[X]plan Elbereth
-[X]name: Ellera
-[X]gender female
-[X] age 23
-[X]appearance: a rather pretty young woman in a military outfit, with long brown hair and a few scars
-[X]The Military Union Party: War. The only constancy in the universe. It may be a sad fact but we cannot do anything about it we can only prepare for the next one and honor the veterans and the fallen of the previous ones. (Gain 1 Martial Action, and Unlock Special Military Projects)
-[X]I'm a Mutated Human Specimen: You are a Mutant Human being, weather due to Radiation, Natural Selection or Random Chance, you are now More than Human? (Start with the Racial Trait: Mutant: You are a Human being that is in some way, changed by the passage of Evolution. +1 Learning and Martial, +1 rest)
-[X]Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+2 to Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue & Learning, reduced liege opinion. Special Actions available)
-[X]Natural Leader: "One victory does not make us conquerors!" (+5 Martial, +5 to Diplomacy and Martial Rolls)
-[X]Just: The ideal against which all others are weighed against. (+3 Stewardship, +3 Learning. +5 to all rolls involving laws, public relations and reputation)
-[X]Wrathful: What can men do against such reckless hate? (+2 Martial, Negative Opinion from those who do not have the Wrathful Trait. Can evolve into the Righteous Fury Trait)
-[X]Warmonger: You're of the Opinion that you should GIVE WAR A CHANCE! (+3 Martial, -3 Diplomacy and Intrigue, +5 to all Martial Rolls)
[X] Plan God of War
-[X] Kratos
-[X] Male
-[X] 30
-[X] Looks like Kratos in a military uniform
-[X]The Military Union Party: War. The only constancy in the universe. It may be a sad fact but we cannot do anything about it we can only prepare for the next one and honor the veterans and the fallen of the previous ones. (Gain 1 Martial Action, and Unlock Special Military Projects)
-[X]I'm a Clone: You wear a Dead man's Face…you were born with the visage of another, born in a Lab, Born to be something other than normal. (Start with the Racial Trait: Clone: Born from the DNA of another, wearing the Visage of another, you are a living legacy of another. One Stat has a +5 to Martial, -5 Diplomacy due to being an abomination in the eyes of man, a way to Cheat death.)
[X]Lustful: With winter ever encroaching, is it so terrible to seek warmth in each other at every chance? (-2 Piety, Negative Opinion from those who have the Zealous, Judgmental, Spiritual and Dogmatic Traits. +10 rolls involving sex)