesses. She stopped in front of a large orange door and turned smiling at me.

"The High Priest is waiting for you behind this door."

I nodded, "Thank you……?"

"Kinvara. I'll see you soon."

With that she walked away.

The guards opened the door to let me in.

I stepped inside an ornately decorated room with flame designs and huge lit braziers.

Inside was a tall thin man with snow white skin, a bald head and red tattoos, marking his face like a mask.

"Greetings, you wanted to meet me?"

The man turned to me and smiled

"You're not from around here are you?" He asked.

Quest Added: Deal With The Senile Priest Man
What does the Red Priest know? What visions did he see? Stay tuned to find out.
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Chapter 3: I Saw Red
There were moments when I was glad to have Daemon in my head, this was one of them. This revelation did wonders for my calm, and I would probably shit myself if it weren't for him. Dude was my metaphysical rock.

"Be calm! Don't show weakness, stand straight." The Blackfyre asked with apprehension.

I took a deep breath and straightened myself.

"What do you mean?" I asked, voice quivering slightly.

"The Lord has shown me all!" The senile bald priest said cheerfully.

*Gulp*. It was nice knowing you Daemon buddy 'ol pal.

"Stop being so godsdamned dramatic! Stay calm!"

They're gonna burn us!

The bald priest continued on, "Yes! You're the Lord's Chosen!"

Oh no we're the chosen! They'r-Wait What?!

"Yes! Yes! The flames have shown me! The Lord has given you fire made flesh, he has given you dragon steel! You are Azor Ahai! The Warrior of Light!
The Son of Fire!"

What the fuck?! What kind of acid is this guy on?!

"Makes sense."

"W-what d-do you m-mean?" I stuttered out for both of them.

"The Lord of the Light has sent you to us! Se āeksio ēza jehittan īlva lēda zȳhon ōños( The Lord has blessed us with his light)!"

"You do know that these people have a horrible track record of declaring everyone as Azor Ahai."

Shit! Isn't that Jon Snow or Daenerys' job? Hell maybe even Arya?

"We were literally a godsend. It was bound to happen."

Son of a bitch.


You're one to talk!

Our inner conflict was cut short by Benerro kneeling down before us.

"What're you doing?"

He looked up with a shit eating grin and threw something in my face.

My eyes started to grow heavy. Sleepy. My movements were getting slugged. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.


I felt cold. It was freezing.

The warmth of the Temple was nowhere. I slowly got up, and looked around.

It looked like a forest in Minnesota. There were trees all around me.


A soft whisper. Something told me to follow it, and followed I did.

After a few minutes of walking, I came face to face with a large misshapen weirwood tree.

It was enormous, with branches twisting and turning in a grotesque fashion, forming a type of cave big enough to fit 10 airbuses.

There was an unearthly blue glow around it, casting an eerie blue light all around.

A loud screech. A roar, came from within.

Two huge glowing blue eyes appeared in the mouth of the cave.

It was looking at me, I don't know how, but I knew it was.

In the forest hidden within a forest, does the great beast lie, the voice whispered.

I slowly backed away, careful to not trip.

"FoKrahDiin!" A voice shouted
On cue, the creature roared. The blue glow became darker and more intense. The air particles became colder, the temperature dropped sharply.

Panicking I turned and ran, but it was too late.

I was engulfed in a sharp blue glow, my skin began to freeze, my breath turned to frost, my mind and body went numb as the darkness engulfed me.


I woke up with a scream.

Breathing heavily I looked around.

I seemed to be in a bed, in an orange room. I turned. Blackfyre, my armor and the egg were neatly arranged.

I got up from the bed and looked down to find myself without any sort of covering.

Shit. Did I get roofied? Daemon you there?

"Ye-*Yawn*-ss-"He replied sleepily.

You were sleeping?

He hummed in affirmation.

I just got frozen by a blue eyed monster and you were sleeping?!


Suffice to say, after telling him what I saw; Daemon wasn't going to be sleeping anytime soon.

After getting my gear and bag on, I opened the door to see Kinvara standing outside.

After bowing her head, she led me to another room, this time she entered with me.

The room was a nauseating shade of orange.

The son of a bitch Benerro was standing inside smiling.

"You drugged me!" I managed to growl, anger boiling.

"I did."

He wasn't even gonna deny it!

I reached for the sword, but he held a hand up.

"Forgive me, I had to do what I had to."

"That doesn't mean shit! What did I see?"

"The Greatest Threat to Humanity. Now you must be off!"


"Kinvara will accompany you to the gilded skull. She will help you on your path."

No! I was gonna kill him!

"As will they-"

He gestured to some fifty orange squad, surrounding him.

"-they are the best of the Fiery Hand and will serve the Lord's Chosen well."

On cue, they kneeled with a cry of, "Azor Ahai!"

It was getting too much to process.

"Hold it!"

Benerro smiled wider at that.

"Why should I take them? I don't know shit about where I am going!"

"Volon Therys. There you will find the Golden Company."

"I-wha-how'd you know?!"

"The flames." He answered

Of course, the magic fucking fire.

I began to walk out, with Kinvara and the Orange Boys following me.

"Before you go, remember!"

I turned

"Loyalty goes both ways. It must be given to be earned."

Of course.

I pretty much ran out of there like it was a building on fire. Through the red corridors and buildings.

I hate red.
Our hero has seen something not quite normal. What did he see? You get a prize if you can guess.
whelp its either the others who got dovahkiin powers, or we just saw a skyrim crossover...

or hell Draugr coming to life thanks to the FUCKING others and ROB.

