Big Questions, Weird Answers (Worm CYOA)

Why are people saying I'm bitching over Kaleidoscope? I didn't mean to put that kind of vibe in my post at all, nor do I have feelings like that towards the power. I was just trying to put a more accurate assessment of what it can and cannot do than what Dubious said. Because as I said, Legend could do over half the things he mentioned so I felt he wasn't getting the message across of how powerful it is. That's all.
Why are people saying I'm bitching over Kaleidoscope? I didn't mean to put that kind of vibe in my post at all, nor do I have feelings like that towards the power. I was just trying to put a more accurate assessment of what it can and cannot do than what Dubious said. Because as I said, Legend could do over half the things he mentioned so I felt he wasn't getting the message across of how powerful it is. That's all.
It's mainly because when I think of lasers I think of beams of photons or energy, not exotic things like a pants laser. Also you mentioned something I didn't give as an example of, so that probably lent towards the bitching angle.
It's mainly because when I think of lasers I think of beams of photons or energy, not exotic things like a pants laser. Also you mentioned something I didn't give as an example of, so that probably lent towards the bitching angle.
I only gave an example of that one thing Kaleidoscope couldn't do because I think that's literally the only thing it can't do. It can do absolutely everything except go meta and make the story real, so that's why I mentioned the exception.
I only gave an example of that one thing Kaleidoscope couldn't do because I think that's literally the only thing it can't do. It can do absolutely everything except go meta and make the story real, so that's why I mentioned the exception.
If fiction would make itself real we'd have been overrun by Daleks by now. It's one of those things that just is. The sun is a giant ball of explosions, the sky is blue because of the oceans reflection, vacuums are the absence of particles, and fiction can't become real.
If fiction would make itself real we'd have been overrun by Daleks by now. It's one of those things that just is. The sun is a giant ball of explosions, the sky is blue because of the oceans reflection, vacuums are the absence of particles, and fiction can't become real.
Yes, but I think Kaleidoscope can change all those other things within the story. I mentioned its disability to make fiction real as a way of showing just how powerful it is. Saying it's omnipotence is one thing; saying it can do absolutely anything except this one thing that's so impossible it's ridiculous to even mention and was never considered is another. It also gives a better understanding than several random examples of singular things it can do. At least that's how I think of it.

I swear when I look at username I alway though it me.

but still you know what is good alexandria. It basically omni durability
Yes, but I think Kaleidoscope can change all those other things within the story. I mentioned its disability to make fiction real as a way of showing just how powerful it is. Saying it's omnipotence is one thing; saying it can do absolutely anything except this one thing that's so impossible it's ridiculous to even mention and was never considered is another. It also gives a better understanding than several random examples of singular things it can do. At least that's how I think of it.
The Twins' recruitment scene was painful. Really, I'm not sure how I'd fix/replace it, but I am open to suggestions.

I'd have them get away, or at least leave with only minor contact.

Then I'd have them get arrested/caught by another gang, and you'd break them out just in the nick of time.

Then you'd ask for help acclimating to the cape scene as repayment.

After that, it'd be pretty easy to develop a relationship organically.
I'd have them get away, or at least leave with only minor contact.

Then I'd have them get arrested/caught by another gang, and you'd break them out just in the nick of time.

Then you'd ask for help acclimating to the cape scene as repayment.

After that, it'd be pretty easy to develop a relationship organically.
Oh, I like this idea more than my original suggestion. Doing it this way would also slow down the pacing of the story, which would be helpful; the timing of the companion meetings does feel a bit too hectic/coincidental/convenient right now. Probably require a lot more rewriting on Mecrazyfang's part, of course.
If Legend is bullsh*t because it's all directed energy, doesn't that mean Psychokinetic is even more so, since it's control over all forms of energy and matter?
If Legend is bullsh*t because it's all directed energy, doesn't that mean Psychokinetic is even more so, since it's control over all forms of energy and matter?
Psychokinetic plus Kaleidoscope equals Fuck You, I control everything. Also, Psychokinetic has this nifty ability to create matter and energy from nothing.
If Legend is bullsh*t because it's all directed energy, doesn't that mean Psychokinetic is even more so, since it's control over all forms of energy and matter?
Technically yes. Psychokinetic is basically "all the powers" but there is one major difference with it. All of the other powers give assistance with their use. With legend you can make your laser pants or lasers that rearrange matter but you are limited to the direct control of energy. Psychokinesis requires an additional power or oodles of experience to use to it's full effect.
Technically yes. Psychokinetic is basically "all the powers" but there is one major difference with it. All of the other powers give assistance with their use. With legend you can make your laser pants or lasers that rearrange matter but you are limited to the direct control of energy. Psychokinesis requires an additional power or oodles of experience to use to it's full effect.

