Mummy's somewhat shrill scream drags you out from bed. For a moment, you wonder why she's yelling at you- Mummy never yells at
you- But then you realize that, no, she's just waking up Harry. Your morning now normal again, you push yourself up, arms straining a little bit as you lurch forwards and pivot your feet out of bed.
The sheets are rumpled and twisted. You leave them. Mummy will straighten them out, or Harry will. You need to get dressed.
It's an important day today, after all.
The most important day, even.
It's your birthday.
Tugging on a polo, you move over to the bathroom, intending to wash your face and brush your hair, when you pause.
Staring back at you from the mirror is your face, as usual- But now, floating above it, there is a small icon.
... That's not normal, is it? It wasn't there yesterday.
Maybe it happens to everyone when they turn eleven? You had heard about something like this, actually, now that you think about it... Was this the thing that older boys sometimes talked about? You thought it gave people beards, though.
As you scratch your plump, hairless chin, you hear your bedroom door open. "Duddey-poo, are you awake?" Mummy asks.
You nod idly, and continue thinking for a moment before you pose the question weighing heavily on your mind.
"Mum, am I a puberty now?"
Mummy steps into the room. Above her head shines
"No, sweetie. You're still too young. Would you like to come down? Harry is making you breakfast."
You nod again, and follow Mummy down the stairs.
If this isn't a puberty, then what is it?
Harry is frying eggs when you enter the kitchen, but you're more concerned with the pile of presents on the table. Harry can take care of cooking well enough himself, he does it all the time.
As you lift and shake the presents, examining each one's size and weight, you count them. You'll open them up later, for now you just want to see how many things you've gotten. As you reach the thirty-sixth, you feel your face frowning. You had gotten two more presents than this last year.
[] Speak up
[] Ignore it
After that, Harry sets down a plate full of bacon and eggs in front of you. Your eyes are drawn to the icon above his head-
<The Boy Who Lived>
Hey. Wait a minute. How was that possible? You couldn't be a lower level than Harry- And what was up with that wierd title of his?
[] "How are you a higher level then me?"
[] "Daddy, what does 'The Boy Who Lived' mean?"
[] "Pass the toast!" You can confront him later.