That or our SI is going to be the dragon-born...this is going to suck for him as they are CONFLICT driven, not to mention Akatosh really doesn't give a damn about handing out dragon souls to his children...then again they treat death as a vacation, and a dovahkiin might as well be sending them back home to go to rest until the next dragon-rising time.
Either the great enemy has changed from night king to a skyrim frost dragon or night king has control of one. Any way you cut it I am looking forward to this and hope to see more of the goodies. Keep up the good work :D
Good as Gold
And Carver returns……With a new chapter!


'Country Roooads take me hooome to the place I belong!"

Will you shut up!

'Volon Therys! Golden Company! Take me home!'

The Great Daemon I Blackfyre was singing John Denver's classic in the shittiest cover I ever heard. Ouch! That got your attention.

We were currently travelling down the Rhoyne riverbank to make our way to the Company. It honestly looked a lot like the Nile now that I think about it.

Well if the Nile had a huge motherfucking turtle swimming in it! My god that is big!

'That's what she said!' Daemon sniggered.

So of a-! Oh mah gawd!

The huge beast decided to swim right towards us.

I drew my sword and pointed it at the huge turtle

"Back fiend! Back I say!"

That did absolutely nothing as came right up in my face and leaned forward.
I reached out and it nuzzled into my palm.

The skin was rough and had bumps on it. Not unlike a regular turtle. This is so cool!
It then slowly drew back and gave a loud roar and swam back.

Bye Nessie.

I turned to see Kinvara and the Fiery Fifty (TRADEMARK) look with an awestruck look on their faces. Well mostly the Fifty, Kinvara was looking with that
look she first gave me, anyways the Fifty looked ready to kneel down in the full might of my awesomeness.

'Our, you mean. I am in your head and this was originally my body.'

Scratch that, our awesomeness.


"Let's keep going."

With that we were back on track.

As we entered the town, I was blessed with the sight of the best army in the Known World, The Pride and Glory of Bittersteel, the Golden Company.

As we made our way, the men didn't even spare a second glance at us. They might have seen some serious shit if they weren't even mildly intrigued by
the sight of a Valyrian looking guy, accompanied by a Red Priestess and fifty Fiery Hands. Honestly I'd probably attack by now.

'You want to die?!'

No! I mean they should at least find us suspicious.

'Be glad, they don't'

As we reached the Captain-General's tent, I was surprised to see a scarred man, come out.

Myles Toyne the current Captain-General, evident from his black heart insignia and the golden armor.

I got down and walked towards him.

"I'm Dae-"I started.

"-mon Blackfyre. I know." He finished by cutting me off.


'How could he possibly know?'

Did he see some magic fire?!

"How do-"

"I know?"

I nodded.

"Your mother Rhea, informed us of your intent to join and follow in your grandfather's footsteps." He said.

"My Grandfather?"

He nodded, "Aegor Bittersteel, our Founder and First Captain-General."

Stop that thought. Why would I be related to Aegor? Who's my mother? I thought that thing threw me in here.

'Apparently not.'

"You look exactly like him you know," he said interrupting my conversation.


"Your namesake. We have a picture of him."

I nodded. Anything to say my friend?


"So I've heard. I assume you know why I am here?"

He nodded, "To join the company and then lead the Blackfyre to glory."

I nodded. This should be easy.

"Good. You start as my squire tomorrow get some rest."

Oka-wait what?!

"Don't look so shocked. Did you think that you were just gonna get our loyalty and support without doing anything like a gift?"


However, I shook my head, no.

"Good. Loyalty must be earned both ways."

This again?!

'Now we know what Benerro meant.'

I nodded, to both of them.

"Good. Remember, our word is as good as gold, but our loyalty is as strong as steel."

Our Hero has met and befriended a giant turtle and has now joined the Company. However, how does Toyne know of him and why is he said to be the granson of Bittersteel?
Yes and update and when will you get dragons are dragons still a thing during that time or no cause I'm not that inform about asoiaf lore and keep it coming if you may the updates
Yes and update and when will you get dragons are dragons still a thing during that time or no cause I'm not that inform about asoiaf lore and keep it coming if you may the updates
The SI woke up a few years before canon starts. So the dragons are extinct but if he doesn't change anything Daenerys will hatch hers soonish. and if I recall correctly he plans to. and even if he doesn't try he might throw it off as in canon it was a million-to-one shot that required everything happening at just the right time. Knowledge of a new blackfyre being groomed for leadership of the golden company will almost certainly cause the targaryens and Illyrio to act differently. However, he knows from the original Daemon in his head how to hatch his own dragons. So they will definitely be showing up regardless.
The SI woke up a few years before canon starts. So the dragons are extinct but if he doesn't change anything Daenerys will hatch hers soonish. and if I recall correctly he plans to. and even if he doesn't try he might throw it off as in canon it was a million-to-one shot that required everything happening at just the right time. Knowledge of a new blackfyre being groomed for leadership of the golden company will almost certainly cause the targaryens and Illyrio to act differently. However, he knows from the original Daemon in his head how to hatch his own dragons. So they will definitely be showing up regardless.

Well damn, i was gonna say that. Daemon, doesn't know BTW. It's the Being that sent them here.

Yes and update and when will you get dragons are dragons still a thing during that time or no cause I'm not that inform about asoiaf lore and keep it coming if you may the updates
What they said. The dragons had a veeeeeeryyyy minuscle chance of being born. Dany just said eff it and walked in all Khaleesi like. Also I'm probably gonna muck around and make my own thing as we currently have no friigin idea how the Valyrians actually hatched their Dragons (Maybe play the Azor Ahai shtick). The Dragons will come soon and probably before Dany. Still not sure when.
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