Vote tally - Bite (In Which An Unfortunate Vampire Has An Unfortunate Time)

Adhoc vote count started by DMUA on Jan 14, 2019 at 6:31 PM, finished with 19 posts and 12 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Bite (In Which An Unfortunate Vampire Has An Unfortunate Time)
Post #444
Post #462


  • [x] Make your threats a bit more... concrete. If just threatening him won't convince him to help you, perhaps thrashing him will.
    [X] Sure, they're fairly agile and can easily damage you, but not so much after you shred their heads off. Whenever you can, use your hand like a knife to decapitate the risen, then if you can manage it, crush the head.
    -[X] However, more important then neturalizing them is making sure you don't get hit. Keep awareness of your surroundings and don't let them get a bite out of you, even if it means you take them down with a mutual strike. You're not some mortal with a giant sword meant to slay dragons, you're a vampire, and it's preferable that you don't infect whatever you make your next snack.
    [X] Convince him to talk by keeping your temper in check, cooperating with his worthless games, and keeping the brat placated.
    [X] Fuck him, actually. You don't want what he has to know. Tear him to shreds and put a stake through his heart before he has a chance to object. BITE be damned.
    [x] Contain your temper, don't dismember him. Just ask him how to contact....Izzy...
    [x] Contain your temper, don't dismember him. Just ask him how to contact....Izzy...
    [X] Lan is very obviously a baby in the world of Vampires, and we've already fought and bested one of these "Risen." Individually they're nothing compared to us, together they're providing more fun than we've had in centuries. It's time we kick it up a notch, and show them what it means to be Count Zelemir, all in the name of fun.
    -[X] Focus first on incapacitating Lan. Crushing the bones in his legs or even dismembering them will ensure he can't go anywhere, and provide him with a great seat to watch as we play with his "Double-Ds." After that, its play time with the Risen. Go berserk, and tear them both limb from limb before going in for the kill. Don't hold back, show Lan what it means to be an actual Vampire.
    -[X] Once the Risen have been dealt with, go back to Lan and make him more agreeable to talk with, by crushing every bone in his body. If need be, we can show him the shiny present we've got hidden in our pack, and promise him that it'll hurt him much more than it hurts us.