Black And White

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This Is the Beginning...
The Birth of a Immortal Being...
Anchorage, Alaska
This Is the Beginning...
The Birth of a Immortal Being...
Called forth by One Pure Prayer...
To be A immortal God, to wield the power of Good and Evil...that is your decision...
That would be how it normally goes...but times have changed.
And so has eden…
What once before were mighty tribes on islands that you and your brethren could easily access through great portals of power,
Now have become landmasses of Near Unrecognizable size...
How will you lead Your people?​
Tribe Information here:
Tribal Information here:

Note: For futures sake 1 pop= 10 people for simplicities sake

Population: ???

6/??? small Abode (1 pop each)

0/??? Medium Abode (??? each)

0/??? Large Abode (??? each)

Food supply= ???/???

Wood Supply= ???/???

????= ???/???


Food: ???

Wood: ???

???: ???
Last edited:
Turn 1: The Beginning...
It was darkness...

The void swirled around your form as barely sentient energy floated amongst the infinite realms, where great black/multi colored orbs that shows realities untouched and unheard of danced within the voids embrace...

and then, a sound was heard...

"Please help us..."

You hear them...

"Please we call to the heavens!!!"

You must heed the call...

"We Pray!"

And you answer.

As you charge through the abyss, a great form of your symbol, the very meaning of your existence flares as your essence forms together and charges through into the new realm where the voice was heard. As you passed the barrier between reality and the void, you pass by star systems, great planets and gas giants. All irelevnt to the one goal you know in your very being you must accomplish.

For once a immortal has been created, it will stop at NOTHING to complete the task of which it was summoned to do. Already you pass by great mountains, oceans, plains, until you reach a quaint island in the middle of a great sea.

You spy along the way a great gate, along with a small village barely built, passing on by as well a great structure is being built, all irrelevant to the task you must heed.

As you approach a small beach through a hidden pass in the mountains you spy a couple on a beach, and a child in dangerous waters with the beasts of the sea approaching to devour it.

What do you do?

-[] Unleash your wrath upon the beasts!!!
This beast Dares strike at your follower, crush it in your essence and show these mortals your power!

-[] Save the child, The beast is only doing its nature...
The water beast only seeks fulfillment of food, grab the child and take it to the beach, your followers will be worried for its safety...


Note: on concepts of good and evil, it is a choice that each has benefits and determents on either side, as a player of the original black and white (I never truly finished the game) and black and white 2, as well as its DLC I think I know enough to play this quest, if any experience quest masters want to give me advice please go ahead!

As I said, if you do good actions then rewards will be yours, same as being evil...but be warned, as your actions do affect the world at large as you move along the campaign...also you might be surprised in what I have in store for you! (and yes...this is a tutorial island just for everyone to get their bearings for this quest...)

If you haven't played the original black and white kudos for you! if you have and beaten it, keep spoilers minimum...though I WILL change some things, so don't expect everything to be the same! also there will be interesting mechanics in the future, just wait and see!

And on creatures...I will have a poll later on when it becomes relevant.
[X] Unleash your wrath upon the beasts!!!
huh, no discussion yet...and its still tied. pretty good in my opinion, however as a warning, once this land is finished stick to your path, because going back will end in tragedy for you. Also Actions have Consequences...remember this and how it may affect your future.
Turn 1 Continued
With barely a thought you bring yourself over the child and pluck them from the water just as the sea beast tries to bite into them.

After bringing them over to the beach the child's parents check over them with almost excessive detail and with great care before the turn to you.

"You saved our boy, thank you, thank you for your mercy!" the mother says as she tearfully looks to your floating essence.

"We praise you!" the man declared as he got onto his knees and bowed before you...

It do this action, though you could have unleashed your wrath upon the creatures of the sea, you did not...

It felt...Good.

*Gain 1 Karma point*

Barely had this happened before two entities appeared in front of you, smaller then the mortals before you yet each seemed to radiate a aspect.

"Greetings Leader, I must say it was a good thing to save the child, who knows how long they would have lasted in the water?" the small bearded mortal look alike that sat upon a white cloud said as he stroked a rather remarkable beard.

"Awww to heck with that! We could have let loose some Carnage boss!" declared a foul looking red skinned, bloated, horned being...

"As you are wondering we are your conscious boss!" The red being declared-


"And evil!"

"Ying and Yang..."

"Black and white!"

"As part of you boss were here to guide you through this world, giving advice and all that!"

As the spirits finished their speech (which sounded rehearsed for some reason), you turned your attention to your followers.

Seeing your attention they got up from their worshipful stance and smiled with eager looks on their faces.

"Our people will want to worship you Great one! Please follow us to the village!" the male declared with joy as he moved his family along the pathway behind them. Following after them you find a large rock after a half hours journey through the pass, noting its strange appearance to akin of a beast. During this time you noted that the village they had spoken of was in a large valley like place, with a beach to the south of the village. In the center a hastily constructed village with a few quaint homes and what appeared to be the town center of public worship-

With a rather large crowd of people talking excitedly until they spot not only you but also the villagers you followed.

Out of the crowd a single elder (being the oldest of the village you have seen so far) stepped from the crowd and turned to the people "Praise be! the legends have come true! now we may finish the temple, let us gather the remaining resources to finish its grand design!" with this said he and the rest of the most able villagers rushed to the storehouse to start gathering the wood needed with great relish as they headed out in bands of 3 or 4 with large stacks of wood being carried.

Looking past the villagers moving about you notice the half constructed building, perhaps its this temple they spoke of?

With some caution born of the importance of the matter you follow them to the building where they begin to finish its construction.

You note that as mortals they can only carry so much, and as of now it would take them time to finish building this temple...and it feels quite important to your very being that it is finished, however you do not know the full state of your followers, perhaps it would be more prudent to try and know of their state first before you tend to this daunting task?

Or perhaps do you wish to do both possibly?

(You have two actions as for the first turn, after the temple is finished turns will be done by weekly turn 2 will be week 2 and so on and so forth, there will be battle mini-turns in the future or if a important event pops up that will require your attention)

-[ ] Tend to the village, your followers could use more guidance, and with such a great project you are sure that there must be needs that will be left unfulfilled during this time

-[ ] Tend to the temple, it is the seat of your power, and thus your tie to your followers...put more effort into its creation.

-[ ] other tasks? (write in)

*Note on Karma: Karma will play a important part of you being a immortal, some actions will require a Karma check, others will sometimes give rewards based on Karma, I will try to be fair if you end up either good or evil.

As the moment, you are inching closer slowly to the path of good. expect certain rewards if you choose this path soon.
Relatively if you decide to change your mind, I will do the same, however this is a land of innocence, once you have left this land remember that karma WILL matter in the long run. so think carefully and discuss with your fellow questers for this!

I will not hold back if you crit fail a roll.

But also reverse is true, if you mange to crit something for a success then I will reward it, a clever write in might also get a reward...but remember don't try to bank the system...

Have fun with this guys! and thanks for trying this crazy idea I have had!
[x] Tend to the temple, it is the seat of your power, and thus your tie to your followers...put more effort into its creation.
you can double down for this, also I said two may get more in the future as things get more hectic but as for now its easy mode time.
-[X] Tend to the village, your followers could use more guidance, and with such a great project you are sure that there must be needs that will be left unfulfilled during this time
-[X] Tend to the temple, it is the seat of your power, and thus your tie to your followers...put more effort into its creation.
-[X] Tend to the village, your followers could use more guidance, and with such a great project you are sure that there must be needs that will be left unfulfilled during this time
-[X] Tend to the temple, it is the seat of your power, and thus your tie to your followers...put more effort into its creation.