Bio-Punk? Ideas for a world.


Midnight Weather Witch
This idea came to me through a social media discussion.

I was trying to think of a future world where there are biological enhancements instead of cyber enhancements, due to advances in genetics. Certain core ideas

1) Climate Change has led to a severe population decline- mostly on the backs of the poor. There's not a lot of poverty because the poor die.
2) Folks modify themselves through genetic therapy, and full-body transplants into specifically engineered clone bodies are possible, though it requires an intact nervous system (or at least brain) and several weeks of recovery. This is not immortality as the brain itself can rot, most deaths are due to brain disease, but lifespan of the brain can reach 150 years or so. It is doable to switch race or gender- which has eroded norms among the rich, though lighter skin is preferred in general.
3) Folks are genetically engineered to be as fertile as possible to increase fertility for repopulation.
4) Automation has made little need for labor. Most wealth is inherited, and jobs are considered a mark of high ability, and one of the few ways to rise in status.
5) Beacuse of this, competitive games are a common way for folks to pass the time, and to feel alive. Hedonism and self body-modification (if it can be afforded) is another. There's almost an enterprenurial spirit in how one can modify themselves, though it occasionally has disasterous results. There are a number of mad geneticists.
6) Megacorps are a thing, as is vertical integration, though most corps are now driven by power more than profit, as the profits have become effectively infinite. However, folks are wary of ecological damage, and this crates a balance of power dynamic where no corp is truly able to become too powerful.
7) Children are cherished due to underpopulation, but mostly for their potential to become talented and make corps more powerful with creativity. Those who show potential are given the keys to move up in society, those who aren't are given a stipend to become consumer drones and left to their own devices (and maybe one or two will show hidden potential) Due to boredom, most folks either disappear into the internet compltely, or become guinea pigs just to have something to live for.
8) Crime is largely a function of boredom, and largely ineffective as police are pretty thorough. Criminals who are good enough to get away with it are considered talented and rehabilitated. Those who aren't are generally not treated well.
9) Due to climate change, fashion has evolved into lighter clothing, with shorts, skirts, tanktops, and minidresses being fashionable. Sandals are common footwear in high-class area. Hairstyles also tend to be short, or none at all.
10) A global solution to climate change had been found, and enforced through negotiations and the balance of power. As such, global warming's pace of increase has slowed, though it will be 2-3 centuries before things are back to normal. It was found in time just before things snowballed uncontrollably.

Can anyone think of any questions that such a world might need to answer as part of its worldbuilding?
Safe procedures tend to be expensive, especially full body replacements. They are mostly for the hereditary wealthy and talents (who get it subsidized by their sponsors)

Full replacement often requires a few weeks of hospitalization, and about six months to full recovery.

Experimental procedures tend to be much cheaper, but with a higher risk.
Well in my current work. The main difference between the common man and "nobility" is that Nobility families down the line as a whole got genetic treatment. To point they are two different versions of humanity (internally, appearance is the same.)

Hell its a mark of even a minor noble to have the base genetic modifiers from birth.
I a society based on merit. Having a job and doing it well should be considered a big deal, logically speaking.
Well in my current work. The main difference between the common man and "nobility" is that Nobility families down the line as a whole got genetic treatment. To point they are two different versions of humanity (internally, appearance is the same.)

Hell its a mark of even a minor noble to have the base genetic modifiers from birth.
Please elaborate?

In Throne of the Stars, when the loyalist Noblity who stand with first So erring. They made technology of bio engineering to aid them so their descendants could benefit as wel.

In Throne if one is rich enough or influence enough could get operations done.

But what do the. Noblity have that makes them different from humans?


Their sex organs are akin to bag moth in they can deny getting pregnant after a sexual encounter. By wishing it so, the little guys get sucked up into ducts laced to make them go there, so no egg interaction.

Also what both genders have in common.

Quicker high/eye coordination as the flow of information to brain and muscles is increased.

They all have whale traits in which blood oxygen levels repulse protein particles, not attract. Meaning takes lower to burn out oxygen and have more energy and strength in general.

They also have bones akin to stronger than normal materials. For more running speed, jumping better, lifting and striking. And their brains branch out more allowing far more memory space in brains for more skills.

The male exclusive genome trick is they can trigger their adrenaline rushes on a whim and ride off that high for thirty minutes.

It is very stressful and tasking and makes them go unconscious afterwards. But smart people know not to piss off a male noble. Unless another male noble who happens to get in better shape. Which is possible.

The Noble world of Throne is very Darwin. Survival of fittest in body, mind, and plotting.