Literally the only thing it says you need to practice with is "complex systems such as biology and technology." Everything else, as far as I can tell, is fair game. It even says you can make "psychic constructs." Hey, remember the Siberian? Wasn't that a psychic construct?
one of the really op combinations is psychokinesis/shaper/inspired inventor. They back each other up.
Wow. That, uh, went from 0-60 in pretty much no time at all, and not really in a good way. I know that V1 of the Worm CYOA was crazy overpowered, but when this is apparently par for the course...
Idly, I nailed Lung. Phasers set to 'stun' with a side-order of 'gaping hole in the chest'. And then I side-stepped, bowing.

Half a minute later, they turned around, and parked within arms' reach of me.
...I'm not sure how the story will keep feeling interesting. Having Triumvirate-tier power is one thing. That doesn't inherently sap the tension from a story. But describing how you dispatched Lung with four words (one of which was 'idly') just kinda makes me wonder what could possibly present problems for you short of an Endbringer attack.

"Lucky number seven...Has a large insectoid on six legs trying to pay for coffee?"
"No, no! Get out, freak!" the cashier had started rolling up a newspaper.

"I-i-i~ Jussst! Wan' ssome duh-drrrr-inks. Thrrrrr-" THWAMP

With a strange sigh, the creature strolled out.
The introduction of the twins felt rushed, but this just seemed...surreal. Chitin, Slither, and Crag's description implies pretty heavily that they've had to commit crimes by necessity (which gets them attacked by heroes instead of just villains), and I imagine they're just as migrant as the Travelers because of the response they get from heroes and villains alike when their presence is discovered. Individually, each one sounds like a Crawler-tier Brute without the adaptive evolution. But all three of them together? That puts them into the category of 'groups that are too powerful to ignore.'

Which, in turn, is why it's confusing on several levels why A) Chitin is trying to buy coffee at a coffee shop and B) why the cashier is apparently willing to verbally insult and physically attack a particularly monstrous Case 53 who has probably been advertised by the PRT as violent, unstable, and extremely powerful.

"That's my sister." she sighed. "She can make anything sexual."

Which meant, something in the past had scared her. Badly. Maybe she needed to reaffirm her femininity. Perhaps it was her way of creating emotional distance. Could be she had to fake all her sexuality, because she'd become utterly terrified by intimacy.
Wait, what?! did he get all that from her liking dirty jokes and innuendo?

"This shithole?" Nagase snorted. "Police and PRT are so overworked, they won't have time to harass us over false charges."
Would they really be false? It's one thing for the PRT to try and pressure them into the Protectorate by playing up the severity of a crime, but it's another to falsify them completely. It really shouldn't be that hard. Kim and Nagase are independent tinkers with extremely attractive specialties. It wouldn't be at all a stretch to assume that they've had to do some less-than-legal things to keep themselves well enough supplied that they can keep from being conscripted into any number of gangs, and not having a workshop means they have to cut legal corners sometimes.

"And with all the gangs around here, we should be able to make a tidy profit off their suffering." Kim chirped.

"At least...That was the plan." scowling, Nagase started fiddling with the inner components of a blowtorch. "Ffff....Freaking Lung."
That doesn't sound like a great plan. Trying to sell to the gangs means alerting them of their presence...and Brockton Bay is home to Lung, whose three biggest claims to fame are soloing Leviathan, thrashing the local Protectorate, and forcibly consolidating the myriad Asian gangs into one group while killing anyone, parahuman or not, who refused to bow to him. He was willing to cross state lines to get a tinker in canon. How did they think he'd react if he learned that not one, but two Asian tinkers dropped right on his doorstep?