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The multiverse is a big place, and Taylor's finally about to find her place in it. She could probably do without all of the constant threats to her life though. And maybe along the journey she'll find a way back home.
First ReVerse: Canto 1


Let the Stars Throw Down their Spears
Dancing on the Horizon


My mum once told me that she'd heard someone tell her there were no forks in the road of life, with nothing but a trail in the grass left behind us. After that, she set me down, and pulled out one of the books that she collected.

She told me that life was a journey through a deep wood, and there many roads diverged. They wove through the trees, and some would rejoin one another, and some were thick and well trod, and others no more than hints in the underbrush. Her eyes were on dad when she said that she'd chosen the one less traveled by.

I had tried my best to live to that, to brave the untrod paths. To find someone to walk by my side, and yet, the tangles of that wood split us all apart.

And I... I was lost. In a dark and twisted forest, in the springtime of my life. The straightforward past had become lost to me, and a panther and tiger harried my steps.

If the devil was real, I would have sold my soul a long time ago. I would have given up almost anything to make my daily torments cease. The flames couldn't have burned me as badly as Emma had.

My best friend. My Judas. Counting her pieces of silver everyday before digging out another piece of me that I'd shared in confidence. The devil wasn't real, but it was hard to tell some days.

I would have sold my soul if it meant Emma would leave me alone. My mother had read me Faust when I was small. He had been clever and stupid in many ways, but in the end he'd gotten what he wanted.

But the devil wasn't real, and there was no one waiting at the crossroads to buy my soul.

Maybe I'd damn myself all on my own. Just snap and do something irredeemable. It wouldn't be hard, after all, Emma made it so easy to hate and seethe and rage.

I stepped out of the classroom and closed my eyes. That day was probably much closer than it should have been.

Emma was waiting there for me, of course. Sophia too, and a whole entourage ready for a few laughs at my expense.

Honestly it had become fairly rote by this point. Oh she could still score a few points here and there, but I'd become fairly numb to the cracks about height, or my glasses, or my weight, you get the idea.

It's why Sophia was there, to make sure I still paid attention. She made a step towards me and stepped back, keeping the distance between us and bringing my focus back onto Emma. My Judas. Maybe one day I'd see her frozen for her sins.

"No wonder your mother left you and your deadbeat dad, I bet she couldn't wait to leave your dead weight behind." She leaned in towards me, a sickly sweet smile on her face. "Gonna go home and cry yourself to sleep again?"

I could feel the tears prickle at the edge of my eyes and did my best to force them back.

Dad, he had never said what had happened to mum, but the look in his eyes when he told me she wasn't coming home that night, or any night, it told me enough. I had spent a week with Emma, filled with tears and theories that she now threw in my face. I could take the disparaging remarks about my looks, my grades, or anything else, but my mum was the best thing in my life, and I missed her so much it hurt.

"You know what, my mum was right," I said, the words spilling out faster than I could consciously think them. "You really are a shallow, spoiled prissy princess. I bet you're just jealous because your parents never cared about you as much as my mum did to notice how much of a disappointment you are."

Emma took half a step back, and suddenly my head rocked to the side. The sound of Sophia's hand against my cheek registered a moment later.

I reached up and pushed my glasses back into place.

Mr. Gladly stepped out of the classroom, and after a moment to take in the scene, turned his back on us. Left me there holding my cheek and Sophia standing over me. I hadn't expected much of him, and even still I was disappointed.

I gave my shoulders a roll, loosening them and the knots of muscles as I straightened my posture. With my height, I practically loomed over everyone as I stalked forwards, circling around Sophia to approach Emma.

"Clearly there's not enough room for me as well in your perfect little world." I heard the heels of my shoes click against the school floor as the mutters of the crowd gathered for their afternoon show lost the script. "You know what? You can keep it. You and Sophia can be perfectly toxic together on your own.

"Just. Leave. Me. Alone," I said, punctuating each word with a step forward and a jab of my finger into Emma's chest as she retreated before me.

Whirling around, I side stepped a sudden lunge from Sophia, her momentum carrying her into a frozen Emma. I watched the two of them try to get untangled with a bitter taste in my mouth before turning to leave.

The crowd flowed around me as they began to titter and jeer at my tormentors. They'd stop soon enough, once Emma and Sophia had time to remind them who was in charge. A sudden weight on my back made me stumble a half-step forward.

I paused for a moment, and a sharp glare silenced the nerd-ish student who'd run into my back. He scurried away with a muttered apology into the press of students that filled these halls. Each of them had their own lives, and paid me only a slight bit of notice and annoyance for standing in their way as they went about their day.

Mum really had called it, hadn't she? Emma was a princess, and school was her domain, and it was all so small and petty and such a waste of my time. The hope I'd kept that Emma would one day just... fix herself, it wasn't worth holding onto. I had a whole life of my own to live.

There were a couple of stops on my way. My next class wasn't one of them. My locker was, where I emptied out the few books that weren't a waste of paper, and the main office was the other.

I didn't have a reason to look back.

There was clearly nothing left for me at Winslow anymore.

~Guess who's back, back again.
~Tayonetta's back, tell your friends.
I totally don't remember following the boot version...

Also, con-crit, no American is going to use the word mum to describe their mother. Having Taylor use 'mum' is very SOD-breaking.

That said, I eagerly await your next update!
while Bayo 3 might not be....the best, is there any chance you will use its version of Baal and Phantom?
I can't believe she's British. How dare Bayonetta do that to her daughter.

Now she'll be even more verbally savage than she was before. She's unstoppable.

But honestly, the idea that Taylor inherited an accent from Bayo would be hilarious.
Villains beware. The Witch with a Mouth is back, and back in black skintight bodysuits made of hair after wrecking her very expensive clothes~

How long will it take before the Protectorate starts going after Taylor just for public indecency? 'Cause if Taylor's anything like her mom…well, let's just say some villains will be too busty appreciating the view to fight back.
How long will it take before the Protectorate starts going after Taylor just for public indecency? 'Cause if Taylor's anything like her mom…well, let's just say some villains will be too busty appreciating the view to fight back.
Freudian slip, or genuine accident? Still amusing in either case.
Freudian slip, or genuine accident? Still amusing in either case.
Accident. But I'll keep it in because, as you said, it's amusing.

Also, will our good old friend Rodan still be here? Or maybe even a certain intrepid reporter with a grappling hook? Because that would be an interesting thing, wouldn't it?

Also, bet 10 bucks Paradiso will try to wreck Taylor's ass (no, not that way you degenerates) within the next five chapters!
How long will it take before the Protectorate starts going after Taylor just for public indecency? 'Cause if Taylor's anything like her mom…well, let's just say some villains will be too busty appreciating the view to fight back.
Taylor is still 15 if i remember right.

and Umbran witches are fully capable of wearing clothes on top of their armor.
I mean, again. Taylor's mom in Bayonetta. I'd be more surprised if age was a factor.
Gonna cut this off here before it goes any further and say that Taylor will not be getting Godiva hair like Bayonetta. Not within the confines of the story I've got plotted out at least.
Gonna cut this off here before it goes any further and say that Taylor will not be getting Godiva hair like Bayonetta. Not within the confines of the story I've got plotted out at least.
Oooh. Okay, that's fair.

Heh, though I have a feeling Taylor's reaction to her mom's work attire will be pretty funny. *Insert bedroom joke here*

Jokes aside, I wonder if Taylor will go with guns, or go with something more melee (like Viola)